Wednesday 3 September 2008

Arsenal is in our blood........

My blood bleeds red and white, the same as the next Gooner's. I love the club and always will through the good times and the bad. True, I've found it hard to accept that the squad hasn't been strengthened but that is the situation and I'm gonna have to deal with it.

I want the club to do well so it deserves my support. I admit that sometimes things can be testing but I'm glad that I'm a Gooner.

Le Boss can be a pain in the arse but he is our manager and although I may not agree with everything that he does, I know he has Arsenal Football Club's best interests at heart. He has done great things for us and I'm sure he will do great things again. I wouldn't want another man in charge.

We needed a man in the middle of the park, it hasn't happened. It's time for someone to shine, just like Flamini did twelve months ago. Someone like Song or Denilson, maybe Diaby. I personally feel that Song is the man to step up and make the role his own, I think he deserves that chance.

We are lucky to support such a great club and the club are lucky to have such great support. Not many supporters would give a manager this much time without a trophy, not from the big four anyway. Le Boss has earned our respect and we trust he will deliver. That's why we wait so patiently.

And lets be honest, we have been patient...........

We have waited since 2005, it has been testing but we still need to have faith. This squad although light in numbers is heavy in talent. It's hard but its time to believe that this set of players can achieve the big things we want. Lets get behind them. They need us.

We have a great stadium, play great football and have a very talented group of players. Lets think of the positives and believe that we can have a great season against the odds. Victory this season will be the sweetest.

Arsene Wenger is one of the greatest managers in the world. If he quit Arsenal tomorrow then believe me every top club would want him. We have him, and should be grateful for that. But at the same time he should be grateful for having such wonderful support from us. We have given him the time to build and have shown great understanding.

Lets get behind the club now. We cant change the past but we can look to a good future. Arsenal is in our blood and I'm happy that it is.

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. Very well said wrighty7......

  2. Good evening Wrighty!

    Nice and positive good lad.

  3. Sniff.....(wipes tear from my eye)...

    Brilliantly put. We all want whats best for Arsenal and Arsene Wenger is the best thing we could have.

    Remember, Arsene knows........

  4. Positive piece Wrighty.

  5. Took the words from my mouth, what do you think is a realistic position for us Wrighty?

  6. its your opinion Wrighty but I gaurantee you every top club would not want this liar were he to leave us

  7. Well said wrighty. today Geoff aslo posted that we should get behind our team. Although I am critical about no deadline transfer. We can't do anything about it now. Now we should support this crop of players. We have to encourage them and cheer for even the likes of Eboue so they'll know how much they are loved by the fans and give their 100%

  8. brilliant you should be an author or journalist

  9. I think its time we all pulled together and get behind the club.

  10. RE: The shrink,

    Stop being a wind up! ;)

  11. but I gaurantee you every top club would not want this liar were he to leave us.

    Get over it. None of us know how close we came to making a signing. If the deals collapsed so be it. He is hardly likely to talk much about it because of possibly going back in January.There is nothing we can do about it but getting abusive won't get us anywhere. I guarantee it !

  12. It would have been hilarious to see Wenger's excuses for not buying anyone if the Abou Dhabi group had bought us instead of Man City. He would have had a £100 Billion transfer kitty and I'd bet anything he wouldn't have bought anyone still.

  13. we made no sighnings however close we were. going by Arsenes form whos to say we came close. "we sighned nobody and thats wengers fault" end of

  14. jokes
    i agree with u being positiv

    arsenal are still capable of leading the prem till the january traansfer window (like last year)and we might buy alonso then

  15. What a great post to read. After all the disapointment in the transfer market I still stand by Le Boss, the team and Arsenal Fc...through thick and thin, till death do us part and all that jazz! It Tits me right off when you got these so called arsenal fans that got no faith at all just because we havent signed and more playes (im disappointed of the lack of signings but thats about it) and then this shit that they want AW to be sacked....Gooners my arse. They forget to remember who was Flamoney? Pleb? Henry? Ade? Sagna? Clichy (and many more) before Le Boss got hold of them

  16. We as a club should be glad to have a fantastic manager like Arsene Wenger, for what he has done........

  17. Wrighty I don’t often agree with you, and I’m not actually going to say I do this time either.
    But… you are sort of right in what you say. Plenty of supporters out there are really disappointed that we didn’t strengthen. Sure we finished 4 points behind Man U last season, but they will be better this year while we’ll probably be worse.

