Wednesday 29 April 2009

Vela in quarantine? I wish Adebayor was!

I think I've just seen one of the most toothless displays from an Arsenal striker in my whole entire stinking existence.

I don't want to dig players out but Adebayor was a disgrace to the Arsenal shirt tonight.

He earns between £80,000-£100,000 pounds a week, will someone please tell me what he did to earn a penny of that money? Its a sick joke.

He no longer plays for the Arsenal. He plays for his over-inflated ego and I'm starting to really hope that he is moved on in the summer. He pisses me off more and more every time I see him.

There was a time when Adebayor, even if not playing well, would graft for the cause. Now we see arms flapping and not even a bead of sweat running from his forehead.

And there's me I thinking tonight was a Champions League semi-final for fucks sake! Where was his passion?! The man talks a lot, does he back it up? Does he shit!

The following season after a decent campaign people talk about second season syndrome. With Adebayor its more a case of 'Fuck this, I've got enough money to not give a fuck anymore' syndrome.

He wants to be the new Thierry Henry? More like bloody Henry the hoover.

Keep it Goonerish.....................


  1. Adebayor is a complete plank. Give us Eduardo.

  2. Diaby and him can both go and suck each others c*cks and catch Aids from each other. I hope the wankers get injured in training.

  3. you is righty7 not wrighty7. adebayor is a money grabbing, lazy, hopeless cunt. let's be praying that fuck contracts swine flu before the 2nd leg and that we can claim on da insurance. fyi allegedly he 'earns' £110k per week...

  4. i hope he fucks right off. greedy prick. got his new contract and stopped running around like the old adebayor we used to know and love.been wank all season.

  5. He was piss poor tonight Vidic and Ferdinand had a field day.Ade is a big fuck but i think a dwarf could hold him off the ball he is that non physical.How i wish we would have had Drogba tonight.

  6. The worst performance by someone in an Arsenal shirt since...well, saturday when Ade last played. He's so bad, so so bad. Has no touch, can't pass, can barely even shoot and has absolutely no concept of the offside rule. And now doesn't even try! The really frustrating thing is he produces the odd flash of genius that makes it so hard to leave him out. But I still the like the bloke, he wears an Arsenal shirt and smiles so I hate to be too rude about him!

    It's amazing to think that last summer his transfer value (30 mill) was literally probably about 120x that of Keiran Gibbs (probably little more than 250k). Tonight Gibbs was about 120x the player Ade was. And more.

  7. absolutely disgraceful display. the whole team was shitty with almunia being the exception. someone talk shit about almunia now. he is top class in my book sivestre just gives me the creeps everytime he gets the ball. shitty player.

  8. Adebayor is a bum. Should ahve sold him when we had the chance, now nobody will want a prima donna with no talent.

  9. Yep,for sure.Even when he was trying to get involved he would go and fuck it up.He was the one strolling away from john o shea when he scored his goal.The way we play every player has to be able to pass the ball and frankly i play five aside with beter passers than ade

  10. I want Adebayor to be left for the rest of the season. Way too much of a liability.
    Then he can be sold off or sent on loan somewhere else just so he never plays for us again.

  11. Can we please never play Adebayor again. Not only is he greedy but he is delusional to his talent.
    he has no talent.

    Arsenal have better players that deserve the playing time.

  12. To think we could have had David Villa in the summer,my god.Instead we have got a player that talks a lot about achieving but wont put in the effort when confronted.When will Wenger realize that his experiment is off the rails,we could have been down by 4 or 5 at half time,luckily Al saved our arses.451 simply isnt working we saw it a Anfield to,we are far to cumbersome through the middle to do any damage to a decent defense like Manures.

  13. Ade and Diaby were bad tonight . Almunia was brilliant in goal and Gibbs is doing well considering. Silvestre showed how we need Gallas (next season)or at least Djourou next leg.All the others were quiet tonight. We can't rely on one player - Arshavin,
    People say about Wenger being at fault and hell yes we need depth (and considering all the players we have had out this year we have done OK so far.) but Wenger is not on the pitch, the players are and they win or lose matches so they all need to step up. BTW thought the ref was good - last night also.

