Saturday, 19 June 2010

And People Worship This P*ick?

What a slap in the face for England fans.

Not only did we have to watch that pile of shit attempt to play football, we had to take abuse from the one 'saviour' in our team too.

This was meant to be Wayne Rooney's World Cup. The year he announced himself on the same stage as Pele, Maradonna and Shakespeare.

Yeah right.

Rooney has been abysmal in this tournament. I've always thought he was over-rated, now I'm definitely seeing why.

People are quick to jump on Emile Heskey's back, make him a scapegoat. He is the easy target isn't he? When he makes a mistake its well documented.

However, if Rooney fucks something up then excuses are made for him. Its a liberty.

I hope now people see what I've seen in Rooney all this time. That he is an ungrateful petulant little munster and he is not as good as people like to make out he is.

How dare he have a pop at England fans. Calling us unloyal.

Loyal? He doesn't know the meaning of the word. Didn't he once say 'Always a blue' then straight away switch alliance from Everton to Manchester United at the drop of a hat?

Those England fans out there in South Africa deserve better. Some probably saved up since the last World Cup to get out there and yet Rooney calls them unloyal?

This is why I find it hard to support England. I hate the likes of Rooney, Terry and co. They all think they are better than what they are and throw their dummy's out when the going gets tough.

The truth is England are being found out. We can talk about how great the likes of Rooney is all day long but they aren't great. They look good at club level but that's only because they are being carried by the 'dirty foreigners' that people are quick to condemn.

The fans who paid fortunes to go to Africa, to watch those wankers, have every right to boo. It was bad enough to watch on TV, if I'd have paid the money the England fans have to get there I'd expect a lot more too!

I never thought a lot of Rooney before this World Cup and I'm surprised but I think even less of him now. The man has thrown back everything in the face of us English. He needs to grow up.

Keep it Goonerish........


  1. DISLOYAL not Unloyal

  2. I'll never forget when Walcott played a ball to Rooney who was offside and the comms said it was Walcott's fault for passing to an offside player then 10 mins later when Rooney played a ball to Walcott who was offside, it was Walcott's fault for being offside.

    The media will always find excuses for their favourites.

  3. I cant say that I blame Rooney for being crap so far - he hardly gets any service.

    Heskey is meant to be on the pitch in order to play Roney in, if he's not able to do that (and dont get me wrong, i think he's had the ball a fair bit and done ok with it - just that he doesnt seem to be able to find Lil' Wayne) then don't play him.

    At the moment, we're not making the most of what we have - Rooney, Gerrard and (imho) JOE FCKING COLE who should either be starting in a 4-5-1 with Rooney up front, Gerrard behind him and Col picking passes from a ranging midfield role, or at least coming on in the second half to shake things up.

    What was the point of taking Lennon off for Wright-PHillips yesterday, it was very-mcuh like for like, Defoe and Roney up front has never worked, if Hesk can't do the business either replace him with Crouch, who can at least score on occasions if required, and seems to scare opponents, or be ballsy and go 4-5-1 - in any event, the current system/players combo is clearly not working.

    As for Rooneys comments, the guy LOVES england, LOVES footie, and LOVES playing footie for England - so i don't mind him NOT wanting to get booed - anyone who is OK with being booed is more of a liability than someone who offends those who have paid what he earned in the match just to watch him being shit.

  4. .........and bring on the first day of the season i cant wait to support Arsenal again - at least Englands terrible performances put Arsenals poor ones into perspective!

  5. Unfancied England did well to force a draw against the talented Algerians. Thats the way its being reported outside of the xenephobic English media. Jaygooner

  6. when the going gets tough have a go at the fans? nice work wayne... was fat frank even on the pitch last night. Roll on Liverpool away.

