Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Maybe this is the reason why Arsene Wenger didn't sign anyone

Since being beat by Manchester United I have seen criticism leveled at Arsene Wenger like never before. It's almost another level.

It got even worse when he didn't add to the squad on transfer dead-line day. A move that has led many Gooners to despair.

So much so I've even seen an Arsenal blog begin a petition to sack him.

Speaking of criticism, Wenger has thrown his own share on the Arsenal side torn a new arse-hole by United.

It's something that the Arsenal gaffer hardly ever does. He usually defends the indefensible. Well, he could hardly defend that performance could he?

The last time he did it was after yet another humiliating home hammering. This time it was at the hands of Chelsea.

You have to give Arsenal credit after that. The harsh words spoke by Le Boss seemed to do the trick. We went unbeaten in the league until the United game.

It seems he has tried the tactic again and will hope for the same response. Who knows? It may well work.

Obviously some (myself included) would have hoped that the defeat would have pushed Arsene into entering the transfer market. It didn't. As myself and many gutted Gooners know.

Nobody but Wenger knows the reasons he hasn't signed anyone when it appeared obvious we needed to add to the squad.

But I've come to a conclusion......

I believe that Wenger has *almost* (and I can't stress the word almost enough) had enough of this Arsenal squad. Hard to believe I know.

He has put so much belief into them that I reckon after the Manchester United game he is at the end of his tether.

Could it be that some of the Arsenal squad is now on trial for the rest of the season? Is this the reason Wenger hasn't dipped into his treasure chest again?

Perhaps Arsene has told the squad that their Arsenal future is up for grabs and that they are playing for their Arsenal careers.

Maybe he has told them that this is their last chance and they have to prove that he doesn't need to rebuild from scratch.

After the United game there is no doubt that Wenger will feel let down by a side he has shown so much faith in. He has even been ridiculed for believing in them so much.

Many of this Arsenal squad could be in the last chance saloon. Some Gooners will say Arsene could be too.

There is no doubt he has taken a massive gamble by keeping faith in this side. Let's hope for Arsenal's sake he will strike lucky.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. Wrighty, nice to hear someone

    thinking and applying some logic regarding why Arsene acts like he does. too many idiots calling for his head, something is happening whether it be no money or as you say a major rethink. I personally think we are not that far away from getting back to what we were.

    Oh yeah got this song by text;

    Chelsea where ever you may be,
    Dont trust your wives with John Terry,
    His dad sells crack and his mum drinks tea and he crys when he misses a penalty!


  2. I think he has put too much trust in this team and they have let him down yet again.

    Trouble is I don't trust Wenger to fix the problem.

  3. Has to be said that this theory has a certain degree of credibility. I say this with an air of surprise given the amount of utter tosh that is written every week on arsenal blogs all over.

    Wenger said in the summer that we should judge him after this season. He is worried that the team won't live up to his expectations and then, by his own reckoning, we would be in a position, for the first time in his tenure, to say he has failed.

    Scary times for Arsene

  4. Very level-headed post Wrighty!

    I hope you're right with Wenger giving a 'last chance to impress' to some of the squad, but I don't see that for the two that really matter and needed replacing now:

    Almunia / Denilson

    It's a bit of an over-simplification, but 3 Manure goals were down to these 2 players (poor positioning by both on goal 1, lack of tracking by Denilson at all on goal 2, and giving the ball away with a poor first touch by Denilson on goal 3).

  5. Cheers Karl.

    Like the song! LOL

    At the moment people are angry. Understandable.

    But what good would it do to sack Wenger?

    We'd probably be so shell-shocked we'd finish out of the top four.

    As it stands Chelsea are dropping points at an unlikely source in Hull.

    If it finishes like that, and we get a result at Stamford Bridge on Sunday, even a draw, everything changes.

    We have probably the easiest run-in out of us, Chelsea and Manchester United.

    If we remain on the coat-tails then we WILL win the league.

  6. Doesn't excuse the fact that we deperatly need a GK, This is AW biggest mistake.........

  7. i completely agree with the "maybe the whole arsenal squad is on trial" part. i have a different angle on it though.

    maybe, just maybe wenger is looking at certain players you would think are untouchable rather than the squad players. instead of denilson and co, maybe he's looking at fabregas. hear me out. as much as i love cesc, hope he remains our captain for 10 years and goes on to win loads of trophies, you can't argue that our run of trophy-less seasons have coincided with the team being shaped around him. perhaps wenger might go back to his invincible's blueprint; tall, strong, fast, dynamic, incisive.

    i'm 100% sure chamakh has signed for us. it would explain why we didn't buy a striker perfectly. everyone has forgotten that he's was going to sign a contract with an unknown club at the end of january.

    the funny thing is, if we go to stamford bridge and turn them over, the title is back on again.....until we lose to liverpool at the emirates :P

  8. The answer is in your own headline mate - 'didn't sign ANYONE'. If the right players aren't available you can't just go out and sign 'ANYONE'. I think that it's on the record that he tried for Chamakh and David Villa, but if their clubs don't want to play then what's he supposed to do? If you look at the transfer window the only striker of note to move was Robbie Keane on loan to Celtic. Would the moaners have wanted us to move in for him ?

  9. we're back in it chavs just drew 1.1

  10. wrighty i pry your right mate, i cant believe nasri and rossicky dont look up and go at defenders they would rather just lay the ball back to clichey and sagna and let them bust a gut to get any type of service into the box( or over the bar) wenger unwengerlike from the two width men, i think nasri is especially dissapointing and lacks threat for a player with licence to do it, lastchance saloon for 5 or 6 of them in the starting line up, i love wenger and always will but this is how it is i hope or otherwise its p45 time

  11. What's missing? I'll tell you what's been missing. A man who was receiving pelters all across the Arseweb. Diaby. Believe it. We're not the same side without him!

  12. Never thought I'd be happy with hull taking points. We're still in it but through no good work of our own. There's clearly even more meaning to sundays game. It's now up to the squad to prove they're not a load of shirkers and actually want this title. Win sunday and we're 3 point off the top. Even a draw would be acceptable considering the run ins of the other 2 teams.

  13. see, i didn't want to mention it in my previous post incase they scored, but now that chelsea drew 1-1, the game at the bridge will define our season. probably will define the squads life too. if we win we could reach such a high that we win the league, yet defeat could cast us looking over our shoulders at 4th/5th.

  14. Strange, but certainly some sense in your post. My memory might be playing tricks on me, but i seem to remember Arsene saying that if the plan does not work out this season then he will have to rethink the whole strategy.

  15. Nice song, but shouldn't it be:

    "his mum steals tea" ?

  16. Me too. ^^^^^^^^^^^

    Top post again Wrighty. Probably one of the most level-headed Arsenal bloggers out there.

