Wednesday 5 August 2009

Stuttgart, Fiorentina, Atletico Madrid, Celtic, Anderlecht, Timisoura, Dinamo Moscow stand in the way

Fancy a trip to Germany? How about Italy? Spain is pretty nice this time of year!

Either Stuttgart, Fiorentina, Atletico Madrid, Celtic, Anderlecht, Timisoura, or Dinamo Moscow stand in the way of our progression to the Champions League pwoper (as Danny Dyer or Jonathon Ross would say).

There are some big names there but at the end of the day I'm sure the team that most of those clubs would want to avoid drawing is Arsenal.

Like Luke Skywalker on our day I believe that we are a true force in Europe. We can compete with the best and while there is always a concern at this stage in the Champions League about who you get I believe we have enough about us to beat any of those sides.

All this qualifying lark for the group stage is becoming a rather familiar sight for us Gooners but I'm confident that sooner rather than later we will qualify as champions rather than going this potential banana skin route we seem to take!

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. None of those side have the technical ability or talent to handle us, but if Wenger is determined to play a 4-3-3 and doesn't get a DM, we could be suspect to the lapses (as always).

    My point, buy a Fing DM! (and another CB)

    good post Wrighty!!

  2. The ones to avoid will be Dinamo Moscow once they have despatched Celtic today, we never do well in Russia

  3. Dinamo Moscow, aye right anonymous !

  4. nope.. moscow neways not happenin, celtic dispatched them instead.. ;) but ua agree with u wrighty we can get past this atleast.. although, god forbid, we dont, someone gonna face some real real hard backlash..

  5. CesclsGenius - "none of those side have the technical ability or talent to handle us" Bring it on Goon, the only decent player you've got is Van Persie and he'd be handed his arsenal on a plate at Celtic Park...

    Anonymous (the first) - "the ones to avoid will be Dinamo Moscow once they have despatched Celtic today" Hahahahaha ahumm how stupid do you feel now?

    For what it's worth, the one to avoid for the Gunners? Celtic! After that? Stuttgart...


  7. Tricky teams. Timisoura would be best(but you already know that)

  8. If we are ever to play against a Russian side, it'd rather be now then middle of winter.

  9. We will play either one of these sides:

    Atletico Madrid

    I have ranked them in order on who I want us to meet.

  10. i think arsene wenger has cleverly cropped the squad..making other teams feel we are vulnerable to everything by selling a striker and a defender who were pretty important players..i feel the strenth of the team has improved as the unwanted fat has been feels lighter faster but not much physically stronger..we have probably have two of the most clever midfielders and two of the most potent strikers in the world..if jack could make pasta out of the rangers then celtic are fusili..not much of a threat..just eat them and move on..hope jack makes mince meat out of them too..feels like another friendly to all us gooners..but as everyone has been saying a DM and a CB required as before the season begins and not during the winter transfer window..i dont think chamak is actually needed..but with the reputation a few of our strikers have i wouldn't mind a fellow who doesn't get injured every other month..this will be a common problem this season as many players are returning from injuries and there will be a few niggles here and wenger will have to watch out for that..can't do anything with a make do midfield and forwards again this year too..

  11. No doubt, the writer is completely right.
