Tuesday 23 September 2008

Kevin Nolan is a mug and Kevin Davies is a thug!!!

I would say that I cant believe the comments made by Kevin Nolan but unfortunately it really doesn't surprise me.

The player is a mug and to tell a team mate to give a fellow professional a kick is a fucking liberty.

He tries to redeem himself and say that football is a contact sport, well I agree with that but football isn't a sport where you deliberately go around kicking people. If that's what Nolan wants his team mates to do then I suggest they all take up kick-boxing. The jumped up prick.

Players like Nolan are fucking idiots and its this idiotic muggy mentality that cause injury's. It's no wonder no one likes the English with dickheads like Nolan playing football. We don't need it.

As for the other Muppet, Kevin Davies, he's been doing it for years. He doesn't just put it about, I'm not buying that. He's a thug who has been doing tackles like that for a long time. Some of his tackles could result in him being arrested for GBH.

It's not a "poor Arsenal" attitude I have here. I'm just pissed off that sides resort to such tactics to stop Arsenal playing. If they were just physical then I'd have no beef but the fact is teams DO try to injure Arsenal players.

I fully expect Nolan to be fined or banned for his comments.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. I completely agree.

    Being physical is one thing but what Bolton do and Blackburn and Man Utd have done to us in the past is over stepping the line. It's organised thuggery and should be acted upon.

    Nolan deserves to be reprimanded for he's said but I doubt the FA will even bother to speak to him and his team mates about it.

    Lunges like davies' on Clichy can do serious damage, like Martin Taylors attack on Eduardo last season.

    More should be done to protect the proper footballing teams.

  2. Kevin Nolan is not a mug..I am currently holding a mug. It is warm, has a purpose and is off some use....none off these things apply to Kevin Nolan

  3. i think dog sick ermmmm sorry i meant bolton wanderers fc should take action against a player who would say such a thing!

  4. what happened to glichy is the downside of having too many poodles on the pitch, and not enough big dogs. also, where we glichy's street smarts, he had full view of davies running straight at him, and glichy tried some fancy shyte? nothing at stake in this tackle in midfield. for a france int'l glichy grew up far away from the marseille docks.

  5. Anyone know if there is a live stream for the carling cup game?

  6. fucking bang on Wrighty. The only time those 2 cunts put in a shift for that shit team is when they play or try to against Arsenal. They're shitty pricks simply as that.

  7. The sad thing is nothing is going to happen to Nolan. The FA are a joke. If that had been a foreign player sliding in studs up on a english player every media outlet would be calling for a ban. But since its arsenal it doesn't matter

  8. Nolan is an idiot, agreed, as is Davies. They lack the technical ability to ba able to live with some of arsenals players

    But there was nothing wrong with Davies tackle, after all he did win the ball. Clichy got injured because he was stretching.

    But Davies, Nolan and Bolton in general are cunts

    you gooners need to stop fuking whinging though lot of players are on the receiving end of bad tackles


  9. e_gunner

    totally agree wrighty .
    to intend to rough up a young lad like theo intentionally is pure recklessness ! Shows you the sort of tactics they employ there !

  10. Ian Wright on talksport last night admitted that Adams & Bould did the same thing to Alan Smith when he was at least.
    I take it you are all of the pot hunting new goons who are either too young to remember or too stupid!
    It wasn't that long ago Arsenal played a dour type of anti-football full of big lumps who ran around booting people. Just because since Wenger took over you now play 'the Spurs way' don't think we don't all remember the real Arse traditions!

  11. How do u know a small team when u see one? When on their website for their "honours" listing they put in shity pre-season cups!!! That spurs fan talks about the "Spurs way", yet they've won fuck all league titles. They used to be a good cup team!!! Crappy Spurs fan with delusions of grandeur!!


  13. Good come back Spud

  14. i would think about what you are saying. kevin nolan is one of the best players in england when he wants to be, but to be honest most of the time i dnt see why he should try cos son as he does something wrong again he gets things said to him.
    and so what the fa did nothing about it its over with now get over it.

    i would like to see half of u get your arses on a football pitch and do what kevin nolan and kevin davies do better.
    yea right.

    so i suggest you leave them alone and get one with your lives nd leave them to do their jobs how they want to.



    in your faces ;)

  16. The thing you're writing is a big blunder.
