Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Please, Please, Please No Robert Green!

I keep hearing or seeing these rumours linking us with West Ham United and England goalkeeper Robert Green and to be honest it is giving me nightmares.

I know we need a new 'keeper but Robert Green?

Please no! Say it isn't true!

I'm sorry but in my opinion he is no better than our very own Manuel Almunia.

We need someone who will instill a bit of confidence in the back-line and for me Green is certainly not that man.

Over the last season many knocked Almunia for his mistakes. Well, Robert Green made mistakes that led to MORE goals than ANYONE else in the Premiership.

So that means he made more fuck-ups than the Spaniard did too. So why do we 'apparently' want him?

Don't get me wrong, Green is a good keeper but NOT a great one and a club the size of ours need a great keeper.

People say that the last world-class keeper we had was David Seaman. I disagree. I think Jens Lehmann was world-class too and he was outed quicker than lager turns to piss.

For me, Joe Hart is a great keeper. Yes, he isn't in the class of David Seaman or Jens Lehmann, yet, but I have no doubt he will be.

I don't think Green can improve his game anymore whereas Hart will just get better and better.

Englands number one should be Joe Hart. Yes, he lacks experience, but so does Germany's first choice keeper Manuel Neuer, and if the Germans can use an inexperienced goalie, then so can England.

With it being well-known that Arsenal made a bid for Fulham's Mark Schwarzer it is obvious that we after a new stopper between the sticks.

If we are going to take a gamble then I'd rather take one on Joe Hart and certainly not Robert Green.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. Evening Wrighty,

    I just re watched the interview Wenger gave after the signing of Chamakh...in which he clearly states no more than 2 more players will follow:

    2)joe cole

    can u see him bringing in 4 players this summer...i want to...but i cant!!!

    which brings me onto my next question. How serious is the whole JOE COLE DONE DEAL thing....in your opinion obviously??

    BIG RUSS 23

  2. I know for a fact that the Joe Cole saga isn't anywhere near completion. Everything will be sorted within a week after he is finished at the world cup but as yet, no decision is final. As for Rob Green, an improvement on Manuel, but no where near world class. Anyone enlighten me on this italian goalkeeper Marchetti. I've watched a lot of Serie A this year and i can't say i've noticed him, which may not be a bad thing...

  3. Manuel Neuer for me please. He is quality.

  4. Hi Big Russ 23,

    I have heard that the reason Fabio Capello will not give Joe Cole any minutes is because Cole sorted out a deal with Arsenal during the World Cup against the Italians wishes.

    Make of that what you will!

    I would love him at Arsenal but always felt he would end up at Spurs;

    A) To stay in London

    B) Harry Redknapp

    C) More of an English 'clique' at Spurs.

    Though wages and obviously no Champions League football going against them.

    Having said that the bookies aren't usually far off but he has been odds-on to join Arsenal, Spurs and United this summer already!

  5. David James to give the defence confidence until czesceny (have I spelt that right) is reasdy

  6. AHHH interesting, i havent heard that one wrighty. well if thats true then capello is even more strict than reported.

    So do you think there is a chance of us signing more that 3 players?
    3)j cole???
    4)new keeper

    will wenger give us the new keeper we need and admit to mistakes?

    BIG RUSS 23

  7. the problem is....with todays modern game, faster pace and swerving footballs (including the nike premier league one), there just simply aren't a lot of good keepers anymore. 15 years ago england had an abundance of keepers who would all be england no1 if they were still playing now (flowers, seaman, marty3n, woods ect. even ian walker in his pomp was better than what we've got now). at the moment england's got a number 1 who's been relegated, a number 2 who almost got relegated and a number 3 who's young and been on loan all season (not that i think hart is bad, just shows the state of england keepers right now).

    then you look at europe....and other than buffon and cech, i don't really see too many keepers that would 100% be an improvement on almunia. i don't rate keepers like valdes and casillas (too small imo). yes there are good keepers at lower clubs...but arsenal is a pressure cooker club.

    as for keepers at the world cup....you like the look of one....then BAM, he makes a howler (nigerian keeper).

    wanna know who i personally would take a punt on? chris kirkland. i think he was too young when he was at liverpool.now he's matured and seems to be pretty consistent, along with less injury prone than in the past. absolutely no chance of it happening though. i think we'll either sign schwarzer, sorensen (remember stoke signed a keeper in january who's good enough to be their number 1), or end up with almunia again.

