Thursday, 17 June 2010

Where Is The 'Dig' From Cesc Here?

Here they give us much more information than they do at Arsenal, definitely.”

“At Arsenal we don’t really look at anything from the other team, we look for ourselves and that’s it.

“Here, maybe two three days before the game, we start looking at some videos, we know more or less the starting eleven that is going to play … we know nearly everything about them.

“You just have to have your group of friends here, you play cards, you play Playstation, you have fun. We train morning, afternoon, go to sleep early … you don’t have much time to think about it really.”

I've read this comment from a Cesc Fabregas interview until my eyes have bled and I still, for the life of me, cannot see a direct dig at Arsenal or Arsene Wenger anywhere.

You can interpret and analyse these few sentences until your brain can take no more but for me, the simple fact is, there is nothing in these comments.

Fabregas was asked to compare the difference between Arsenal and Spain's preparation for upcoming football matches. He is not having a dig!

Its a well known fact that Arsene Wenger pretty much concentrates on just what Arsenal do, not what the opposition do.

Whether this is right or wrong I don't know but what I do know that Wenger knows more than I do!

Of course I can see why this comment could be taken out of context. All summer we've had this shit from Barcelona and the media twisting anything that Cesc says into something more than what it is.

I look at it like this; Whatever will be will be.

It may seem all doom and gloom surrounding our skipper at the moment but I don't think he would disrespect the club and the man who made him into the superstar he is today.

He is better than that. He is classy. Just like Arsenal.

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. It's not a dig, but nevertheless it tells us a lot about where Wenger is going wrong.

  2. absolutely not a dig, but people already fed up with the whole saga that they start to fire all the weapon to our skipper..

    and i'm sure there's a missing line on that interview!

  3. It's not a dig, but nevertheless it tells us a lot about where Wenger is going wrong.

    I think one needs an argument for such a conclusion. Like Wrighty said, it is well known that this is what Wenger does. I can´t see why it would be "wrong" - Arsene wants to concentrate on Arsenal keeping the ball and playing football - and this is how he has always done. Why does he go wrong here?

  4. its not a dig, he's just stating the obvious, wenger is a poor tactician so its no surprise he doesn't prepare the team for their next game properly, we never target weaknesses of other team, and there is only one way we can play, no plan B, nothing.

  5. Say you're playing Man Utd for example and one of their players continually runs deep to get onto balls and scores goals. Then you have a complete rookie like Denilson playing in the DM position. How the fuck can you not tell Denilson to be wary of such a threat?? That's just a tiny example, what about when you're playing a team taht's better than you and is littered with these threats?

    It's completely and utterly bizarre management. Things like this make me wonder if Wenger is anything like the manager he's made out to be, and only had any success at all thanks to the back 5 he was given and the continuity it provided.

    The Champions League is proof, that's where tactics are of utmost importance, and he's continually underachieved in that tournament despite having some great sides.

  6. it certainly explains all the stupid goals arsenal concede at set pieces. nobody is notified of the danger of specific players running from deep.

  7. Yikes! No dig here at all - I just finished arguing this very point on another blog. He was asked about Spain and he responded about Spain. He used his preparation experience with Arsenal to compare and contrast how the two teams prepare, that is all. No dig there, no sly poke at AW, no pop at the coaching staff. Are we really surprised the gutter press are using this to fuel their "wantaway Cesc" theories? Lest we forget, Cesc has NEVER said that he wants to transfer to Barca THIS SUMMER! Many want to see this happen, many people overemphasize worst case, and the results is a nearly-widespread acceptance that he wants to leave now when he has NEVER said anything of the sort publicly! None of us know his true feelings on the issue, so maybe he does want to leave. Or maybe he does not. Either way, a response direct response to a question about how things are going in the Spain camp does not equate to "Sell me now!" Cesc the malconent? Not from these comments!

  8. "Wenger is going wrong" you say and all this great preperations with the Spanish team made them lose against Switzerland. Boy, you are stupid.

