Thursday 4 September 2008

I wish David Dein could be back on the scene......

The currently vacated post of COE at Arsenal is set to be filled and I cant help but wish that it was David Dein who was set to be appointed.

I know it is virtually impossible now for Dein to be appointed after he sold his shares and had a pretty big bust up with the board but there is no mistaking the fact that the man is Arsenal through and through.

The situation is now quite laughable. The man Dein linked up with, Stan Kronke, is now accepted at Arsenal and Dein is still an outcast with the next fellow he linked up with, the Russian geezer.

Dein and Le Boss are still great friends so it would make sense for them to link up again. After all, they worked very well together in the past and there is no doubt Le Boss needs the help. He has taken a lot on since Dein's departure.

I just wish that Dein and the board could put aside their differences, after all, they all want whats best for Arsenal don't they?

I know it wont happen but its something I wish could happen.

Keep it Goonerish........


  1. if there was any doubt that you know nothing, this article puts an end to it.

  2. You really need to read up on the crap Dein pulled, because your lack of knowledge on this subject is incredible.

  3. u really do write some awful awful shit

  4. pointless load of crap.... Dein was a kniving little cunt! fact!

  5. the amount of shyt that pours out of wrightys mouth,could really be ian wright!

  6. what did he do so bad that he shouldnt come back and make the partnership with wenger

  7. what in god's name are you on about?

    Dein clearly has no integrity as he happily sold his share in the club to the slimy United fan Usmanov while promising he would get the rest of the board 'eating out of his hand'.

    Didn't Leeds spend that one season giving in to all the demands to spend and invest, how else would they compete internationally? If you're that quick to auction off Arsenal's integrity you might want to throw in your season ticket - there's a good 50,000 on the waiting list who actually see Arsenal as a club, not a company.

  8. instead of the abuse - why doesnt someone pose an argument with something factual about what he alledgedly did.
    The word fact in all these comments has never been more under utilised!!


  10. Dein fucked up and there's no way back for him now, but there's no doubt Arsenal miss him - their transfer dealings have gone to hell. Wenger misses him too.

  11. I wish you'd shut the fuck up because you don't know shit. So much so that I doubt you could find your asshole with a funnel.

  12. Well in caps lock man, you made yourself look well clerverrr.

  13. David Dein cares only about David Dein. He aligns himself with scum like Usmanov and you want to reinstate him, which would completely undermine the board and the values the club operate by?

  14. You're some prick

  15. The lynch mob who chastise Wrighty 7 are headless chickens who dont use their brains. Wenger nearly resigned for Dein dismissal. And can any of you just convince me that they did more than Dein for the club. It is the same mob who murdered innocent women accused of sorcery in the dark ages, only the methods changed now thx god. Have a look at yourselves losers. Regurgitating shite read elsewhere doesnt bode well for your IQs if you have one. What about freedom of speech?

  16. How does selling your shares to a fat Russian gangster for many millions help the club? Its not proven that Billionaire investors help the game in the long run. Especially not ex-con Man Ure fans who only want to make a return on their investment. That means net cash flows OUT of the club in the medium term - not more money in. He's also looking for capital growth, which means he intends to sell the shares on again... ...and we can trust Red & White to sell to the right person, can't we?

  17. Dein's always looking out for himself... I don't want him anywhere near Arsenal.

  18. Dein sold out for the BENEFIT of Arsenal, note how we can no longer compete with the big spending clubs anymore.
    Bla bla bla the future is bright with the kids but they will get sold after a few years, we need a large investor or we will fall further behind like Dein predicted.
    I would love to have him back, you idiots knocking Dein have shitty memories, he was a blessing to Arsenal and will come back one day.

  19. Then why all the complaining about billionaires buying the title? You can't have it both ways you know. Suggest spending doesn't increase your chances to win then complain when the teams that do spend more ambitiously do win.

    The fact is this is profressional sports and every team who wins a title buys it, no matter how much they spend. I can't remember the last amatuer team to win any major trophy in English Football....

  20. you are on the money. he is trying to move the arse forward. dien is arsenal!

  21. I'm with Wrighty, all you goody two shoes come out with 'the integrity of the club' and 'at least we run our club the proper way', well you keep singing that and the more years that go by and we win fuck all again then you'll change your mind. And as someone else said, where are the facts that DD is an arsehole, eh, c'mon give them to me. The only fact that I know is that since DD went the board have been fucking shite, for gods sake they hav'nt even replaced Dein and as such have left Wenger in the shit. I'd sooner have Dein back than that lot on the board and whether you lot like it or not, the club will eventually be taken over by some super rich sod that knows bugger all about football but wants to win things, which is what I for one have in common with them. Things change, the world changes and Arsenal are not exempt from that.

