Sunday 13 September 2009

I actually feel sorry for Emmanuel Adebayor....

.....because he was obviously dropped on his head as a baby.

I often wonder if over the years he has developed a form of dementia. He seems to be very very deluded. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with dementia. Being compared with Adebayor may seem insulting but it is the only way I can describe his ramblings, especially his attempt at an apology.

I'd like to be the bigger man and say that I would accept his apology but I say fuck the prick. He doesn't mean it. He probably only did it because someone behind the scenes at Manchester City told him to do it. The reason? Probably to try and prevent the FA from punishing him in a major way.

He has to be punished. What he did was plain stupid and you have to ask what sort of a role model he is. Why run the whole length of the pitch and celebrate in front of us like that? It was pure provocation and that is the bottom line. I don't care that he was emotional, he had to time to think to himself whilst he ran like Forrest Gump that it would be a stupid thing to do.

As for his stamp/kick out/assault on RVP, he didn't mean that either. It was his football boot's fault you see. It has a mind of it's own. It decided that it didn't like the look of RVP's face and unfortunately for Adebayor it was attached to his foot hence the reason it's seems that Ade stamped/kicked/assaulted poor Robin's boat race.

It's funny how life works out isn't it? Going back a couple of years I would never have believed that Adebayor would ever be this hated by Gooners but it is all his own doing. Not in his little mind of course but that is the dementia-related disease or the dropping on his head as a baby kicking in.

Karma is a funny thing and I'm a firm believer in what goes around comes around. Adebayor will get his comeuppance for his antics yesterday and although I'm sure that many Manchester City fans have taken him to their hearts and enjoyed his shenanigans I do have some advice for them; it won't last.

The geezer is trouble and that has been proved at every club he has played for, not forgetting the grief he has caused the Togo national coach in the past too. I'm 100% confident that he will cause Manchester City the same kind of grief he has caused us and all the other clubs he has been with.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. If he cared about man city he might of used his brain to realise they have a lot of injuries to foward players atm and are plying united next so a ban isn't what the club need but what does ade care? he still gets payed. no love for the club just greed

  2. This criticism of Adebayor is very childish and boring. No doubt if you were in his position, with the fans singing his dad washes his elephants and his mothers a whore, you'd have done exactly the same thing.

    He's got shit for brains and he loves money, but so do lots of people. The FA will deal with him, and rightly so, but for now it's better to focus on why Arsenal lost 4-2 and forget about a player that made us a tidy £22m profit.

  3. absolutely disgraceful! was so gutted when we conceded the 2nd goal felt like crying! we wer on top and adebayor the cunt had to make us temporerily down to 10 men to make sure we didnt score! gutted!!!

  4. Erm anon, I was at the game and never heard the elephant song. (I wouldnt sing that tune for a few reasons; its fucking racist as hell and its a spud song)

    I DID sing the Arshavin version to the same tune though.

    As for Ade, well, he had one fantastic season, it went to his head and he tried to get barca and Milan to sign him, when they didnt he demanded a massive pay rise then played like he was on Vailum last season.

    After the game i was telling a City fan that they'd have a few months to wait to see Ade slip back into his half arsed ways, welleither that or start flirting with Barca and the like again.

    Fuck him, he's an ex-player who wasnt around long enough to be given a mention.

  5. He is a professional footballer, he has to accept that getting stick is part of the game.

    He seems to forget the support he got from Gooners over the years

  6. tbh, even if he doesnt get banned, the media are absolutely ripping him apart right now. he has been lambasted by every major national newspaper, which is fantastic i think. still cant believe how nobody is mentioning the barry handball or even the cesc stamp.

    bottom line is that the wanker will get whats coming to him.

  7. I'm sorry what was the difference between what Adebayor did to Us and what Thierry Henry did to Tottenhamm all those years back? Sounds like double standards to me.

    So wrighty if I see you I'll call your mother a whore for about 75 minutes and expect that you don't react. Sorry if we dish it out we have to take it as well.

  8. anon 31-13

    Stop this fucking lie about the elephant song being sung, coz it wasnt you lying twat.

    I know it must be difficult as it is the SAME TUNE!

    Wanker, fuck off.

  9. Adebayor=inbred swine,more creature than man

  10. Did Thierry Henry play for Tottenham before he joined us and leave them under a massive cloud then? Must have slipped my mind.

    I couldn't imagine Henry doing that to Arsenal if scored against us for Barca

    As Spike says, the song WASN'T sung mate!

  11. City battered us.

  12. Adebayor= swine flu!! cow fucking inbred!!

  13. Wrighty7

    I was there mate and I tell you, the atmosphere before and during the game was fantastic. The Arshavin song was sung for ages and ages and maybe these fools think it was the "other" Ade tune eh?

    Even tho we were pretty shite 1st half and their 1st goal looked like it was in slow motion from where I was standing, but when we equalised the crowd went bananas! It was pure delirium! And i seriously sould not see how we wouldnt win the game.

