Sunday, 6 June 2010

Can Someone Just Punch Xavi In The Mouth Please. Really Hard.

This Xavi geezer is really beginning to get on my tits. The bloke is a diabolical mug who never keeps his lips closed.

Its not often that I resort to suggest offering some violence to someone but Xavi is getting on my last nerve.

Has the man got a case of OCD? Does he have to repeat himself several hundred times a day to get on with his life?

Listen, I understand OCD is a serious condition and it must be difficult to live with but Xavi needs a vicious sharp jab to the jaw to keep it shut.

He continues to go on and on and on and on and on about Cesc Fabregas and if he suffers with OCD then fair enough, he can't help it. I apologise.

But to hear about Fabregas's Barcelona DNA all the time is driving me crazy. I'll tell Xavi something, I'd love to show him my Arsenal GBH.

Every day I trawl through News Now to see who Arsenal have signed and all I seem to see is this man running off his mouth. It is getting boring. More boring than watching paint dry. In fact, more boring than watching Chelsea play.

The man is a fantastic player. I probably enjoy watching him play as much as anyone but as a person he is a wanker.

Xavi should show Arsenal a bit more respect because from what I'm seeing he, and Barcelona, have lost a lot of mine and I'm sure many others too.

Keep it Goonerish..........


  1. couldn't agree more

  2. If Cesc was thinking of joining Barca then I think he might be put off by Xavi's lusting after him

  3. lets hope spain play ivory coast at some point and we will get eboue to hit him lol

  4. If Barcelona come to the US for a promotional tour I will run on the field and smack him in the head for you. I hate that little midget, he has no respect and he deserves a fucking crack in the skull.

  5. xavi is just an upscale xavi,a young player with potential, next thing you know he is finally world class but about to be 30 and past it, he can kiss my black ass

  6. i mean an upscale barry lol

  7. He's an irritating prick and only makes me wish more and more for madrid to win la liga next year!!!!

  8. what are u on about? Maybe Cesc should have kept hes fukkin mouth shut to eh?

    Xavi is a Barca player so hes looking out for Barca...

    get over it

  9. How are you going to do that you ballbags can't fight and have no balls,Internet wantabes,stop crying he's gone get over it,your times up,freeder club,to be fair you have done a good job with the lad but your times up,your small fry,not a super power, You failed in every big game last season fact :-> kevtheyid

  10. It's a wonder he finds time to eat shit etc. with all his cesc dna bollocks! Bit like Jack Bauer never has time to do anything normal in the space of 24hrs, Xavi spends it all talking about cesc.


    Nice one W7


  11. Kev.(hard man) no spell check over your side of North London??


  12. Still smashed you 3-0 though Kev.

    Make you right about big games though mate, Tottenham isn't a big game for Arsenal and hasn't been for years mate.

  13. I don't mind banter but rasicm and being a complete dickhead is out of order

  14. Agree 100% Wrighty7. I might also add that the only member of Barcelona fc who have conducted themselves with class is Puyol, rest are a bunch of

  15. We don't have a side of north London we are north London your just blow ins from woolish, btw many a time I have been in a bar and claped at some of your goals but that was some years ago now,that great team made most of your fans cocky cunts and that's why your hated.I don't hate you I feel sorry 4 you. kev

  16. It appears that Snr Hernandez is approaching 30 yrs old and still lives with his mother. Perhaps there is something he is not telling us.

  17. Poor Ar2ena1. Been replaced as the power has shifted to the superior force in North London - the mighty Tottenham Hotspur. Can't keep their best players, have got a manager who is past his sell by date and have got disgruntled supporters who put banners up saying " Signings or sign off".Ar2ena1- a club in crisis. Can see you finishing 7th next season while the cream of the capital grabs CL glory.

  18. if barca dop sign cesc, i do hope he goes over there and send xavi to the bench showing who the true pass master is.

  19. Power shift?

    Excuse me whilst I change my knickers.

    I've wet them from laughing.

  20. Robert Muldoon6 June 2010 at 21:18

    All I can think of is everyone has a hard on for CESC at Barcelona.. No wonder they cant keep their mouth shut about him.. Xavi must think cesc is his "mate".. Cesc, if he does leave will live out the rest of his days in a homosexual camp nou.. Common Xavi those Spanish girls must do something for you? (Cesc has a gorgeous one.. take a hint) Just their pictures on the web causes a chemical imbalance in my body!

    End of the day I'd personally like to punch every single blaugrana in his face and kick them in their nuts.. Except Messi! Rather he be the best football player than Serial wi(a)nker Ronaldo!!!

  21. lets b honest who wouldnt want 2 play 4 the worlds best team when time and time again cesc gets us out of the shit then u get the goalie or the rest of our average players fuck it up. we honestly seriously lack ambition and if anyone says otherwise they are kidding themselves. how the fuck do arsenal have fabianski,almunia,silvestre,sol,diaby,walcott and denilson at our disposal and expext 2 do well ARE WE FUCKING SERIOUS

  22. Robert Muldoon6 June 2010 at 21:22

    I think Anon @ 21:07 stays with and sleeps in the same bed as his mother and he must be at least 40 years of age! Its elementary my dear Wrighty!

  23. Robert Muldoon6 June 2010 at 21:27

    And in my third post of the day I'd like to say that the only way the Spuds would finish above Arsenal in the league would be if...........

    sorry still thinking...........


    oooopssss still thinking.......