  14. Eduardo is right. Next week give us:

    Sagna Toure Djourou Gibbs
    Walcott Cesc Song Eduardo
    Bendtner RVP

  15. Please tell me why a 6ft 3 striker can't win a ball and hold it up???
    And also explain to me why Carlos Tevez can.
    It's ridiculous how LAZY Ade has become. He doesn't work for the team. Just look at Tevez and Rooney as examples of hard workers.
    I'm not blaming Ade for the defeat because that would be unfair but if you put the effort in and you don't get the rewards the fans will still support you. Prance around like a clumsy fool and you lose the fans support.Which btw Ade has done.
    I honestly think we should sell him this summer. He likes to talk but he doesn't produce in a game consistently.

  16. Setanta gave diaby a 7,silv a 6.5 and Toure a 5.5.What a joke,joshea had a feild day and not cause diaby was doubling up on ronaldo it was cause he was just doin his own thing...what ever that is?????

  17. in his defence he didnt have a lot of support and was isolated for most of the game but agree that he is lazy and couldve put more effort in.

  18. i think that as much as we blame ade we have to ask the manager what he was thinking, you have to be a super striker to play that role not an ordinary centre forward, torres plays it well but he has gerrard who is a proper supporting player who has pace and power and is direct, our midfielders are slow and do the whole turn backwards then to the side then release a 2 yard pass then get it back, its to slow to have a plain centre forward as your only threat we needed kaka or ronaldinho there today not cesc the centre midfield player supporting

  19. wheres that homeless mother fucker joppa road?

  20. didn't see the game so I can't really comment too much. I've defended Ade from time to time, but at the same time I've always said he plays well ONLY if Cesc is giving him the service. My question is how did Cesc play?

  21. Wrighty brother, once again you are spot on. I also think its time Le Boss takes some blame and stops using this stupid 4-5-1 system and goes back to our 4-4-2 that the players are used to. We don't seem to be able to attack the way we know we can. Ade played shithouse but he looked isolated. Not making any excuses for him, but I think he needs someone up there with him for support. He doesn't look capable of playing on his own up front. Bring back Eduardo and RVP and sit that useless prick on the bench. Diaby is also another waste of space. Tonight, we looked like we were just making up the numbers in this part of the competition and I hope that changes next week. Wake up Arsenal, this is a Champions League semi final for fucks sake!!!

  22. I don't think that the players understand 4-5-1. Fab played too deep and Ade was left on his own with no outlet many many times. Ade didn't have a great game, but he didn't have a lot of support to be fair, so he went looking for the ball, often moving into positions that took any penalty area threat.

    Wenger needs to learn some tactics because we were lucky that we didn't get blown out tonight.

  23. There is a common denominator in your comments and it's Arsene Wenger a manager who won't kick the players arses when they need it. Our injury list is because they know they can get paid for not playing Wenger needs to go and take his cheap shot with him

  24. ADEBAYOR ...... couldn't be arsed, lazy, disinterested,discracful, pile of steaming shite, Diaby, just not good enough. GIBBS, composed, assured, unfazed, 19 YEARS OLD Arsene pulls another left back from his magic hat. Silvestre? Fair play didn't put a foot wrong. How the hell do you expect Fabregas, Nasri, and Walcott to perform when your £80,000 a week striker couldn't trap a wet bag of cement. If you are going to play Cesc in the hole and you need a striker to put himself about, hold the ball up, and bring the midfield and fullbacks into play, I would be happy to give Adebayor a rest. At 48 with a dodgy Knee, on 40 cigs a day and as much Scotch as I can get down my neck without my gorgeous wifey catching me Im sure I could have put in a more honest shift than our illustrious number 25!! (says it all really). In fact I'd be happy to do it for free the pleasure i'd get from kicking Vidic and Ferdinand UP THE ARSE!! would be compensation enough. We got out of jail FREE today. Over to you ARSENE.

  25. quite a few west africans on here

  26. what is a west african?

  27. i think u go a bit too far based on this performance, but he did look like he wasnt concentrating enough.
    He gave the ball away way too cheaply and im sure carlos vela could have done a better job holding the ball up because his 1st touch is perfection.
    but then, bendtner looked more lively when he came on, at least he gave it some effort, and lookd ok.
    i think this is one of those times when wenger really should put his foot down and give ade some tough love, because he is awesome on his day. He really is the key for us in this tie, if we get him playing well in the 2nd leg, along with rvp, we can overturn this.
    I at least want to see a vitory in the home leg, even if we go out we should do it properly.