  17. Comment aimed at 21:50!

  18. Sorry Wrighty,
    but what you are stating tonight is absolute tosh. The reason why we got hammered by both Chelsea and Manure is because due to Wenger's blueprint in the transfer market and development of players, that we have ended up with a team that is light weight, laking in power and balance and in two words has become powder puff. Compare this team to that of the Invincibles and you can see what we now lack as a team. But if every time that you wish to bring a player into the senior squad, if your only crtieria are that of being two footed, having good vision and being comfortable on the ball then you end up with a team that is very unbalanced. At the moment we are far too small and with players like Denilson (in which Wenger shows far too much faith) they lack passion, power and pace. Since the time of the Invincibles all it took was for Wenger to dip into the market twice a year for strong imposing players like Vieira, to form the spine of your team so that the smaller more skilful players would have some type of protection and would give the team a much better ball winning capability. Just look at the spine of our team at present. We are spineless and that is down to the vision and the overall blueprint of the manager. There is no point in saying that he has put his faith in these players and that they have till year end to repay that faith. At the end of the day, a lot of these players are being asked to do jobs for which they are not capable. It is a failing of Wengers management for the past five years and sadly he does not seem to have learned the lesson despite many humblings to Chelsea and Manure in that time.

  19. Sorry Wrighty,
    but what you are stating tonight is absolute tosh. The reason why we got hammered by both Chelsea and Manure is because due to Wenger's blueprint in the transfer market and development of players, that we have ended up with a team that is light weight, laking in power and balance and in two words has become powder puff. Compare this team to that of the Invincibles and you can see what we now lack as a team. But if every time that you wish to bring a player into the senior squad, if your only crtieria are that of being two footed, having good vision and being comfortable on the ball then you end up with a team that is very unbalanced. At the moment we are far too small and with players like Denilson (in which Wenger shows far too much faith) they lack passion, power and pace. Since the time of the Invincibles all it took was for Wenger to dip into the market twice a year for strong imposing players like Vieira, to form the spine of your team so that the smaller more skilful players would have some type of protection and would give the team a much better ball winning capability. Just look at the spine of our team at present. We are spineless and that is down to the vision and the overall blueprint of the manager. There is no point in saying that he has put his faith in these players and that they have till year end to repay that faith. At the end of the day, a lot of these players are being asked to do jobs for which they are not capable. It is a failing of Wengers management for the past five years and sadly he does not seem to have learned the lesson despite many humblings to Chelsea and Manure in that time.

  20. It would be good to believe this but the truth is the Man is deluded i once saw a headline where it said April fool this was wenger thought he counld win the fa cup,premiership,and champions league what happened got knocked out and it was all over Arsen Wenger get out tacticly thought by other managers he has a number two in Pat Rice who might aswell be a carboard cuttout on the bench
    He does not replace players who leave to be fair the two signings made in the last year Arshavin and Verminator are world class its a shame that again this season again will be over by the end of March we are only 4-5 players away froma world class team Fabragas will leave now along with Arshavin,Clichyand Sagna at the end of the season and will not be replaced Arsen you have been great for this club but a manager is only as good as his last success time to say avior my friend

  21. Wrighty - in a sea of ignorant blogs you stand high sometimes.

    I'm certain Wenger tried to get re-inforcements in and was either priced out or no deal could be made before the summer.

    But the ManU game hurt him badly. Did you read his programme notes? It was all about how stronger a team we were compared to the Semi last year, the kids were men, a different animal now, yet the second/third goals were almost carbon copies of last season. And this must've hurt & humiliated him. And yes, there must be deep regret too, for not strengthening, not taking a risk with a striker, not protecting his pampered kids from the threat of being replaced.

    His fight is huge now.
    1. Convince Fabregas Arsenal will be No.1
    2. Prove everybody wrong.
    And the way to do that is WIN the Champions League! AND WE FUCKING WILL!!!!


  22. I like the way you think of it Wrighty. It's even harder here in Denmark, watching all the games online, reading "all the sad" news, online, with no one to discuss them with. i've been an arsenal supporter for almost 12 years and my heart bleeds, everytime we lose. My biggest concern is Fabregas. With barcelonas stubborn pursuit, and our lack of trophies, he may well quit, sooner rather than later. Do you know how much tickets cost for a single home game? would love to come to London one day to watch my favourite team! Great blog btw!

  23. Jack, I've got to say your comments are really interesting. It's almost sacrilege to say it, BUT there is no doubt that the team built around Fabregas is very different to that which was built around Vieira/Petit or Vieira/Gilberto. Those teams were essentially about lethal counter-attacks and - as you say - about physical power and pace. The current team which is as often criticised as it is praised for its' pretty short-passing game is all about finding players in Fab's mould. When it works it's beautiful, but too often it looks easy to defend against.

    And I totally agree about Chamakh; it's obvious that he's the guy AW has been after all year and he's available on a free in the summer; the way Wenger looks at it, why should he invest millions in someone else who'll still be settling in by the time Bendtner and RVP are back?


  25. In criticising Arsene noone comes up with good analysis and arguments, all you writers know is to criticise and speculate as to the reason why Wenger didn't want to buy. The usual assumptions are that he didn't want to buy and that he puts faith in his young players. It's true that he trusts his youngesters, but he's not naive to trust everyone. So before you criticise you should research how much money is available for him and whether his negociating anyone, and you should also analyse and see which player can improve Arsenal. All that is ignored and attention is paid to as how stubborn is the Man.

  26. Sorry Wrighty,
    but can't agree with you at all. The reason why we have just received our second tanking in a couple of weeks is because of Wengers activity/ inactivity in the transfer market and the type of player that he has been develpoing for our senior team since the time of the Invincibles.
    In his blueprint for any potential new player he looks for someone that is comfortable on the ball, is two footed and has good vision. But what we have ended up with is a small light weight team almost exclusively filled with players that are not central players. Compare this team with that of the Invincibles and you soon see what we are lacking. We don't have central players with power, and pace. Players that do the hard yardage and then give the ball to those that do the prettier things. Take the likes of Denilson(in which the manager has shown unlimited faith) he has no power, passion or pace and he is supposed to be a central midfielder!! All Wenger needed to do since the year of the Invincibles was to buy in two imposing players a year , players that could man the central positions from goalkeeper out. Instead we have ended up with a team that when it is put up to them are powder puff. How many humblings have we received over the past number of years from Chelski and Manure. And yet have we learned? it is this reluctance to strengthen the team that has cost us dearly. Again just compare this team to that of the Invincibles. The harder the game the more they enjoyed it.
    What is the point in saying that Wenger has shown this team so much faith and that they have until the end of the year. Many players in our team at present are being asked to do jobs and to fulfil roles for which they are just not capable.

  27. i agree, I am sick and tired of people calling for his head, just cause we lost to manure, i mean honestly, SO WHAT?! and wrighty7, i think this is a really interesting article, i think you are right, he has put a lot of time and effort into a very youthful squad, we have very few senior members and many people that would not normally play are playing, and have developed far more and far faster than they would have at any other club. and i also agree that arsene is clearly disappointed in his squad, this was a major risk he took by building a squad like this and he has taken a lot of flack, not just from the media, but from his own fans.....and while we arent top of the league right now, we're in the top 3....basically every other club in england other than chelsea, liverpool, and manure has only dreamed of being in top 3, not to mention 4, and we are holding it down not a problem, its a REALLY, REALLY young squad! i am sick and tired of seeing all these fans abandon our team so quickly, i know it can be difficult to go for your team when they arent doing as well as they normally do (i'm a college student at florida state university, we just had our worst football season in around 30 years or so) but its the tough times that really show who is a real fan and who is a fairweather fan and an armchair manager....well, thats my 2 cents on the matter (more like a buck 25)

  28. Good stuff.

    I read some comments about or spine not being strong enough. Rubbish. Gallas-Vermaelen; Song; Cesc; RvP. That's as good a spine as you can get.

