Tuesday 11 August 2009

Why aren't Liverpool dug out as much as Arsenal?

Let me start by saying I don't want anyone, Gooner or Liverpudian, to take this as a dig at Liverpool Football Club. I'm merely using them as an example.

In fact, if Arsenal don't win the Premiership title then I hope Liverpool do. I think there is an affinity between Arsenal and Liverpool supporters. We respect each other and have a bond, especially over the Ray Kennedy fund.

I didn't want to write this, because of my respect for Liverpool, but I felt I had too.

All summer long I've heard that Arsenal are on the wane and are the side most likely to be replaced in the so-called top four. I keep hearing that 2005 was the last time we won anything and that barren run is probably going to continue. This comes from the so-called experts of the media. I hate the media.

The media, more than a senile tape recorder, repeat the fact that the last time Arsenal won anything (2005) the dinosaurs were still in town. Sure, it feels that long ago but I never hear that the last time Liverpool won anything (2006) was in fact only a year later when cavemen took over the planet.

Not a major difference? So why is it that we only hear of Arsenal's trophy-less run?

Last summer it went into overdrive, this year it's even worse! We are being written off more than my old Fiesta and I can't deny it frustrates me. Badly.

If the last time Arsenal won the league was in 1990 I'm sure the media would be wanking. Why is that Arsenal are dug out? It is xenophobia? If that is the case then I'd say the media were hypocrites. They cream their knickers when watching Arsenal at full flight but can't wait to stick the knife in about the amount of foreign players we have.

As I've said, last summer we were dug out more than a fossil would be. It would have been three years since our last trophy. Liverpool are at that stage now but has it actually been mentioned? I'll eat my own pants if it has!

Now let me apologise for using Liverpool as an example. I really hope they have a great season. Of course not at the expense of Arsenal! As I've said if Arsenal don't win the league, I hope Liverpool do.

But this is a perfect of example of the media using Arsenal to get headlines and it pisses me right off. I hope we smash the fucking league and that Arsene Wenger sticks his fingers up the hypocritical wankers.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. As a Livepool fan could not agree more - the media are a disgrace. No offence taken about your remarks Gooners like true reds follow a team with traditional values and can see there's more to life than marketing opportunities for franchises...if we don't win it I hope your lot do.

  2. Great point. I wonder if Liverpool get the same treatment when Arsenal end the drought and they are in Arsenal's boat.

  3. I agree and I've been saying the same thing for the longest while now.

  4. The reason Liverpool are not being written off is because they finished second last year with Gerrard and Torres only playing a handful of appearances together with the fact that they have strengthened their team and United and Arsenal considerable weakening their squads maybe this is the reason, and don't feel like this is only Arsenal being targeted because Liverpool have been written off for the past 15 years(and rightly so as history shows)

  5. Another great post Wrighty, very true!

  6. Once again Wrighty you're fuckin' spot on.

  7. The comment from the Liverpool fan is why I have so much respect for them.

    Classy, just like Arsenal.

  8. 'If the last time Arsenal won the league was in 1990 I'm sure the media would be wanking'- thats classic

    great post btw

  9. Could it be because we are shipping more goals then Titanic is taking in water,or that our midfield is absolutely useless.

  10. Who cares who gets dug out the most. Both our team and Liverpool are going to win fuck all.

    Theres no media conspiracy.


  11. Great post as usual. Couldn't agree more

  12. Anonymous @19:57
    Thia time last year, Arsenal had just finished 2nd. We'd topped the league 3/4 of the season and were playing fantastic football. The media were saying then that we hadn't won a trophy in 3 years.

    Why not the same about Liverpool now?

    It's Liverpool that's actually fallen out of the Top 4 twice, and never won the Premier League. It's Liverpool and Benitez who've spent about as much as the dirty cheating mancs and not won the Premier League.

    It's Arsenal that's been rebuilding while Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool spent some £700M and each had just about their strongest squads in decades or of all time.

    Of course there is an agenda, Wrighty.

  13. Arsenal are not good enough to mount a serious title challenge, no one is doubting the quality of there players as individuals and there prospective talents but with only 2 maybe 3 world class players compared to 5 or 6 at liverpool chelsea and united i feel that untill they buy big or develop the young talents then they will have to suffer finishing 4th or 5th untill they do so

  14. Great post. As a Liverpool fan though, I can tell you we get PLENTY of crap from the media. Perhaps not as much as you in some aspects, but certainly more in others. The one who NEVER gets any grief is Fergie and his scum. They loose the World Player of the Year, replace him with Valencia and Owen, and no one goes on about them? Owen is a "great move" but anything Rafa or Wenger does is stupid? And as a Liverpool fan I do have a great amount of respect for Arsenal and your fans. If we don't win it then I certainly hope you all do.

  15. I love that: 'This is not a dig at Liverpool'. Yeah right.

    Do we read the same media?