    For the last few year it’s the same deal, be patient, Wenger we trust, get behind the team etc. for the last 3 years we HAVE been patient, we have been behind the team and are STILL behind the team. But God forbid you express views that question Wenger. Then you’rr called an Arsenal hater or told to go and support another team by the Wenger brigade.

    When I complain about the trains I don’t expect people to tell me to shut up and move to another country, or to get behind England. Same as when my council tax goes up every year and I moan about the increase I don’t expect to be told to support the government or piss off as I’m a plastic Englishman.
    Yet open your mouth and express concern that we haven’t won any thing for 3 years and probably not going to win anything this year either and the Wenger brigade come out in force.

    You can still question the manager, think he’s lost the plot and still be an Arsenal fan. At the end of the day I support Arsenal whether they win or loose. Who the manger is irrelevant, I’m behind the team 100%.
    I would argue you are more of a fan for being concerned and questioning the manger than having your head up Wengers arse. The Wenger brigade are the ones that need to find a new team, I suggest they go and support Wenger FC, they’ll be happier there.

  18. Still tasting the bad from the transfer period in my mouth but I know I won't keep that up for too long. Arsenal is more than a missed oppertunity to me. Nice piece.

  19. proud to be a gunner!

  20. we didnt win anything last year but we were in contention. you cant ask for more. its just irritating that people think they can demand success- especially against the money teams; wenger has done remarkably well to keep us in contention with a hugely more competetive league.

    When I complain about the trains I don’t expect people to tell me to shut up and move to another country, or to get behind England. Same as when my council tax goes up every year and I moan about the increase I don’t expect to be told to support the government or piss off as I’m a plastic Englishman."

    trains charge for a specific public service- your arsenal ticket fee doesnt guarantee victory! and the board are not public servants, accountable to you like the government.

    so shut up and move to a different country.


  21. I think the main concern is keeping Cesc happy in the middle of the park. The point was made (not by me) that when he joined there were some big players (Viera, Henry, etc.) for him to learn from. But now, he is the best player we have. He made the point publicly that he would have loved to have Alonso along side him (not my personal favourite), but it means that we should have brought in some quality to take some of the pressure off him.
    Of course, I am behind this team all the way, whatever happens.

  22. I don't believe that Wenger has "lost the plot". What seems more likely is that deals fell through at the end. If this is the case, any excuses we can offer is pure speculation. Going by the way Wenger has operated since he arrived we never know who he is looking at until they sign but when he says he wants to buy a player then normally he does. I agree with anonymous to the extent that we, as fans, are not ony entitled but have an obligation to criticise the club. The criticism does not always have to be negative but if a fan is concerned they must voice their oppinion. I have been gooner all my life and will always be a gooner, personally I think we should get behind the team, I know we haven't won a trophy in years but I believe in Wenger. I think it is important for football that a team built up of skill and intelligence is successful, to prove to people that you do not need to be super rich to win trophies. I say f#@k Man Utd, F#@k Chelsea and f#@k Man City. I would say f#@k liverpool but they're already f#@ked!!

  23. we all know the one thing that the bankrolled by fat cat teams really want and thats aw!for all of their bootmless pits of money as roman has found out how do you play exciting entertaining football in romans case try lots of managers who play really boring football and perhaps one dat roman will find his answer.we have in aw the best most talented coach in europe and the fat cats know it.....

  24. I was sooooooooo fucked off when the squad wasn't strengthened and I don't just mean as we watched the transfer deadline draw to a close, but ALL EFFIN SUMMER!

