Tuesday 28 April 2009

Alexander Hleb's arse gets six minute break!

Splinters are very painful. Ask Alexander Hleb's arse. He sits on the bench so often at Barcelona his arse gets splinters all the time.

The six minute cameo he had tonight gave his arse a welcome break from the ninety minute splintering it usually receives. And what a six minute cameo it was. He almost scored.

To be honest I don't know whether I wanted Hleb to score or not. On one hand it would have helped knock Chelsea out but on the other it would have meant seeing Hleb score! Who do I hate most?!

Seeing Hleb in a Barca shirt used to upset me. I rated him but not his money and ice-cream grabbing ways. Now of course we have Arshavin, Hleb with bollocks, so who needs Hleb anyway?

I'm just gutted that Arshavin won't feature tomorrow. I feel that he gives a fear factor to Arsenal that we have lacked slightly this season.

The boys will cope though. I really fancy us against Manchester United just like I fancy Chelsea to knock out Barcelona with a Fat Frank Lampard deflected shot after fours minutes and then defend for the rest of the game.

It's gonna be a Champions League London derby people!

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. I wish he scored at the end!

    It was apt that Chelsea were all in yellow tonight because this has been the most yellow-bellied cowardly performance by an English club in Europe for many a year! We bang the drum for the excitement of the Premiership and in one game Chelsea have destroyed the status here with a disgusting and negative performance that for every football purist was repulsive to watch. I hope Barcelona stuff them at Stamford Bridge because they deserve nothing!

  2. Did anyone see that bus on the pitch????

  3. boy better know28 April 2009 at 22:03

    just in case no one see the bus IT WAS YELLOW,

  4. im prety sure barca will fuck them at the bridge

  5. chelseas anti football stunk europe out tonite. hope they come back with that pig swine flue


    and so say all of us.

  7. does anyone know what is happening to Eduardo, if still injured or what?

  8. sorry about this but has anyone else read this story


    sounds like the end of season sh*t stirring has started early......

  9. When I saw the Barca player with that late 1 or 1 chance, I was sure they would score...BUT wait! It was Hleb, so no effin chance he would put the ball in the net the goal scoring phobic greedy twat!

    0-0 away from home is not a good result these days, leaves them in danger of conceeding an away goal now, well here's hoping the yellow chav mercenary negative c*nts...

  10. anon 22;27

    Yeah, I saw that bullshite story. All I can say is, that it was his agent, speaking to a Russian paper, NOT Arshy himself. In fact Arshy has said nffin but ultra positive things about stying all his career with us.

    Maybe, just maybe, it has sumfin to do with;

    a) The agent trying to shit stir to earn another pay day for himself, or
    b) The fact its a St Petersburg paper and they are still gutted he left em and they wanna stir sum shizen???

  11. Did anyone see that bus on the pitch????

    Yes, the West London buss.

  12. I rather Helb scored the goal and knocked out Chelsea.

    Arsenal vs Barc REVENGE match will be great~ and win with Helb on (not Henry though) will be even better.

    Can't wait.

  13. Arsenal are gonna lose - some good players.. but not enuFF steel in midfield - naive defending.. altho almunia will help a bit - but offsidaboyor had his head turned and cant see... needs a milan shirt to regain his eyesight.. just send Arsenal 40mil first so we can get a proper striker in the team

  14. Daniel shut up!!! you are spurs fan get a F**ck out of out here!!!!

  15. daniel i understand ur worried about 2days match but its no use being negative! and yeah it was such a disgrace to football seeing the way chelsea played, i just hope barca kick them out at the bridge

  16. Yesterday, I could not sleep. I kept on thinking about the game, what it means to us and the fact that we really need to win. I kept on thinking how we would win, how we could play, how smart we¿d have to be to outwith the Man United team. Then today, I have lost my appetite. The anxiety is killing me. But then today, I read this comment from Diaby: ¿Whatever their form is like, they are still packed with great players who can make the difference at any time. However, they are not in their best form - maybe it¿s an opportunity for us to make the most of it and profit from it. That¿s not the main thing, though. We will concentrate on our game knowing that if we play we have a good chance. We have the quality here to win the Champions League, so we will give it everything.¿ Abou Diaby is not usually a player who inspires me with much confidence, but the young lad has a quiver of a point. Taking away the second half of the Sp*rs game away (where Sp*rs capitulated big time), the last 10 games for United have seen them labour to get results. They¿re overwhelming favourites and no doubt, they will attack. But we have the ability to overcome them if our tactics, attitude and concentration are spot on. The culprits for our last goal against Liverpool (in my opinion) were the midfield for not tracking the opposition, and we need clever thinking from all round the pitch. Abou Diaby is not usually a player who inspires me with much confidence, but the young lad has a quiver of a point. Taking away the second half of the Sp*rs game away (where Sp*rs capitulated big time), the last 10 games for United have seen them labour to get results. They¿re overwhelming favourites and no doubt, they will attack. But we have the ability to overcome them if our tactics, attitude and concentration are spot on. The culprits for our last goal against Liverpool (in my opinion) were the midfield for not tracking the opposition, and we need clever thinking from all round the pitch. In all honesty, I think we really need to defend this one. We need to go there solid at the back and protect our defence. We need to defend all over the pitch. Having Nasri in front of Gibbs will hopefully mean that we¿ve got two players defending Ronaldo - I was a little concerned when we played Villareal that we weren¿t covering that side well enough. Maybe that¿s why Arsene may switch Diaby and Nasri - but can Diaby be disciplined on the left of midfield? But the best form of defence is always attack, and although we have to be measured, an away goal - a 1-0 win, would be awesome. I believe Djourou has the ability and I¿m glad that he¿s getting this opportunity. He deserves it with his displays this season. Anyone else nervous? But at the same time very excited, but at the same time very nervous but excited but nervous¿ but

  17. Mr Wenger, here's to offer you my full support for the game tonight and the ones to follow - to go all out and win this Champions League starting with the knockout of Manchester United. I believe in you, your assistance, the medical staff and the lads. I believe that our club has turned the corner and we are set to win many more trophies, playing beautiful football, developing young players and buying experienced on a need to have basis. The philosophy is sustainable and worthy of emulation. Come Gooners!

  18. its quite apparent that most fans are totally behind Wenger and the team , there will always be the few, who wouldnt dare say anything down the Emirates or face to face with real Arsenal fans but they can be brave behind their screennames.Actually they are really sad little individuals and I doubt they are real fans. None of them actually can put a good argument together and when faced with questions they have no answer to just ignore them, its these "so called fans" who have also relied on multiple posting ids to try to give themselves some support, how sad is that?

  19. I found it ironic that Hleb took two shots on goal in six minutes, considering that he never took a shot for us, the wanker. But of course, it was clear why he didn't because he can't shoot, lol. Fuck him and the rest. At least Arshavin can.