    They're constantly on our (LFC) case and Rafa is a constant source of ridicule. While Arsenal and Wenger are lauded for playing super duper, but ultimately worthless football and building teams on a pittance despite spending plenty of money, including wages.

  16. Manchester United is another story mate!

    I actually believe that the media wipe Fergie's arse. It's almost as if they are frightened of him.

    Great point by the way mate!

  17. Sick post wrighty, fuckin spot-on and sick post.

    Keep it up!!

    Kind Regards!
    Randy Osae

  18. And of course, everyone else!

  19. I do appreciate the post,and I have felt many a times that media are being biased against us.But apparently,United,Chelsea and Liverpool have been trying to win something by bringing in quality replacements,whereas we have shown zero ambition by going for rejects from United.One thing I see similar in Arsenal and Liverpool is the way in which both missed out on anychance of silver ware,thanks to the tinkering and team selection strategy of both managers/.Rafa substituting Torres when Pool were behind,and Arsene not starting Arshavin against Chelsea,and playing Silvestre in the left on many occassions.

  20. It's a few things...

    - anti-french red tops
    - Arsenal fanbase isn't that great
    - recent success of Arsenal in last twelve years
    - recent lack of success last 4 years
    - and the press love nothing more than an easy target to kick

    You'd think trying to run the club on a sustainable business model would be applauded... but no, sadly that's modern Britain for you

  21. the football community as a whole were used to see Arsenal as an irresistible team

  22. Annoynmous 20:04 can you name these 5-6 "world class" players at Liverpool?? Ngog?

  23. Danish Gooner;

    Yet another ultra pessimistic comment on yet another Arsenal blog.

    What a ray of effin sunshine you really are.... Twat! Go jump in a fookin Fjord!

  24. this is a pathetic post, not a snipe at liverpool??? yeah right,
    arsenal wont be anywhere near the top 3 this year, like last year and without adebayour or toure u will be 5th or 6th

  25. fuck Liverpool, is there fuck a mutual respect between us and them, I have never liked them and there are plenty of Gooners who feel the same.

  26. wrighty get off liverpools dick, i hate these people who try and make friends with other clubs. Frankly its pathetic, i support Arsenal so all the other clubs can fuck right off, especially those scouse rats.

  27. Dear Harry
    The 5 or 6 world class players at liverpool would happen to be Reina, 3 time golden glove winner, Carragher, the most consistent center back in world football, Glen Johnson, best right back in the league and possibly top 3 in the world, Mascherano, best defensive midfielder in the world, Gerrard, enough said and Torres, best striker in the world, Ngog is a reserve player who is a good prospect so no need for the swipe at him, apart from the said 6 agger, skrtl, aquilani and kuyt would make the arsenal team as would cavalieri and possibly riera

  28. Arsenal had a great team in 2004 with world class players that went a whole season unbeaten. That's only 5 years ago so the decline has been steep if you look at the current Arsenal team, who will play pretty football all day but buckle when the high pressure games arrive.

    The team has technical talent, no doubt. But it doesn't have mentally & physically tough characters like the great Arsenal sides. Characters which are needed to win the Prem.

    Liverpool haven't won the title since 1990. Benitez has slowly improved the side since he took over. So Liverpool are seen as gradually clawing their way back to the top. But it's so long ago since they did win the league it isn't a suprise anymore when they don't.

    Arsenal are not seen as improving, they are declining as a genuine force. Nice football to watch, but clearly lacking the characters in the team to win trophies, which, for all Liverpool's weaknesses can't be said of Gerrard, Torres, Carragher, Reina, and Mascherano.

    Wenger has become obsessed with the aesthetics of the game and forgot about the other less eye catching ingredients needed in top teams.

    A bit of nastiness with skill a la Viera was priceless.

  29. Reina, Carragher, Agger, Johnson, Gerrard, Mascherano, Kuyt, Torres, and on a limb, I'd also add Benayoun to that list (he is quality and also captain of Israel, if that counts).

    Even the most biased opposing fan would agree with Reina, Carra, Gerrard, Masch and Torres. That's easily 5. I think that the others are up there too.

  30. "Premiership you're having a laugh", shit ground,shit atmosphere, and Everton won the league before them, so fuck them, they won't win jack-shit, and the Mancs will over-take them in the titles, funny how when they stopped the rule passing back to the goal-keeper, the thieving scousers haven't won the title

  31. "wrighty get off liverpools dick, i hate these people who try and make friends with other clubs. Frankly its pathetic, i support Arsenal so all the other clubs can fuck right off, especially those scouse rats."

    School holidays.......

  32. who's out with a groin strain for England but will be fit for the Spurs game, fucking headless chicken Gerrard

  33. don't agree with the Hillsborough remark, don't like any other team apart from Arsenal, never have had that fucking question "Who is your second team", well mine are Arsenal first,second and third

  34. Alright you've named your 5 "world class" players and claim we only have 2-3.....How's about Fabregas, Arshavin, Clichy, Sagna, Van Persie???