  8. I hope so BIG RUSS 23.

    If you go by the number of players (apparently or actually) leaving then we need to replace them.

    Especially at the back with Gallas gone, Campebell and Silvestre maybe going.

    I reckon that we will go with Vermaelen-Djourou partnership.

    I think we are in the market for a new keeper but lets see what happens there!


  9. HA HA, personally i think there is no way wenger will go for rob green wrighty, so i think we`re safe!!

    Thanks for the responces mate, i always enjoy the blog!!!

    keep up the good work

    from an equally hopeful gooner.

  10. Always thought that when he said 2-3 new, Wenger had in mind IF Sol and Gallas remain at the club because that's what he was talking in reference to the number of new players. So if they leave it should be more new coming in. If you think about it if Gallas and Sol were not to leave we don't necessarly need a new center back (Vermaelen, Gallas, Djourou, Sol + Nordveit and Song who can cover there); So 2-3 new would have meant - Chamakh, keeper + midfielder. Now that it seems that Gallas and Sol are going, we would need at two new center backs too.

    Just my reading into it..

  11. Green's the best English goalie, and better than Almunia, but we could still do better. Hart may not reach the levels we need for 5 years or more. Am disappointed reading that we are being priced out of Buffon, Frey etc as they would be worth an extra 9 points+ per year. What other player could have such an influence?

  12. Iv'e been a big fan of Craig Gordon at Sunderland for a good few seasons now.

    I personally wouldn't mind Green. He would do a good job for us and is a far superior GK than Almunia.

    Wrighty goalkeepers are not your strong point. Green would be fine.

  13. I think memories of last season are already clouding over and affecting the judgement of some people. Almunia was dreadful, I would have taken the keeper from any other PL team including those that got relegated - they were all better.
    However we must observe that the awful display by the French national team today had 3 out 4 Arsenal players in their back four.
    Any keeper would have been under pressure with the amount of crosses that Sagna & Clichy allowed their opposing wingers to get in.
    From being the best pair of full backs in the country the season before, they deteriorated alarmingly this last season. Although Vermaelen was a revelation, he couldn't do it on his own and desperatley needs some better colleagues around him
    If Wenger does not get the defence sorted then we are non-runners already

  14. Don't you think any new goallie would be an old one, just to keep the place warm a couple of years until Szczesny is ready? He seems like a massive talent, but maybe still a bit young to be Arsenal number 1.

  15. What's all this about Joe Cole choosing Man U over the mighty Gooners? On reading the sites, however, it's all still undecided and this Man U rumour has come from none other than big 'Arry Rednapp! Since when has he been privvy to Cole's thoughts - and 'Arry's views are all based on a dream he had about a friend of a friend of a guy-he-bumped-into-darrrn-the-pub who knows a woman who read it in the tea-leaves! Admittedly, we dont know where the decision that JC was coming to Arsenal came from, but I would like to think that the source was a little bit more reliable!

  16. Rob Green instead of - Almunia/Fabianski/Mannone?


  17. Wrighty,

    As a regualr reader of your blog, i tend to agree with most of your opinions on arsenal. However the almunia saga thats been going around is a bit too much. I understand why so many gooners are frustrated with him and want him out but i dont really see a big problem if we dont get one and stick with him another season. The porblem we had last season was that the formation arsene employed was leaving our defence too exposed thus creating uneccesary pressure on on golie.