  7. I thought with the headline this was an article about Arsene Wenger.


  8. hi to all of u. so, now, let see exactly what is happening in english team - absolutely nothing. all of them thinking for their reputation and not for the glory. if u watch the game again, all of u'll see how most of the BIG names just walking around trying to save their energy for GOD knows what. please, i'm foreigner, supporting Arsenal for the last 14 years, and i love the EPL, but watching England playing like that is just hard to believe that such a talented team can't make it for their country. and about Rooney, it's so visible that the guy wants to be an important part of the success, but he is not as good as english people think he is, he has the desire, but.... nothing else. so, lets hope they'll strat thinking for the fans, and not only for themselfs. nomatter what lets keep faith in them and crossfinger for the next game.

  9. I also have trouble supporting England because of all the tossers in the team and I could not understand why people thought we would be any good this year as we have the same crap players that couldnt qualify for the euros and didn't win anything with sven.Also can't believe we pay fabio 7 mill a year to mismanage the team. lumplard isn't fit to wear the shirt, when did gerrard become a left wingerand where is Joe Cole(the only creative player we have) Can't believe I wasted 90 mins of my life watching that last night, oh well it'll all be over when we lose to slovenia next week.

  10. First time in my life I really really thought I could make it to the world cup with an international team!! Heck, watching the pussycats play my granny could have been my strike partner!! Its the Dutch treat this year!

  11. You are so right Ian. I have always thought England can only play the "English way" i.e. kick the likes of Antonio Reyes, Cesc Faregas & co. off the park. This bullying intimidation football only works in England.
    When England comes up against a side that is technically gifted, good footballing brains or are well organised e.g. Algeria and the English boys can't retaliate by kicking them off the park they are lost for ideas. They are all being found out.

  12. I always thought Rooney was a fat arrogant overrrated thug, then changed my mind when he done his street football series. How wrong I was. Rooney is a fat overrated thug with no respect.I do not support England, but the England fans in South Africa must be fuming. The England team were outplayed out thought and humiliated by an apparently average Alegerian team. The words that came out of his mouth at the end of the game should surely have been "Sorry we are not as good as we think." But no instead he demands loyalty from people who have wasted thousands on their dream of seeing England win the World Cup. I genuinely hope the backlash continues into next season because his reaction was disgusting. Jaygooner

  13. England fans are out of control. If they want to boo, that is their right, but they will contribute to their own team’s downfall. Maybe that is what they want? Maybe they enjoy having something to bitch and moan about? But if you sit there booing your own team and slagging off your own players, don’t expect them to come out fighting for the shirt in the following game. I’d love Rooney to score in the next game and stick his fingers up at those mugs in the stands.

    Arsenal blogs like this are the reason many people dont like arsenal fans

  14. Yeah Arsenal fans know all about booing they do it at the emirates all the time, that is probably why your team tries so hard for you and wins you trophies regularly.


  15. What are you even doing on this site John?... get a life.

  16. Shrek just issued an apology. Talk about the PR gurus getting hold of him!

    Finally people can stop calling this fat fool World Class. not on the same planet as the World's top strikers.

  17. Like him or not, Rooney is an england fan just like the rest of us. And he's what we got.

    No matter what crap his mouth (and boots) it still servers nothing booing him when there's still football to be played by england over there.

  18. Gunner Forever19 June 2010 at 18:15

    stfu john if ur not an arsenal fan dont comment on this side... n yea rooney was an idiot for saying that absolutely disgusting... England fans deserve better

  19. Here's the thing, Wrighty: England were crap last night, and no argument to the contrary can be made. The problem is that while England were clearly struggling, the fans got on their backs, began booing the players, and made it even harder for them. Sure, the WC tickets, hotel, airfare, all cost a lot of money, and people have had to save up to get to South Africa, but I vehemently disagree with the notion that paying your way to the stadium gives you the right to boo the players you came to support.

    It is that attitude of entitlement, that paying your money somehow magically endows you with the right to refuse to support your team while the game is still there to be won, that poisons the atmosphere at the Emirates and makes our own players confess that they'd rather play away games where the support is largely unequivocal, than in front of their own fans, where two misplaced passes are enough to get the fans on your back.