  35. just goes to show how pathetic u mugs are, bringing hillsborough into an argument about who has the better team and who will do better this season, ur a right legend aint u mocking the dead, it shows that when u see how superior liverpool are to your team u have to resort to that shit..
    and shit ground shit atmosphere, wot planet are u living on u twat, widely regarded as the stadium with the best atmosphere

  36. don't think you should mention Hillsborough. I Don't like them but that's a bit over the top.

  37. lmfao glen johnson world class hahahahahahahahahahahhhhahahhahha
    if he is so is vito mannone , jay simpson , barazite , frimpong and watt so there we have 5 world class players in the reserves

  38. how the fuck can u class clichy and sagna world class, they cant even fucking mack the frog team, arshavan not proven enough yet in the premiership but i would say he is world class and obviously fabregas, van persie??? ur having a laugh aint u

  39. you make me laugh, there is no atmosphere up at Liverpool, each time I have been up there, you come alive now and then, so don't come on here with your shit, I'm off to Celtic Park next week and I hope it's a great atmosphere.

  40. is glen johnson not englands first choice right back(who most here will be cheering during the world cup next year) and proven best right back in the league(the right back in premiership team of the year) plus chelsea and man city offered 17 million too so its not just rafa who thinks it, well actual most unbiased journalists and fellow proffesionals

  41. Mate your boy's having a laugh if he's telling me Dirk Kuyt and at a push Benayoum are World Class!!

  42. True Arshavin ain't proven in the Premiership....he's just proven against you scousers....haha

  43. Sean - Liverpool11 August 2009 at 20:55

    Agree Wrighty. Arsenal get a terrible press especially when you look at the financial pressure Wenger has been under. No other manager could have performed as well in my opinion. With regrad to the Heysel / Hillsborough comments I assume they are Mancs just trying to poison the decent relationship between teh 2 sets of fans.... A true gooner would not write such shite. Had a lot of time for Arsenal for a while, a club with proper values. I remember (not fondly) staying to clap you lot when you won the title at Anfield, and if we dont win it I would like to see teh Arsenal win it again. Good luck for the season gooners and ignore the minority of gobshites from our side too.

  44. you fuckin bin dipper cunt i wouldnt let my dogs dick touch glen johnson il wipe shit on your face you dirty cunt wayne rooney will piss on liverpool from great height befor dirty scousers like gerrard, ronald mcdonald and joey barton perform rape again .


    MANCHESTER LA LA LA, im man u biggest fan, i live in usa and watch 2 games a season..... on tv.

  45. Liverpool fan here, some good points there, like you I also hope Arsenal do well if Liverpool don't, if only Arsenal could win the league every year we don't ahead of those mancs and Chelsea C***s. But, I think it may come down to the fact that Wenger has nt really strenghten the key areas of your team (i.e DM and DC). But, remember that ye destroyed United and Chelsea last year in play with your young players.

  46. As the most successful team in the history of English football, Liverpool is often featured when football is depicted in British culture and has appeared in a number of media "firsts". The club appeared in the first edition of the BBC's Match of the Day, which screened highlights of their match against Arsenal at Anfield on 22 August 1964. The club was also the subject of television's first colour football transmission, which showed their match against West Ham United live

  47. Domestic
    Football League First Division (English football champions) (level 1)
    Winners (18): 1900–01, 1905–06, 1921–22, 1922–23, 1946–47, 1963–64, 1965–66, 1972–73, 1975–76, 1976–77, 1978–79, 1979–80, 1981–82, 1982–83, 1983–84, 1985–86, 1987–88, 1989–90
    Second Division (level 2)
    Winners (4): 1893–94, 1895–96, 1904–05, 1961–62
    Lancashire League
    Winners (1): 1892–93
    FA Cup
    Winners (7): 1965, 1974, 1986, 1989, 1992, 2001, 2006
    League Cup
    Winners (7): 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1995, 2001, 2003
    FA Charity Shield / FA Community Shield
    Winners (15, 10 outright and 5 shared): 1964 (shared), 1965 (shared), 1966, 1974, 1976, 1977 (shared), 1979, 1980, 1982, 1986 (shared), 1988, 1989, 1990 (shared), 2001, 2006
    Super Cup
    Winners (1): 1986
    European Cup and UEFA Champions League
    Winners (5): 1977, 1978, 1981, 1984, 2005
    UEFA Cup
    Winners (3): 1973, 1976, 2001
    UEFA Super Cup
    Winners (3): 1977, 2001, 2005

  48. Media bias against Arsenal...pure and simple. We are constantly portrayed as a club in crisis. It sells papers.

  49. if liverpool have so many world class players , how come you aint won fuck all ???? dont answer that i will cos the players u mentiond aint world class oh carragher 3rd choice cb for englan ( when he could still run ) reina just fuck off , i make it 2 gerrard nd torres and mascuranus comes close but big question marks over his temprament you bling scousers will neva win the prem again . how long has it been again ?????????? is it 19 or 20 YEARS ive lost count !!!!

