Friday 28 August 2009

"Break his f**ing legs!" I hope that is not the attitude of all Celtic fan(atics)s!

For those concerned of my recent whereabouts don't worry, I'm back. There was nothing mysterious about my disappearance. I wasn't kidnapped or tortured although you could say being on holiday with the missus for a fortnight is like being kidnapped or tortured!

Anyway I'm fresh, revitalised and peeling more than a ripe banana. Am I glad to back? Hell no! I love Lanzarote and having been there more times than I can remember I can honestly say I hardly remember any Arsenal defeats in my time spent there. Ever.

Maybe the Sex on the Beach (cocktail, for the filthy minded!) has helped blot out any defeats but I have to say how good have Arsenal been so far this campaign? Fucking excellent in my book. Written off by everyone, slammed by everyone, we are going a long way to shutting those dimbalo's up.

Of course I'm not getting carried away. This is a marathon not a sprint but I'm just happy we have started with a sprint and not the "Oh, we'll just catch up later in the season, oh it's too late" attitude of last season. We have started well and the players seem more up for this campaign than any I've seen in recent seasons.

A big holler has to go to William Gallas and Thomas Vermaelen. Readers of this blog will know that I love big Will like a brother. He has started this season like a man possessed more than that eerie little girl from the film Exorcist. I spoke of being fresh and revitalised I reckon Gallas went to Lanzarote too. His partnership with Vermaelen, who has fitted in as good as Sagna did, is blossoming into a beautiful defensive flower.

Obviously being in Lanzarote I watched the Arsenal-Celtic games there. I have to say the massive hoo-haa over Eduardo is fast becoming a vicious son of a bitch. I admit, he went down easier than Jordan aka Katie Price but the way some Celtic fans are acting you would thought that the penalty was the only difference between the sides.

They seem to forget that they were outplayed and outclassed over 180 minutes. I have to say I was disgusted by some of the Celtic fans sitting near me. I know that football is an emotional game and it can leave you as high as a kite or as low as Flo-Rida but the shouts that followed Arsenal's opener sickened me slightly.

"Break that cheating cunts legs again" was a mild put-down that Eduardo received when he appeared on the big screen. I couldn't stomach it really. Despite the fact there were children around it didn't stop them. We were in a family bar too. I decided to point out that their very own favourite son, Henrik Larsson, suffered a similar injury in the past. Did the trick for about 5 minutes.

They left because I told them that Arshavin hadn't even warmed up yet but still scored after about 90 seconds of coming on. They mumbled something about what Manchester United, a proper team, would do to Arsenal this Saturday. They sounded like bitter Spuds!

I've never met such bad losers! Honestly they embarrassed themselves. I always thought that Celtic fans conducted themselves better. I can understand why they were angry, I would be too but to act in such a manner? They were so bad one of their mates who stayed behind when they left actually apologised for them and bought me a beer. He happened to be a top bloke. I don't want to tar all Celtic fans like these idiots, and I know all clubs have them, but it pissed me off.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. i hope uefa don't charge him with something ridiculous like a 3 game ban..
    it would truly be a witch hunt because that cunt cristiano ronaldo has dived in every single CL match and he received no punishment whatsoever!

  2. if he had dived like that when Taylor went through him he might not have his ankle on backwards nowadays.

    no place in the game for divers/play actors and wenger needs to sort his boys out, eboue etc. No point in moaning about Ronaldo or other teams, you just worry about your own house, just because Ronny got let off don't mean everyone should in future.

    Anyway as Wrighty said, celtic and arsenal were league apart on the pitch, and it sounds like their support is a bit dim as well.

    welcome back Wrighty7.


  3. I am a Celtic fan and yes, Arsenal played brilliant football and deserved to win. With TV sponsorship over 10 years at £310Million versus Celtic with £19 Million, if Arsenal didnt win, then all bets are off. The reason why all Celtic fans are incensed is because the first goal at The Emirates was critical and to win it under such controversial circumstances enraged them.

  4. Get over it, every club in the world would have fans shouting the same at a player who had dived as obvious as this little twat did.

  5. ah wee man, u bitter little mug. enjoy the europa league.

  6. I just hate the British media for singling out Eudardo like this. It's like a player has dived for the first time in the history of football. I don't support diving but this happens week in week out in the premier league and it goes unpunished. It's just because this incident happened against a Scottish side that so much fuss is being made. All in all, the British media are just anti-arsenal F***in hypocrites!