    Fucking bonkers, but now that ego maniac has all the headlines to himself now.

    He really is a sad sack of shit.

  14. i want us to draw City in the FA CUP and can't wait for the prem clash. But I bet any money that Adebayor WON'T play at the Emirates - a fake injury 100%.

  15. just wait for the match at emirates..someone will kick his face in..i'll put all money on fabregas doing it..he will protect his team..even if he has to hire a CIA hit aquad to do it he will..

  16. i was at the game and it was the AA song we were singing...

    ade is a wanker and he'll probably blame the fans not loving him for kicking robin in the face...kicking lumps out of song and stamping on cescs leg...

  17. Well, by April when we play city at home, Ade will have probably been lifting his skirt to Barca and a few other teams by then and the city fans will wanting him done in as much as us Gooners!

  18. we should buy joey barton in january and just play him against citeh....let him man mark ade...

    or even better..bring PV4 back and let him out of his cage when we play citeh...

  19. never mind about adebayor, he gets to put his feet up and watch us play in the champions league on wednesday ;-)

  20. The guys lost his mind. Absolute fool. As it said in the article he had a good 10-15 seconds to think about what he was doing when he was running to the other end of the pitch. As for his apology, it meant nothing. The stamp on RVP was disgraceful and everyone has forgotten the incident in the 1st half where he stamped on Fabs ankle. Malicious bastard. He's shown disrespect to every arsenal fan, players and wenger.
    Taking stick is part of being a football player. Loads of players get booed but just get on with the job but this guy is too big for his boots. Look at Jermain Defoe every year when he goes back to West Ham. He gets booed with every touch yet when he scores he stays calm and doesn't show fans direspect by celebrating at all. Not often an Arsenal complements a yid but credit to defoe.
    Overall adebayor will cause trouble at man city sooner or later, its in his blood. Fucking idiot.

  21. After a match that truly ruined my weekend, this post has made me laugh, cheers Wrighty7!


  22. I feel sorry for him too, purely cause in light of everything he's done he's proved that he's as dumb as a piece of wood and also cause when he comes to the Emirates he'll be getting lumps kicked out of him by Van Persie et all

  23. How does the AA song go?

  24. The funny thing about it is he still thinks he's the victim in all things concerned. Now i'm the kind of guy who doesn't like to critize our players a lot, I despised the abuse Eboue got last season and the abuse that some people still gives Song and Denilson but Ade can have no complaints. There's many reasons why we hate him and after yesterdays game there's even more. How he can forget what Arsenal did for him is beyond me, we made him the player he is by taking him from Monaco when nobody wanted him and we paid him a lot of money in the 3 seasons he was with us. Ah well. Funny thing is that when Citeh don't break into the top 4 and Milan comes calling for him again (don't know why he's shit) he'll wanna go just as quick.

  25. The thing about the whole celebration thing that gets me isn't the dive or the fact that he celebrated in front of the Arsenal fans cause you'd expect that from a guy with zero class and a player who whores himself around to every club who'd have him. But the fact that he had to run 90 yards like a fucking madman to do it is just truly stupid, it'd be different if he scored on that side of the pitch but 90 yards. Twat.

  26. anon 22;00

    "He's 5ft 4, he's 5ft 4.
    We've got Arshavin fuck Adebayor!"

  27. hes 5 foot 4, hes 5 foot 4
    weve got arshavin,fuck adebayor

  28. "April 24,April 24
    dont get injured before Adeybayor"

  29. Jon Jon are utterly repulsive for saying Arsenal should buy Joey barton so that he can man mark Ade. I mean Joey is a confirmed racist thug who nearly killed his own team mate on the traing ground when at City. And Barton has also attacked several other people similarly.
    Ade is not everyone's cup of tea but for you to even mention that lowlife Barton in relation to Arsenal shows how twisted some of Arsenal fans have been in relation to their hatred of Ade.
    And what makes you think Barton can handle Ade. Love him or hate him but Ade will crush Barton if there ever was a contest between them.

  30. Anon 22,28

    it was a joke dude...light humour old get your head out of your arse and stop defending the togo twat cos i find that more repulsive then mentioning joey barton...

  31. and how do you make out bartons a racist thug?? becuase he chinned a black team mate??? thats a wierd assertion becuase i remember ade headbutting nikki..suppose that means ade must be a racist thug too... couldnt make it up...its times like these that gooners should be united and then you get biggoted,self absorbed dimwits who wanna pick fights with their own..

    over adebayor too...

    jeez...there was tonnes of emtpy seats at eastlands mate...your hero already plays there so why dont you go take up one of those seats you weirdo...