  50. *Lettraggad*
    Lol Liverpool apperently have 5-6 worldclass players.. :) Dont get me wrong mate I rate Glen Johnson you have him as the 3rd best rightback in world football??? F#cking h man ..I am quite honest now no pun .. Glenn Johnson would be third choice right back at Arsenal .. as Sagna (WORLDCLASS) and Eboue are way better than him and can prove it on merit so i guess we can easily add Eboue to the worldclass list 1.Arshavin, 2.Rosicky,3.Rvp, 4.Fabregas,5.Gallas,6.Sagna,7Nasri,Eboue* After this season when Eduardo makes his name I'll add him to.. statiscally Denilson and Song were better than Mascherano .. but I wont go there. I actually like Charagger but Im quite shure Vermaelen is better than him (I wont even bother comparing him 2 Gallas whos actually won the league and worldcups) if Arsene spends 10m£ on a defender you know hi is "the bomb". Your defence has been better than ours but your defenders are not better if u get me. Last year you mad a couple of great attempts at playing atacking football.. but your defence is not built for that thats why our russian stuck FOUR in your back.

  51. I don't think the point of the post was to argue which team has the better team (as some of the comments suggest), but is asking why the media is giving Arsenal a harder time given that Liverpool are in a similar position to Arsenal last season.

    The answer to me is simple: lazy journalism. As a Liverpool fan, there have been plenty of occasions where the press gave made ridiculous proclamations about us, or often specifically about Benitez. Anyone with a passing knowledge of the facts sees right through them but the press publish them simply to be sensationalist and sell papers.

    I'm sure that the press get a bee in their bonnet and think "oh, Arsenal being in decline would be a good story" and then look for every bit of rubbish that could support it. These stories are especially imflamatory for supporters because they know the facts about their own club in detail and so see how stupid these stories are, and this can lead you to think that you're being singled out.

    By the way, I've always had a healthy respect for Arsenal, you don't have to hate every other club to be a fan.

  52. Liverpool have 2 players. Gerrard and Torres. Absolute fantastic players.

    Add their decent players: Carragher, Agger, Mascherano, Kuyt, Reina.

    Once you're past that you're well in donkey country.

    Take any position. List their number one for the position. List their number 2. The gap between Number one and Number two is bigger than to be found between Madonna's legs.

    Nobody has ever explained to me; Should they lose Torres to a leg break, and Gerrard to a freak knee injury for 1 year and 1.5 years respectively, who will carry Liverpool?

    Babel? Ngog? Mascherano? El Zhar?

  53. Arsenal..World class. Right. 1. Fabregas. 2. Van persie. 3. Arshavin(Russia's finest, burst into the prem..And before any scouse argues..Erm..4-4 at anfield..try and say thats not world class? Yeah thought not). 4.Tomas rosicky(when fit). 5. Eduardo? Yeah..cos theres alot better finshers out there?(not strikers, but finishers) out there. 6. William gallas..I personally dont like him..but is he or is he not a most regular and one of the longest playing in the world class french squad? Right. Carra not picked for international..Gallas is. Now. As for ashavin, rosicky and eduardo. They are the best players from the respective countries, play and captain there sides and are exceptional. World class. Thanks.Did i forget to mention Sagna has been more consistent that Johnson(who you just bought and hasnt played for anyone good..he played for portsmouth ffs) And oh yeah, plays for france. And by the way we can boast, Atleast 12 players who play(and alot important roles) in international teams..so..How exactly is that not world class..considering they kind of play or will play in the world cup for good teams in there international uniforms. Case closed. One last thing, Nearly every Arsenal player plays for there international squad regularly. Want me to name them?

  54. All you guys kill me. What you guys know about football could fill a thimble. All experts lol

  55. ''The reason Liverpool are not being written off is because they finished second last year with Gerrard and Torres only playing a handful of appearances together with the fact that they have strengthened their team''

    HAHAHA glenn johnson for 17 mil... come off it mate, we got arshavin for less who'll be player of the season
    and liverpool got an average right back...
    good one!

  56. *Lettraggad* Damn I forgot Clichy .. there Id say t and there is only one leftback better than him ..and thats the little Manc cunt. Clichy could easily become better its up to him. The only defender Ive seen controlling Walcott in a game is Evra. I was very pleased too see him against Cashley last season cus cashley really took it up the butt then again he may have done tha voluntarily.

  57. and they lost alonso!
    but great post, talking sense as usual


  59. Sean - Liverpool11 August 2009 at 21:17

    SVF Gangsta...Rooney is a Scouser you thick cunt. Does help to feed my view of United fans though so thanks for letting the forum know that you are a thick cunt who knows not a great deal about football (or United)

    Ole Gunner....You mean Donkeys like O Shea, Fletcher? You take Rooney out of your side and you are shafted. After the 4-1 last season everyone realised that if thay attack you they will score goals....Barca showed just how good Rio and Vidic were son.