  7. Eduardo and the referee were caught in a compromising position in the shower afterwards, this has also been reported to FIFA, Eduardo apparantly didnt have the balls to play fait football. He embarassed himself, Arsenal and football in general.
    Yes, cheatin@ wee pricks should not be allowed to play, arsehole from Arsenal!

  8. When you think of the amount of times we've seen Gerrard, Scholes, Owen, etc., dive and nothing is said - even Ashley Young last night! - but once again Johnny Foreigner does it, just like with Ronaldo, and the press want his blood. Rampant Racism.

    Oh yeah - Celtic & the SFA chief can fuck right off! 2 shots on target in 180 minutes and that apparently changed the game! That's why you're a small-time club in a small-time league in a small-time country!

  9. Celtic Cunts need to check out the youtube clip of Petrov diving in the hoop shirt. Wankers!

  10. What's happened to the English sense of justice and honesty since the Maradona 'Hand of God'. Seems cheating is now part and parcel of English sport. Shame you couldn't stand by your principles once the cheating started to act in your favour.
    I hope arsenal win nothing. I didn't have anything against them until this tie, but I've now had enough of these smug, arrogant cheats.

  11. Filthy diving foreigner. Knocking out celtic like that. Welsh sheep shagger.

    Talking about how Giggs knocked Celtic out of the CL with a dive. 3-2 the final score (unlike a game changing moment like 5-1)

  12. Wrighty for fucks sake!! There was no internet where u were? I really enjoy ur posts mate,welcome back.celtic r really bad losers i say fuck em.UP THE ARSENAL.

  13. I don't think there is a single Celtic fan I have come across claiming that we weren't totally outclassed over both legs - that's just what happens when you're up against a team with individual players who cost more than our whole squad. The accusation of Celtic fans acting like it was the only difference between the two teams is simply unfounded.

    It doesn't make it any easier to take when somebody blatantly cheats to get a penalty against you - and that's exactly what happened. It wasn't a soft penalty, he didn't go down easy, he just plain and simply dived when there was no contact on him at all. Hard to take at any time, but when it was the crucial goal that killed off any slim hopes we had of causing an upset it's all the worse.

    He deserves a ban for what he did, and so do a lot of others for similar cheating - rough on your team if he's the first one to get done for it, or if they make a big deal about this one case and then turn a blind eye to future offenders, but they have to start dealing with it sooner or later.

  14. So Celtic are a small time club? How many European Cups have Arseholes won? None! When you have won the European Cup you can make a comment about smaller teams, until then, go F**k yourselves, you cheatin wee wankers from poofy london!
    Hope you get cuffed by everyone this year, cheatin, arrogant pricks. Hail! Hail!

  15. So Celtic are a small time club? How many European Cups have Arseholes won? None! When you have won the European Cup you can make a comment about smaller teams, until then, go F**k yourselves, you cheatin wee wankers from poofy london!
    Hope you get cuffed by everyone this year, cheatin, arrogant pricks. Hail! Hail!

  16. I have to admit I shouted break his legs as well but it didn't mean that I wanted it to happen.

    Its football and emotions run high.

    Eduardo cheated and should be rightly punished.

    Arsenal were better than Celtic but the final score really flattered them.

  17. would like to see where Arsenal and the rest would be without Rupert Murdoch. If Celtic had access to even half those riches, they WOULD be a top 6 or even top 4 club in the EPL.


  19. Can the fans of Celtic seriously say not one player in their history has conned the referee? If not, its hypocracy...therefore it is hypocracy. Twats.

    To boot, we gooners have every right to point out other players from other teams who dive...we were robbed of CL final by those diving fags from Liverpool, Kuyt, Babel et al...

    Celtic are one of the gashest teams I have seen. Sendy is better than Caldwell - and he is captian. Loosers.

  20. Wrighty mate, you don't have the moral high ground here.
    It's undefendable what this Charlie Hunt did the other night and Wenger has lost a lot of face from the whole tawdry episode. This is the same guy that told Mourihno, and the English nation at large, that the game should be played with moral integrity 2 years ago. He's shown himself up to have the morals of a scabby pigeon now.
    Unfortunately for Arsenal the club will lose a lot of respect from this episode. Anyway, that won't matter too much to you I'm sure, you must be used to losing everything you compete for by now.