  28. anonymous (23:42). I agree, we should play with big hearts. Our boys will only get better.

  29. Spot on.. & why does arsene keeps playing cesc behind ade when it's not working?

    and his insistence to play diaby is laughable! a good game against fenerbache doesn't warrant you an automatic start in 2 of our most vital semis against manutd and chelsea!! He doesnt give us 'more protection' or strength in midfield as arsene puts it. but he is the one who puts more pressure on our defense for losing the ball while trying his freaking tricks.
    I have had enough of him!

    Ade, well i hope milan (beyonce as he calls it) scouts aint watching bcause that won't give us the opportunity to take their money and run!!! Lazy arsehole, bigging himself up in the pre match interview and saying he'll win it for arsenal but yet he didnt even break a sweat.

  30. Where do you start tonight?Thought the same about EA for a long time, since last summer and his ludicrous flirtation with the Big Euro Sign.....time after time he needs at least 6 clear cut chances to put away ONE...just not good enough. In his own brain, he might be good enough to share a pitch with TH14, but nowhere else. Utd were frightening tonight, espeecially first half, and should've torn us to ribbons. Cesc looks disconcertinglty dissatisfied these days to me, despite the two goals v Boro - his head's not quite right. Positives" Almunia - immense, young Gibbsy, a hero, Song and's praying we have RVP fit for the return, but even then it'll require a peformance on a par with the 2-1 League vicory.... nevertheless, Arsene knows...KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!

  31. Ade reminded me of Thierry on Tuesday night, didn't bother chasing down imperfect passes, fuck off Ade.
    Arsene fucked up this team selection similar to the FA Cup Semi. We were played off the park today. I don't remember when were so soundly beaten. Defending on the set piece on O'Shea's goal, why was Diaby not covering him? Diaby couldn't get a pass right tonight, but the blame falls on Arsene for putting that team out in the first.
    The good thing was that Alumnia has come of age as our definitive first-choice, no-need-to-get another, goalkeeper. World Class saves as good as Buffon tonight. Fabianski could learn a lot from him.

  32. i agree with you Wrighty but well performance by Gibbs. the kid only 19 but he played far better than Ade.
    I hope AW changed the team for next week in Emirates and i hope he put Dudu and RVP up in front and we sure gonna scored some goals.

  33. The way him and Walcott strut about and pull the arrogant, moody faces now, they must have been studying videos of Thierry Henry in his Arsenal days. Unless Arsene makes them do it because it turns him on. Henry's stopped all that bollocks now he's at Barca so it must be part of Arsene's training regime.

  34. As much as I feel it was a fair result, a few points: 1) Diaby is seriously not worth any contribution. Apart from maybe looking like Vieira I don't know what else Wenger finds in him. (please Abou, prove me wrong!) 2) Adebayor should just shut up and not speak to the press anymore. I appreciate him better when I don't hear him speak before games. 3) Bendtner will come of form when he leaves Arsenal. Then he'll join Boro and do an Alialialialiadiere on us. 4) Silvestre still plays for ManU. God I hope he redeems himself in the second leg. 5) Clichy who? I like Gael, but bring on Gibbs. Young, energetic and although prone to a few mistakes, at least he attempts to cross the ball and have a shot at the goal. 6) I read the injury news online and didn't find anything on Eduardo. Had he been given more time with Adebayor we'd at least look like we're capable of scoring. 7) Do my Gooners avoid long shots (even rarely) for fear that they'd miss it completely and look stupid or is it because that effort is solely licensed to Arshavin? 8) Lastly, MUCHOS GRACIAS ALMUNIA! You were the man of the match. For all the criticism you receive, I'm grateful that you saved us from embarrassment. Now if only Robin could get that ice pack off his groin and join us.

  35. So I make a heartfelt plea Professor after the game last night. Whatever reasons you may have about changing a formation that has worked well for us for such a long time and instead persisting with this delirious notion of logic in pursuing a 4-2-3-1 simply are not backed by the results on the pitch.