    I think that its this and the next season that this youth project is finally coming to an end. 05-10 have been developmental seasons; changing stadium, new generation & tight budget combined with Man U and Chelsea (and Liverpool) spending way more than their income. And look at the financial mess they're in. No other club is better positioned to dominate world football for the next 5 years than Arsenal, which is all thanks to Wenger. Sacking him now when everything is falling into place would be madness and people who seriously suggest this should just be ignored.

    If we don't win anything this season (which we still might do!) its understandable. For next season there are no excuses however, and with a quality keeper and another midfielder we will, in my opinion, be favourites for the title. Lets not forget that we looked like genuine title winners for 95% of this season. 2 bad losses does not turn the entire squad into crap.

  29. The problem Arsene Wenger has is, he is a stubborn old man, who is only willing to do things his own way.

    He likes to defy what everybody else (fans and the media) can see. The problems we have are;

    1. The team is lacking a top class keeper. Cech, Reina, Van Der Sar and even Shay Given, if we compare Almunia to these names, Almunia deserves to be playing in the Championship. There is a reason he hasn't ever been called up for Spain.

    2. Wenger needs to get new DEFENSIVE coaches. He needs to focus on defending. We all know Arsenal are good at scoring goals, but we are POOR @ defending. Our defense compared to the top 4 team, is the weakest.

    The introduction of Vermalean has been fantastic, but we still conceding goals like when Toure was still around.

    3. Denilson is liability, he is on the same level as Lucas from Liverpool. Denilson will not make it at any of the top four clubs, so why is he good enough for us?

    4. We need a Drogba type striker. Eduardo is not a TARGET man and this is why he is struggling in this formation.

    5. Some players get paid too much money and do not care about the team.

    Changes need to be made in the summer. I Love Arsenal and have been patient enough over the years with the Team building, but it's an emotional roller coaster that i'm getting sick of going on.

    We just need a few new faces to add competition and release the crap.

  30. interesting article to read and what a lot of bullocks it is.

    Wenger did not buy because he has his head up his ass. He simply has to go.

    The team is not bad , but with a 2 or 3 additions we could be challenging. The fans see it , United fans in forums acknowledge this and also EX Arsenal players

    Yet this stubborn coach does not see the obvious.

    I also blame the board for not putting pressure on him. The guys thinks he is accountant not a coach.

    we will not win anything until he is gone, or the board hires a assistant coach that tells the coach something is wrong. Pat Rice has to go also.

    another thing, in 20 years as a assistant, why do we never hear from him.

  31. I like your article Wrighty. I like your thoughts and they seem to have logic.

    It seems fans like yourself and I are a minoity at the moment. I am sick of all these plastic Arsenal supporters calling for Wengers head. For fuck sake, we have lost 1 game in 11, we are 6 points behind Chelsea with an opportunity to reduce this to 3 points.

    Considering the injuries we have had, I think we have held our own and had a decent season. Bearing in mind we have not had a forward playing in our team since Nov.

    Come on the gunners, our destiny is in our hands on Sunday. Do us proud.

  32. All these comments about sacking Arsene are just incredible...For one second let's say the board does that...who would you put in his place? Who has the genius of steering a team that has been in the top 4 in such terrible economic times? People are unrealistic! And make me sick...I am proud of beeing a gunner and of being behind such a team, sure it pisses me off when I see some of our players not giving 110%, but this is still the best team in the world.

  33. Gunnerthroughthickandthin2 February 2010 at 22:36

    Absolutely right. As far as I can see, other than a handful of players, the others seem to be on trial. Arsene Wenger is like Schumacher for Ferrari. They make the best combination. Truly the match was an absolute disappointment but looking back six years, the magic Wenger and his team did, I know those days are coming back. He will win and he will win with style. There is no denying that. By the way everyone pray that Barca lose a game soon. They are still unbeaten in the league. That immortality only belongs to Arsenal!!

  34. @ Jamiethegooner.

    Man utd have struggled with injuries and we couldnt beat their make shift defence at the Emirates.

    That is embarrassing. Wenger needs to build the team from the back. I saw someone write on here earlier about Wenger needs to get in a new defensive coach.

    Man Utd know how to defend no matter who sets in. Brown and Evans defended well agaisnt us and we had our best 5 in defence. What does that say?

  35. Hey guys, I just wrote my first blog, its about an interesting idea, which could solve our striker problem plz have a look and tell me what you think :)


  36. What a refreshing change from a blog I read yesterday that suggested we all sign a petition to have Wenger sacked. I certainly don't want that and I'm not sure who could replace him and fight for the title anyway. Maybe the guy who wrote it is not aware about the days before Wenger.

    You're much more balanced Wrighty and that's what we need. I think that some players, Almunia surely, will be on their way in the summer - remember when Almunia came back to fitness, Wenger still picked Mannnone for a while.
    A win on Sunday and we are 3 points off Chelsea. OK, it's easier said than done, but I have seen enough this season to realise we do have a chance. We go into Sunday's game having just lost to a brilliant Man U display , Chelsea have just drawn at Hull.
    Chelsea will be deflated a bit by that, Arsenal will be deperate to make amends. Who knows, we might even see Denilson chase back rather than jog back.
    Of course we want the best here at Arsenal, but no one of exceptional talent was available and that's what we want, someone new who is different class and we will have to wait until after the world cup for that.

  37. @Angry gooner


    Ferdinand and Vidic have hardly played all season and Evans and Brown are decent players - it's not like they are playing their first game of the season. Sometimes you just have to accept that you have a bad day and the opposition has had a good one.

  38. nice twist on things wrighty as usual,have found it shocking some of the things ive read on other the blogslast few days,im frustrated as everyone else but we still have a lot to play for,fair enuf we were shite against utd and chelsea but that doesnt mean we cant finish top if we put away everyone else,chelsea dropped more points 2nite..nd people forget this team was top of the table last week and this team played utd off the pitch in old trafford this season (ex rvp) and should beaten them,how well do people think utd would do without rooney,look at liverpool without torres..almunia and denilson aint up to it granted,and we shouldv bought a striker,but it is what it is and we can do nothing about it only support our boys,keep the faith comon the gunners

  39. Or maybe the club is up for sale. We're tying up all of our young talent to long-term contracts. We're spending even less in the transfer market than we used to. We're demanding far more for transfers out of the club instead of just letting players choose their destination and leaving for nominal fees. Maybe the club is just tidying up the balance sheet and locking in their assets in preparation of a sale.

  40. Well Chelsea did draw against Hull tonite. They also got some preatty hard matches later in the season, they will drop more points. so will Man u. Just because they do not drop them against us does not mean we still cannot win. Our over all goal this season is not to beat chelse nor manu in two separate matches. it is to beat them over all on points.