  21. I don't think all, or even most Celtic fans are like that. It's easy to get carried away and shout a lot of rubbish at a football match anyway. As to the dive - I don't think it was all that bad. He should have been booked, and to actually win the penalty was shocking, but then again that's football. I was calling him a cheating cunt at the time (which technically he is), but I soon calmed down. Let's face it, with hundreds of millions of pounds between the two teams, Celtic needed every break going. They got none. I'd say any Arsenal fan engaging in the smug triumphalism English football fans are famous for should consider themselves somewhat immature and needing to grow up. Good luck in the CL proper.


    jorosick dive

    to all Celtic fans going on as if the first time they ever seen anyone dive was edu.
    Shirt pulling, dilliberate blocks, professional fouls all just as bad - if uefa is banning for that then they should be banning for the other offences when its not spotted by the ref or the ref doesnt punish it. Terry and Vidic would be out for half a season.


  23. I used to think Ferguson was bad but the hypocrisy of Arsene "I didn't see anything" Wenger is unparalleled.

    By the way if there is an award this season for the poorest supporters in Britain Arsenal might win something after all. The legend of Highbury the Library lives on!!

  24. Guys, stop getting emotional. arsenal are a great club; Celtic are a great club, it's only football. Most Celtic fans like Arsenal and want them to do well, it's just the emotions of the game, qualifying, diving etc. If Celtic had access to a ten years £310 Million versus the current £19 Million, I feel the tables would be turned somewhat, Money! Thats the true difference.

  25. Deserves the 3 game ban imo. I had a lot of respect for Eduardo for recovering from that awful incident a year ago, but I was truly sickened by him on Wednesday.
    Him and many others are ruining this wonderful game!

  26. i hope uefa breaks the cheatin cunts legs!

  27. welcome back..missed your comments like the english summer without football..if eduardo is treated like this then CR7 should have been guillotined by now by the french monarch aka platini..that sumbitch might have been a great player in his time but haven't seen a UEFA president so anti arsenal that he singles out wenger and arsenal, therfore eduardo's fate was not at all surprising..celtic on the other hand played like stoke on steriods and expected to make to the CL finals..well good luck to them maybe mcgeady can do so on his PS3..all i'd like to say is welcome back with a vengeance, both Arsenal FC and WRIGHTY7..

  28. Sign the petition for eduardo

  29. fair comment on the european cup but even derby have won that. and forest twice. does that make them bigger than you? when you go a season unbeaten in one of the top 3 leagues in world football and your cabinet is full of meaningful trophies (scottish league winners doesnt mean much)then people might pay attention. swearing dont make you any harder!

  30. Rupert Murdochs puppets,every team in the EPL and One day it will all come crashing down. Wrighty, stop talking pish by the way.

  31. rupert murdoch or not England league is still better than the scottish league! and dont bother with internationals

  32. Is Eduardo going to be remembered only for this dive or for his amazing determination in his recovery from an injury that would have ended most celtic players careers

  33. It must be said that none of the talk of eduardo being banned has come from Celtic Football Club itself.

  34. being an Arsenal and Celtic fan I was deeply annoyed by eduardo's antics. however, he certainly does not deserve a ban or the media hype that has been going on. also Wrighty I find it a bit short sited that your singling out Celtic fans here. Celtic fans a generally the best behaved travelling fans in Europe. We are not bitter like Rangers who spill hatred. I hope Uefa see sense and do not sanction any punishment on Eduardo for something that is seen everyweek in the champions league. Comon Arsenal on Sunday! Comon the hoops!

  35. In response to Johnny, Arnt you forgetting what happened to Henrik Larsson? didn't you read the article?

  36. Speaking as someone who was there on the night, what strikes me is the stark contrast between the opinion of Celtic fans who were at the game and the opinion of those who watched it on telly or who read the news reports the next day.

    There is no sense of injustice to be derived from this tie. Celtic were outplayed, outfought and outclassed in every area of the game. Every Celtic fan at the ground would testify to this. Even Tony Mowbray waved off any attempts to elicit a response other than that the better team won.

    Why is it that there is something particular to Scots, in that they always attempt to seek a moral victory out of defeat?