  32. You goons seem to forget you spent more time, singing songs of ridicule against Ade' than you supported your own team. For the past season you have chose to listen to every negative tabloid rumour against him but ignore or twist every word that comes from his mouth. And you Goons are dumb enough to wonder why he would run 90 yards to give some back. He should have shown you is arse as well. You goons are the most ungrateful, two-faced, hypocritical fans I have ever come across. That why Ade' hates you, the best move he made was to leave you to your North London slums.

    By the way while you harp on about the (accidental)stamp in the face you fail to mention that Van Persie made an obvious attempt to swipe Ade' legs from under him.

  33. and how do you make out bartons a racist thug?? becuase he chinned a black team mate??? thats a wierd assertion becuase i remember ade headbutting nikki..suppose that means ade must be a racist thug too... couldnt make it up...its times like these that gooners should be united and then you get biggoted,self absorbed dimwits who wanna pick fights with their own..

    over adebayor too...

    jeez...there was tonnes of emtpy seats at eastlands mate...your hero already plays there so why dont you go take up one of those seats you weirdo...

  34. van persies challenge was rash..but deserved a yellow at most...ades was a straight red...

    not only that but ade should of seen yellows for both challenges on song and cesc...

    so all in all ade should have recieved three yellows and one red...

    so i dont think anybodies got any room to talk about robin do you??

  35. Rash!! you hypocrite, I suppose when Taylor broke Eduardo's legs that was 'rash' right?

    That was as intentional as Ades desire for retribution although I doubt if the intention was to stamp in his face.

    You just proved my point you Goons are hypocrites, I trust he will score against you at the Emirates too. Fools you had one of the best strikers in the PL and you made him feel like shit, your getting what you deserve.

  36. anti-goon;

    Hahahaha! Hilarious mate, seriously funny!

    Accidental??? Brilliant! Are you an MP? Work in PR?

    The only twisted shit, is this craop that Ade has been hard done to by Arsenal fans. You are the sad fool who has bought into this PR Ade is spinning that Arsenal fans have somehow been sooooo hard on him.

    This is the fecker who kissed his badge after flirting with Barca and Nilan all summer 08, then put in half arsed performance after half arsed performance, but he had got his fat salary by then and is saving for his retirement.

    I predict Ade will become the lazy and disruptive fucker we all know him to be, soon enough.

  37. I'm an Arsenal fan but, I would like to say something to the City fans. I mean proper fans with intelligence. Like myself and other true Gooners. I know that your club is in an amazing revolution right now. Good luck to you; no problem. I would like to think that you'll do it with more class than Chelsea did. However, look honestly at Ades actions yesterday and realise that he did not do it for City; he did it only for himself. Thats him, selfish and nasty,he's horrible. Great player on his day but trouble. Beware

  38. anti goon...

    hypocritcal is spending 250mil on a shit load of mercenaries and then telling dunne..a loyal captain of the shitty that he was out the door cos you need the money..

    i give ade a year..18months at the most...then milan and barca will be his beyonce and he'll spend 12 months telling the media that he wants to leave becuase you lot dont like him...he'll start headbutting team mates and he'll stop playing until he gets his move..

    but it will be all your fault...goood luck with ade mate

    and good luck with kolo too cos once lescott 24mil hahahaha gets injured kolo will start doing his headless chicken impressions and you'll find your new captian isnt the leader he makes out...

    he did after all leave us because we lacked leaders...well what was kolo supposed to be??? hes a big game bottler....

    your honeymoon period will soon be over..and your mercenaries wont give a shit about the club or you...

  39. He wanted a better contract you dumb ArseNals, you tight effing manager had him on £15,000 when he came to your cheap FC, Mr Wenger tight ass only improved his contract when ManU came sniffing around.

    Does he not have the right to talk to other clubs and listen to other offers especially as he was being underpayed in relation to other CFs.

    When your voyeur of a manager spoke with Real Madrid about the "project" I did not hear you hypocrites say a word.

    The thing is Ade' spoiled you ungrateful ArseNals when he was running around like a headless chicken trying to impress. Once he matured a realised he needs to play smarter, you label him lazy.

    I watched enough ArseHoles last season to have an opinion, Ade' ain't played any harder for Citythis year than he did for ArseHoles last year. Honestly, no harder at all, the work ethic is the same, no one here sees him as lazy. Here he is appreciated for what he can do.

    Still I have not heard none of you goons talk about Van Persie' attempted leg breaker. HYPOCRITES

  40. you bozo

    ade had a three year deal left to run and then went on sky sports and said big teams were after him and he didnt no what his future was...

    he held the club to ransome over a contract and he did it publicly...

    cesc is chased by barca every window and has probably got a few pennies out of it but he has never gone public and said he needs to think about it...its all done behind closed doors...

    nobody actually booed ade...eboue and bendtner suffered much worse and they bounced back...

    people just stopped singing ades name until he proved he was arsenal through and through and not in it for the money but he never did...

    e spent the next 12months asking milan to come for him and saying footys about the money and he didnt bother to run half the time never mind play ball and then blaming the fans..he covered more ground in that goal celebration that what he did all last season

    yeah we did want him out in the end...cos hes an unflushed turd...but citeh will find that out soon enough...