  22. Wrighty, How on earth do you put up with some of the muppets who post on this site. Your blogs are always well written and make good points. Whether everyone agrees, or not, is up to them.You'll never please everyone, but it seems that reasoned debate has gone out of the window.

  23. dein is arsenal thru and thru. his only fuck up was keeping the board in the dark about stan the man. he only did that cos they are stuck in their ways. now they are best mates with him. I remember an interview dein did once he said 'when i get up in the morning and look in the mirror i say to myself...get a winning team' we could do with that attitude now! u clueless mugs!

  24. There's no doubt that Dein played an important role while he was at the club - his ability to clinch signings was crucial.

    But to have such a "dark horse" on my team would be disturbing. I wish we could have his organisational qualities together with honesty and loyalty. What a rare combination? Will we ever find someone like that?

  25. Do you know anything about Arsenal

  26. I guess reasonable debate is outta the question with some of you.

    All the "wanker" and "prick" comments make me laugh.

    Its easy to call me something but do try to have a decent argument as to why you do.

    And I thought the school holidays were over!....

    Never mind. I'm there to be shot at I suppose!

  27. Omer,

    Do you know anything about Arsenal?

    What I write is clear to see, my thoughts are in black and white before your very eyes.

    If you dont agree, fair enough. I suggest you write a blog and we will see if you know anything about Arsenal mate.

  28. Wrighty,

    Ignore the dicks on here. Your blog is one of the best around and if these muppets cant see then fuck 'em.

  29. Wrighty, you keep writing your bit, most of us appreciate it and the debate it sparks, others are just.... well, thich as shit springs to mind.

  30. Good article as usual mate.

    As for the brave anon comments on here isn't it past your bed times?

  31. Cheers for the decent comments Gooners!

  32. see, what they have done to me, I am as thick as they are now, cant even spell thick, thich or whatever, haha

  33. Shit Wrighty!

    I thought I told you to keep off your mum's cooking sherry fella!

    No offence, but you are chattin soooo much shite with this one.

    Well, well welll wide of the mark.

    Move on, let's forget this post happened and tryn again tomorrow!



  35. Spike,

    I dont think you have ever agreed with one of my articles pal!!!!


  36. Oh dear, caps lock moron who can't even spell.

    Yeah, lets get a billionaire before the spuds. Great logic numb nuts.

    Effin sick of fantasy manager media fed sheep.

    Short term solutions are nOT the answer, only trouble is, semi literate inbred sky sports tabloid headline reading twats will never understand it.

  37. Wrighty

    Not true mate!

    Honest. I just hate that slimy orange twat Dein.

    The guy tried to sell us out behind the backs of us all, then when he got found out, jumped in bed with the next billionaire he could find, then sold ALL his shares in his beloved Arsenal!

    Don't get me wrong, I aint enamoured with the present board, but they're the ones we've got now and they are the ones who managed to get us the new stadium, on budget and on time and Wenger is the one who wanted that to happen, unlike the Tango man.

  38. "(...)who actually see Arsenal as a club, not a company"

    Well, Wenger is one of those who sees Arsenal as a company. Why else won't he do any business unless it's a fucking steal?

  39. To all of you who call Wrighty a Wanker because he doesn't know shit, WHY DON'T YOU ENLIGHTEN HIM, WANKERS??! you're behaving like ignorant little cunts

  40. David Dein and the board cannot work together, DD belives we need to be bought out and the board believe we dont need to be bought out, a difference like that cannot be resolved.

    The reason he cant come back is because he held meetings with Stan Kronke or whatever is name his behind the boards back and practically tried to sell the club without them knowing.

  41. Wrighty, I've come to your defence before, but this is utter trash. He wants to make Arsenal Chelsea (or now, Man City)... how could you possibly back that orange fuck after he did everything he could to mastermind a hostile takeover by that fat russian man utd supporting gangster fuck?

    I think I'm done with this blog...

  42. You will be back........

  43. Dein wanted to turn Arsenal into an american style sports business franchise by moving to Wembley and calling the club playing there Arsenal. It wouldn't have been Arsenal. Arsenal would have been no more. He has now occupied the moral low ground with the dreadful Usmanov. 12 years ago Dein got it right. He hired Wenger. Since then, on the major issues, he has been horribly wrong. I am an Arsenal supporter. If I wanted grossness and crassness I would support Chelsea.

  44. i hope your being sarcastic, bcos thats a load bullshit.