  37. Would the wry smile after conning the penalty and then the running into the camara not have pushed you beyond the boiling point which the disgusting dive had put you at?
    The 1st goal was critical we all know that, it could either have been game on or games a bogey.
    £12m for you guys is half your tv money, £12m for us us between 8-9 years of TV money for us.
    Can you not open your eyes to how critical a moment that was?
    Ryan Giggs lost my respect permanently after he dived for a penalty at O.Trafford a few years back too.
    After the smile and the running into the camara, I wouldnt mind seeing that same face rolling about on the floor in actual agony instead of pretend agony, I make no apologies for that. I dont want the guys career to be over, but a little pain, like he caused us? If that makes me a bad person, then sorry I must be a bad person

  38. Eduardo had been given a huge amount of sympathy from Celtic fans after his injury and in one second he undoes all that. Wenger bleats about Drogba and Ronaldo but as soon as it his player he foams at the mouth. He and Eduardo are the disgrace. Arsenal used to be the favorite team for neutrals but that's over. And plenty of teams have played far better at Celtic Park and lost so don't get too smug.

  39. I can't believe that some of our fans are pointing the blame so much at the celts. I never knew that some were just like Man U fans. I've supported Arsenal and Celtic for 22 years and i find some of the Arrogance discusting. It's time to be graceful about victory and defeat. lets just call it history and move on. Arsenal have Champions league, Celtic still have the Uefa to challenge for. Celtic can challange for it like we did in Sevilla.

  40. to the person that wrote this --

    When you think of the amount of times we've seen Gerrard, Scholes, Owen, etc., dive and nothing is said - even Ashley Young last night! - but once again Johnny Foreigner does it, just like with Ronaldo, and the press want his blood. Rampant Racism.

    Oh yeah - Celtic & the SFA chief can fuck right off! 2 shots on target in 180 minutes and that apparently changed the game! That's why you're a small-time club in a small-time league in a small-time country!

    youre the racist. fact.

    arsenal were always gonna win that game. the fact that they cheated to get the first goal, thereby killing off the tie is what has incensed so many people, celtic fans and non-celtic fans alike. its not a witch hunt, its about trying to eradicate simulation from football. i notice that there's no-ones trying to suggest he didn't dive, so therefore he should be penalized for his actions. then maybe when gerard or ronaldo or whoever it is that YOU hate does it next against your team, maybe they'll get banned too... and maybe, just maybe, we'll get players playing football again.

  41. Look he is a cheating we runt...I called him all the names under the sun and think that he conned the ref. If I had been in a pub with fellow fans, I may have chanted something along the lines of break his legs, but like the guy said don't really mean is a heat of the moment anger response at a cheat.

    But you know what, it is a mans game and when players from our own team have done this (and there have been some who have done it...don't let anyone tell you otherwise), we condemn it on one side of our face and on the other think....thank fuck he got us a goal.

    Yes we want diving to stop, but I don't want him banned for it. It is the ref and the linesmen's job to police the game and except for violent conduct it should stop there....UEFA should stay out of it.

    Arsenal were the far better side and deserved to go through....sometimes you get the luck (with the goals and this decision) and sometimes you don't...but there is still not getting away from which side has more quality in it and deserved to go through.

    Rant done...I am off back in my hole to think about the fucking Europa fucking league.

  42. Lets examine the facts
    1. Arsenal got a 100% fluky goal off Gallus's back from a free kick.
    2. An own goal.
    3. A cheating dirty conman penalty
    4. 2 good goals.
    5. Celtic one excellent goal
    6. So one goal difference guys!
    7. £310M v £19M over 10 years, so for every £1M Celtic have for new players, Arsenal have £16M. I would expect ANY team to win hansomely then, but 3 flukes/cheats and only 2-1? Naw!
    Arsenal have lost so much credibility world wide for their actions. CFC did NOT chase this, we are better than that. Still waiting for Arsenal to win a European Cup...maybe practice diving again boys? Works for you...

  43. What is all this shit that the penalty 'Changed The Game'???? RUBBISH! Celtic needed THREE goals to go through. That didn't change when the penalty was scored - they still neede 3 goals - and had they scored 3 they would've gone thru on the away goal rule.

    But how can you score THREE goals when you have TWO shots on target in 180 minutes???


    Bless'em. Talk about deflect from being humiliated!