    Fergie isnt a patch on Wenger and the United fans on here know it. 2 Champions leage wins in 20 years when he has consistently outspent the whole of Europe. If you gave Wenger that cash no-one other than Barca would compete with Arsenal

  60. Liverpool fan here. It's all media bollocks. Liverpool are a two man team (like some of you have posted above). So why are teh fucking media saying we've lost a great midfield player and are worse off for it. It's all shite.

    There's always surprises, and it would take a surprise to turn round the big points difference between Arsenal and the top two, but we did it last year.

    Good luck Gooners.

  61. The press are a bunch of cockstands. I noticed the way they turned on us (LFC) in the early 90s. I believe it was the contrast in fortune for us then and you now.

    Nobody should be in any doubt about how good the gooners have been, however, I don't think you'll get any change out of the press until there's a very positive upturn at your club in the form of silverware. Long unbeaten runs help, mind.

    Let's face it, though, Wenger will not receive the treatment Houllier did towards the end of his tenure. No-one deserves that.

    I read somewhere that Rafa's outburst at Fergie last season was solely to distract the press from Stevie G's bar brawl. True or not, I can understand the tactic, once poop scoop and co are on your back they won't stop until you break!

    Good luck this season.

  62. Stupid fuckin comment. What if Van Persie and Fabgregas broke their legs, what if Lampard and Terry got Aids, what if Ronaldo and Tevez joined good teams (oh yeah...that just happened), what if Arteta and Pienaar dropped dead.
    The reason that no-one has explained to who could carry liverpool without gerrard/Torres is because there's no answer. Take the best two players out of any team and they are fucked. That includes you gooners, the scum, the chavs and the bitters.

  63. alrighty wrighty, have a lot of respect for you, but on this occasion i have to disagree with you. as we sccousers have got bad press for the last twenty years off the manc loving media. even for the last couple of weeks we have been slaughtered for selling alonso, despite the mancs losing their main source of goals! when taggert (ferguson) does something it is "GENIUS" but if rafa speaks his mind its a "RANT" i accept your point that we havent won the title since 1990, and thats too long, and in that time arsenal have won a bit, and have played some nice football, but i think if you ask anyone on current form liverpool have a better chance of overturning the scum. i like the gunners as a club,you try to do things the right way, which i feel like yourself that we do have a affinity, just remember we have had to put up with this shit since 1990, while the mancs bought all their titles, and ripped anyone who achieved it otherwise, without the money, just good management, and a savvy manager, ala yourselves. respect always!

  64. Because we haven't made any strides forward whereas Liverpool has and nearly won the EPL last season. The media are therefore justifiably on our backs and I hope they continue to do so and perhaps this could spur us on, who knows. They also are the 1st to comment on our style of beautiful flowing football don't forget this fact!! If after all that style of play and no silverware, people are bound to comment or even snipe.

  65. Anonymous @21:22

    I remember we played you without Van Persie, Almunia, Gallas, Clichy, Adebayor, Rosicky last season and you had everyone but Gerrard. You were going for your first league in 20 years. We had nothing to play for. You were at home. You had the ref against us-not so much as for you (Howard Webb is scum). And you could not beat us.

    Last season we lost Cesc to a long-term injury and responded by going on a long unbeaten run. We actually got stronger. At the same time that Adebayor, Rosicky & Eduardo were also out longish term.

    If we lost Fabregas & RVP, and you lost Gerrard and Torres we'd finish 30 points ahead of you.

    You just don't have quality beyond position 12 on your squad list.

  66. Jeez, this has really descended into a puerile fish wives cat fight aint it Wrighty7???

    Why are Scousers trying to large it on here? And why are so called Gooners doing likewise???

    As far as I can tell, they are both in exactly the same position... They need to upstage the mancs and Chavs next season and have about as much chance as each other.

    The Mancs and Chavs will be weaker too IMO, so its all up for grabs now!

  67. What the media say has nothing to do with who has the most "world class" players (a totally subjective measure in any case) and is to do with perceptions and twisting perceptions.

  68. Dear me Fabregas and Rvp you say .. Do you follow the league at all . that happened mate .. Fabregas played 1/3 of last season and topscorer Adebayor was injured as well as Walcott ,Eduardo and that is what the press and opposing fans base t6heir valuation on. I like the fact theyve written us off doesnt piss me a bit .. Cus victory will be sweeter and while we drink Champagne theyll be drinkin piss.*lettraggad*

  69. Challenge to Scousers here:

    List your first and second 11. Let's see how quickly the space is filled with names like Ayala and El Zhar.

  70. Gooners have zero chance of winning the Championship and will be lucky to finish 6th. No more signings by the genius Wenger. That would require spending money which he is not about to do. He likes to talk about it though.