  45. Wrighty...are you Usmanov in disguise?

  46. Tried to sell the club behind the board's back. Made £70m by selling his shares, claims tolove the club yet where is that money then? If he loves Arsenal so much, there's nothing stopping him giving some of it to the club. His vision for the club is 100% at odds with Wenger's,he did not want the stadium Wenger pushed so hard for. In the 90s when Dein was running the shopand football was booming, DD sat on his arse and watched United, Barca, Madrid and the likes capitalise whilst we sat and did bugger all under his stewardship. Consequence is we are only just trying to catch up with United (because of Wenger's vision which Dein tried to prevent). The only business he has ever run (with his brother) went under in under two years. Voted against Sky Sports getting rights to PL games thinkinh ITVs Big Match a more lucrative option. The Arsenal Bond debacle of 1992 where he enraged fans with his arrogance. Remind me why you want Dein back again? Little Dutch

  47. MAybe it's just me but I never knew so many Arsenal fans had so much hatred for Dein. I realise that Russian looks a bit Jabba the Hut and he brought in the American invester (who the board have warmed to since). During his time he done a good job. In fairness I don't think the argument is neccessarily about Dein but about the fact that Arsenal have never replaced him. Arsene can't be expected to train, manage and negoiate a whole team in the best and toughest league in the world. Edelman it seemed was shit at his job and hopefully the next guy will do a great job for us. Remember around the time of the first Twente game Wenger said he was too busy preparing the team, he couldn't work on a signing because of that. I hear we're close to a new "CEO" type guy so maybe he'll be the solution.
    Leave Wrighty alone for fucks sake. Also fuck Inler for thinking he can take another year before joining us. I hope next summer we sign Cana or De La Red or Song becomes amazing and he can stay in Mafia country.

  48. The hatred for Dein stems from the Bond scheme debacle in 1992 when he rode roughshod over the supporters and screwed them over in a surreptitious and canniving way. Plus, he's a shit businessman, his record is terrible in investment. Unfortunately, most of the people on here whingeing for a rich ex con probably didn't start supporting Arsenal until, oooh,I'd say about 1998. Little Dutch.

  49. We are a couple of defeats away from a big crisis at the club. There is no harmony behind the scenes Arsene is struggling big time who helps him? Pat rice? dont make me laugh. Arsene needs a replacement for dein quickly.!!!!!!!!

    I have read Arsene is suffering from mental stress and has been close to exhaustion.



  51. You want some reasoned comment rather than just being called various things which is fair enough but you must understand why Dein is so reviled.

    1. Look at the guy he sold his shares to.

    2. He went behind the rest of the board's backs and tried to engineer a sell out to enable his ego to sit in the chairman's seat.

    3. Arsenal through and through? That's a myth. Let's put it like this - most everyone can say when they started supporting the club but Dein has given (at least) two differecnt versions of when he started supporting.

    4. Dein isn't the one with contacts - it was Wenger's contacts he used to further his own ends. Sometimes they coincided with Arsenal's but Dein loves Dein not Arsenal.

    5. Dein's famous business acumen. Another myth. His companies went belly up through his own poor management. Also can anyone tell me any great transfer deals he got us because I'm buggered if I can think of any. and further to that if you speak around football he was seriously hated becuase of the way he rode roughshod over so many people.

    6. The Bond Scheme that priced proper fans off the North Bank.

    7. He was instrumental in setting up the Premier League and that's come back to bite the fans in the arse, hasn't it.

    I could go on and on about all the bad things he's brought to football in general and Arsenal in particular (like stopping the practice of youth team subs getting £20 match bonuses whether they played or not, having players round to his behind the manager's back etc etc) but at the end of the day you only need to know one thing about him - he sold out to the first person that stumped up £75m without giving a toss who they were. Dein is an ego in orange and the day he was finally kicked out of the club was a day to celebrate for everyone that knws what the phrase 'Arsenal Man' actually stands for.

  52. Dein brought in Wenger, you know Arsenal's NUMBER ONE SIGNING??. Wrighty has a point.

  53. Well, if there was any doubt that most blogs, football or otherwise are written by idiots who know nothing, yet have an awful lot to say, those doubts will now evaporate.

    And you call yourself a Gooner but want a man back who tried to fuck us? He tried to go behind our back to get into bed with Russians and got busted. Live with it. Sounds to me like you have some blue in you, and seeing as you have named yourself after Ian Wright, (A God in his time) who advised his midget son to join Chelski for the money rather than us, I doubt both your sincerity and your standing. In a word, you are a twat.


  54. Dein was right you motherfucking idiots. However much we might dream that our kids will one day come good. It is not going to happen. Football has changed, all you cunts who harp on about being a football club are talking out of your fucking arseholes. The fucking board (Dein included) sold out traditional fans and our football club long ago. We are now a business. Get used to it because that is the way it is.

