Tuesday 30 September 2008

Porto are GUNNER get it!!!

I've a burning belief that Arsenal will destroy Porto tonight. The players should be stung by the performance on Saturday against Hull City and will be out to prove people wrong.

Porto are no mugs but I'm sure that Le Boss has got it drilled into the players that a big performance is necessary.

Its quite a touch that we have such an important game straight after the Hull debacle. It's also quite pleasing that the game is at home too. It's a chance for the squad to pull together and get the right result.

Its important we get back to winning ways and it's a chance for the team to show how they respond to such a defeat. We did it well earlier in the season after losing to Fulham and the players need to show a similar response.

I can see the side being 100% committed tonight which is about a 99.9% improvement from Saturday. If we aren't then I'll eat my autographed Arsenal football that I've had since I was about ten. So I'll be gutted if I'm wrong.

Porto will believe that they can get something from the game and it's up to Arsenal and 60,000 Gooners to show them they will get jack-shit.

So c'mon Arsenal, give it to Porto.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. I am not confident on this one,Porto must have watched saturday and learned bundles furthermore some of these players have played Arsenal before they will have learned to deal with the sideways passing.

  2. Agree with Wrighty.

    I can seriously see Arsenal hammering Porto.



  4. It's not against Porto I'm worried about. It's in six games time when the complacency has set in again. Our defensive work needs to be improved.

  5. danish gooner, call me stereotypicl but is your favourite player NICKLAS BENDTNER 26?

  6. Top article again Wrighty.

    I feel that the first 20 minutes are very important in this game.

    If we can get a lead early then we can win.

    If not then it could be a nervous night!

  7. Its gonna be tough but I think a 2-0 win is on the cards.

  8. better question still,danish gooner are you nicky bendtner?

  9. I dunno about a hammering but I think we'll win. I expect Djourou or Silvestre to start in defense and either Vela or Bendtner to come in up front and Nasri is almost certain to play even though he probably last 90 mins. I'm still looking at the Sunderland game on saturday as must win cause we've got Everton and a couple tough games coming up before the shite that is Spurs visit us.

  10. I'm wrong. The only change from Hull is Nasri in for Eboue.

  11. well we're fucking giving it to them! 3 nil so far more to come i recon! gooner for life!

  12. hi mate, how do you get your blog on gooner news, i cant find a 'contact me' or anything anywhere!!

  13. Early in 2007 the story was going around that Flamini (who we signed from Marseille in 2004) was fed up with the lack of starting opportunities he had at Arsenal. He was played in a lot of games, but mostly as a substitute.

    Flamini didn’t leave at the end of 2006/7 of course, and went on to start in most games in 2007/8 - so he got what he wanted. Arsenal also played in the Euro Cup that season, and got into it again for 2008/9, as we all know.

    Flamini then left, as we all also know. He left for a team that did not qualify for the Champions League. Which looked a bit odd.

    Now we find he has left for a team that doesn’t include him in the starting line up either. He’s back to coming on as a substitute.

    So there he was. Virtually guaranteed a place in the Arsenal starting XI. On the edge of creating one of the great EPL partnerships with Fabregas. Playing in the top competition. And he gives it all up to be a substitute, and play against the likes of the Tiny Totts in the Diddly Cup.

    For some people the word “prat” seems just a perfect description. One might almost start beliving that all the chat on this web site about their being a “Curse of Arsenal” might perhaps, actually be true. Poor old Hleb out injured. That Mr Henry being kept out of the BarBarBarca-Sheep team by Eto’o and when he does play, being played on the wing. Mr Flamini not in the Euro Cup and not even in the team most of the time.

    It is enough to make you cry your heart out.

    Or not, as the case might be.

  14. Flamini joined a bigger team, get over it mate