  44. Where did you get £310 million from Judge Joseph? haha.

    Arsenals average spend is about £2 million per season.

  45. Irishgooner........... I did say MOST celtic players.I am also Irish but cant stand that scottish or for that matter irish soccer

  46. Eamon u mug!
    What are u twelve?
    Since when did deflected goals and own goals not count?!?
    Shut up u mug!

    Facts are this - Eduardo dived.
    Arsenal SPANKED Celtic. Men v boys.
    Very very little boys.
    just like all those Celts on here.
    Now fuck off to the europa cup where u belong.

  47. What's with all these Celtic vermin on here?

    Arsenal won because our individual players cost more than your squad? Piss off!

    Celtic were beaten by quality and class. Don't give me "the first goal was crucial" nonsense. Your team barely had a shot on goal. The penalty was unfortunate and Celtic would have had my sympathy for that had it not been for their shameful behaviour.

    And as fair play goes, its funny how people ignore some of Celtics antics. Pulling and dragging our players around stopping their runs just because your players didn't have the ability to cope. Pathetic.

    Before this series of games, I had so much respect for Celtic and the Scottish FA. What happened was wrong but your reactions have been disgusting.

    does anyone remember if action was taken on the above events???was it blown out of proportion??
    media - fuckin cunts
    uefa - shambolic hypocritical organisation of fuckin cunts

  49. Maybe you should have been at the game where Celtic and Arsenal fans got on fine before, after and during the match rather than base an article on a chance meeting in a pub in Lanzarote.
    For fecks sake, get real.

  50. TBH, being a Scottish gooner, I have no love for or interest in Celtic, but a lot of their fans are OK and Mowbray acted with a lot of dignity and accepted that we were the better team.

    Gordon Smith should mind his own fucking business & to all the Celtic fans who have slagges of Eduardo, it's a bit fucking rich after the weekly dives from Petrov and Larsson.

  51. Not a Scottish/English has been highlighted by UEFA, so arsenal have the disrespect from all over Europe. Great teams and managers are remembered, celtic had to show all english clubs how to win the European Cup, so Arsenal can pass the ball - so what? How many European Cups, How many English Championships? Wenger moaning epitomises that he cannot have dignity, nor class to win any keep passing the ball and looking at your empty trophy cabinets boys. Celtic 1967, Arsenal 42 years and counting behind us...whats wrong? Facts hurt? Grow up and win something, anything, then crow about it, until then you are a mediocre team at best! 100% foreign players too!English team? My arse(Nal)

  52. I think you're in danger of being a touch hypersensitive.

    Shouts like that are never nice to hear, particularly when there are kids around, but I'm sure there are individuals who support your club who are able and guilty of such vitriol. I've heard them.

    Enjoy your victory and stop being silly!

  53. I think you're in danger of being a touch hypersensitive.

    Shouts like that are never nice to hear, particularly when there are kids around, but I'm sure there are individuals who support your club who are able and guilty of such vitriol. I've heard them.

    Enjoy your victory and stop being silly!

  54. He cheated. I heard worst said about Taylor when he broke Eduardo's leg so before slating Celtic fan's have a look at your own. And your atmosphere is the worst I have ever heard and I have been to some poor matches. But, Arsenal were the better team however the 1st goal was vital and to be cheated out of the match straight into it is a disgrace. Ban him for life!!!

  55. hello big man,
    I never do this but i have to say, that the fans saying that where wrong, i am a celtic fan, and felt sick to my stomach of what happened, but i can understand some of the reaction, because being a celtic fan in Europe is not easy, we never get the rub of the green with refs, Man Utd, Juve, Leon, Bayern Munich, Arsenal, have all had penaltys against us that where all very dubious. To say we where complety outclaSSED, is way of the mark, for sure Arsenal deserved to go through because they reduced us to a couple of attempts at goal, but to be fair they got a goal of Gallas that was soooo lucky, then the own goal, and at the Emeriates i thought celtic where doing really well and then the dive, Arshavins goal and the other goal from open play where good goals but the gamme was already over, our players just saw a chance to do something taken away due to a cheat. Sorry but i think you will find most people will agree. tHE SCORE flattered Arsenal. Cheers Anthony.

  56. Wheres your european cup?

    Great staduim, Great infastructure and good team.