  41. True to form Jon Jon.

    That's why you ungratefuls deserve eff all. Kolo should be a legend to you. Fools you are dumb enough to think Vermaelen (Dutch for average) just read the banter from dutch supporters about the transfer, is better than Kolo, you are effing crazy. Did you not notice it was Vermaelen who gave Micah a free header and it was Vermaelen that left Bellamy free to score after Song got done.

    Dunne was appreciated while he was with us, but he was hardly gonna get a game after we bought the improvements. He goes with our blessing and love.

  42. kolo jumped ship mate..if he loved arsenal that much he would of moved abroad..but no..he went to another team that becuase of artificial financial clout can be classed as our rivals...was it for it for a fresh went to citeh for the money and then punblicly slated us in the no i dont regard kolo as a legend...

    kolo was a passenger in the invincibles and as soon as big sol left kolo started to flap...he can fuck right off..

    and did you notice that we had ten shots on target yesterday????compared to your 4????

    i would say it was your keeper who won you that game and not the mighty kolo....your defence was breached time and time again...your just lucky dudu and rosicky wasnt playing from the start...

    ive heard several citeh fans say they had injuries...but we had half a 1st team missing and we still outplayed you...

  43. You manager has always overpaid your overated youth players. There is a lot of respect for Cesc at your club he hardly needed to haggle for a better contract.

    But you wanted to treat Ade like a dumb African workhorse/donkey. yeah work like a horse take what we give you. But he ain't that dumb, Milan want to pay him over £100 grand while he is currently getting £20 - £25 grand. You mug, hold the f'ers to ransom if they won't listen. It seems the African wasn't so dumb after all!

    what planet you on, he wasn't booed I heard it myself beginning of the season and that was only form the TV. I can only imagine the insults I would have heard if I was at the ground.

    "he covered more ground in that goal celebration that what he did all last season", typical ungrateful spoilt ArseNals I think you even start to believe your own lies. Your team was shite last year, I mean SHITE, you didn't even play good football, but you want to blame Ade' for laziness.

    I will remind you, your bandy poor excuse for a CF only scored 4 goals more than Ade last season and he was never injured. I would be gobsmacked if he had a higher goal to shot ratio than Ade last season. Iremember watching him thinking how much he had regressed after he missed chance after chance.

  44. As a city fan i say take a look at your own fans they were a disgrace on saturday and van persie is a joke,its ok to run to oppossing fans while screaming fuck off is it?lets see if he gets in the shit

  45. hahaha

    i'll remember you in a years time when ades up to his tricks and you are calling him all the names under the sun...

    and dont say it wont happen cos it will...

    ades one of those players who gives it his all at the start..but once he thinks hes proved his point he turns into a nightmare...

    and you cant talk about overpaid overrated players

    RSC??? Lescott? Barry? oh please...your wages are artificial...your not a football club your a train set...

    and at least we have a youth system we use...where are all your youth players now...

    our youth players keep us in the top 4 season after they cant be that overrated can they???? especially when it takes teams like citeh 250mil just to catch up to our overatted level eh??

  46. You dumb ArseNal. Kolo did not put in a transfer request this summer. Arsenal accepted the offer, Arsene sold him for money (yet is Ade who is blamed for loving money), why should he move abroad to learn a new language, start a new life and get paid less when he can earn far more at City? To appease ungrateful brats like you?

    All Arsenal think about is the welfare of themselves, yet you expect the players not to put their own needs first. You like in cookoo land.

    Publicly slated you, you read and believe what you want to believe because it suits you. He told the truth, he felt out of place the last of a breed, time to move on to a club he sees as having more ambition. Why feel offended especially as it was Wenger who and bought in a replacement for him and accepted an offer from City.

    It is your manager you need to blame for accepting the offers, he has even stated that he doesn't regret his decision to strengthen a direct rival, mug. I think it is your manager that is greedy and money motivated not Ade' and certainly not Toure.

  47. read cascarinos comments from a neutral you fuckin hippocrites

  48. kolo slated us on TV the same as ade...

    the words came out of his mouth i didnt have to read anything

    as for transfer requests...he put in a transfer request in january and then asked to leave in the summer...

    kolo and ade were destablising the dressing room and they werent playing 100% for us anymore.....we sold you too liabilitys and made 40mil of your cash...

    as for money motivated...thats just the pot calling the kettle black...

    all of your team are money motivated...your manager is nothing without 250mil and without your financial backing you would be nothing, like you were before....

    for christ sake you strikers were vassell and benjani before the takeover...says it all really..

    your an artificial club with artificial policies and you have no room to talk about greedy players or money really...

