Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Never Thought I'd Say This But Here It Goes......


That's right, I did it. Something I never thought I'd do. Cheer on Jose Mourinho. I really hope that Real Madrid win La Liga next season and take Barcelona down a peg or two.

Those cheeky Catalan bastards have done nothing but tap up Cesc Fabregas since the end of last season and until today didn't even have the decency to put in a bid for our skipper.

Barcelona have just led him on, flirting away and turning his head. It's a bit like when you have been with the missus for a few years and this stunning exotic little treacle comes along and flutters her eye-lids at you. You've still got it. Of course you ARE tempted. You are only human.

But then your missus steps into action and reality kicks in. Very firmly she puts the exotic little treacle in her place. You saw the little treacle, she made a move, but now she has been snatched away. Admittedly you are gutted for a while. Who wouldn't be? But the truth is you would be happier with your missus anyway.

That's what Arsenal have done today. They are the missus and Barcelona is the little treacle. Very firmly our club, our Arsenal, have put those muggy deluded fools in their place.

I must say Arsenal have conducted themselves marvelously throughout this whole 'ordeal' that Barcelona have put us through this summer. It must have been very tempting just to say, in a polite way, "fuck right off" to the Spanish champions.

While I don't feel that this is the end of it at least we have seen that Arsenal have finally got some bollocks and will not get fucked about.

Well done Arsenal!

Keep it Goonerish.................


  1. good post wrighty

  2. Short memory mate - Madrid tapped up Vieira for about 4 years. They are original scumbags for tapping up. Cesc is a Catalan, was discovered & nurtured in Barca, he is their prodigal son. And Fab wants to go. £40m would do it and we'll bag Gourguff & Joe cole with cash to spare.

  3. Well Said chap... I will Break Barcelona's face, and then eat the eye's of all of them... one by one... But really... I like the post... Agree 100%

  4. Nice one wrighty..... Barca can fcuk right off!!

  5. Do Do Do joe cole is a gooner

  6. wrighty how could you lol any more news on these j.cole rumours.

  7. To the second anon post.

    They can lick my nuts for £40M. We have him, he has a long term contract with us, we don't want to sell, so if you want him you bucket of slimy fuckknuckles, stump up the £80M plus or fuck off.

  8. Yeah totally agree, stick there offer and if cesc aint happy he should rot on the bench. no one is bigger than the club.

  9. The day chelsea got robbed in a semi final against barcelona was the day that the catalan monster got out of hand.

    There wouldn't be this best in the world nonsense (chelsea are the best (when they actually try)) and there wouldn't be this whole past season of everyone being linked to barca.

    Mourinho showed em up once this year and i hope he does it again.

  10. Hates England after Walcott affair, Hates Barcelona for tapping our player non stop for last few weeks now we know what United went through last season. Even now despite being critical of Wenger I have to hand to him for standing for Us. Plus after our local team went under Crystal Palace now would also like to thanks for not going buy buy route we all craved.

    Sign quality players to get us over the hurdle and please buy Cesc replacement now instead of waiting for another year. Put Cesc on bench and use him sparingly so he can prepare for life of warming bench in Barca....Good artcle keep it up mate.

  11. fffing love ur blogs bruva!! Don't really ever leave a comment but ur blog will always make me click on it and read!! Ur a top geezer and u know wot ur on about! It's about time the mighty fuclish Arsenal show some cojones and put these dirty Barca scum ba**ards in there place!! Its been going on toooooooooooooooooooo long!! Overmars, Pettit, Silvinho, Van Bronkhorst, Henry, Hleb, etc etc. They can go and litarely f**k themselves cos it looks like the Arsenal have finally shown a bit of Manlyhood to these wan**rs!

  12. Hi BBK, no more news yet matey!

  13. Cheers Aaron,Carlitos and the anon's in the house! Means a lot!

  14. ok cheers wrighty,do you really think we will sign him tho i can't see it myself.

  15. I reckon its gonna happen BBK.

    I didn't, thought he would end up at the Spuds! But I have been told (via e-mail, but hasn't eveybody else?) that Cole is on his way mate!

  16. what you need to consider is that if barcelona don't win la liga next year then they will feel even more justified in making a bid for fabregas next season, because if they are winning nearly every trophy possible and are still wanting to buy new players, what would happen if they didn't win???

  17. between the devil and the deep blue sea. both barca and madrid are arrogant scum clubs that would cut their own mother's throat to buy any player.

    there are some crimes that are unforgivable, and what that toliet cleaner done good said about wenger will never be forgotten by any decent fans out there.

    sorry mate but you are wrong on this blog tonight. mourinio is scum and will always be scum...