    Dein did make mistakes but had Arsenal's best interest at heart.
    He saw that the Arsenal he loved would be left behind once these mega rich men came into football. He tried to do something about it and was ousted by the board you shrills clearly work for.
    Now we are a laughing stock and can only watch whist Mickey Mouse clubs like Chelsea and Manchester City sign world stars and we kid ourselves that we are a big club with ideals. You are all pissing in the wind if you think that we can compete with these clubs now without serious money coming into the business. Your beloved board will sell out soon enough. They have their price like everyone else. Let us hope for the good of what is left of our club their price is met soon…

  55. SOme of you sound like fucking Scummers. Show some fucking pride and dont be too quick to pull down your pants and bend over for some money - you sound like a fucking whore.

    We can be both, and we are. We arent fucking Reading or Boro...we have funds, quality players/set up and a brilliant future. You and your fucking johnny come lately plastic fans who want instant gratification make me sick. That shit usually comes from up the 7S's rd.

    You make me wanna puke. If you wanna sell out, then fuck off to Knightsbridge where they would love you in their blue shit. Are you telling me that if we sucked enough Arab/Russian or Yank cock and got some some bitch money you would have bought who this summer? Berbatov? Robinho? Ronaldo? Fuck off. Keane? Jesus. Are they worth even close to their selling price and would they have even worked in our team? Do you even think that far or do you just want a new train set to play with?

    What the fuck would you do with this money? These poxy teams needed their new trick money to get where we already were (and to be fair ManU) and we will go forward the right way. If you want a quick fix fuck off to a Mac D's drive thru.

  56. You are the same as the other Wrighty. Bloody lacking in PRIDE. Dein tried to sellout the soul of the club. You are his willing advocate?????????
    Dein's agenda is clear; get the best price for his shares......who cares what comes next for the club. He loves his money more than the club.

  57. stop everybody the writer is very right!

  58. wenger is totally hopeless in transfer market. the berbatov transfer prove it all. spuds made 20 mil profit from the sale that should be ours. reason? because previously, wenger was so stubborn to accept b. leverkusen valuation of berbatov of 11 mil while wenger wont budge on his estimation of 8 mil. spuds snap him up and now, we all wonder where the spuds gets their transfer money from..

  59. I see a few posters have listed what dein did wrong, so I would think there's no need to repeat that.

    What does need to be corrected is this strange line that the club is now a "business", there fore we need a rich dude to come in?

    That's bizarre. A business makes money and trades.

    Sometimes it borrows money to increase it's capacity to earn more, but the people who want a rich "investor" on board aren't proposing that Arsenal be run like a business at all, they're proposing that some altruistic person comes in and hands out money like sweets.

    That's not being run "as a business"!

    The current Arsenal model IS being run as a business.

    We have also just seen why the "rich man's trainset" model is a house of cards.

    RA at chelsea, the biggest kid on the block, has just found out that there is a bigger kid on the block, and got outbid!

    What else do chelsea have now to fall back on?

    We have our production line, our stadium, our training ground, we are soldily grounded and have a strategy.

    Too many Gooners believe the rubbish that the media write.

    dein did some good stuff for Arsenal, but he has also shown himself to have been lucky rather than good at business.

    He didn't want the stadium, he sold out his shares, his main strategy was to bring someone "rich" in, that someone who is not even vaguely on the radar as far as the latest wealth arrival goes, so why do some people want him back?

    To top it, people have short memories.

    To just name 2, Edu and Wiltord both left on frees when e was around.

    There are some very selective memories, and some very shallow understandings of what business is, and what a sustainable model is.

    If you don't know, perhaps you should try and find out before writing?


  60. Well thanks to this article on your blog... I'm in South East Asia can read this article... I dont knew anything before I read all this article & comments. One thing I know : We all care about Arsenal.. including me.. keep writing to this blog my friend.
    (sorry for my bad english).

  61. alf say ...

    Sorry about your English... have you read the blogs above, and for most of these dicks English is their first language.

  62. Without the input of DD we wouldn't have AW as manager! He has his finger on the pulse of football reality. We will NEED more money to keep the players that AW moulds into superstars. What's the point of losing a player to Barca, Milan etc just when he is coming into his prime. DD could see the writing on the wall and was trying to make AFC competitive. I for one would welcome him back - so would AW !

  63. David Dein has apparently stepped down from his position at Red & White.Now why would he go and do a thing like that I wonder?

    He brought in 2 of the 3 biggest shareholders in Kronkie and Usminov so would have their backing not to mention Arsene's. New CEO anyone?

  64. Never got a secondary education did you Wrighty?
    Clueless prat