    WE have known the midfield needed adding to, fuck me Barry would have been a top addition and could've proved the difference.

    It would've been easier to take if we were told there was no money, yet hearing Wenger say he'd happily spend £30 million on ONE player was a sick joke as we all knew that would never happen.

    Still, the window's shut and now's the time to concentrate on supporting the team.

    Like others I think Song could well be the one to step up to become a DM we need as well as him, Djourou looks like he can be that alternative partner to either Gallas OR KOLO and nasri, well, he looks fuckin awesome already, then there's Vela.....

    Come on you Gooners!!!!!

  25. If people want to post comments on sites stating, opinions facts, arguments or criticisms fair enough....I can't understand why people get upset about them because we all know that when the team is on the pith WE ARE ALL BEHIND THEM. Regardless of whether people think the manager has "lost the plot"

  26. Speaking of a skinny squad: Bendtner's had an ancle injury training with the danish national team this afternoon.

  27. Agreed, good piece

    I've also been keen to see Song in the DM role, I think he'll do well there

  28. 1ts about give an take we've wacthed AC take BARCA take the fans wernt asking 4 much if we had tied down the flamster just nasri would have been enough but the flamster is the best on the planet at DM was he not worth 80k a week diabys the 1 if he can learn 2 tackle thanks 4 trying 2 make me feel better though wrighty

  29. finally a great post !salute!

  30. guys.. why are still moaning about lack of signings? i know that we need a DM, but if AW get Alonso, Veloso or Barry and we didnt win the trophy, would u guys still satisfy? i bet not.. maybe we need a DM, maybe not.. AW has done anything he could.. Do u ever know who was Sagna when he first arrived at Arsenal? No one did except Le Boss.. So did Flamoney n the list go on.. If he can change them into a quality players, he can change Diaby, Song or Denilson into that kind of players.. So, let's together support the team.. Go Gunners!!

  31. When will people realise that the teams with the best managers are the most successful, not the ones with the most money. Just look at spurs transfer outlay over the last few years compared to ours. So Man city are now the richest team in the league, do you really think they will get anywhere with Mark Hughes as manager? and just because they can outbid anyone for a player does not mean they will get them. I was a little disapointed that we didn't buy one more midfielder but the amount of anger and hate thats been written about it by so called fans is unbelievable, just totally over the top.
    If people really want to get rid of Wenger who exactly would they replace him with??!! I cant remember reading such a huge amount of crap on Arsenal Forums for a long time.
    We were extremely unlucky not to win the league last year which has been well documented but people just dont seem to realise how close we were. I'd even go as far to say we are stronger than last year, so we all need to get behind the team as I have a funny feeling that we could well be champions come May. Come on you Gunners!!

  32. Ive been watching Arsenal since 1986 and no doubt Wenger has brought us the best football ever. But we are all entitled to have a moan now and then and this is a low point in his reign.

    However, the man is not perfect and potentially has too much power and influence.
    He is doing more than a Football Managers job basically these days, balancing books etc..
    I think he got caught out with Flamini, who most likely assured him up to the last minute he was staying, but he has had time to sort that issue out. I think he needs to fire some of his scouting staff if they cannot tie down a central midfielder during the transfer window.
    If he keeps saying this team has potential year after year then they should lower ticket prices until the team is 'ready' then. You cant be 'ready' and 'have potential'. Our team used to have 2 or 3 'potential' players in the squad and now its can question the 'readiness' in all of them except Toure either due to their injury history or can they be consistent, charachter flaws a fan you can handle that with 4 out of the starting 11 maybe but 10 out of 11...hmmm...Thats Wengers fault.

  33. Whatever, I think we'll go close this year, but that's as far as this team has proven it can go. This summer was an ideal time to strengthen and transform the squad a bit with a couple of experienced players but by not doing so Arsene tells me everything I need to know.

