Saturday 29 August 2009

If Eduardo is treated with suspicion today then Rooney and Owen should be too!

I'm really worried about Eduardo today. It's not the booing and jeering that he will undoubtedly face. Its the referee.

Of course you can say that Eduardo has brought it upon himself to be viewed with suspicion when he is challenged in the area but I hope that Wayne Rooney and Michael Owen are too.

I don't deny that Eduardo went down easily the other night. It was a little embarrassing in fact. But the facts are Eduardo is being targeted very harshly by the media and fans alike.

I don't remember Michael Owen being targeted like this for winning England a penalty against Argentina. I don't remember Wayne Rooney being targeted like this for diving against us in 2004 to win a penalty. But its OK. They are English.

I'd even go as far as saying Rooney and Owen have been involved in far more diving incidents than Eduardo but you'd think that Eduardo was the first to dive in the entire history of the sport.

It's smacks of hypocrisy to me. I can't believe that Eduardo is being singled out like this.

Diving is part and parcel of the game these days. I don't like it but that is fact. The problem is that UEFA cannot just single out Eduardo. Where is the fairness in that?

If Eduardo is punished and players like Rooney, Owen and Gerrard aren't then is that fair? If Eduardo and Rooney, Owen and Gerrard are too then I have no complaints.

UEFA are going to cause a huge problem for themselves if they ban Eduardo. It will open a huge can of worms and I hope they are ready for the huge workload they will get with cases like this in the future.

I have no doubt that if Rooney and Eduardo are involved in similar incidents today's then Rooney will get the benefit of the doubt. Is that right?

I really hope that the ref is strong and treats the Eduardo the same as he would Rooney or Owen. I doubt he will be though.

Keep it Goonerish.................


  1. Morning Wrighty.. nice to see you back mate.

  2. 2nd... welcome back

  3. Ta very much! Its not great to be back though. Holiday blues! Ha ha

  4. Everyone would soon be challenging for everything.

    Challenges for corners that weren't corners that led to a goal.

    Challenges for tugging of shirts the referee didn't see in th game.

    It's pathetic, as though they dont have anything better to do. Gerrard dives all the time, so does Drogba and the King Diver Ronaldo hasn't ever been penalized outside the game, so Uefa are starting up a battle they cannot win

  5. Yesterday even Messi dived.... Ban him toooo....

  6. Fair play to UEFA for what they have done - hopefully Eduardo gets a ban and everyone in football learns from this. How can we eliminate diving from football if we let it go?? Hopefully this is the start of something from UEFA.

  7. well, i know the main reason why uefa acts like a pile of sh*t.

    platini hates wenger. period. he'll do anything to bring wenger down.

    eduardo's dive is just an excuse. there's no mistake.

  8. I agree with you but all you're doing is adding fuel to the fire. If you want something to go away then quit talking about it and don't write an article about it.

  9. We shld never ignore injustice..... Its injustice to us... We should oppose it,...

  10. It was embarrassing what eduardo did because we seldom need to do it. Nonetheless, every striker would go down under the circumstances and if the ref did buy it, then its a pen, but if the ref doesnt, its a yellow.
    You have to feel for celtic because they were depending on the first goal (which would never have come).
    Ne ways, lets go to old trafford and beat MANU in their own backyard and show the world what arsenal mean this season.!!!!!!

  11. rooney a diver what a joke, making a mistake once dont make you a diver. these european/south american players dive all day long i say throe the book at them.

    The thing that made it worse for Eduardo was his blatant happiness. he took the penalyt he celebrated. if he had had any dignity he would not have done that.

  12. Rooney a diver? Sorry mate, sensible gunner fans wld soon be embaressed to say that ... the one time i saw him crumple in the box, he looked sheepish and later apologized. Not quite what Edu expressed that night. To be fair, its like speeding, one cannot complain of discrimination if the driver in front is not stopped and booked! Ingelund.

  13. Arsene was right to highlight the role of the Scottish FA in this affair.

    Their role is to oversee the development of scottish football at all levels and to ensure that the scottish national team qualifies for and does well at, major football tournaments.

    However, despite not having any particular concrete interest in the Champions League game between Arsenal & Celtic, they took it upon themselves to complain to UEFA about the Eduardo incident.

    It seems to me that the Scottish FA simply made use of their influential scottish contacts who work for UEFA - David Taylor, amongst others - and asked them to put the matter on the agenda for review immediately.

    This has, by default, now granted new rights for different Football Associations across Europe to ask for incidents in games that aren't even in their jurisdiction to be reviewed by UEFA.

    For example, the Dutch FA could now ask UEFA to review incidents in a game between, say, a team from France and a team from Italy, simply because they have the right to do so.

    In policy terms - yet alone administrative ones - this is going to cause UEFA serious problems, which they will have brought upon themselves.

