Wednesday 24 September 2008

Who excites you most???.....

Gooners are raving about the awesome display of the Arsenal last night and rightly so!

It was a Rolls-Royce performance and it does get you very excited about the future when you see the amount of talent coming through at Arsenal.

The way the youngsters play is unbelievable. They are a carbon copy of the way the first team play, the coaches and Le Boss deserve a huge amount of credit for helping these players get to those levels.

It's difficult to pick out any individual player from the side last night, they all played excellent. But who stands out the most for you?

I know it's easy to say after the fella got a hat-trick but I can't stop thinking about how good Carlos Vela will be.

What a finisher the guy is! He reminds me of Eduardo or Robbie Fowler in his pomp when in front of goal. He is as cool as ice and I'd back him to score when he has a chance every time.

It's not just his finishing that impresses me. He grafts and is so good with the ball at his feet. It's no wonder that Le Boss waited three years for him.

Trust me, Carlos Vela will be one of the best players in the world sooner rather than later. Under Wenger's guidence he has the world at his feet.

Being Mexican he will be as tough as old boots because they usually are from there! So the bully boys won't kick him out of Arsenal and England.

We have plenty to smile about but who excites you the most and why?

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. I'm a Liverpool fan and you hit the nail on the head regarding Vela. He reminds me of Fowler when he burst on to the scene!!
    Willshire (spelling??) reminds me of Hleb and he's still so young!!


    For the highlights :)

  3. Wilshere, young and English.

    The new Pele.

  4. Fowler was so cool in front of goal. Deadly (especially against us!)

    Vela has more to his game than just great finishing (not saying Fowler hasn't)

    This kid is special.

  5. We have too many good strikers. Van Persie and Adebayor still haven't reached their prime but we have the likes of Vela and Barazite waiting in reserve. I can't see Walcott being a long term forward for us, but a winger who can play as a forward. Bendtner's a bit hit and miss.

    Before the game I had a gut feeling Vela would score a hat-trick and I was right:). I would've said his name as my favourite before the game as well.

  6. Vela is mustard. End of.........

  7. 2 players impress me most. Vela is a phenomenon. His finishing ability is just like Eduardo's and technically he is unbelievable. No wonder why he is the best young player in Football Manager :)

    Wilshere also impresses me dearly. To break in at 16, only special players do that, such as Cescy. That boy is something special AND HE IS ENGLISH. Hopefully he handles the pressure and becomes a legend.

    The Future is Red and White, the future is ARSENAL

  8. The player to look out for is Fabianski.

    He will be the best keeper in the world.

    Dont forget the keepers Wrighty!

  9. Vela

    So much ability.

    He's an Henry/Eduardo hybrid!

  10. Gibbs didn't put a foot wrong. Merida fails to impress for me and Randall is still a long way off.

    Wilshere of course is the shining light and Vela's goals were awesome. But Gibbs could be the jewel in the crown.

  11. Hey guys, I am listening to this Adrian character on talk shite, he really has a bee in his bonnet about Arsene and the Arsenal as he is consistently knocking the club and our achievements. For some reason he fixated on the myth that Arsenal doesn't produce any English talent. He even goes as far to say that its not hard to do what Arsene is doing as its easy to 'poach' stars from the likes of Barcelona (fabregas). As far as Adrian concerned our youngsters are all Internationals, therefore they were expected to beat Sheff utd. Now they are using Paddy and Titi as examples of paying big money for players in the past!!

  12. Don't forget about Ramsey, his passing was brillant.

  13. For me it has to be Wilshere because he's young and ENGLISH.

    Great blog



  15. eboue ,arsenal have been cryin out for an eboue to lead us for years

  16. It's gotta be Vela for me. I watched a bit of him last season at Osasuna and playing from the wing he was impressive especially against Real, Ramos was kicking the shit out of him but he just got on with it. He reminds me of a bit or Eduardo, in his finishing, and a bit of Reyes in his pace and approach play. Yet unlike Reyes he won't get home sick cause he's been away from Mexico since he was 16 and he's not a bitch like Reyes. I must admit I only saw the goals so I can't comment too much but of what I saw Wilshire looked good and I hope Merida had a good game cause there's a group of young players coming through like Merida, Wilshire, Coqualin, Gibbs and possibly Randall, Lansbury and Barazite who are expected to be star players in the very near future. It's a good time to be a Gooner thats for sure.

  17. Sorry to be boring, but I think Djourou will be our top centre back. He has to partner either gallas or Kolo effin NOW£!

    Oh and Vela, Wilshire, Bendtner, Gibbs, Song, Fab2 aint bad either!!!