    I dont care if we loose to man u or chelsea. heck i dont even care if they make us look like babies against men as long as we end up with the most over all points at the end of the season. That is what counts. Not whether United beats us in two matches or not....

  41. If he is really giving some ppl a last chance to shine, why are we still buying 17 year old players in bulk! Coz that would mean starting from the scratch again! Pls someone explain!

  42. Nice Wright up Wrighty....

    Its so mad how some Arsenal fans and blogs are so fucking bi-polar.

    Bottom line is that we are still ahead of where the doom and gloom mob thought we'd be at this time.

    We were supposd to be struggling to retain 4th place, but we hit the top in mid/late Jan.

    If I'm honest Arsene has been a bit negligent in not adding a keeper if he doesn't think Fabianski's ready to replace Coco. But to cal for hm to be sacked...madness.

    I remember Charlton fans bemoaning that Curbs had 'taken them as far as he could'. Careful what you wish for 'eh


  43. ?? in hull vs chelsea match. jt and ivanovic was booked. and they were already wt 4 yellow cards. and i belief DD also should be charge for his conduct. so what did u think?

  44. nothing players smashing 100grand cars they should never had the money for. we are being taken for a ride by wenger and his boys

  45. I honestly feel we need a shake up at Arsenal now. By all means, to suggest that Wenger needs replacing is silly, we will need him to guide us through some rough years financially, however it's about time a few players are let go.

    Almunia, Silvestre, Traore, Denilson, Senderos can all leave in the summer without the squad or the first eleven being any weaker (one can argue it would improve). If Wenger decides to buy someone like Hangeland it would we wise to let Gallas leave as well. Nordtveit is doing well in Germany and will boost the squad as both a cdef and def mid. Rosicky, Eduardo, Vela and Walcott should be given one more season to shine, then let go if they don't improve. Clichy and Gibbs should start equal next season with the former sold next summer unless he improves. We are almost there but how many more points must we lose before Wenger realises Almunia and Denilson are costing us points in every game we don't win.

  46. I just want to point out, Wenger genuinely tried to get a striker, an expensive one at that. He went after Villa (£30m at least) and Chamakh(£20m?) so you can't deny that the money was there and we tried to use it. There was a story about a keeper we were in for, Smalling etc. so if you ask me, Wenger attempted to answer most of the issues we have with this team.

    As for Denilson, take him out of the first XI for now, make him compete. We spoke similarly of Song(who's one of our most important now) and Diaby, and they proved us wrong.

  47. Maybe so, and I always have faith in le boss and anyone calling for his head is being hasty and none too wise in my opinion. We are absolutely priviliged to have such a man at the club. We have moved into a new stadium whopper and are producing some of the best youngsters and footballers in the world. We have had to deal with some serious injuries and while I don't like to always blame them they have hit many of our big physical players like van persie, bendtner and diaby. Hopefully Chamakh comes in the summer and he finally( it's the one thing I think he has been way too stuburn over) drops Almunia please at least put faith in one of the younger lads who can improve because Almunia is woeful and painfull to watch.
    I hope he starts bendnter up front with arshavin and rosicky on the flanks song cesc and please god diaby in midfield. WE CAN BEAT CHELSEA! we just need to see that midfield working together. The united game could of been a whole different ball game had arshavin brought his shooting or passing boots and hes our 4th or 5th choice striker. Keep the faith Judge in May.

  48. afc stands for{ a feeding club }for bigger clubs. money making child farm

  49. What a great many arsenal fans are forgetting is that we all feared where we would end up at the end of the season! Yes we would have hoped for better performances against the two top teams at home but hey! It is feb and we are still in the title race with the worst injury record of any team in the top half of the division... Remember it's not all doom and gloom!

  50. He is using stupid tactics nowadays, thats not him, he knows it doesn't work but still keeps on doing it. Wenger is a smart guy, and a very smart manager who finds the problem and solves it, even whith little resources. You just don't cross balls towards the head of a lone striker standing alone with 4 CB around him, and that striker is a midget on top of that. Why does our wingbacks go forward so often and only one or two other players join in, and they are standing with a full defence around them, then a cross with no hope and a counterattack. Thats just stupid, Wenger knows better. If WB are to go forward than others have to join in, otherwise the sensible thing for him is to give the ball to someone else and go back home. This is a huge problem with Sagna's performance, but he is a good player with a dumb job to do.

    If Arsenal were to buy Dzeko before last night, we would win the league for sure, not a shadow of a doubt. If Wenger bought a topclass-keeper like buffon we would also be sure of the premierships goldmedal. Not much is needed to win, there are other things that could be changed, but they are minor adjustments.

    There are two big shareholders who are fighting to take over the club and that matters. Wenger has expressed that he can work with Kroenke, and I do believe he has made a deal with him and dein that Arsenal is not going to win anything this year. They have made a deal that gives the old shareholders a good price on their stocks and in return arsenal must not do to well this year so the price isn't inflated before the takeover close to the summer. The old shareholders have sold a little more to Kroenke all the time, he is close. Wenger has not bought young talented players either, I take it as a sign of him getting all the money in the world to shop players after the worldcup.

    A club with 2 owners who each have personal wealth of over £ 15 billions cannot be strapt for cash. Wenger who can find a diamond of a player for under £ 5 million, could not end up not finding a suitable target when he is so close. Everybody sees that if he is to continue these stupid tactics, all he needs to do is shop a big targetman and even if he can't play in europe, the premiership is too close to have that obstickle. I am certain that Arsene has decided that Arsenal shall not win anything this year, and if we are in the CL-final I am betting all on the other team even if it is bourdaux or some greek team.

  51. Excellent piece Wrighty.

    I think people who are calling for Wenger's head are mad. Personally I wouldn't want to see him go and then Arsenal drift into becoming a side like the Spuds. I'm proud of what Arsene has done, I just we all know that with a GK, CB and striker we would probably of won a couple of titles. His stubborness though to accept that some players simply are not god enough is baffling. Demeaning the FA Cup is also a bad thing.

    Im not sure what will happen in the summer but the natives are more than restless now.

  52. this teams been given another chance by hull. we will see what team he puts out on sunday. if the clown and dennilson are anywhere near it he can fuck off . i have had enough and i. m sure 99 per cent of real fans feel the same

  53. wrighty, please answer my email to you asap.

  54. I am a season ticket holder, an avid fan and have been going to watch arsenal every season since since the early George Graham days. I have sat in stands all round the UK and abroad.

    I don't normally post on boards such as this but in this case I feel that I have to say something.

    As a student of Finance I like to look at the clubs financial papers along with many other top clubs. As you know, we are in debt. We have built a brand new stadium to rival the best in the world, we are always champions league contenders and I would say that we play the best football. We are not able to afford £30 million players, and judging by the price payed for Burbatov - we are lucky we cant!

    Only last week we were top of the premier league and every one was saying how great Arsenal are and how Wenger is amazing. One week later the media is saying he is terrible and should be sacked. Let me ask you this, who would you replace him with? Mark Hughes? Rafa Benitez? Fabio Cappello?

    Arsene Wenger has made a very average side in to one of the top teams in England. He has made a 16 year old kid in to a 23 year old superstar. You forget that we have been blighted by injuries. Most of our first team are just coming back and lack match fitness but we are still third in the league.