    It also doesn't help that the English players are nowhere near technically sound enough to compete on this stage. For years, we have had to put up with the scandalous fallacy that foreign players were somehow ruining the English game. This World Cup has shown us that, without their foreign teammates, English players are so far below average it beggars belief.

  20. whoever said england fans deserve better ,, players deserve better ! england fans are an utter disgrace no other countries fans are so fickle !! a bit of fucking loyalty and support might get the team through matches ,, your a joke

  21. southampton gooner fans have a right to boo. Fans boo at every single ground in the uk if they dont believe their team is trying. When cruching tackles and foul play come first' the technical side of football will never improve in the uk. Go and watch any youth game in any park dads are still screaming "get in there son" Its what talk sport and most of the media advocates.I cant see us winning the world cup for many years. Even france have won recently.Us fans have suffered 44 years of hurt.So i will boo because thats long enough.

  22. Sorry Wrighty It was at the drop of a large wedge of cash not a hat that caused him to change his loyalty.

  23. tottenham were pretty poor against algeria!

    bring on the EPL!!!!

  24. im sure every time the ball got played to rooney last nighthe mis-controlled it. i still cant believe the algerian keeper even played it straight to rooney himself and they still couldnt get anywhere near the goal.
    so much for fabios 'form, not reputation' bullshit, rooney should have been taken off last night, defoe did more in 15 mins than rooney did in the whole 90.
    i think capello was partly to blame as well, it was clear plan a (if such thing exsisted) wasnt working, yet he did nothing to change it, until it was too late.
    i think the fans had every right to boo, last night england showed no passion or desire. every pass was lack lustre and nobody was challenging the loose balls, i think the england player that ha most posession was james, seeing as every time england got it they just passed it back to him. wheres the england we saw in qualifying dissappeared to? you know the ones that actually looked like scoring.
    btw good article wrighty

  25. lol what a cheap shot at one of the worlds greatest players. u english cunts ARE disloyal... i have read a million comments on blogs about u guys not even wanting so watch or support Engerland no more....


    Have you forgotten that m8??

    Roo hasnt ;-)

  26. One of the worlds greatest players I am guessing Rooney? the fat thug has never scored a a goal on the worlds biggest stage, guess you are a deluded England will win the World Cup moron Jeeeze. Jaygooner

  27. you left out he is a greedy fucker aswell

  28. Kudos for Rooney speaking his mind,i would never boo anyone who is loyal to my team and gives everything everytime.They might be crap but at least they tried.

  29. Danish Gunner

    I have no idea what game you were watching mate!!! I don't mind them being crap if they try their best. What I saw was most of the team not trying and the worst offender for that was Rooney. Normally he's like a man possessed for ManU. If he loses the ball, he chases back. He screams at his team mates, etc, etc. In this game the bloke wasn't bothered. His shoulders were down, he was lazy and he had Adebayor's first touch. To me, his lack of effort showed total disrepect to the shirt and the fans. No wonder they showed their disapproval.

  30. England fans are as bad as Emirates fans. At least they're still there to boo at the end.

    And save the self-righteous mock outrage for the tabloids, stop expecting and just get behind your team, WE'RE NOT OUT. we only need to beat slovenia to go through.

  31. Wrighty, i agree with you mate.
    The guy is overrated.
    I can't wait for the EPL to start because it's been boring watching the WC.

  32. When Capello can explain taking twocentre halves who were both ready to crack - and subsequently did - I might stop blaming him for the shit performances his team are putting on.

    If the team aren't playing the formation and plan he chose, he picked the wrong players.

    If they are, the FA picked the wrong manager.

  33. Totally agree with you Wrighty. The most over-rated player in the Premiership, after Lampard.

    Stats prove that Fabregas, and even Drogba were better than Rooney last season, but he still managed to somehow walk away with the player of the year awards.

    To think people have been putting him in the same category as Messi, Ronaldo and Fabregas is a joke. To be fair, those people are mainly Man United fans and the English press.