    (I guess you get the idea now)

  24. Right but for the yiddy muppets:

    At nearly every club Harry Redknapp has been at he has got them bankrupt. West Ham (close last season) Southampton and Pompey. C'mon Harry do it to old Spurs an all I will piss myself if they had to go into administration. Watch this space.... Darren

  25. Robert Muldoon6 June 2010 at 21:30

    4th post..

    Would love it if Gourcuff does sign.. He plays a lot like Zidane!! his audacitic flamboyance and confidence would do a world of good to Arsenal.. Can even get rid of couple of dead weight midfielders..

  26. It always amazes me how spuds find their way to our online forums. Whether Cesc is off or not don't have a go at us for disliking the very public antics from barca. Spurs on the other hand are very good at bending over closer to home when your players and staff are tapped up all over the gaff - remember chelsea and man u - you know what I'm on about.

    new super power ahem. look we've spent more time in north london than south london now so get over it. If you make it past the pre qualifier stage and you can consitently make europe year on year like we have then your lot will need to get used to playing a lot more than one game a week.

    your boys will realise the full rigors of playing much more than the 45 games a season you lot are used to.

  27. haha i love how the yids say the same load of bull every season and still haven't learnt their lesson.

  28. As for xavi I hardly think that he is acting in isolation - barca are fully complicit in his and other player antics.

    Blatter and Platini won't do anything about barca's conduct - they all come from the same school of cu*ts.

    as for spurs european football will ruin ledley king he can't handle that much football.

  29. Xavi has a fetish over Cesc's eyebrows lol

  30. Wrighty, I agree with you. BUT IF...

    If we had a few more decent players in the team, and a manger that knew what a cheque book was, it would be a pleasure to read headlines that say. "Cesc wants Messi at Arsenal".

    We are only jealous because headlines like "Eboue says Kaka the man to join him at Arsenal" are never going to happen.

    Cesc isn't going anywhere. Within minutes of Barcelona making an official offer it was rejected. Not days after, not hours after but minutes. CESC IS NOT FOR SALE.

    Let Barc have their fun, they are only going to look stupid at the end of August.

  31. Spurs? ignore them they nicked the MIghty bit off a Mighty Arsenal fan, no one used the term MIGHTY until I did. We are the Mighty Arsenal, the wanky tottenham hotspur are still going to Rome to see the Pope, the barcacuntulunyans are still using the press to push through a deal that WILL NEVER happen, not now, This Mighty football club would rather sell Cesc to wigan for a bag of horse manure Jokers Jaygooner

  32. hahahaaa, great article.

    I concluded that Xavi is actually a homo...

  33. You know what i think guys....and i HONESTLY think this, not saying it as a pi$$ take!!

    I think the barca players (especially the influential ones) are probably being told to do this and have been told that they will receive a bit of money for it and probably if Cesc does sign they will receive a nice backhander (wish it was a backhander as in hairy part of the hand across the chops)

    I feel they will likely receive a bit of a paypacket if they are successful from landing him hence their unrelenting carrying on. Lets face it, do they HONESTLY want him there that badly...i don't think they are overly concerned especially if the likes of Xavi etc are in danger of losing their spot to him, he is a threat to their positions so there must be something afoot with this constant smear campaign. Normally a player would say they would love a player to come and then leave it at that (case in point with RVP and Van Der Vaart) I just can't see how it is possible that Cesc can feel they honestly care so much about him when he is threatening their spot in the team.....if Cesc has any common sense he will stay clear because these people are running jokes big time.

  34. can't you shut your fucking blog down over the summer instead of writing this shit. do you really think what xavi says is going to make any fucking difference and even if he did all you're doing is giving him the oxygen of publicity. have some integrity and belt up and say something when it's worth saying.

  35. Hey it will be all over once Usmanov buys us or it will be the KGB going to Spain not our players

  36. Xavi is a great man who speaks sense.

  37. Let's be honest - Cesc is gonna be sold.

    It won't be £50m - but we might bag £40m.

    And its gonna take at least £25m to get Gourcuff. So maybe we won't, revert to 4-4-2 and play Chamakh with RVP up front and a midfield of Joe Cole, Song, Nasri, Diaby.

    Which really means, bye-bye Arshavin.

    And by my reckoning, that will leave the entire Fab money to be spent on defenders and a goalkeeper.

    Sounds good to me!

  38. i think only spuds and barca fans will think Xavi and Barca have class off pitch.
    tapping up players publicly by the means of media is shit. it shows no respect to the club whatsoever.
    Not being able to win anything doesnt mean a team like Barca can show no repsect to Arsenal, or tap up players, or buy without wanting to pay much.
    get the things right mate.

  39. Xavi has taken a shine to Cescs new beard I hear. It is rather wolfish if I do say so myself.

  40. go to hell you sob ,, did you forget the 4-0 ,,idiots xavi is better than all your players

  41. على زبي انت وياه

    وسرى الليل يابو اربعه
    واحد اثتنين ثلاثه اربعه
    والارسنال فتح خرقه زي القحبه

    يافريق سبيس تون
    يافشله ياقحيب
    ياعيال الحرام


  42. I think that xavi way better than cesc ,, also i think that you and all the Arsenalista has forgetten THE 4-0 because you all are children just like your players ,,,
    Hala Madrid

  43. i will translate the arabic talk he said : "suck my dick you all,,
    and the night is going with 4 goals
    and arsenal has openned its ass hole like a bitch
    you children
    you losers,,bitches
    sons of bitches"
    and iam sorry for this words
    remeber i am just a translater

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