Monday 3 August 2009

I don't want Emmanuel Eboué to leave!

I expect to receive a bit of stick for writing this but I don't mind!

There are rumours that Emmanuel Eboué is to follow his African buddies Kolo Toure and Emmanuel Adebayor out of the Emirates door and I'm sure that there will be many Gooners who won't be losing any sleep over this.

I'm not one of those Gooners.

Sure he can be infuriating with his diving and antics but he is working hard on stamping this out of his game. To be fair to Eboue these antics that piss people off should have frowned upon from the beginning by the coaching staff at Arsenal.

Of course Eboue should take the majority of the blame for this part of his game but had it been eradicated when he first arrived at the club I have no doubt that he would be a fans favourite.

Since he was booed last season I think we have seen that Eboue wants to get his act together and I believe he has done a great job since.

There is nothing wrong with his ability, he is a fine athlete and he is supposedly one of the dressing room favourites so he has more than the basics to become a great player.

If he remains at the club and continues to work hard then I see no reason why he cannot build bridges with Gooners. Especially if he plays with a smile on his face.

Of course I can understand why Gooners booed him but I don't condone it. I thought it was wrong and if people wasn't saddened by the look on his face then they aren't human.

Eboue past antics haven't helped him but I believe that himself and Bendtner have been made scapegoats in the past due to many Arsenal fans frustrations at not winning things. This is wrong. Its not entirely their faults!

In the past Eboue has been an asset to Wenger and Arsenal. Remember the Champions League run-in a few years back? I can see no reason why this shouldn't be the case again.

I don't want Eboue to leave because I reckon he has a lot to offer the club still. He is a versatile player and that versatility is crucial to any squad.

I'm not saying he is a world-beater but he could become an important player. Maybe a pass-master!

Keep it Goonerish...........


  1. He didn't demand a trade after the harsh booing. Instead he tried harder to please us. If you don't love that then you aren't a real fan. I admire that he decided to put forth even more effort, without complaint. He IS a great athlete and while he has had his problems, he also has the talent to play all over the park. He is a great SQUAD player and we definitely need his type if we're going to contend for trophies. Most importantly, he CARES about Arsenal and us (the fans).

  2. hey he s a good SQUAD player with premier league experiance, good age, and "seems" to try hard when he does with ya...we should keep hold of him.

    By the way reports are saying that Chamakh hasn t signed yet BECAUSE WE WONT GIVE THEM SILVESTRE!!!!!!

    not that i think we need chamakh but i would rather carry silvestre to france on my back than have him in the team

  3. i agree with you totally, i can see the hunger in his face when he plays, people seem to forget that he is playing out of position and is verstility is a asset to the club. i just believe that if he concentrates an sorts out his decesion making then he'd be our modern day giles grimandi

  4. I do strongly believe that when eboue when was booed it was totally out of order. Unlike an ex arsenal player eboue always works hard chasing balls down going into tackles running past players, i think he trys to hard sometimes and thats his downfall. if more arsenal players show the determination and energy eboue show every game then we will have a great chance of winning the league and it would very sad to see him go!!

  5. Don't you think the booing gave Eboue the kick up the arse he needed. You can tell the class of the lad by getting his head down, workin hard and regaining our trust. Unlike a certain Togolese forward I know. He blamed his laziness on the fans. Give Eboue credit , I want him to stay to

  6. I agree with your sentiments exactly. Since committing his gravest 'sins', he really has tried to improve and he is well able to supply cover in the RB position. I am one who would be very sad to see him go, and I hope he stays.

  7. I went to the Emirates cup on Saturday and Eboue would be a great player, if he just learnt to do the simple things. Time and time again he tries to take too many people on and loses the ball. I much prefer to see him playin right-back, rather than right-midfield, he seems like a fish out of water there. But I agree he def needs to stop diving, we have no room at Arsenal for cheats. Its not the Arsenal way!!!

  8. I was at the game yesterday, and if anyone reading this was there also you would have seen Eboue parading the trophy around, having fun and generally entertaining the crowd. Before yesterday I was pretty ambivalent as to whether he stayed or went, but sonce I saw him at the ned of the game my opinion has completely swung in his favour. He seems genuine, happy, and a squad player we need. I say keep Eboue, a player who WANTS to stay, and ship out anyone who doesn't have the love for the club we all support wholeheartedly.