    I will agree that some of our players have not been great recently. Almunia is wanting, and clichy in his last couple of games has not been up to scratch.

    But how can you say that we need a centre back - Thomas Vermallen is a brute force and William Gallas a skillfull sidekick. Alex Song has been fantastic in the defensive midfield position this season and Fabregas has been awesome. Our striking options have been limited due to injuries but we are boosted by the fact that Van Persi should be back in March.

    I agree we didn't look sharp against united, we looked scared but Arsenal have had bigger and better teams loose to United in the past.

    Most of these new fans are obviously fans aquired over the new millennium. Or fans that maybe has forgotten the trials and tribulations of yester year when at best all we could manage was the occasional 1 - 0.

    Arsene Wenger has given us some of the most exciting moments of our lives and we should not forget that. We should be standing behind him and the team, we should believe in them. Don't write us off until the last kick of final game.

    The fact that Chelsea has just drawn with hull should tell you that this is a funny old league.

    Maybe you missed the game against Spurs or Villa or maybe the comeback against Bolton.....but I know one thing - Arsene Wenger has made Arsenal the team it is today and I am proud to be a gooner whether we win, loose or draw.

    Keep the faith

  55. I think we should go back to 4-4-2

  56. Great piece yet again wrighty

    i think the people calling for Arsene's head are stupid, we would do far worse without him, i think like many Denilson and Almunia are the weak links but Denilson might be like Song in the way that he needed time to develop into a great player but Almunia does not have the youth and time Denilson does, and for those who are nagging at Samir and Rosicky you have to give them both a chance they are both coming back after serious injuries.

    i would love to see us sign Hugo Lloris from Lyon, he is a good keeper all round.

    great song Karl loved it

  57. Wenger has put so much trust in his kids yet i'm not seeing any progress from alot of them. Walcott has gone from top prospect to simply a guy you throw on late when we need a bit of pace due to his terrible end product and attitude. Vela has been very poor this season, Denilson is horrific, Traore has proven he has no future at leftback Coquelin at right back is terrible three poor goalkeepers and the rest of the kids doesn't have a massive upside. Wenger trusted them against City and Stoke in both cups and we lost comfortably in both.
    Wenger has trusted his guys to pass their way past man u and chelsea- playing essentially 6midfielders and no strikers against them- and we got not just beaten but absoloutely ruined and disgraced at home by them both.
    There are exceptions notably Ramsey, Song and Diaby are developing. But Wenger can't possibly claim this squad has enough to compete for the premiership with our only recognsised goalscorer injured for most of the season. Man U showed exactly what it means to have a striker up front- 3 passes from back to front Rooney dispatching clinically in one touch. We passed it amongst ourselves 20 times got to the edge of the box and lost it. Its unforgivable Wenger didn't sign anyone-unforgivable. its also unforgivable he perseveres with Denilson and Almunia who actually get worse each week.
    We punched above our weight this season and have exceeded expectactions in terms of the position we're in the league. However the key decisions from Arsene sacrificing 2cups and his poor tactics against United and Chelsea and blindspots to weaknesses in the squad have cost us dear. Wenger should neevr be sacked- but i dont know how he can convince Fabregas to stay in the summer with the clear lack of ambition shown by Wenger. Wenger will come to realise this league was absoloutely there for the taking with some investment.

  58. I know we all are frustrated. When we needed our team to do well, they didnt. We all are down and feel bad. There are things that needs to be rectified. But whatever. What we have is what we got for now. We cant moan and poke Arsene for all of it till the end of the season. As fans, we feel bad. But we have to get behind the team. Look at what happened in 08 November. We lost to Man City 3- 0. Everyone was writing us off of "Top Four" brigade. We bounced back. We did okay. This time around in November, we lost 3- 0 to Chelsea. Everyone were having a laugh at us. Our team worked well enough and hussled to the top three perimeter, and looked like we would be fighting for the glory. And then this SHOCK comes. Lets get behind the team again till the end of may whatever happens. We know there are things that needs to be changed. But in life we dont get everything. We could have gotten something. Instead we didnt get anything for this january. Everytime our team gets 3 beatings in a game, we' ve bounced back. Hope that this 3 beating would bring a strings of positive results in the coming weeks. Its hard we all know, esp with Chelski n pool coming week. But lets hope the deflection goal like drogba's last time or aluminia own goal this time, would happen in Cech's post. For trophy we need luck too. Lets just get behind the team till may. Come May, we could be judgement about our team.
    We all are down, we all feel bad, we all are frustrated.
    But we have to move on. And lets have some faith.
    I hope we beat them this time around. Just a wish from a fan.

  59. Arsene has been saying all January that he's looking to buy but hasn't found the quality to improve the team at the right price, utter rubbish, he's says it everytime just so fans think he's looking. He wants top quality but isn't willing to pay the money. Who's going to sell there best player for peanuts? no-one. Every player is available for the money, look at Ronaldo. He's talking shit again about looking at David Villa, if you offer enough money Valencia would sell but Arsenal's transfer record is £15m for Arshavin, tells you that he wont pay top money. Now he's saying Bendtner is like new signing, dont make me laugh, he's not fit for this league never mind Arsenal, the guy is gash and couldn't score in a brothel and Eduardo is the same except he's weak, shit's out of challenges and is a crock like most of the team. Wenger will have been waiting till summer for the cheap option yet again in Chamakh who's out of contract. It's a joke, the guy doesn't score many in the french league playing for the top team so he's hardly gonna do it at here is he? Just another one of Wenger's french/french speaking bum boys draining £60k a week from the club.
    I dont agree that this team is on trial till the end of this season, for one Wenger would not admit defeat or be seen as a failure and most of this team has had upgraded long term contracts given this season.
    The team is too small, no committment, no athleticism in midfield apart from Diaby who gives the ball away too much and doesn't track back, no leaders and no grafters. The defence isn't organised and ther's no communication, Gallas and Vermaelen play as strikers whenever we're behind and leave no cover at the back making it easy for the counter attack as ManU showed, Almunia is wank and is one of the main problems, there's 19 other keepers in the league that are better than that mug, he shouldn't even call himself a keeper and everyone knows you dont win anything with a liability in goal. Denilson has to go, dont care where but he is a pub player and isn't fit to where a shirt. The man who all this is down to is Wenger, he picks the team, he buys all these crocks and jokers and he drills the team(or needs to), especially in defence. Hull got a point from Chelsea tonight, Arsenal will get a hammering on sunday, it's embarrasing it really is. We need to play a different way against the big teams, not just go all out attack with 10 players in the other half because you can get away with it against most teams but not against the big boys as we keep finding out.
    Buy some proven quality in the summer Wenger or piss off back to France.

  60. Was thinking abt someone's comments that we lacked strength due to AW's blueprint. If we had Diaby in place of Damnilson, RVP in place of Nasri, I dun think we are that far in terms of strength. Arshavin is quite strong and has good balance if played in other forward positions.

  61. I know Myles Palmer is not a popular blogger among the Gooner faithful, but I have to admit I agree with him on his latest post. Bottom line:

    1. Wenger's football-business model, while being a financial success, has been a failure on the field. It has taken us 5 years of trophyless seasons to realize.