  71. u dumb arsenal wankers, sagna v johnson? sagna: french cup 05, french team of year 07, pfa team of year 08, 10 international caps, 2 career goals...
    Johnson: Premiership 05, league cup 05, fa cup 08, goal of season against Hull 09, 15 international caps and 9 career goals.. oh yeah much better

    William Gallas: League 2 in france 96, premiership 05, 06, league cup 05, confederations cup 03, no world cup or european championships u stupid cunt..
    Carragher, fa cup 01, 06, league cup 01, 03, champions league 05, eufa cup 01, super cup, 01, 05.. another thats much better.. get ur facts right before u talk u dumb fucks
    oh yeah eduardo captain of croatia??? really? last time i checked it was robert kovac..do u want me to start comparing wot gerrard, torres, reina have won???
    And on the topic of ur 2 players captaining there country so there world class, mascherano is captain of a lot better nation, benyoun captain of israel

  72. Anonymous @21:42

    Ayala is world class too I bet you'll want me to believe. And El Zhar is about to push Kaka out of the Brazil team.

  73. reina - cavalieri
    johnson- deggen
    aurellio- insua
    agger- whoever we sign
    kuyt- benyoun
    riera- babel
    gerrard- lucas
    torres- voronin

  74. Oh dear, did that Sky fed inbred try to suggest Glen Johnson is a better RB than Sagna?

    Sorry, but that is the funniest thing thats been posted on here.

    Oh and the fact it was typed in the styleee of an 8 year old retard only added to its hilarity.

  75. Sorry anon 21;56 But you have only proved Ole Gunner's point there.

    You should've just left it.

    This is getting more and more pathetic if you ask me.

  76. ole gunner, ur soo intelligent aint u, el zhar push kaka out of brazilian team??? shows how much u know about football, go to wikipedia or wherever u get ur facts and check what country nabil el zhar is actually from before commenting

  77. Wrighty, I bet you wish you hadn't started this now.
    I'm a Liverpool fan with a great deal of respect for Arsenal. Great football and a well run club.
    I am surprised at how quickly this discussion descended into a slanging match but as usual on these forums I suspect that the hate comments are from the younger fans.
    If it cant be us this year then I hope its you.

  78. Anonymous @ 21.59

    In the same world that Glen Johnson is world class, Ayala is world class, and El Zhar is about to squeeze out Kaka's Brazil career. In your fantasy world.

    Your squad is the weakest Top 4 squad. Gerrard and Torres FC.

  79. Ole;

    Leave it mate. You are dealing with a couple of tabloid headline readers who know f*ck all about football. There have been enough intelligent comments from scousers on here to warrant giving em some respect.

  80. how have i proved his point, voronin has 57 caps for the ukraine, benyoun 72 and captain, babel 23 caps, lucas 5 caps, degen 29, skrtl 32, dossena 10, any more players u want me to list??

  81. voronin, benyoun babel lucas degen skrtl dossena...

    The only half decent player in that list is benayoun. The others are average at best and in the case of Degen, Dossena and babel, they wish they were average.

  82. i aint no tabloid headline reader or no young mug, im trying to make u see clearly, that liverpool finished 14 points better off last season than arsenal, you just dont want to see the huge gap in the 2 clubs and how far behind ur club is to the top 3, how the fuck can u say liverpool is a 2 man team??? what goes through ur pathetic minds and i suppose im a headline reader because I feel that reina is the best goalie in the league, we have one of the best back lines in european football, the best defensive mid in the world, the best player in the whole(gerrard) in the world, the best striker in the world, along with top quality players like kuyt, riera, aurellio, johnson, aquilani??? maybe im deluded but im not sure im the only person in the world who would agree with my view on the above said players

  83. the reason liverpool have not been wrote off is not because gerrard and torres missed a few games and if fully fit will garantee the league its because the paps lick man u liverpool and chelsea ass. you scousers think you have injury problems fuck me arsenal had a shit season on the injury front for the last 2 seasons every member of the arsenal sqaud last season was injured at least twice for more than 3 weeks, adebeyor gallas toure fabregas rosicky walcott sagna clichy eduardo diaby all had huge layoffs of over a month or even 2 months and most members of this exclusive list more that 3 months of the season was missed due to injury if arsenal could have a season where every member of the team would not get injured have a slice of liverpool huge flukyness we'd piss over every club in the world even without new additions. injuries cost us the league 2 years ago and injuries almost cost us 4th spot last year. this team is good enough as it is, if they dont get injured and thats a big if. with 2 more signings wed be unstopable sorry to use liverpool as an example but when was the last time they won the league.......... i think its now 19 years and counting where are the paps slating them for that are they headlining the back pages by fuck are they.........

  84. Anonymous 22:14

    Just cos others agree with you does not mean you're not deluded! Shame Spain don't share your opinion of Reina being best keeper in the world....

  85. u wanna go down the league road?? well wen was the last time arsenal won the champions league??? 19 hundred and never????