  18. surly if that's the case he will sign after the w.c then

  19. I'm an Arsenal fan & I aint being funny but just as a professional footballer who'd you rather play for Arsenal or Barca??
    Add the Catalan thing into the mix & Cesc wants to play for Barca. We need to face up to that - get 40m & spend it!

  20. well..... never thought I'D say this but..... wrighty needs to shut the fuck up now.

    Not you.

    Actual Ian Wright.

    100% sure Darren Dein was feeding h8im the lines, but to go on Talk Shite and call Arsenal an embarrassment for turning Barca down?

    The only embarrassment is the media puppet he has allowed himself to become.

  21. I'd rather play for Arsenal because I'm a Gooner!

    So I can understand why Cesc wants to go but he doesn't need too. Yet.

    I think its widely accepted that he will go back there one day.

    Just not this soon.

  22. Make you right Maf!

    Dunno whats happened to Ian Wright these days

  23. I reckon it'll be announced before then BBK.

    After all, Capello just signed a contract so why cant Cole?

  24. buffon
    sagna vermaelen clichy
    j.cole fabregas song arsjavin

    chamakh RVP


    go for it! and maybe we can step up and again win a trophy.if not cesc will be gone

  25. Ian Wright is a class 1 tosser, I have no respect for this git as an ex Arsenal player.

    Well done to Arsenal for telling Barca to do one!
    To think I used to support Barca as my Spanish team, they are nothing but scum bags!!!!

  26. If it ain't Barca it's Real if it ain't Real Madrid it's Barca. Been like that for 12 years now!

  27. Ian Wright is a fucking legend. Fuck all of you, I grew up watching him terrorise defenders. He gave everything to the club and must have covered about 20k every game. Watch Bendtner and Van Persie jog up and down the halfway line and tell me we couldn't do with an Ian Wright to take responsibility and bang them in.

    Anyone who disses Ian Wright must be younger than 16.

  28. When they do their pre season tour I hope someone runs on the field with a Cesc Fabregas Arsenal jersey and tells them to fuck off.

  29. Holy fuck. If we signed Joe Cole, I am quitting as a Gunner fan. No lie. He is pants brotha. Shit, with a capital S.

  30. Sorry to offend you Lady Arsenal!

    Listen, I loved Ian Wright. Not only do we share a surname but he WAS one of my favorite Arsenal players.

    I just can't stomach some of the things he says Arsenal these days.

  31. how is he going to sign when he's in s.a.

  32. Anon 21:35 if you want to quit being an Arsenal supporter over the trade of one player then we don't want you mate. Being an Arsenal supporter means that there is no other option, like the family you have, you can't get another brother can you? You obviously don't get what it's all about so please go and support Chelsea. Gooners may disagree on a lot of things, but true gooners will always agree on their love for the Arsenal.

  33. Dunno BBK!

    Perhaps a deal has been done in 'principle' or we'll do it there!

  34. Well said Wrighty - it's the middle finger salute to Barca that those mugs deserve.
    Stop using our players as pawns in your pathetic elections.


  35. Cheers Wrighty, I think he must have got in with that crowd of English ex-thug footballers who are more than slightly xenophobic and bitter that they never had skill so champion the ideas of 'grit' and 'passion', for which read hoof it rubbish football.

    Wright's better than them. Remember his chip away at elland road when he banged in a hat-trick? I'll never forget that, Wright had proper skills.


  37. I make you right Lady Arsenal.

    Wrighty is still a legend at the club, no questions asked.

    I think he might be a little bitter at how he left though.

    I just wish that at times he kept his frustrations at a minimum. Although it can be hard!

  38. Nice one Lady Arsenal!

    I think my fave Wrighty goal has to be either his lob against Everton or his chip from about 40 yards against Swindon

  39. Ian Wright is a right wanker, guy either loves attention or needs to say retarder/controversial things to keep his job.

    you don't see any other arsenal legends spooting BS every week do you ?

  40. ian wright is a shining example of how it is possible to be a good football player ,and yet be as thick as fuck.He was a star but has now faded beyond recognition.Now hes just a cunt

  41. Wrighy ,you know i love your blog.but.........Jose maureen.......mmmmmmmmmm.........that is a hard one

  42. There both a bunch of Wankers, its just that we hate Barca a little more at the moment. Wrighty, (not you, the other one) needs to shut the fuck up before we all hate him as well. He was rather wonderful as a player though!! So he can be a bit of a wanker now and again...