    2. A few of our players simply aren't good enough and I am not even sure if they realize that. Nonetheless, Wenger, not the players, is to blame for the fact that we can't field a team worthy of playing Man Utd.

    3. Our playing style has been too predictable, and we don't even have the right players (at the moment) to play 4-3-3. We have been found out and annihilated by most above-average teams. Wenger is not a good enough tactician to make changes during a game to grind out a result.

    TBH I am worried about the remaining of the season and beyond.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I don`t know how the others are thinking about wenger`s decision ,but I think that he is too beleive in his squads which is not strong enough in striking and defending combination.
    yes, arsenal scored much goals but we should see that they could not score from the big fours team.also the strikers as man u and chelsea including liverpool got such as Roony,Drogba and Torres they are so strong to score goals, how about arsenal? in this injures situation like now a day?

  64. how can it be a fucking massive gamble wrighty? no disrespect intended, but i just don't get it, his squads have always made it into the top four and been competitive, and at their age the talent only goes up

    THIS squad beat chelsea and manu last year

    they lost this year. but we almost beat manu the first time round and we still have one go at chelsea

    so while i never advocate blind faith, for fucks sake fellow gooners, wait til next god damn sunday before you can even claim to have the right to critique the big man

    the sack and sign mentality makes me sick to my stomach by the way. if we can't even be united how can we emulate UNITED's success.

    like i said in your last post wrighty (which i was late for, like this one)

    50% of you supporters make me hate being a gooner

  65. Why is Arsene hollering at his team? This team is his, and his only.

    He has built this imbalanced team with no height, lack of pace, no striker and a GK who would not be 2nd string on most EPL teams.

    The results are of his making. What we have is a lot of "promising" underachieving players who are content to sit on long term contracts at salaries far above the norm for other top teams.

    Expecting this team to win is like asking a mere mortal man to turn water into wine.

    Yes, we have some excellent players. However, we also have a lot of pikers who don't desrve to wear the Arsenal colors.

    Wake up Mr. Wenger. It's your team.

  66. leave wenger alone look wat he has done 4 arsenal yeah we havent won a trophy in a while but it will come we can win da fkn league with this team who ever callin 4 wenger head is not a true gunner supporters if wenger were ever to get sacked den we will lose all our star players GO U GUNNERS AND WENGER

  67. hey wrighty ..

    the reason wenger didnt sign anyone because no one was cheap enough :)

    and also he's made quota this season,
    positioned 1st in the EPL however briefly, justified his need not to spend ! C.L almost guaranteed next season all boxes ticked EXCEPT silverware and title's

    tight fisted wanker :)

  68. I don't think so Wrighty.. If the players were playing for their Arsenal career out from now then Wenger wouldn't have given out long term contracts to these individuals...

  69. i don't think actually that many arsenal fans think wenger should go. arsenal fans on internet are not as much as that on the street. but since internet a powerful media tool, this furore has been overrated. i don't agree this squad is lightweight. somehow we lost mostly our heavyweight players, like van persie and diaby. wenger assembled a well balance squad. you can't expect all our midfielder except fabregas to be like vieira. even if we signed someone like vieira and he got injured prior to chelsea game then arsenal got bullied off the park, the same cried would happened, we need vieira type of midfield. don't listen too much to these bloggers or internet hardcore fans, most of them bad for arsenal's harmony. although i do agree 3 or 4 players playing for their future. almunia and denilson in particular. eduardo might be on the mix. clichy after last 2 games too. he lucky because gibbs out for season because i think wenger won't hesitate to put gibbs on while clichy clearly aren't hitting top gear yet. the good news, chelsea draw last night, so we can make it up this sunday. hopefully that's the case.

  70. Most of the players on this team are still 20-24 years old and it's idiotic to make judgments as "Not good enough", "Players have failed Wenger", etc... Didn't we say the same shit about Lauren, Kolo, Flamini, Song, throughout the years? Weren't we prove wrong with every last one of them?!

    Where the f*ck is your faith? Are you Arsenal Supporters or just "beautiful football" fans? We don't like when other teams say our support(ers) are shit but just look around! The basic idea of a "supporter" is something that the team can RELY on at the hardest time, it's our responsibility to bring the spirit back but what do we do? Slam the team and bring them down even harder and next week if we don't win you'll blame Wenger again rather than looking at the mirror!

    I am so tired of spoiled retards calling themselves Arsenal Supporters that bitch and moan! For f*ck sakes, read "Fever Pitch" (or watch the movie) and think about what it really means to be an Arsenal Supporter!

  71. Can anyone please explain why the hell Arsenal still plays down the wing and crosses in the ball as if we still have 3 Adebayors waiting to head the ball in? It's ridiculous when Arshavin plays lone striker and the crosses are made into the box as if someone will be able to take it. Either that or we play 20 odd short passes through the center of their penalty box waiting for the opposition to win the possession and let it off for a counter attack. Then you will get to see a whole team chasing the ball without any focus or positioning like its junior football. Arsenal is just too easy to be read and neutralized.

  72. We all agree that many are not performing, Arshavin, denilson, Almunia ... but there are a lot of guys not yet fully fit & free from injury. Diaby has made a difference this year, Bendner is not a natural finisher but changes our forward line and creates space for the eduardos/ arshavins etc, Wlacot has hardly had any time playing to get going. Add in Van Persie then we have a much stronger team. Personaly I would have got Huntlaar on loan, but wenger knows a lot more about whats going on than we do behind the scenes.
    He is stubborn and has not gotten us a title or trophy in years but Sp*rs spend millions every year and come nowhere. There are no proven alternative managers that could do what he does with the cash availible. Even Martin O'neil has spemt a packet on his players so cut him some slack.
    As long a other teams are bank rolled we have to accept that we are doing a good job with the funds available.

  73. Maaja,

    I think that the bulk of our play goes through the middle of the park with short combinations. Unfortunately, defences can address this by packing the centre of the park and so some width is necessary. Equally unfortunately, most crosses are poor and come from our full backs and even positive ones depend on Bendtner being on the field and in the box: rarities!!

  74. Thank God for Wrighty.

    A voice of reason in a sea of knee-jerk negativity.

    Thank you

  75. Yep should be Steals Tea, just shit at typing.

    I also agree with earlier comments about Diaby, we really miss him at the moment.

  76. say whatever u want, i believe in wenger...........

  77. Do you suppose the Chelski fans will be calling for Ancelottis head after failing to beat Hull and a not very good performance at that, cant believe that with our crap team we could be only 3 points behind them by sunday night. Just shows though how much better you can be if you spend the odd 200 nillion

  78. By Walter Broeckx

    There is something strange going on in football land. We had a transfer market in which nothing much happened.

    All the big teams have kept their pockets closed. Chelsea didn’t buy anyone, MU bought Smalling from Fulham but he will stay at Fulham till the end of the season.

    We got Sol Campbell back and two young South Americans for the future.

    Even Manchester City was remarkably reluctant to spend any more money. Also in the rest of Europe the big clubs didn’t do much business. Real Madrid didn’t go mad this time apart from buying Canales who also stays with his club till the end of the season. Barcelona did nothing and also in Italy there was not that much movement of big names.