  86. 22.21 read my comment, best in the league, not in the world, he plays in the premier league of england thus i am not comparing him to iker casilas, almunia knows he will never get a game while casilas and reina are there thats why hes turned to stating he wants to play for england lol

  87. im not having a go i making a example like the only trophy chelsea had won for a few years b4 last year was the league cup and if you gunna be like that that i believe the competion you won is called the champions league not the 2nd 3rd or 4th place league when did liverpool win the premier league and go through to the chamions league as champions of their division and truly justify there place at the top

  88. the other 4 years that they qualified for the now champions league

  89. Because Liverpool has added strenght to the squad whereas Arsenal keep selling their stars.

    I like Wenger but it appears he has become obsessed with developing talent. Almost like his main priority is proving everyone wrong that he can build a superteam of 15 year olds. Just to do it. Madness. Blasemphy.

  90. Dear Scousers:

    You're obviously the most successful club in English history, and despite the banter I, like Wrighty would prefer you won rather than they dirty mancs or the chavs.

    But you're in much worse shape than Arsenal overall. You have the weakest squad in the Top 4. Your once-fine youth system is dead. Benitez has spent as much as Fuckerson and won nought. No trophy in 3 years (us in 4). Never won the Premiership. No new stadium. You debt doubled in one year.

    You're in much worse shape but the media give you a pass.

    Unfortunately for you, Torres is injury-prone. Kuyt will get you 10 -13 goals, but without him or Gerrard, who will carry your team? Lucas? Ngog? The Ukranian porn star?

    Ask me the same thing; without RVP & Cesc who will carry us? Eduardo, Arshavin, Rosicky....that's who.

  91. answer from a man that has no answer im not on about the european cup im on about the CHAMPIONS league when did you qualify for the CHAMPIONS league as CHAMPIONS of england hell blackburn have more right to be in the CHAMPIONS league than liverpool

  92. how about carragher, masch, aquilani, riera, agger, reina, they will carry us, blackburn have more right?? surely ur not that stupid as to think scum utd are not champions, where the fuck are u getting that arshavin eduardo and rosicky would carry you??? have they ever carried you before?? have they carried anyone before??? get real

  93. yes arsenal have won he prem blackburn have won the prem chelsea have one the prem and of course man have one a million prem titles and each have earned their place in the now named champions league i was just making a comment to some childish nob who comes up with the usual reply of ''4 EUROPEAN CUPS MATE'' we have 3 doubles and 2 premier leagues do you see arsenal fans rubbing it in your face like wen someone mentions 19 years without a league title to a liverpool if you mention 4 years without a trophy to an arsenal fan NO! i just used the 19 year thing as an example how the paps rub it in our face that we havnt won the league in a few years and liverpool have not won a league title for 19 years and the papers say nothing

  94. Wow, I did not realise how horrific liverpools squad is until Anon 21.56 post.

    You scousers better hope your first team stays fit!

  95. I hate the fact that when we let go toure aswell and replaced him with vermaelen the media are like the height of the arsenal back 4 must worry arsene wenger. And Liverpool let go of Alonso and then say what are they doing he worked so well with Gerrard and now their midfield is nothing. But they have Mascherano and aquilani to back gerrard up. Great post.

    Up the arsenal.

  96. And Man Utd dont get anything for letting Ronaldo go and replacing him with a fairly good Valencia, when Ronaldo was the best Winger arguably.

    Up the Arsenal.

  97. To me, the answer to the question you asked in your blog is as obvious as it gets: Liverpool, ManUre and Chelski all have an English core, at least their captains are. The media in the UK is English - Arse is made of foreign talents. I remember the first time AW yielded a team with no Englishman, it was 3-4 years ago. Commentators on Sky Sports were furious to say the least. So fuck 'em.

  98. I am a life long gooner and i totally agree with you, it sickens me that we have not won anything for 3 years and it is also very frustrating how we do not spend money in needed areas, as by winning silverware increases revenue which can cancel out money spent on big name players.
    i like liverpool, Torres is their king and Stevie G is their god. least they have a great tradition unlike chelsea and man city who spend millions on money driven wankers.
    i wish arsenal can win the league this year... and everything else!

    great post wrighty!


  99. To get back to the article, the point was... why does Arsenal get so much flak from the media whereas Liverpool, FOR EXAMPLE, might not?

    I am not going to get dragged down into the argument of who has a better squad, IT WAS NOT THE POINT OF THE ARTICLE!

    While, I would agree that Arsene has made a few mistakes, by which I mean not signing players for certain spine-tough positions, who else could have done what he has done?

    He has had no money to compete with the likes of Chelsea, MAN U and Liverpool yet has kept his team NEAR the top. Name me another manager who could do what he has done with the money he has done. The list is short if not non-existent. To take shots at him, which the media consistently does, seems silly. Ferguson had a record signing last year, he didn´t live up to his potential, forget add to the team and still won the title. It is sad but money buys the title in many ways! (Chelsea need not be mentioned) And, sorry to Liverpoll fans, who I respect, but you guys have been overspeending beyond your means!