    Terrible atmosphere, Poor fans and

  57. Not only is this being blown out of proportion, but people are missing the point...

    Yes - Eduardo simulated more contact than was necessary

    Yes - It was not a penalty

    These are not the things that Wenger is upset about, it is the fact that Eduardo has been singled out and vilified for comitting an offence (and it is an offence) that happens regularly at all levels of the game... Unfortunately.

    Now the real question is the timing and origin of the complaint.
    Day before a big game against United, Scottish FA implore that UEFA look into the matter... You think Ferguson didn't call a couple of his associates at the SFA and ask for a little more ruckus than was necessary... Coincedence? I think not...

    Whenever an English player is caught in the act (Rooney @ Old Trafford, after 49 games unbeaten, Young TWICE last night!) it's said that they "won" the penalty, they're just doing what "they" do... These are the reasons that Wenger is incensed, the sheer hypocrisy of the governing bodies and the people that run them

  58. The last time English and Scottish leagues met on anything like an equal footing Rangers beat Leeds home and away. That was before Sky's millions turned the EPL into a freak show. I'm no Rangers fan but the facts speak for themselves. Celtic's record against EPL teams is not too bad either, see Ewood Park or Anfield 2003

  59. fair enough the penalty probably didn't change the way tie would have ended up but if nothing is done to stamp that kind of behaviour out then football is in a bad place. would all you arsenal fans be so understanding if at the wknd nani drops like a ton of bricks in your penalty area and cons ref into a penalty? i think not!!!! as for the comments about a small team from a small league, yes granted we are from a small country with a population smaller than london it's self but by calling celtic a small team you merely show yourself to know nothing about football. dont confuse the fact yous recieve more money from sky and other areas with the actual size of your club on the world stage.celtic are run on a budget of less than a tenth of yours and cannot afford the players you can but can you go to america,oz,canada,japan etc and sell out stadiums because of your massive following? only man utd and liverpool can rival us in those stakes.we are a world wide supported club and this is built on our proud history of over 100 not on a few bob from sky in the last decade or's teams like arsenal,villa etc that will make sure celtic and the manky mob for that matter will never be allowed to play in england as you know a few seasons on a level playing ground and we would be top 4 side. anyway you enjoy your wee run at a throphy yous will never win but we already have sitting proudly in paradise

  60. Eamon Joseph said...

    yawn......... your one european trophy you won in the days of black and white tv's.

    You guys are not even on the same page anymore. you cant even get into the competition!

    Your manager is class but some of you guys are dumb!

    Enjoy Europa lg

  61. hey bhoys how do you think we feel. we have had to suffer their cheating and play acting ever since the myopic prick wenger took over. they do it practically every week but dont ask the muppets on here. just ask any prem fan who the worst cheats are?

    i feel for you guys, you may have lost the game but you won the support of real fans.
    can you imagine what those wankers would make of danny mcgrain?

  62. Mate people dive at all levels, even in 5 a side you get dives and dubious free kicks, penalties etc.

    Its a human nature thing cause no-one can claim they havent been glad to get a goal when its one of their players who has gone down and everyone curses if its done against you.

    Its basic individual honesty but with the money and pressure there is to get results, some players use an unfair advantage like diving, bloking a players run and pretending they ran into you, shirt pulling etc. it just reflects the cynical nature we have amongst ourselves when we want to win at all cost.
    Jarosik dived against united to earn a freekick - its the way of the game these days.

    look at these game shows that encourage dishonesty.

  63. Summerspur said...

    "we have had to suffer their cheating and play acting ever since the myopic prick wenger took over."

    And everyone has been laughing at the spuds ever since.

    Remember when arsene's secret service of chefs snuk a dodgy lasgne into your menu.


  64. I'm a celtic fan and have read every posting on here..... Celtic were outclassed period!!! Did the penalty mean anything in the big picture? No, it was a tough mountain to climb to go into the Emirates and try coming out 3-0, not going to happen. To lose a penalty like that was EXTREMELY hard to take. I'm sure any football fan would agree. Arsenal are my team in England, and I have enjoyed watching them over the past 10 years, all the talk on here about small time club is absolute shite. Just because a team loses does not merit a "small time" status. Its pretty childish actually, good luck this season to Arsenal and all their fans!!! Hail Hail

  65. "we are a world wide supported club and this is built on our proud history of over 100 not on a few bob from sky in the last decade or so."

    and if you sell out so many stadiums all over the world why you guys crying poverty!

    last time i looked we were established in 1886 not 1998! and we won trophies from the 1930's onwards thanks for the history lesson though.