    Nice one W7



  44. He can be the best striker in the world, but if he aint no heart and love for his club then he would not say that. Look at Henry, he is better than him and would never say bad things of his former HOME!!!

    P.S : in that Ars - BarcaCunts game
    if Henry had a chance to score one on one he would shoot the ball closer to the cornerflag than in the back of our net, because his legs would collapse , LOL.

  45. oi oi wright stuff

    lmao mate..barca are the liitle treacle....

    i dont care if cesc has the barca badge tatooed on his arse hes got 4-5 years left, they pay top whack or he goes nowhere..

    30mil is a fucking insult..cheeky fuckers..80mil or shut your dirty piss and shit stained mouths..if they want him that badly they can pay up and stop jerking everyone off..

    as for joey cole i hope its true..i dont see wages as a problem..wenger likes his wage structure but when theres no transfer fee involved he has been known to allow for extra wages..remember sol?? either that or offer him 60-70k a week and give him a massive signing on fee..

    chamkaka's in..get joey, keep cesc and use the actual transfer kitty to rebuild that defence including a keeper and and take no prisoners midfielder we are ready to go next season

  46. If we had English players in the team in the same mould as Ian Wright then maybe we wouldn't have this same old bullshit every year.

    This week Arshavin, Bendtner, Fab all want to play in Spain. Well if thats what you want then please just feel free to fck off.

    Get some fkin English players in. We are an English club.

    Ian Wright - True Legend who tells it like it is. Fck off all you plastic Arsenal fans.

  47. Wrighty,
    Do you think that signing Joe Cole is an indication that Arshavin is on his way out? Perhaps one too many comments to the press has made Wenger reconsider his value. Love the player, hate the mouth. (Kinda like Ian Wright Wright Wright)

  48. cecs is not going wenger has commented and its official...

    now we need to give cecs a good team to play with ...

    time to buy joe cole (right winger)

    2 quality def's, turner from sunderland as backup for vermy and richards from man city.

    a def mid cover for song, cana from sunderland or gago from real or any other tally strong hard tacking mid (some one who would scare the shit out of the opponents)

    time for deneilson to go on loan to spain.

    it would be good if we get sorenson from stroke.

    and most important players like rocisky and nasri should play centrally and not as wide winger.

    vela and walcott should be used as impact subs (wing forwrds).

    we may sell eddy to generate funds for the transfers..

  49. Errr I dont understand what the fuss is about, of course we wanna keep Cesc, but Barca are a huge club we can't blame them for trying now can we?

  50. I love that kind o post because i am too much crazy about soccer playing and watching so i can say that nice post.

  51. Not a penny less than 45 million Pounds for Cesc!

  52. they wanna know how much he's worth? the can try:-
    Champions league price $$ 150m
    premier league tittle Price $$ 70m?
    FA cup price $$ 5m
    carling cup $$ 2.5m?

    Total $$ around 230m

    we MIGHT get a little nicer and give them 50% discount = $$ 115m

  53. Perhaps you are also forgetting that it was Mourinho that tapped up Ashley Cole so he has done us personal wrong in the past and been fined £100k for doing it!

    But water under the bridge, Real Madrid may have tried to get Vieira but they failed. Barca tapped up Henry, and got him! They tapped up Hleb, and got him. They are the worst thing in football currently. Good crop of cheating fucks!

  54. Found nurtured he was 16 and let go how is that wanting & nurturing & even if they did if Everton ring does Sir Alex have to give back Rooney what are you saying fool that where ever a kid played when he was 15 can just pick up the phone and everyone gives back yeah right

  55. What lot of shite u scum talk,your next seasons liverfool, robben van rapeist on his way,theo's ballox,the mearcats starting his shite again, autoglass to barca,defenders out of contract,3 shite keepers,still in the red,more empty seats a home games,onlys signing freebes, city 4 the top 4 next year :-)

  56. Lady Arsenal you talk shite, I am 44 and Wrighty is a c..t for the way he slags Arsenal off, it goes back to when he was dropped for FA Cup final and Anelka step up and won us the cup, so get off ypor high horse you haven't got a clue like most birds in football, it's a man's game

  57. Wow, people really do have short memories. Real are no better than Barca, possibly worse. Remember the Vieria saga(s)?

  58. the nou camp is full up with pickpockets and prostitutes anyway,and i havenet even mentioned the boardroom yet

  59. One must not forget how Chelsea and Mourinho tapped us Cashley from us.

  60. He's off
    By By Captain!!!!!

  61. Just a feeder club now

  62. Just a feeder club now

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