  9. Bang on....keep him...cover at right back and right wing....great engine...plays with a smile...100% effort...yes he's not great at shooting, yes he has a bad touch sometimes....the boy does have talent though and belive me, defecnders are scared of him !! Keep him Arsene !

  10. I have always felt eboue problem was his lack of creativity in the final third...he's an excellent midfielder and when he deputizes in the right back position, he's even better largely due to his surges forward and the link up play which he provides on the right flank. I felt he had a wake up call when he was boooed last season and just like was talked about, I strongly feel he's working hard at eradicating the dives in his gameplay. I'd trully hate to see him go as it would kinda expose Arsenal's frailties at right back if Sagna should ever be seriously be injured. I'd hope Wenger reconsiders trading him to Fiorentina cos from what I saw of his gameplay over this weekend during the Emirates' cup, we do need him in the squad.

  11. I think we will all feel the loss if he does leave. He plays with his heart on his sleeve. He may not be the best player but his versatility cannot be ignored.

    If he stays then I will be happy, if he goes then I will wish him all the best.

  12. I think Emmanuel Eboue should stay. I once said that the moment the midfielders start scoring then the whole team becomes a threat. Once Eboue can bring it in the final third... believe me Arsenal would be more deadly than you can imagine.

  13. too true.. long time since i felt the need to comment on a post, and i truely agree with this.. he's really hard-working, and after the booing which was really bad on our part, he has really got his act together and started working really hard.. i dont find ne thing that actually suggests he ll leave actually.. cause if u actually look at it, y would wenger make him start our pre-seasons if he dint wann him to remain.. this might one african player not to get the kick.. and if he continues to work hard as he is, i am sure more people will be supporting him soon enuf..

  14. "Eboue past antics haven't helped him but I believe that himself and Bendtner have been made scapegoats in the past due to many Arsenal fans frustrations at not winning things. This is wrong."

    That my friend has hit the nail on the head!

    Great observation Wrighty!

  15. Good post. Eboue is a good utility squad player and I don't want to see him go either. His diving and other antics can be quite irritating, but he seems to have really cut back on that nonsense. Plus as noted in another comment he didn't want out or quit after being treated harshly by the fans, rather focused himself and tried to gain respect through hard work. If he could ever sort out his inefficiencies in the final 3rd he could be a very good footballer. Diaby and Silvestre are the players Arsenal should sell.

  16. eboue is a very versatile player..if you see he replaced theo many times last season..he kept up the tempo may be not the pace but he added another dimension of quick passing which makes up for his lack of pace..apart from that he is very commited..he loves arsenal..there arn't many players who genuinely loves the club he is playing for..not since adams, bergkamp and the past chosen ones has anyone come so close to showing their dedication..also for thr fact that he was bought as a right back and is now more of a utility player he has had a hard time to changing a few aspects of his game he will be one of the most important players in the team in the coming seasons as long as he doesn't end up in fiorentina..and his booing was uncalled for..people representing the club on the pitch should not be treated like that..its an honour to represent the club and the supporters of the club should respect that..he cares for the entire arsenal brigade fans included..he deserves much more than some others..

  17. i haven't been this excited since after the conclusion of the invincible season..jack wilshere ripped apart the rangers and gutted them and had their innards for breakfast next day..saw a glimpse of dennis bergkamp in him..he will turn into an asset more valuable that messi if he continues playing like he is doing right now..

  18. not a good blog. hes had plenty of time and has just not got the technical ablity. if we can get good money from him great! other than that i dont want to see him in our first team nxt season unless to cover for bacary


  20. Credit where credits due and after a good pre season so far and a good game yesterday - Well played Eboué!!

    I think that Eboué getting booed last season was a wake up call and he coped well afterwards and rightly got a the appreciation from the fans yesterday. I dont think we should be selling him this year personally, however at the end of last season I would have paid £6mill for some club to take him off our hands.

    I hope he starts the season fresh and works hard in training and in the games.

  21. i would prefer him to stay, but fucking offload silvestre pls.

  22. Mate he can't do anything in the final 3rd, he's shocking. Sorry but theres no time for sentiment if u wanna win the title, he's shit and has proved it again even in the emirates cup. give gavin hoyte a chance at right back cover for sagna. Eboue is bollocks and must go.