    In fact the big names that did move all went on loan to another club. Robinho went to Brazil to secure his seat on the plane to South Africa. Closer to home Robby Keane left Tottenham for the 10th time in 3 years out on loan to Celtic this time.

    Redknapp and Portsmouth swapped some players like they always do in the transfer period so nothing really that was unexpected. Apart maybe from the fact that Portsmouth looks to have found a few pounds somewhere where they hadn’t looked before.

    So after a few transfer periods where the market has gone mad thanks to Real Madrid, Manchester City and Manchester United this time it looks like we have entered a new period in the history of football.

    The day when the teams that are looking at the war chest and see….. the bottom.

    Is it a coincidence or could it be that clubs are beginning to recognize that the time of losing money and waiting for the owner to put new money in the club is ending? Could it be that the clubs are realizing that if they lose money they not only could face bankruptcy but also risk of being expelled from the Champions League ?

    Could it finally have come in to the mind of various owners of clubs that one day the madness had to stop and that now looks a good time to tell managers of clubs and players: first you sell and with that money you can buy. And as there were no buyers and no one sold, no team really had the money to buy.

    We didn’t buy anyone much to the annoyance of some so called fans who are calling for the head of Wenger. They come on to blogs or write it themselves and throw names around as if it was confetti in Rio when it is carnival time.

    “Wenger should have bought,” and then enter what ever name you wish. The favourite sentence is : Wenger is stubborn as he should have bought Dzeko, Cignac, Chamack, Smalling, Moses and Jezus Christ and as he didn’t do it he should be sacked.

    And yes doing a transfer is easy you know, they just bought all those players on their computer in 5 minutes and you know they are winning the league. Do you really need any more prove that Wenger has lost it ?

  79. I really don’t know if this is just to make you laugh or to make you feel sad. How on earth can they think live it self is as simple as on their computer ? Some may say that the current computer game generation will be a lost generation and I really wonder how many of those young man will ever get in to real life ?

    Doing a transfer is not arranged by clicking with your mouse to raise the bid or to lower the bid as you want. No, doing transfers is a very difficult thing to do if you want to do it in a responsible way. If you want to do the things like MU, MC and Real do and you want to pay +30M for Berbatov well then it is just the case of going to the bank, ask a loan and you have the player. Is he worth it ? Who cares ?

    Well we have a manager who cares. Like he said when you make a transfer you have to see:

    1. Is the player better than what you have ?
    2. Is the player available ?
    3. Will his club let him go for a reasonable price ?
    4. Does the player want to come?
    5. What does the player want to earn and is this in line with the rest of the team?

    These are only a few questions you have to answer before you make any deal and it takes in this case 5 times Yes as the answer or there is no deal.

    The first question could be the easiest one: yes I am sure there are players out there that could be better than ours. There are Kaka, Ronaldo who are world class players. No problem in admitting that.

    The second question is a problem as most players have long contracts nowadays. So this time, not easy.

    The third is very important. Let us take Villa as an example. If Wenger wants to give 20M for him but Valencia only want to speak starting from 40M then you cannot call this reasonable anymore and there is no deal.

    The fourth question is also not easy. If he player is unhappy with his team he will want to leave but a player that is playing every game in his team will not want to leave that readily unless he is a fan of our team or he can earn a lot more.

    And here we come to the next question and this also is a very tricky one to answer. Arsenal have a policy of not over spending on the players wages but we still have one of the highest wage bills in total of the EPL. So players are getting a good wage in our club but we don’t want to overpay or to overkill. If one player gets 60K than the next wants to equal that ore get even more and before you know it you pay 105K a week for a player like Robby Keane. I read this in the press yesterday but I don’t know if it is true but one has to be mad to pay that much money for him I would say.

    The conclusion is that there is no easy transfer dealing these days. Yes I would have liked a new signing at reasonable cost but now it isn’t the case so we just stick to our Guns and support the team and the players. The players coming back from injury should feel like new signings in a few weeks time. Even Robin Van Persie could have a few games if all goes well and this really would be a new signing to me.

  80. wenger needs to get rid of almunia,fabianski,denilson,nasri,walcott, these players arent good enough for arsenal

  81. Thing that upsets me most about Arsenal is the amount of total & utter tossers that claim to be Gooners.
    We have done brilliant this season even if the best we do is just retain our top4 status.
    Had Rooney been injured in November & out for the rest of the season & Berbatov injured at the same time & only coming back now do these idiots honestly think ManU would be where they are in the table now - would they fuck!
    Had Drogba been injured in Nov & out for the rest of the season & Anelka injured at the same time & only coming back now would Chelsea be where they are - no fuckn chance!
    Admittadly, ManU have done very well considering their 2 best CB's have been out injured for a while but losing CB's is not like losing your 2 best goalscorers.
    Our problems have been confounded by the fact our 3rd striker had a horrific injury & has struggled to recover his best form.
    To be where we are is an exceptional achievment.
    I just wish the Wenger haters would fuck off & support Manure/Chelski/Shiteh.

  82. cant wait to see eduardo back in the arsenal squad wif diaby. lookin at the january goals of the month eduardo is in and around all the goals and as soon as he picks up an injury arsenal r struggling 4 goals, eg. villa, manure. Wenger just tells people what they want to hear and lies and deceivs so that they will leave him to continue his own lil project. potential is bullshit he should go back to the claire fontane or wateva n be in his own lil paradise with al the potential there. we dont need the future, we need the present. if he thinks he is going to allow imposters like almunia and denilson to continue playin next season then i will not be busting my balls at 3 am every week to watch the bullshit "passenal". i would much rather watch players like diaby breaking through the midfield and fendin players off than watch 30 passes that dont even worry the oppositions defence. i love wenger but he needs to grow some balls. he see's how we r being outplayed in the games like against manure in the first 45 n doesnt do any subs until his 60th minute mark which is way too late to try and win the game. pat rice needs to go and he needs to be replaced with someone like roy keane who will tell it as it is and isnt dellusional. wenger is delusional he signs all these youngsters n wen people say we need some experience he brings in old guys well past their peak and within years of retiring so that he can then have his teens replacing them and he can say he bought the experience.