  49. ^^^

    Yes and while we do that you can go and look up how to spell the word hypocrite yes?

  50. At the end of the day, he will get a ban(just what we want) and will miss youre big one the onE that matters so much to you so youre arses will be oilled by the FA on monday then they will be fucked by the real team of manchester on sunday................thanks ADE

  51. Eff you 10 shots to 4, we won 4-2. I suppose the ose 10 would include the wild shots from sagna and Eboue eh? shows what a significant statistic that is. We have give it ya twice in two years, a good shafting at City. You ArseHoles let in 7 goals. At least you cannot balme Kolo for the four goals thi time.

    I did not see Kolo make one mistake all game, more than I can say for Mr Average.

    Your youth system is full of foreigners you buy from other clubs youth system. You have none apart from Wilshere that has come all the way up through the AFC youth system, Gibbs came from Wimbledon and Ashley left because of your tight arse manager. I do not see one youth player that has kept you up the last four season. It has been players that you have often not appreciated and or let go cheaply that have sustained you throughout Arsenes reign, I.e Vieira, Henry, Pires, Flamini, Cole, Campbell, TOURE and ADE the GREAT all players you undervalued and of underpriced.

    Oh so now you arrogant fux will admit we have caught up to you, only a couple of days ago I was reading rubbish about how you were going to put us in our place and would beat us 4-1 and shit like that.


  52. ive had this arguement before

    the majority of our youth players are english

    the team that won the fa youth cup contained 9 or 10 english kids and more than half that team plays regular in the reserves..

    so your wrong on all counts...if your going to slag off my least get your facts right and not what youve been brainwashed by the makes you look silly...

    your a shit club in a shit city with shit fans and its took you 250mil just to keep up with a club that develops its own stars from a young age...

  53. its been emotioal but i'll have to wish you numbnutts a good night....

    i hope ade gets a 5 match ban and you get points deducted for poaching those kids from leeds utd and refusing to pay compensation and you get relegated...

  54. Jon Jon (I suppose that is french for muppet) quote Kolo' "slating" Arsenal on TV.

    He never slated your shit club at all, he just told the truth. But of course if that is what you want to believe then you will believe it.

    OK I may have to concede he said "Arsenal are shit and have being getting worse thay have no experience class and will win nothing because the manager loves money more than trophies. Their fans are a disgrace, who are spoilt and would rather spend time deriding their own players than back their team. Man city is obvious a club on the way up with great ambition and are envied by fans all over the country. I want to win again so I have chosen to go to a club with ambition who will still value me when I reach and pay me more than I could dream of at shitty ArseHoles"

    This is just what i mentioned in a previous comment:
    "kolo and ade were destablising the dressing room and they werent playing 100% for us anymore...."

    Were you in the dressing room that you should claim they were destabilising it, or are you just choosing to believe unverifiable rumours. I have not even heard anarsenal player or staff come out with that just pure paper hearsay but you want to believe it don't you. Why because as I initially said you goons are the most ungrateful and disgraceful supporters I have come across. Kolo not give 100%, don't make me laugh he knows of no other way to play that is why he is our captain, Mark Hughs knows a leader anda warrior when he meets one mate. He gives the armband to those who warrant it not just to his favourites. Cesc and Van Persie what pathetic excuses for captains unbelievable.

    "we sold you too liabilitys and made 40mil of your cash..."

    LOL, no seriously, LOL, they did not look like liabilities to me on saturday. Man city will be proud to spend our owners arab oil money from now until it runs out, especially when itis spent destablising you dressing room and enhancing ours. Mug

  55. I just hope that if fA decide to ban ADE,it shd start after the mu game. From my observation,I have noticed that some of the FA actions against players seem to favour the red faced cunt.
    If MC don't have Ade when they play the red faced cunt they will be at a significant diasadvantage thereby handing him the pts.

  56. The point I was making is that none your English youth team members has made it professional yet so you cannot claim it is them that has sustained you for the last four years. Wilshere has not played a meaningful game.

    Did you not know that our youth team won it the year before yours did.

  57. haha, anti goon, you're funny.. work rate the same as last year? you silly little thing! he didnt even break a sweat last season for most of the time.
    when he missed a sitter, he'll smile and act like a big time charlie. Now, he is huffing and puffing his way, sweating all over. And the way he flirted with barca/ACmilan is disgraceful. He said in in front of SKY sports camera with his own mouth which he conveniently forgets about. And then blame the fans. No media twist there. Pathetic excuse of a player.

    And funny how when mancity vs arsenal has ended your name is suddenly anti goon. i'm sure next week you'll be anti manutd, and anti liverpool etc when that particular match end.

  58. My fellow Gooners, don't rise to the bait of gloating Citeh fans. They've had so little to cheer about in the last 50 years they're entitled to get a bit overexcited. Just remember that eventually they'll feel exactly the same as we do about Adebayor, and it won't take long. In fact, if it's obvious by March or April that Citeh won't make the CL, he'll already be slagging off the club and batting his eyes in the direction of Spain and Italy.