    Wenger's true and only ambition is to see whether or not he can actually build a championship side from youth alone. Wenger will never buy a player for more than around 12 mil and never had any strong inclination to strenghten by buying - when Wenger says we're a body short he means someone from within the squad is expected to step up and step in.

    Can he do it? .... no. The epl is too competitive now for such an experiment. Maybe a few years ago, but not anymore. All the clubs in the epl are fighting feverishly to improve all the time, case in point fulham. It does raise the threshold for us all but the other clubs have no time for such noble experiments and are hell bent for leather not slowing down for anyone. Wenger does have an edge in spotting talent and team building but is not infallible and the epl is populated with many other excellent coaches. Anyway, I think we do about third in the league with many accolades for pretty play and financial acumen but that's it, again.

    You have to remember Wenger has just about done and seen it all. This experiment is likely his last hurrah, it's something he just has to carry through to the end. He is likely to be our manager for just a few more seasons and has likely, given his penchant for planning for the future, another job lined up. Basically, I'm ok with all of this as I think it is an interesting experiment that bears watching and frankly I too am excited and keen to see how it unfolds, yet with a more balanced squad with some senior proven talent and added depth I also dream of perhaps what might have been...

  34. and one more thing "COME ON YOU GOONAS!!!!!!!!!"

  35. Great article, I agree 100%. You know, if we just would 'Trust in Arsene" as the saying goes, we wouldn't be so worried. Remember how busy Arsene is right now. Arsenal never replaced David Dein, which means Wenger is, for the most part, still doing his old job. Arsene's a busy man, but a smart one, and we'd do well to just be happy with what we as Arsenal fans have.
    By the way, if you have time, please visit and tell me what you think of my new blog. It's at:
    Your blog made me want to start my own.

  36. very good piece wrighty, the thing is arsene know's what he is doing because he is going to sign steven appiah on a free-be which means it can be outside the transfer period;)

  37. Agree. If Wenger was forced to leave, now, we will be absolutely,F...ed. In this type of situation he is particularly important. We all know that we need a CM; but are there any available at the right price that is better than what we got?
    Falmini left; we can lament all we want. But the fact remains that he is an unproven player. One season does not make a man. The money he asked for to renew his contract will upset the entire squad. Better to let him leave than to permanently damage the squad's balance.
    I would love that the club sign somebody, just anybody; it is just that exciting. No signing is fine. The dial is cast, quit lamenting and get behind the Club and its squad.

  38. A gooner of the highest calibre. Post's such as this help me wake up in the morning.

  39. I wish people would stop bagging eboue. He was our best player aginst newcastle, and also against fulham. Yes he has been bloody annoying previously, always diving and without much end product in the final ball, but always one of our best dribblers, when he runs at defenders thay shit themselves. If he can improve his final delivery he will be amazing for us. He is definitely our best option on the left, better than walcott who needs a bit more time. All in all we haven't done too badly, just a DM needed and yes Song I think can be the man to fill that role, we'll see. No point complaining, lets get behind ALL of the team.

  40. oops, i mean on the right lol

  41. Dont blame Wenger for Flamini, What was offered to Flamini was more then double the salary, which was good...had he stayed at Arsenal he could have got more with a couple of good seasons... Henry didnt Raise to 120k in 2 years... he took long time... Flamoney was greedy... he left... Credit to Wenger for sticking to his Wage budget... We are Not Chelsea or Liverpool or Man Utd... we are better, We are Arsenal, Every club wants to be run like us... lets be proud of it

  42. Wrighty,I would like to concur with your comment that we have Arsenal running in our veins.I hve been an Arsenal supporter for a long time and we've had many good times and a few bad times but we stick to Arsenal and we always support our manger.When we start panicking and loosing confidence in our manager ,our opponents feel so good.
    I am from Kenya and believe me the rivalry between mostly Arsenal and Man u is so great you can't risk being heard by Man u fans coz they will start making fun of you and at times it results in fist fight.We fight for Arsenal.......thats how much we love our team brothers and sisters