  83. people who say we have done brilliant this season r tossers and r examples of people that have been brainwashed by wengers comments. it is retards like these people who r goin to see our club drop off. THE TOP FOUR IS NOT GUD ENOUGH AND WE R GRADUALLY LOWERING OUR STANDARDS. SOON EUROPE WILL BE A GUD ACHIEVMENT.THIS IS AFC WE SHUD BE FIGHTING FOR THE TREBLE AND WE CANT EVEN WIN THE CARLING CUP.WE NEED TO SET OUR HOPES HIGHER.THIS IS THE MENTALITY OF TRU WINNERS NOT "WE R DOING GREAT WE MADE THE TOP FOUR"

  84. People who are saying show faith in this team and Wenger are talking shit, that's all we have done for the last 5 years and it's showing no chance of changing. He still wont spend money on proven quality that we need even though he sold Ade and Kolo last year for £41m, he continues to sell atleast one of our best players every year(Henry,Hleb etc)We need a top striker to cover RVP, RVP has never been fit for a whole season and Ade needed replacing, we got no-one, we need cover at centre back and he brings in 35 year old Sol Campbell on a free. He needs to drill Gallas about defending as a priority, not just when he feels like it because half the time he fucks off up front to try and get a goal and we concede on the counter attack, tell him to do what he's paid for, defending not fucking off upfront and if he doesn't improve fuck him off in summer and sign Gary Cahill. We need a keeper to replace to dick head in goal who continues to fuck us up in every big game, Shay Given was available for £7m in the summer and Wenger is that tight he wont pay it for a world class keeper who could be the difference in those big games. We've waited long enough for his young team to come to fruition and it hasn't worked, we aren't far away but until he spends money on a few top quality players we will continue to to be 3rd/4th and get beat in CL at either QF or SF. A good season is winning something so the last 5 years are a failure in my book. Cesc will get sick for this shit just like the fans, playing with average shit like Denilson and crocks who play one miss ten and he'll be off to Barca and then RVP and AA will follow. We'll take the money when it's offered cos we are a money club and that's what we do, loads in the bank and an empty trophy cabinet.

  85. The team need to step up to the plate. They did not play to their best level. If they gave their best and lost fair enough, you take it on the chin. We need to get Bendtner back to his early season form. Eduardo and Arshavin are no where near their best. Clichy, Theo & Vela look out of touch. Almunia needs Lehman to give him a big kick up the...

  86. Wrighty, ur always spot on and u are again. As much i love Wenger and the stlye of football, i am also convinced that we didnt have ot dip into the market. Instead, the problem lies with a few fans. LOOK AT THE FIXTURE LIST PEOPLE! Mancs and Chels**i have got harder fixtures to come, we should coast to the title WITH good support and bthe correct man management. CONSIDER, why have we been shit at home? its ourselves, the fans getting on the players backs.
    C'MON ARSENAL AND, fans: BE THE 12TH MAN. correct or not, Wrighty?

  87. Wrighty - let me start by saying i love your posts!!!

    however todays post doesn't make any sence to me??? it seems like your just hoping we do something when we should actually be doing something.

    we all know how terrible almunia is! hes now cost us BOTH games against utd this season. why doesn't he sign a keeper?????

    And why the hell did wenger sign campbell and sylvyster??? they are not going to bring us and silver wear, are they??????

    we all know how much potential we have and the rest is just hope - its getting boring!!!

    im not saying we need to get rid of any1 - i still think we play the best football in europe. but Mr Wenger does need to wise up!

  88. I would love it if your theory was right and arsene had told the players that they are playing for their arsenal careers. it may give some players a kick up the arse which is long overdue (almunia, denilson, clichy, walcott)

    btw i think diaby plays crap sometimes, but u can tell that he works his arse off and really tries his hardest. other players like i mentioned above dont give a shit

  89. WTF? Would you all shut the hell up and look at things as they are????

    This team OUTPLAYED Man Utd earlier in the season, the spanking by Chelsea flattered them, they deserved to win it but not 3-0.

    Yes, I admit against United at the Emirates it was a very bad performance, but this wasnt because we need a new manager or 20 new players.

    Suddendly everyone thinks all our players are shit because they lost...

    People are so irrational.

    Also, we already lost to Man Utd and Chelsea before we went on our good run and went top...

    Who is to say we cant do it again? took us 2 months to make a 11 point gap, we got 4 months to do it again (if we loose vs Chelsea)

    So IMO, we are still in it as we have been slightly MORE consistent against the lesser teams than Man Utd or Chelsea.

  90. (1) When are we going to win a trophy?

    (2) What do we need to do to win a trophy?

    These are the key questions.

    I don't really have the answers but I'm sure that spending money on quality players would help us win trophies.

    We have to keep accumulating points and simply put we don't have a defense good enough to keep clean sheets against the midtable teams or an attack to score and beat the top teams.

    I don't understand how Arsene Wenger thought we could beat Man Utd without a proper striker in the team?

    Our manager doesn't change tactics when he is up against a better team because he is deluded and thinks we are better than everyone else.

    We have had a young squad for 4 years now and not won anything. If Arsene is not going to change his transfer strategy then winning trophies will continue to be a pipedream unfortunately.

    Balancing the books, player development and pretty football are all ahead of ambition at Arsenal. The powers that be are not concerned that we are not wining trophies. As fans we have to understand that and lower our expectations.

  91. Not much logic to what you say, since he has been handing long term contracts to most of the players ..

    Usually this increases their resale value, but I am not sure for the wages they are paid (eg Denilson) there would be any takers ..

  92. the other problem about the internet is that some random plastic fan in zimbabwe, who's never even watched arsenal outside the comfort of his own home, can go on his laptop and type WENGER OUT WENGER OUT WAWAWAWA and expect to be listened to.

    i'd love to punch that slimey sinbad cunt right in the face

  93. My only concern is that in the last few months, many players have had contract extensions. If this is their last chance and if indeed he does want to rebuild, we will have very expensive set of stragglers that the Club will need to carry.

  94. I would like to think that AW was stepping back a little and critically evaluating the REAL contributions of the players (as opposed to the POTENTIAL that he must see during practice.)

    But I seriously doubt it.

    Perhaps the petition is an over-reaction but until AW fixes the fixable -- the Center Forward you mentioned and finding some tactical support for Gael until he returns to form are just two blatant issues -- it is every fans right and indeed obligation to express their dissatisfaction.

    We'll see. The team needs to show a better spirit this Sunday and AW needs to implement more appropriate tactics.

    ManU wanted it more than us (except maybe TV and Cesc) and were better prepared tactically.

    I suspect the Chavs will be the same and will relish the chance to put the boot in, in every sense.

  95. Nice one mate. Hope our not buying a striker doesn't get back to bite us.


  96. cashley's a cunt.

  97. Do people think Wenger is the right man for the job?

    I am a united fan and am not trying to annoy anyone and i understand i may be biased but will give my opinion.

    Wenger is brilliant at getting younger gifted players and develop them into fantastic players. Isn't that the job of a coach though?

    Where i think Wenger struggles is tactics. Against Arsenal, united always seem to play a strange team that worries me when i first see it. For example Phil Neville started a few years ago and i though "what?!". All Neville did all game was to sit in the gap infront of the left back and stopped Henry from playing in the left channels he used to play and united won. Again last week Nani (even though he played well) was picked to take on clichy and our team was selected tactically to play against the Arsenal Team. This is where I think Wenger struggles and that's the job the Manager should do.

    As i say, no mean to upset and i realise i biased, just my humble opinion

  98. "Who is to say we cant do it again? took us 2 months to make a 11 point gap, we got 4 months to do it again"

    We dont have 2 games in hand this time!!

  99. The fact that wenger didnt sign anyone makes him, if possible, an even bigger twat.
    We are crying and screaming out for a striker. Or does he plan to stick a rocket up bendtners arse in some bondage related tatic to win us the league. Lets see shall we
    Even Agbonlahor
    Who would be picked last?

  100. Very True.... But....
    I'm The 100th Comment!!! YEAHH!! :D :D :D :D

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