  59. anti goon. please just stop with your dribble. wrighty7 wrote this post because ade stomped on cesc's ankle, clattered into song, kick rvp in the face, run 90 yards to provoke fans when he scored, blamed arsenal fans for every little thing, saying how arsenal's international fans are not real fans etc.. he just dont want to move on.a professional player who earns millions should act better than that, he is just petty, unprofessional.

    Yes you won, but just accept that ade is a prick and move on... Maybe then you can stop living under manchester united's shadows.

  60. About his manner, that show nobody peach him how to be a man.

  61. Bloody stupid ade,what you got from our gunners fan is all bacause of your stupid act.pls dun blame us for not support you during your days at arsenal coz you're the one who want to run away from arsenal to join barca and AC.How come we didnt jeer toure???coz we appreciate his days at arsenal and Toure didnt do any stupid act like Ade..Really hope the FA will impose serious ban on him as this fucker commited two serious act..1st..stamp on RVP which can cause blind if he stamp on the eyes and 2nd this fucker provoke the fans which can cause riot into the pitch and safety to others player.ADE now you are our MOST HATED guy....

  62. Not only did he get our support over the years, but also our money.We the Gunner fans paid this imbecile's wages. Plus, he was a nobody when in Milan. HE OWS US BIG TIME. But do you know what?? He is hurting, hurting really badly; that's why he behaved like that on Saturday! Come on you Gunners, we are bigger than him, smile:)

  63. hehe.

    until city shat £250 million quid, you would never have seen or heard from one on gooner forums.

    now they think they're the fucking bees, innit.

    the new chelsea, just as classless, just as clueless.

  64. Form is temporary, class is permanent. So well done on your good run of form Manu. Speaking of runs...if you put half as much energy into your movement for the Gunners as you did for the goal celebration perhaps you'd still be playing for the Gunners.

    Also, you're not really suppose to celebrate with the Arsenal fans anymore but at least the run and slide on your knees was an improvement on that bloody dancing you subjected us's unfortunate that the Arsenal fans didn't just laugh at you (although I can understand the frustration they vented with bread rolls and a stewards chair)...pity Cesc didnt have any pizza handy.

    As for the game itself, well Adebayor shouldn't have been on the pitch to score (cards for the Cesc tackle and Van Persie attack) would have ensured his early removal. Barry's handball should have been a penalty and prevented the build-up to City's last goal. So if you chalk off two city goals and add one for the Arsenal penalty (assuming we scored it) and the scoreline would have been a little different. Alas this didnt materialise but I wouldn't be ready just yet to proclaim City as big four...nor would I be in any hurry to consider Arsenal as also-rans...we keep playing like that and we won't lose many more games.

  65. I've seen a lot of Arsenal fans on here complaining about Wenger's tactics and calling for his head, and I'm not going to lie, I'm one of the fans that would ordinarily be agreeing with them, as I did for much of last season, but to sack him because of the team's performances so far this season would be ridiculous. If you rewind to the first day of the season the same people demanding Wenger's dismissal now were probably the same people writing in hailing him as the new messiah. Like I say, my opinion on the man is quite often fickle but I only wanted to see him sacked when we were in 5th place and 10 points behind Villa, and it looked like a real possibility that we wouldn't get into the Champions League, but to want him sacked after only four out of 38 games is just plain stupid.

    Also there's a lot of gloom mungers saying how our title challenge is basically over after these two losses. Once again, these fans need reminding that its only four games into the season and we're not the only top four team to lose or even lose twice. Liverpool lost two arguably easier games then we did (Tottenham Away and Villa at Home compared to Man United and City away), and although Chelsea are still unbeaten they haven't faced anyone of note yet. Furthermore, although it would have been nice to get something from one of these 'big' games, in reality going away to the League Champions and away to the League's biggest spenders was never going to be any easy task, and although we lost both game I believe we put in very good performances, we were just unlucky. I mean an own goal in both games, a penalty and yesterday we dominated on possession and were unlucky not to draw it from 4-1 down.

    In summary the season is 38 games long, and so far we've only played four of them, three of which have been away to top-quality teams. If we can just carry on winning against the teams lower down the table, which is something we failed to do last season, then beat the big teams when they come to the Emirates than there is absolutely no why we won't be Champions come May.