    I would drop him for the final game, and play Defoe. Drop Lampard too. These two need a kick up the arse.

  34. Two poor performances for England overwrite an outstanding season in which he single handedly carried United to second place? He's one of the best strikers in the world, you mug.

  35. Are you going to boo Arsenal players when they play crap as well, or is it just singled out for England players, I pay a lot to follow Arsenal away and at home games but would never boo them, as Arsenal fans we have been expected to pay some of the highest prices in the world to Watch average performances from Arsenal for the last five years, you are a hypocrite and the fact Rooney is a Manc player gets your goat, how would you react if he was an Arsenal player, would you find excuses then, you can't forget the players who play in the PL for England, that's what you don't like, you are a disgrace to England and I would prefer if idiots like you didn't support England

  36. Lampard has been the most consistent player in the PL for five years averaging more than twenty goals a season, who do we have that does that from midfield, over-rated look at players like Diaby,Denilson,Rosicky who in my opinion combined haven't given more than Lampard. Scottpuffin you haven't got a clue about football you mug

  37. lp, if you don't like the WC then bugger off and watch something else..boring you didn't watch Denmark v Cameroon last night what a great game, now Song will get a rest

  38. tedd dale mugs like you who boo should f..k off and let real fans watch and support, were you were of those w..kers who booed Eboue, I bet you were or are you a glory hunting armchair fan, it's idiots like you who make the Emirates a disgrace to us at Arsenal

  39. Can't stand fans who boo, if you can't get behind the team when they are good or bad then maybe it's time you left...and close the door behind you, that's why we have a terrible home crowd

  40. I'm not an Eng fan & I'd never boo Arsenal no matter what but maybe the boo boys have done Eng a favour this time. No doubt Rooney & I'm sure the rest will be desperate to shove it down the boo boys throats by smashing up Slovenia, maybe being bood off was the kick up the ass Eng needed - it was a disgraceful performance against Algeria.
    If Eng are at it they are technically good enough to mix with the best, but they must play to their strengths, defend well, press the ball, use the width with their excellent attacking full backs, play Gerrard off Rooney & tell Lampard he has to do a job in midfield like it or not & then play JCole on the left, dropping Heskey & WrightPhillips on the right, dropping Lennon. ZimGooner.

  41. Who the f*ck does this w*nker think he is..''we think some things need to be changed'', i would love to know who the we are. Is this the little Chelski clique and there hangers on by any chance..

    I thought Gerrard was supposed to be captain, why is this arsehole of all people thinking he is in any position to tell the manager how him and his clique want things to be.

    It would be bad enough if these f*ckers had actually played well and this was all about tactics but most of them have been poor to say the least and as for the suggestion that Rooney is playing bad because of the line up...the guy could barely control the ball or pass it in the last game wtf has that got to do with tactics and formations..

    Klinsmann was right the other day, it shouldn't matter what formation they play or what position they play, they should give it their best regardless and perform to their potential.. instead of constantly looking for an excuse for their own poor individual performances......WANKERS

  42. I have never liked English Media putting to much pressure on players. But let me say something these lot are quite clearly not gifted.The reasons why they are a success is due to many quality players playing in EPL.

    Rooney was the main factor why Walcott was not taken to World cup with his tantrums in the two friendly Games. Add Gerard another crap player who simply pass it, Then John Terry, Omg people forget England had great players widely repsected all over the world.. ETC Glenn Hoddle to name few but these lot are quite simply plain garbage.

    I have to feel sorry for England fans, I am not English but always appreciated watching their games it was full of drama and fighting. Simply put it these watching Brazil is predictable but watching England was always exciting. Watching last two games was like watching paint dry. boring I would sue to get my money back.

  43. most people who follow england are nobs though to be fair

    a brigade of happy clapping plastic supporters created by the PL and FA who didn't give a shit about football pre '96

    So fuck them, Rooney can call the cunts what ever he likes if you ask me