    We destroyed Villarreal with a 4-4-2 to the point of suffocation, Cesc was back to his best and spreading out the quarter-back passes and the whole team had a sense of positioning and purpose to their fluidity, which I believe is the exemplification of the principles you have founded your life's work on with Project Arsenal. What is clear to all but yourself is that the new formation simply highlights the opposite, which no such sense of purpose, no such sense of fluidity.

    I beg you to change this for not only the sake of the players who's confusion and unhappiness is all too apparent to read on the pitch and return to what they understand, enjoy and communicate with such breathtaking style when in play. To nullify Cesc in such a way, to isolate the lone striker into passive submition, to have players out of position in the hope a performance will justify the change...It. Does. Not. Work.

    So I make a heartfelt plea Professor, not just for the return leg but for all games and all fixtures. The beautiful football with kids is viable and not so far away from mastering, but you must use your intelligence and compare notes from all games to realise that the only way to see it through to it's conclusion is to stick with our tried and trusted 4-4-2 and kick the 4-2-3-1 up the arsehole goodbye. Otherwise those like me who have stuck with you choices and haven't logged onto the vocal distension will soon be asking questions they have been doing ourselves...

    I wonder though if something else isn't going on there in terms of Cesc. I wonder if there are concerns throughout the club that he is looking to leave, hence the captaincy, hence the new position despite all the years we have taken to turn him into the best quarterback in football. It just all seems a little too, 'Let's try keep him happy' to me...

  36. Suddenly having people agreeing with me about Adebayor doesn't make me feel any better. Before the FA Cup semi-final I asked why so many arsenal supporters still wanted Adebayor in the team. I am still wondering.
    Diaby is a gifted, athletic player who hasn't got the first idea of what the game is about. What has he been taught in four seasons?
    Finally I must say that young Gibbs was hung out to dry by Wenger (again) and showed terrific mental strength. We may have a fine player developing there. - Ramgun

  37. Hi Wrighy7, you seem to gone off on one my kind of tangents with this post but I can understand why.

    You know I am not Bendtner's biggest fan but at half time I was calling for him. I was thinking that Ade was too isolated and because he wasn't getting any service it was making him look bad. But when Bendtner came on and Ade went off, Bendtner did more in that 15 mins or so than Ade had done in the whole time he had been on.

    Again I think Wenger got it wrong tactically and this is becoming a bit of a habit and a worry now. But we are still in though and still have a chance if we go out and play our game.

    Let hope you are right about us making it to the final. I don't know why but I have a feeling we are going to to it.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. ps. Lets get behind the fucking team. Yes Ade had a poor game but he is still an excellent player and you will see the best of him next week and then lets see what you have to say.

    If anything its Wenger's tactics you should be having a pop at.

  40. i believe the whole team was shit tonight except for almunia (who was fantastic). where was fab. why did wenger play nasri in a defensive position. everything from the formation to the players and coaching was whack!!

  41. Shame on you to that fools that made this comments ( quite few west africans are on here) what are u, AMARICAN, OR LONDONER, OR STUPID FOOLS ASHOLE. Does is matter who made a comments, i think this forum is for anybody and most especially arsenal fans. grow up fools and stop your racial comments next time, can only u make a fans, never, so every one has a freedom of comments MR RACIST MAN. Up Gooooooooooners, except for that fools who made that comments, so stop your idiocy comments.

    Good fans panic not, next week we would beat UNITED, But i want somebody to tell Wenger to be careful of his selections.

    Ade, Silvester, Diaby that was an horrendous performerce.

  42. Good talk, who ever made that comments is a fool, throughly fools. Upon all that is going on in our amiable club, you have no positive words to say, or contibute your thought, becuse u don't know what to write, he can't even write.

  43. lol anonymous 11:08

    Cesc has said that he prefers to play as a deep lying play-maker that he will do his best in any role given but that he thinks he isn't fast enough, strong enough or Agile enough to play in the hole. He said that about 2 weeks ago when he was asked his preferred position.

    So whatever Wenger's reasoning for playing Cesc in the hole... it 100% definitely isn't to try and make Cesc happy. He does NOT want to play there he prefers to play as a deep-lying play-maker.

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