    Think about it,if we dont buy a goile this season, we can spend more money of quality holding mids and defenders.


  18. David..... Another year with Almunia as No.1 will cause a riot in the stands, trust me. It ain't gonna happen. Almunia will never wear the shirt again.

  19. Interesting that man U have ruled themselves out of any deal for Joe Cole, That can only mean that twitchy is bullshitting no change there and Cole has already signed for The Arsenal, his dad is a gooner in fact all the family are so maybe its one of the deals Wenger prommised. Cesc might have been told this during his long convo before the world cup, looking good for The Mighty Arsenal, Unlike the tap up merchants at barcacuntulunlya this club does deals in the correct manner and allowed Cole to get on with his world cup. OOOH TO BE A GOONER Jaygooner

  20. Anonymous said...

    As a regualr reader of your blog, i tend to agree with most of your opinions on arsenal. However the almunia saga thats been going around is a bit too much. I understand why so many gooners are frustrated with him and want him out but i dont really see a big problem if we dont get one and stick with him another season. The porblem we had last season was that the formation arsene employed was leaving our defence too exposed thus creating uneccesary pressure on on golie.

    Think about it,if we dont buy a goile this season, we can spend more money of quality holding mids and defenders.

    I completely agree with you actually...

    Specially when you think how much a better keeper would cost...

    And I too have always thought that Almunia is too exposed... we take time to open up sides but they take little time to create a chance themselves.

    Remember the Fulham game? how many goals should they have had? Mannone was so unprotected and luckily had an amazing game.

    I rather we get another defensive midfielder or a hard working midfielder that can defend and support... and depending on what happens with Campbell/Gallas/Sylvestre more defenders

  21. I think green would do well, he jus needs a consistent run in goal. The only reason most of u are jumping on him is due to the error made in england vs USA. He is a good keeper and venger should realy consider him

  22. It's not just the England clanger, he dropped one in when we played them. Mind you, he made a couple of decent saves as well. He is unpredictable, much like Almunia. We will never win a thing with Almunia in goal that much I'm sure of. And one other thing: a horrible little unpatriotic part of me wants England to get knocked out tonight, so we know where Cole's going??

    Nice one W7, Paul

  23. "I reckon that we will go with Vermaelen-Djourou partnership"

    say what?

    you missed out on the hole Laurent Koscielny thing?

    hes beeing brought in to partner Vermaelen. not to be a sub....

  24. Wenger will NEVER buy an English goalkeeper. Fact.

  25. Wenger is probably using Green as a decoy for his real target

    Apparently Villa are after Seb Frey, quality keeper who I think you lot should have signed a couple of seasons ago after crazy Jens. 6 mil apparently, would represent excellent value in my eyes - and he's french you racist bastards ;


  26. interesting post and I for one do not think Mark Shwarzer is the answer either, though the tabloids seem to think he is set to join us..I am yet to see a Top quality GK is the world cup, handonovich seems impressive but needs to see more of him...I would go Bolton and get jazkalinen ...We should have got him last year in my feel..but I have a feeling AW might think if he sorts out the defensive play of the team he can negate the GK being exposed and look to strengthen defence..To change the CB pairing and GK could be a bigger gamble which could go wrong badly so may be any changed he wishes to make in those departments might have to be gradual and if anything bring a GK in January and next year is what I feel might happen

  27. Did anyone see Bendtner colouring in the white tap on his red socks. Says it all about the modern day footballer.

    What a wanker he is.


  28. JR..I think its a FIFA requirement he could not have white tape and it had to be red ...I know its easy to criticise the modern footballers but it has to be thought out not just for the sake of finding fault..he is the one making 60K plus a wk and with a girl friend worth over 750 mill pounds so trust me he is not the mug...do not get why our fans look at every opportunity to turn on our own

  29. I'm not looking at every chance to have a go. The simple fact is I don't think he is that good and I have never really rated him. The same as Denilson, Almunia etc. (yawn).

    Boring but true.

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