  23. he can leave.
    tired all of all his diving and rolling.
    not even talking bout his awfull passing ability

    bring on merida/whilshire,bazarite :)

  24. I think Eboue has earned the respect of most fans by reacting positively and not sulking. I have to say that personally I am not bothered either way. If we sell him for 5-6m great, if we keep him i think he is a useful player at right back. Afer the weekend, I still don't want to see him play midfield. To many attacks breakdown when he is in the final 3rd.

  25. I think Eboue has earned the respect of most fans by reacting positively and not sulking. I have to say that personally I am not bothered either way. If we sell him for 5-6m great, if we keep him i think he is a useful player at right back. Afer the weekend, I still don't want to see him play midfield. To many attacks breakdown when he is in the final 3rd.

  26. Leave Eboue. Please. Pretty please.


  27. After witnessing him flop around on Saturday and adding absolutely nothing to the team other than deprive the likes of Merida and Wilshere from the bench, he has to go!


    and dont come back!

  28. look at these two faced fucks who were all slagging him off and now saying he is a good player.

    The guy is a c**t and the sooner he fucks off out the door the better. I aint changing my mind on him.

    He is hindering better players progress.

  29. Eboue must stay. He has another dimension for our squad,

  30. He gives the ball away too much when he plays in midfield and tries to take on too many players. But he is a hard worker more suited to right back. Remember that great run down the right flank against Man Utd and his pinpoint cross which Henry headed to win the game 2-1?

  31. people forget it is hard to get a player that plays 4-5 positions and some of them very well. i would say he is better than glen johnson at right bck all day long!


  32. This is utter bollo*s. Eboue was not booed hashly, he was booed for not trying, which is a minimum requirement. I dont recall in Wengers years at the club any player that has come on as a sub being substituted, so Wenger must've felt he wasn't trying too. I don't buy the "he did it for the players good" argument either, Wenger is too stubborn to make substitutions based on crowd reaction. We don't have the right to win trophies, we dont even have the right to be a decent side or for us to play decent football, but 60000 fans turn up every week and each and every one of them would try their heart out, just to play for Arsenal once. We deserve every player to give that same commitment and that's why he was booed. He cheats, he dives hes not very good anywhere other than at RB, so if he goes i'll be more than happy. Big deal he tried after he got booed, he should be trying anyway its an absolute minimum requirement

  33. Agree, he should stay. But then, I never thought he should leave, he was made a scapegoat last year. He certainly wasn't worse than Cesc and some others in many games. Too bad for him, he is African, not English.

    I dont mind Hoyte playing but, ...I mean he needs to prove himself a bit more.

  34. Goons_with_Guns3 August 2009 at 19:15

    As long as he is only in the squad as right back backup to Sagna, I don't have a probably with him staying.

  35. I agree with you about Eboue-but he still has to improve as a penalty box defender.
    As for Silvestre- when he is fully fit he can be a useful fullback. He never was an adequate centre-back even in his prime he was a liability. He can still be useful in the opponents box. I would far rather sell him than Senderos. Senderos problems are mainly psychological and will be resolved under Moyes.

  36. eboue, bendtner and silvestre????? we can get better back-ups. check out my site:

  37. I went to the Wigan game and he was diabolical. Him and Bendtner aren't scapegoats. Why were other players left out then? I was the only Arsenal fan I knew that backed him and think he did an amazing job all the way to the Champions League final against Barcelona. Not only did he own Robinho and Ronaldinho in that year but he was unhappy with himself for not cmoing away with the ball from them as well! He has unfortunately been converted to midfield where he is the second worst in the league. Right back? Second best in the league behind Sagna

  38. he is a disgrace with his diving antics etc....fuck him off.

  39. Eboue should not leave for the simple reason that Arsenal does not have a proper back-up to Sagna. Sure he can be infuriating with his dives and errant passing sometimes, but he's still the guy who shut down Robinho and the whole left side of the Madrid attack way back then when nobody knew who he was.

  40. I want Eboue to stay. He is a very good right back and if he applies himself he can be better than Sagn (even though I like both). He sends better crosses than Sagn and Clichy.