  66. song and eboue were not the culprit. we have 15 minute of madness were everything come apart from a match we were in control (nice to see rosicky back so).
    i m worried of the performance of important first team like clichy sagna cesc almunia and denilson yesterday.dont even talk about diaby

    clichy was bad and his performance for a while now are going downhill (chance to give gibbs his chance) cecs was giving pass to eveyone include man city players , diaby was again average slowing us down,denilson well until sub come i forget he was here,Given show us what a 7 million top class keeper can do, looking danemark playing stop playing bentdner on the wing and give him central place, and like clichy drop sagna for eboue.
    but at the end even with this negative we dont deserve to loose yesterday but for positive we can look for some more easy match to come and comeback up the leaderboard

    and finally for ade well he is classless and should get ban for the VP attack as well some of the away supporter who chant racist chant ;if this is true as racism is not allowed in modern i hope some head come down in shame i was expecting more class from the away fan

  67. am tired of reading this cunt in the name of anti goon. there are bare facts for all 2 c about adebywhore. we loved him but he cheated on us. he will do it again to citeh. his momentum will soon fade and u will see the ugly side of him. citeh might have won but let them remember that it is a 2 legged affair. and as for champions league football they are not gonna break into the top 4. lets see where they will be come december.

  68. Does anyone know what RvP's celebration was abou? It look like he was making a 'dirty sanchez' sign. That'd be hilarious.

  69. im an arsenal fan and i believe adebayor will b killed if he aint careful , there are a lot of nutters about

  70. Arsenal Fans loved ade soo much they made a song for him remember? "give him the ball and he will score" it was not so bad. He is just classless and i tell u this he is not 25. An african player born and bred in Togo is at leaset 30 yrs thats the reason he wanted to move cos his time is almost up. Rumours are , he is almost the same age as Henry, anyways, the season is still very young and Arsenal will win teh league this year no doubt..

  71. Anti-Goon,

    You are as ruth-less as a writter as Adebayor is as a person.

    You have your own pathetic views on our club and most of them are either made up by you or read in an anti-arsenal forum.

    Adebayor IS playing better for you than he did for us last season, for starts, he doesnt need 10 chances to score one goal, he is not offside 20 times in every game because he actually runs back to be onside again now.

    He said that he was as good as Henry and therefore deserved that type of money, he wanted to go to Milan and Barca and Real and never did what Fabregas does, which is to deny the rumours and declare your commitment.

    Did you read his excuse for the fight with Bendtner? there is no excuse for fighting with your own players on the pitch specially if they are about wearing shoes in the dressing room.

    Also you say we play like shit all last season, that is probably the biggest pile of shit ever, everyone knows we play very well and even the BBC poundits that hate Arsenal say we are the only team that can play so well and still loose games.

    3 of the 4 goals we conceeded to you were errors by Clichy when we had 7+ players forward attacking you, in fact your first 2 goals came against the run of play.

    The first goal you blame Vermalean, please, he had Richards behind him and another player in front of him, he was sandwiched by two players, even Vidic would have struggled to stop that header.

    Even you have to admit that after Van Persie scored it looked like Arsenal was going to win.

    But we made errors and you took your chances, I am not saying your goals were bad or unfair, but 4-2 was not a true reflection of the game.

    In fact at 4-2 we looked like getting a 3rd very quickly after the 2nd goal went in.

    I am going to stop writting now because you dont have the intelligence to obtain anything I said and will reply with some crap only you beleives.

  72. what`s annoying me is that after the game many gunners shook his hand and just ignored his unbelievable behaviour. i understand that not every player can be a gentleman like titi, but conciously harming other players just doesn`t work

  73. His defenders and advoicators of his behavioour, those irresponsible pillocks like to chirp about Ade's had it tough from the Arsenal fans of late. How? Arsenal fans have had no real voice which could be hear. The press has plastered his sob story all over the place stating how hurt Ade was by the fact that the Arsenal fans didn't want a lazy, club footed, disloyal, half assed donkey with no sense of the offside rule to play at the club. I am especially annoyed with Henry Winter who not only wrote at length about the poor fucker's woes, but presented the matter in such a one sided manner I couldn't beleive a man of such reputation could prove himself to be such a mark.

    Ade should get 3 games for the RVP tackle and 2 for the incitement. Fuck it, deport him. He's not as good as Peter CVrouch and hasn't featured in enough international matches for Togo.

  74. Arsenal class is way out of reach for Adebayor.

  75. In reply to the gloomers:

    My belief is also long long overdue…if you let me choose any particular 10 year period in club’s history, it is Wenger’s ten years.

    Are we that bad?

    Anti-Wenger really believe in themselves to be intelligent fans who look down in their fellow supporters…while I like Wenger’s tactics and doings less lately, I still believe we re a unique club which don’t and will never follow anything or anyone.

    We played ugly to win in a time of beautiful-craving era led by Ajax…we played beautifully in a time of only-winning matters…

    Have we become a club in which we need to win to justify everything? And with all the talks about failure, A LOT of people forgot that in this so called bad time we reached a CL final, reached a mickey mouse cup with kids, and came mighty close to win the league before injuries led by Eduardo ruined everything?

    No, this is not an excuse to love Wenger, it’s just that I see potential there, a potential to win it our own way that drives me to believe….what if we spend 100 mil on 5 players and not win? And win? Are we like Chelski and the new richy rich? Do u want to us to be?