  9. Good post, a few hours ago I argued points very similar to your on another site. The fact is, Cesc was asked a direct question about how things were going in the Spain camp - he responded that things were fine, and as their first match had not yet kicked off, he elaborated on the only thing they had been doing - preparing. Note that this is all about Spain - Cesc used Arsenal's preparations to compare and contrast. He did not discuss Arsenal in any way except as a context to emphasize certain things Spain's team did. If others want to join the gutter press and believe that these few comments constitute a pop at AW and the coaching staff, that is their right. I see the media frenzy for what is, has been, and will be - every single thing he says gets twisted and spun to suit the media and Barca agenda. And we wonder why he says so little now? Whether I agree with AW's coaching and preparations or not is irrelevant, and I am not qualified to judge his methods. But Cesc's innocuous comments do not judge AW's preparation methods either - despite what the rags will have you believe! These comments were all about Spain, for the audience in Spain, not North London.

  10. Siguror


    All the stupid Championship Manager bozos who think they know football better than Wenger.

    Bet they can't even tie their own shoe laces yet.

  11. If we analyzed a teams players with all the games we played the players wouldn't train or sleep.

  12. still see the brainless continue to post crap , if our players dont know what our opposition is going to play like in the premier league, perhaps they should start watching match of the day more often this im sure would give the players an idea of the type of teams we will come up aggainst .
    and im sure the same goes with champs league but different programs the fact is if arsenal play well we will win .

  13. If memory serves me correctly, Adams said the same thing in his Bio over ten years ago about the different focus but that time it was a comparison between Graham and Wenger. Adams wasn't lambasted and spun by prick journos though because there was no big Barca story pending.

    Cesc goes, Britain suffers and the pundits fishing for fruition and thus vindication of the Cesac/Barca story will be the very ones who get stuck into Arsenal as a selling club when it's THEM who are trying to fucking sell him!!

    Long live Patrick Barclay, death to the tabloids.

  14. Exactly what I thought. Fabregas was asked a question and he gave the right answer. He did not say 1 way was better than the other. I think people are just trying to look for something that is not there. We keep hearing he wants to leave so we read to much into what he is saying.

  15. yea its not a dig but it highlights a problem. i can see from Wengers perspective that if we had a perfect game than we should beat teams surely? However i think due to our 49 game unbeaten record, teams have tried everything to stop us, now it seems they have found ways. I believe Wengers stubbornness is his biggest downfall and i think anybody who says we should play the same way against Man utd and Chelsea as we do against the Hulls and Portsmouth's of the leagues clearly is showing a lack of respect to the big teams. This has been clearly visible this year on a few occasions against the big teams, yea we were unlucky at old trafford but when united and chelsea came to emirates they knew exactly what we were gunna do. I hope Wenger this year changes his policy slightly against the big teams because i honestly believe its the only way we'll beat them, consistently.

  16. it amazes me. games can be won and lost on small details, such as marking and set pieces, yet Wenger doesn't even bother. he's not doing his job properly.

  17. You got it wrong wrighty, you obviously didn't see the interview.

    The worst bot that has gone unreported was when he was asked on his future..

    With a smerk on his face he said that he was so busy training in the morning and playing computer games in the afternoon he did not have time to think about his future. What a cunt does he think were all mugs

  18. even though cesc said we dont concentrate on the other teams in the preparation of the team, it does not however mean they dont discuss the other team.
    i personally have one of the pre match tactics from a game on paper(which i aquired through working in a hotel) and it does discuss the danger men in the opposition, set peices etc etc.

  19. Who's that who said with his methods "Wenger is going wrong"? are you serious?

    Is this the same Wenger who has won THREE league titles and FOUR FA Cups, been to a Champions League and UEFA Cup final, and who has just finished the season 3rd in the league, the same Wenger who has ALWAYS qualified for the CL mostly without breaking sweat with a supposedly crap group of teenage/average players spending less than every other PL team, finishing higher than the "big spending", "tactical geniuses" such as 'Arry of Spuds and Mart'n O'Niell of Villans? if that is "wrong" my friend, I hope he never learns.