  41. as an arsenal fan i think fellow fans are very foolish to think eboue is crap whilst all u dickheads are saying bentdner has talent whilst every chance hes given he misses wtf or are you just blnd to see eboue dives sumtimes....yes ut he gets the ball quickly whilst others wait to be passed to if eboue didnt do that than howdo expect to get the balll. arsenal team for next season


    sagna vermaleen gallas clichy

    arsharvin fabregas wal/ros eboue

    eduardo rvp


    come on gunners double hopefully
    lets beat everton first! :d

  42. i think its agreed hes not the best player weve ever had but im with you wrighty we shouldnt sell him
    its clear he loves the club, i dnt no if u saw but yesterday he was signing autographs for fans before the emirates cup for a good 15 minutes, and even after wards when he was leaving the car park he happily obliged to sign more autographs for the fans that flocked round his car
    thts something you dont see much from players these days and i think its something you have to respect him for

  43. Well said Wrighty. Eboue is a far better player than people give him cedit for. He was better or should I say more consistent than Walcott last season. He is just another scapegoat, like Adebayor, Toure and Bendtner last season.

    Iwas brilliant in the Emirates cup the most outstanding player behind Wilshire, Arshavin and Rosicky. his passing was great and he made a few of those surging runs like he likes to do. He is one of the only players that has the ability and confidence to run at players since Hleb left, Walcott has to be more consistent in this respect.

    I would hate to see him leave but he would get the respect he deserves at another club. No matter how well he plays there are those who will find excuses to chastise him among the Arsenal "support." He also deserves first team football.I hope he puts the haters to shame this season, with Arsenal.

  44. Boy we have some real shit supporters at our club,just wish they'd piss offf and support Spurs.

    Eboue to stay is a must stay, maybe these no nothing people can tell us who can play the RB postion apart from Eboue and Sagna?

  45. he should stay

  46. I want him to stay too!

  47. eboue for the centre in midfield, he's got the energy for that role ,plus if rosicky fabregras arshavin in team you need someone in the team to harrass the opponents and in a 4 2 3 1 formation him and song can be good defensive players with the 3 above and eduardo in front of them, but what do i know!
    hope he stays but if he goes, not to another premiership club please..anyone who boo's there players(any club) are XXXXX. NUFF SAID

  48. Wenger lifted the FA Cup again in 02/03 before delivering, in my opinion, what deserves to be viewed as the pinnacle in English football; a 38-game unbeaten season with ‘The Invincibles’. Only one other team (Preston North End, way back in 1883) had accomplished the feat but in completely different times in a completely different type of competition.

    Maybe it was Ruud Van Nistelrooy’s injury time missed penalty, or beating Chelsea twice, or thumping Liverpool 4-2, or Arsenal clinching the title at Spurs, but the magic that still shrouds that unforgettable season will never be forgotten. “In Arsene we trust” and at that point - more than ever before - we all did.

    Since then however, things have slowly gone slowly downhill. Arsenal had reached the top and had to come down to earth at some point. The unbeaten streak came to a halt at 49 games against Manchester United and defeat was a bitter taste that rudely greeted us all. All was not lost though as Arsenal once again lifted the FA Cup in 2005 - but with Vieira’s match- winning penalty came the end of an era.

    During the following off-season we saw the departure of Vieira to Juventus for a fraction of what he was actually worth. Henry followed in 2007 and with those two losses went the leadership quality that Arsenal so desperately need. Since then there has been the silverware drought with Arsenal coming agonizingly close on a number of occasions, but never quite close enough. Increasing numbers of fans have turned against the club and become tired with one transition season after another. And some have begun to trust Arsene less than ever before.

    But there is light at the end of the tunnel and we must realize that it is unfair to heap the blame on one man’s shoulders. When clubs come calling with more money than us the departure of top players is inevitable. Hleb, Flamini, Adebayor - just to name a few - left for the sort of money that our club just cannot give.

    However, as with every year since Wenger took over there comes a crop of promising new youngsters and this season is no different. I strongly believe that this year could be the year and it’s time to repay Arsene for all he’s done in the past by putting our trust in him again

  49. Victoria Concordia Crescit, which is Latin for “victory comes with harmony”, is the long standing motto that is embedded into the history of Arsenal. The motto goes hand-in-hand with the club’s current playing style, which was introduced by Arsene Wenger back in 1996. When he joined the club as a relatively unknown manager with two stints in Japan and France under his belt, I doubt many of us saw the prosperity he’d bring to Arsenal.