  66. Pointing out that Larsson broke his leg means what? Surely your not trying to put him in the same bracket at Eduardo? Henrik was one of the most honest pro's to play. Far better than you ever were. I'm still disappointed we actually signed you back in the day wright. As for the shouts direct at Eduardo i'm sure you goons, i mean gooners would have being doing the exact same when Ronaldo was doing it against your team.
    people in glass houses and all that

  67. wenger is a hyprocrite, he said 3 years ago anyone caught divin shud b banned, and den he comes out with these stupid comments, hes blinkered and only sees things from his own club , by the way are they english or french

  68. Denegrate the SPL teams & lack of funds/talent all you want but can I remind you all that it`s the SFA procedure of retrospective punishments that UEFA have now adopted.Ask Kyle Lafferty if he wants to act pretend head butt victim again (if in doubt look up coward on utube).I believe this could be the best action UEFA have ever taken,perhaps players will think twice now before trying to con the ref,as for Wenger-whilst backing up your players is honourable sometimes you have to admit what the whole world can see and castigate a blatant cheat.

  69. He's a cheat, Wenger is defending him. That's the only two facts that matter. It shouldn't matter if the final score was 25-0.

    You should be ashamed of them both.

  70. who gives a fuck what this mug has to say about it. Arsenal fans should get an atmosphere going aswell man, what a mediocre boring set of fans. and for the record ive yet to hear celtic officially condemn eduardo's dive its the scottish FA and who gives a fuck about them. to be honest a don't see the big deal people dive all the time, its just quite unnecessary and embarrassing when the tie was pretty much over anyway. that said eduardo is a ratty little prick.

  71. Celtic.

    Fuck off. Your 15 minutes are up. Concentrate on those thrilling SPL games coming up.

    Oh, and thanks for beating that tricky Russian side in the round before and giving us a stroll into the Champions League!

    PS Charlie Nicholas will always be a Gooner

  72. Wrighty, i think u should get the guy with the 'aids' comment IP address and track him down and see how brave he is then.

  73. fair comment about a cheating cunt

  74. No doubt about it Arsenal are far better and so they should be if they see themselves winning the cl or epl.
    Arsenal are good at this cheating carry on and the fans know it. Wenger moans about EVERYTHING that doesnt go Arsenals way. who would think that a team so skillful would have to cheat so much. here is 10 of the top dives, Arsenal are in it ? times.

    Man U tomorrow and I hope you get pumped.

  75. man utd are a class above this mob.

    "fuck all, your gonna win fuck all"

  76. All u arsenal fans come back when you support ur team properly. Worst home atmostphere ive been at u got outsung for large parts of the game

    Celtic got best fans in the world and liverpool for EPL
    Hail Hail

  77. Wrighty7 - the sky dish support do not represent the true travelling Celtic support. Apologies for the comments - after what Eduardo's been through he doesn't deserve it.

    AW is on SSN now - he's losing it, completely barmy - makes Sir Swalek look sane!!

    Celtic and Arsenal have a long association lets not let these wee boys affect that??!!

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. celtic and rangers are notorious bigots anyway

  80. Celtic got well and truely humped over the 2 games. Its lucky for them Arsenal didnt have a point to prove or they would have destroyed them. Arsenal never got out of first gear. Didnt have to.
    The penalty is irrelevant in the big picture. Celtic fans, being what they are will moan their arses off about this for years to come. It will quickly become a romantic 'Arsenal blatently denied us a place in the CL' story... like they were ever in the game! lol
    Good luck Arsenal, now you will play decent teams who will offer a challenge. Keep doing what youre doing and you will go a long way.

  81. break his legs cheating scumbag

  82. "We were at a family bar."

    Hahaha. So many things wrong with that comment.

  83. Theatreof dreams29 August 2009 at 08:57

    What a load of crap from the Arsenal fans. I watched both legs and Celtic were well in both ties until the Gallas fluke and the Eduardo dive knocked the stuffing out of their morale. They must have thought the footballing Gods were against them. As for being outclassed...Celtic had the best player on the pitch in McGeady. None of the Arsenal players got near him all night. So far you've played an Everton team who didn't bother to turn up,(well done Lescott) A Portsmouth side who've sold all their best players and Celtic who you fluked past. You won't be so lucky tonight and we'll see which team will actually be challenging for the title this year.