  18. It is really difficult to pick out between Vela and Wilshere. Vela has definately more experience and really makes the hardest things so easy. His burst of pace reminds me a lot about David Villa and C.Ronaldo. Having said that the player for me is WILSHERE. This guy will break every record ever at Arsenal. Arsene Wenger even said: "he is not scared to play these guys in the Premiership" and I concur big time! We have some players at the moment who are just waiting for that one oppourtunity.
    Walcott, Wilshere, Vela, Ramsey. These 4 are destined to make it in football and that's only mentioning these 4. I also hope Bendtner continues to score goals and maintain his recent form. VanPersie may start finding it hard if Bendtner continues to play the way he is playing. He links up better with Adebayor and I feel Bendtner is got it all to do now.
    In defence we have 5 centre backs (Toure, Gallas, Silvestre, Djourou & Song). These 5 are excellent defenders. We just need an occupational anchorman and we are sorted. I don't think we've been this equipped on the wings in any previous season. Having Walcott on the right and Vela on the left just makes me purrrrr..

  19. velas lump is growing like eboue, greetz frm lagos nigeria

  20. ...And we've not even added Nasri to that mix (waow)

  21. Goal number 4 (Vela's chip) was so clinical, you can only see few players do it. Waow Vela Vela Vela...I'm so happy we have this player. Incomparable to Quaresma or Ben Arfa. Vela will soon be stalked about by the whole of Europe. Wenger has a fight in his hands now I think. The biggest headache I can see is keeping these players at Arsenal because if this core can stay together for another 3-4 years, they will surely shake the whole world with cricket scores.

  22. i was more impressed by the finishing particualy from vela, the passing movement and passing abitity was of no suprise to me, but they have to face mush tougher tests, i also feel marida and randal have a long way to go, but ramsey and vela impressed me most, ramsey impressed with his versility he can play as holding midfielder ,tough tackler and has great passing ,he can handle the physical battle more thats whats most important, out of all players there can see vela,gibbs,ramsey breaking into first team. vela looks very deadly in front of goal and he seems to bebale to handle the physical side very well, i hope wenger plays him more in the prem but i feal he will use him as an impact player and in the carling cup,but despite this perforamce i dont think we will win the carling with team they will bring more experiened players if they get to the semi or finals

  23. I agree about Djourou Spike.

    He is top class and has a great future.

  24. it has to be VELA & WILSHERE..I am beginning to think this Vela fela might be better than Eduardo, he is so much faster, we should call him the BABY FACE ASSISIN!

  25. lol i didn't know wright had a small cocktail sausage heehehhehehhe

  26. Carlos Vela excites me the most with his calm and cool finishing on display last night. I believe he, Walcott, and Bendtner could be a deadly attacking force in the future. For more details, see my blog, but this looks very promising!

  27. The obvious choices are Wilshere and Vela but personally I am not so concerned about them. Not because they aren't REALLY impressive, but because I have a feeling Gibbs is going to progress through under the radar. He's unlikely to ever be one of the most famous players to wear our shirt. LB is not a glamorous position and he'll not grab headlines like the others, but much like the others the guy is (from what I've seen) really top class. I didn't watch the game last night but I'm not judging him on that. He looks an absolute class act who is improving with every game at LB and he reminds a lot of Clichy without that experiencew and a lighter physique. Gives Gibbs 18 months and we'll see where he's at, but I predict the guy is gonna be GREAT for us, even if he's not going to grab the headlines.

    I only wonder how we will keep everyone happy. I can't see how we can do so for long when we have such quality kids progressing, but also our fiorst team is young. Like people are talking about Barazite, Wilshere, Theo, Vela etc. yet Nasri is only like 21 and will probably make that position his own. That leaves one spot on the wings to fight between with Rosicky too.

  28. Without doubt, Vela and Wilshere! Their close control, reading of the game and BLATANT skills combine to make these two lads STARS in the waiting.

    Wilshere is like Messi, glue on his boots, great speed off the mark, quick feet and low centre of gravity to enable fast, sharp turns- this kid is dynamite!

    Vela is a thoroughbred striker, a combination of Henry & Edurado-FAST, skillful and a DEADLY eye for goal! wtached this lad with Osasuna last year and he was terrific-he's the one to step up shortly!

    And both are great players in the team ethic! I'm thinking that Van Persie's days as the Big star striker may be numbered (although Ade went some way to doing just that last eyar) unless he steps up and plays as we know he can and stays healthy!

    Wonderful display last night of just unbridled joy of playing teh game......those kids can & love to play! Can't wait to the next game-away at Chelsea???

  29. This is a cool comment board.

    Vela, Ramsey, and Wilshere, for me. Ramsey is a little bit less in the spotlight because he hasn't scored (last night or in preseason), but he looks great.

    Plus Bendtner, Merida, Gibbs, Djourou.

  30. E-GUNNER

    i think there's no point to say vela - jack - and johan but #uck it ill say it anyhow ! Also ramsey had a 1st half blinder !

    Its important not too get carried away however . we hardly have 1 hand on the C.C , if none of you noticed Man U and Boro played near full strength sides . I wish wenger would take cups on all fronts more seriously .. then we might break the 3/4 year silverware drought !