    Point is, I would love to see one critic of Arsenal maintain us against ridiculous, infinite and irresponsible spending by our closest rivals!

  100. yeah I respect Liverpool but the media is crazy. Ugly thing is that Gooners aren't even sticking together against the media.

  101. As a Liverpool fan I don't read many articles about other clubs, but I can't believe Wenger gets more bad press than Benitez. I can't remember a positive story about the man.
    The reason Liverpool may not be getting as bad a press as Arsenal (debatable)is because Liverpool are seen as being on the up, whereas Arsenal are seen as going the opposite way, and with everyone (not me) thinking Man City are going to be transformed into contenders, Arsenal are the team they may be the first to pass.
    I agree that Wenger seems to be (slightly) obsessed with building a team of kids, when with spending a bit of money, (in defence and leadership) they could be contenders again. Selling players, for a lot of money, and seemingly (not yet?) replacing them makes them look weaker.
    Liverpool lost Alonso, and replaced him with Aquilani (a risk) but replaced Arbeloa with Johnson, and that is a big improvement, even though Arbeloa did well. I believe if we had kept Alonso then we would have won the league this season. Now I'm not so sure. :-( But the Mancs have lost Ronaldo and Tevez, and don't seem to get any bad press. They've lost 2 goal scorers, and haven't replaced them both. And they weren't even the top scorers in the last season either, Liverpool were with our poor squad. ;-)
    Man U and Chel$ki don't seem to get much negative press imho, but I'm sure their fans would say otherwise. ;-)
    Until the season actually starts, it is just speculation as to who has a strong or weak team. :-/
    It's starting to get exciting though, with the start of the season not far off. ;-)

  102. Sorr. I disagree wih your post to some extent. Liverpool have exhibited a greater threat to the top 2 than arsenal. liverpool won the CL. thats reaching the summit. arsenal have just reached base camp once. some of these things linger in the subconscious. So dont just refuse to see some point in what they write.

  103. look arsenal are just as good if not better than liverpool man utd and chelski as long as injuries dont affect the team we get more injuries than any other team in the premiership liverpool fans say they lost torres and gerrard and if you had them u would have won the league we lost every single member of the arsenal squad for a combined total of six to 12 weeks and thats each member of the squad during last season apart from 1 denilson when we score we have to score goals by playing good football which we get slated for unfortunatly we never get the same amount of lucky goals that the other teams in the top 4 get and that word is key to arsenal this season luck we run out the day eduardo broke his leg 2 seasons ago we should have won the league then and even more injuries last year almost lost us 4th spot we run out of luck and it hasnt returned since lst hope eduardo is our rabbits foot. we are the best footballing side in the league if not the world up there with barca why else would every team in the world want our players its not because were seen as the more suseptible to sell we have the players that play the best football even better than man utd when was the last time barca wanted a player from liverpool they prob have but i cant remember arsenal are a club trying run a honorable and sustainable way by buying a player at low cost developing them getting the best out of them then sell them for 3 times what we bought them for alowing the next crop to come through for eg when jack wilshere is ready arsenal will sell cesc fabregas for 40+ million to barca or who ever stumps up making 37 million profit if manu liverpool or chelsea fail to get to the champions league they are in trouble they could possibly be forced into administration and forced to sell there players for stupidly low values for arsenal it would not affect them in that way because the only debt we have is a mortage of which we have + equity for that why arsene says if we dont qualify dont panic we wont be affected sure we could do with he millions it brings in but we can more than manage so do arsenal look like were in such a bad place at the moment i dont seem to think so im praying for our luck to return an injury free season and great times this year and im sure well be the one standing at the top with our heads held high

  104. shame,

    blog was top drawer,

    comments completely miss the fucking point.

    oh well.

    I'd agree that if arsenal don't win it this year I'd like it to be Liverpool - even after *that* dodgy CL semi final !

  105. i think some gooners lack confidence or belief in Arsenal Football Club.
    They always underestimate the gunners.They follow what the press write and think the press are right.
    The press, not only in Britain, even in my country, are all targeting Arsenal! They all say Arsenal is much weakened! In what way are we MUCH WEAKENED? because we sold Adebayor? you must be kidding.

    come on, let's think about it. Are Arsenal REALLY that bad? Of course there's a lot of room for improvement in our squad,but should we write ourselves off even before the season starts?

  106. Liverpool are shit anyway

    signing some bossed eyed kid from Roma wont replace Alonso


  107. bit quite Wrighty old fella - what's been happening?

  108. alright wright7 whats happening pal where are you

  109. alright wright7 whats happening pal where are you

  110. surinder umm in case you have not realised we are arsenal supporters on here ;-)

    Liverpool's finances amaze me - thank you for the excellent article yesterday

  111. Hey buddy, its been a little while since your last article... what happened and where are you? Hope you are fine...

  112. you ok wrighty...? whats up??

  113. Wats up wrighty fella? alright?

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