    Wenger turned things around at the club with a brand new training regime and a new style of play. His new style of play brought fluidity, movement and grace to each and every attack - something that Arsenal supporters hadn’t seen before. And although there were doubters and those who claimed that “passing the ball into the net” wasn’t efficient, most of us were happy with the more than occasional with the success it brought. It made “1-0 to the arsenal” an almost forgotten theme; with Wenger’s football 1-0 just wasn’t enough.

    The Frenchman made an array of signings early on in his career (such as Henry, Viera, Overmars, and Petit) which laid the foundation for his success. The smart signings continued and slowly so did the trophies, starting off with the double (Premiership and FA Cup) in 97/98 and another double back in the season of 01/02, made famous by Sylvain Wiltord’s winner at Old Trafford and Ray Parlour and Freddie Ljungberg’s FA Cup belters against Chelsea.

    Wenger lifted the FA Cup again in 02/03 before delivering, in my opinion, what deserves to be viewed as the pinnacle in English football; a 38-game unbeaten season with ‘The Invincibles’. Only one other team (Preston North End, way back in 1883) had accomplished the feat but in completely different times in a completely different type of competition.

    Maybe it was Ruud Van Nistelrooy’s injury time missed penalty, or beating Chelsea twice, or thumping Liverpool 4-2, or Arsenal clinching the title at Spurs, but the magic that still shrouds that unforgettable season will never be forgotten. “In Arsene we trust” and at that point - more than ever before - we all did.

    Since then however, things have slowly gone slowly downhill. Arsenal had reached the top and had to come down to earth at some point. The unbeaten streak came to a halt at 49 games against Manchester United and defeat was a bitter taste that rudely greeted us all. All was not lost though as Arsenal once again lifted the FA Cup in 2005 - but with Vieira’s match- winning penalty came the end of an era.

    During the following off-season we saw the departure of Vieira to Juventus for a fraction of what he was actually worth. Henry followed in 2007 and with those two losses went the leadership quality that Arsenal so desperately need. Since then there has been the silverware drought with Arsenal coming agonizingly close on a number of occasions, but never quite close enough. Increasing numbers of fans have turned against the club and become tired with one transition season after another. And some have begun to trust Arsene less than ever before.

    But there is light at the end of the tunnel and we must realize that it is unfair to heap the blame on one man’s shoulders. When clubs come calling with more money than us the departure of top players is inevitable. Hleb, Flamini, Adebayor - just to name a few - left for the sort of money that our club just cannot give.

    However, as with every year since Wenger took over there comes a crop of promising new youngsters and this season is no different. I strongly believe that this year could be the year and it’s time to repay Arsene for all he’s done in the past by putting our trust in him again.

  50. Joppa and co plc, you are ignorant of football, tell me how many arsenal players has the love of arsenal fc at heart if not Eboue, please, go to hell with your stupid comments, Eboue should stay, he is a nice guy, you people booed him, instead of him saying any excuses like STUPID Adebayor, what did he do, he changed, he is more serious, working very hard, he is a jolly boy, Joppa can you even move a ball, talkless of playing it, fool.

  51. always the anons with the put downs. Eboue is at best a worthy back up right back - no more than that. He certainly doesnt deserve to be ahead of Walcott, Wilshere, Rosicky etc.

    I have to say as I have said many a time last season the standard of comments on here often leaves me shaking my head. IMO there is still a lot of dead wood in this team i.e. Almunia - good back up GK but not the top notch keeper we surely need, Denilson - say no more, Song - hopefully will come on, Bendtner - one of the players I disliked most last season but willing to see if he comes on now Ade has gone and you can put Eboue in this class too.

    Now say what you want but in general my comments are spot on as proven last season if you go back and read them.

    To say Eboue has Arsenal in his heart is one of the most laughable comments I have seen in a long time. I hope he goes or if he stays is only ever seen as a sub or back up to Sagna, there is absolutely no way he is 1st team material - fact. Also the fact he is African and will be needed for their cup come Jan is another reason to get shot.

  52. I really want him stay too and please bring him to the right back not the right midfield .