  84. this rally is getting out of hand, most Celtic fans myself included didnt give Celtic much of a chance against Wengers boys, however you are all missing the point in a team worth millions your player conned the ref, and your manager reckons thats ok because it happens every week in Ehgland, HE IS WRONG , however i hope you do well and get to the final only to be beaten by a soft pen.....jimbhoy

  85. I am a Gooner fan and was in a North London pub watching a game. The opposition team scored (cannot remember who but is irrelevant) and the player did a 'baby cradle' goal celebration.

    The guy in front of me,an Arsenal "fan" took offence at this and shouted out "I hope someone rapes your wee baby!"
    I was absolutely disgusted and so was everyone around me in the bar. We complained to the management about him and he eventually left with some persuasion, though I believe he thought he might get a dig from some of the punters.

    I suppose every club has fans like this, including our own, but I have yet to hear anyone shout anything more disgusting at a football match than this.

    It sounds as if its not only Eduardo dive that is being blown out of proportion on the blogs.

  86. Who in their right mind brings children to a bar to watch a football match never mind at 9.30pm (CET)

    Sounds like these poor children have selfish scum for parents.

    And people wonder what is wrong with today's society.

  87. Wrighty7,

    some of those text messages you send me during the Spurs games are a lot worse than "Break his f**king legs!"

    Ha Ha - Caught out again Wrighty7

    I'll speak to you laters mate and reveal myself. LOL

  88. Arsenal should have dealt with it internally, like Rangers did with Kyle when he got the Aberdeen player sent off last season. Mowbary has made a point of not getting involved in this.

  89. Sad to know that Celtic team, SPL, UEFA & Celtic fan use Eduardo as excuse for their lost. WAHT A FUCKING BAD LOSER. come on, be a man & lost a game with your held HIGH & not blaming others. Diving this part of the game....if you cannot beat Arsenal, then too bad.
    For the record, Arsenal became the 1st English team beat Celtic at home. This show the different in CLASS between the 2 teams


  90. Great, honest post at 9.41.

    I have not met a Celtic fan who has not admitted the better team won. Celtic are in transition, with a new manager and team, for starters, without going into the financials.

    I'm just annoyed the game never really ignited. Arsenal are a better team and also got all the breaks, fluke goal, og and then disgraceful penalty. So Celtic could not really apply any pressure or nervousness about Arsenal to give them a challenge.

  91. no offence post at 9.41, credit should have been for post at 10.13

  92. Facts are - Arsenal won't be anywhere near the top of the league this season no matter how many times they beat Wigan or Stoke! Or, for that matter the latter stages of the champions league! I am a RANGERS supporter and I still say Eduardo is a cheating c*nt!!! Just like all the other over rated pish that bobbles about in that shite league you like to call "the greatest league in the world"!

  93. Contrast Eduardo with Arshavin last season.

    Eduardo showed no remorse on cheating, even taking the penalty and running to kiss the camera! Arhsavin tripped in the box last season and the ref awarded a penalty, Arshavin tried to get the ref to change his mind.

    I know who I have more time for!

  94. As a Celtic fan I have to admit I was shouting at the TV - at the ref and Eduardo - calling them every name under the sun - however I have had time to calm down sufficiently. Should Eduardo be banned for this? YES - should Drgoba, Gerrard (the complete hypocrite) be banned for the enumerous dives - YES - should Owen be banned - YES - Ronaldo - YES - I am not saying Celtic are saints - but I cringe when I see us dive too. I still have a lot of time for Arsenal - you guys are playing some beautiful footie at the mo - good luck in CL - and against Manure tomorrow :)

  95. yeah yous are truely a massive team. so massive you've won fuck all for four years and will be same again this year, great post about arshavin against pompey last year, that was exactly how a player should conduct himself maybe that little cheating rat eduardo should have a look at his team mates.just goes to show money doesn't buy true class

  96. All this moaning is rich coming from Scotland's dirtiest club. Celtic are well known in Scotland for diving and cheating any way they can.
    A taste od their own medicine is a good thing. Its amusing to all of Scotland.
    Well done to Arsenal, now you will play teams will be a genuine test.
    Good luck!