    You tell us to see the past 4 years….why don’t you look at 10 years then? Why don’t u look at how we lost in CL final that we all suffered together? Whose fault is that? We’ve become what we are by making profits on players, winning trophies more than any other team but man u on the way? We re a failing club only if you want us to be…

    Go ahead ask for Wenger’s head if you gave a gut…but I believe no one will. Hiddink?? Wow, no thanks.

    And Tony is right, why do we have to justify ourseleves,

    I saw many of our own fans calling our players names, what did they ever do to you? They might not be what you want but we didn’t buy them with a high price tag…and they’re still very young…

    Wenger has many flaws recently, tactically i’d like him to be more opened with his selection…and he could save himself alot of headaches with a couple more players..

    But I don’t WAIT for MY team to lose and then come out…fine but don’t celebrate when be got it right and we win then.

    This week’s focus should be on how we lost and that scum…I don’t see alot of you depressers single him out like you did with wenger and players…and why the Hell is that???

    That bitch did to us much much worse…he showed us all a finger and criminally tried to hurt our best players…but no, Wenger is a bigger cunt to you.

    Sometimes, I wish you would look at yourselves of how you treated your own team, manager, and own fans…we all love to win, but we don’t wait for failure just to come out and have a few cracks at the man…

    If we don’t win I know ill see you again but when we do win something whenever it may come, where will u be then?

    We have rights to support and believe…

  76. Wenger is a cunt, he should fuck off any other top club would not put up his constance bolloxs he talks... I sold toure because we have 7 centre halfs so i then replace him back to 7 then u cunt!!! Obvious we would lose on sat when you add 1 player to a fucking shit team... I like to here from the in wenger we trust gang come next may. And fuck all those who tell me to go surport chelsea, spurs or man city. Open your eyes this club is going backwards with wenger in charge..

  77. Carloz Goonasaurus15 September 2009 at 18:23

    cant believe you guys are wasting your time responding to these mancity t**ssers. Don't they just remind you of little brother 'spurs' ? So starved of success for so long long that they can sell their soul to get ahead.

    First thaksin robs his country, and they welcome him with open arms like a God. Then they hired mark hughes, one of the most dishonest managers in the EPL (totally lacking in integrity). That sets the character of the club nicely. So, why are u surprised at them?

    Leave them to enjoy their 15 seconds of fame. Did they not start with a bang last season ? Remind me again where they finished up ? (15th ?) .. So, lets wait and see where they end up this season.

    Its the small unsuccessful brother mentality that has twisted them this way. They have lived under manu's shadows for so long and with no success at all that it has crazed them. Lets feel pity for them instead of anger. Poor bitter twisted and blue folks !!!!

    Now, I have added my previously beloved citeh to the list of those clubs never to be taken seriously: spurs, newcastle, bolton, blackburn

  78. Hull had a good start last year and even beat Arsenal. No one said they were goin to replce Arsenal in the top four.

    Man City beat us last year by a greater goal margin by the way. These idiots forget that.

  79. I actually think the whole Adebayor debacle will ultimately help the team. Just like his departure in the summer clearly rid the squad of any animosity and selfishness and made it visibly more united, the ridiculousness of his behaviour on Saturday could serve as a reminder to the squad about the frequent ill feeling associated with us last season and that this season is massive for the club. It won’t be long before the attitude he showed with us will repeat itself at City and their fans are deluded in thinking he’s going to play like he has been for 38 games. He’s an immature man who had it in his head that he was the victim of unfounded and unprovoked abuse by the Arsenal fans and wanted to show the world on Saturday what a martyr he was, but has just succeeded in making himself look like the brainless, money grabbing fool he truly, truly is.

    Moving away from the inevitable and unavoidable Adebayor rant and, yes, the nature of our defeat on Saturday was bitterly disappointing and all too familiar, but at the same time, the football we were playing and the chances we were creating seemed to be a marked improvement on last season. The squad has improved in terms of unity and belief, but the same old idiotic tendencies remain, as illustrated perfectly in the defeat at Old Trafford, with Abou Diaby opting to play like Mr Hyde, as opposed to the Dr Jekyll we saw him as at home to Pompey.

    The win at Celtic Park was a sign that the squad had matured, as was the all round performance which should have brought three points at Old Trafford. Those games have given me genuine hope that we could land silverware this year. Was Wenger stupid and naïve not to have bought in the window? Possibly, time will tell. For now though, we have a good set of fixtures coming up and hopefully we can get our title challenge back on track because the position we are in now means that there is not much room for dropping points from here on in.

    I wrote in March about the continued need for patience, and now is as good a time as any to reinforce that need, but I just have a feeling that that patience, and the supporters who follow the ‘In Arsene We Trust’ way of thinking could be about to be rewarded. The team just need to transfer the feelings of injustice created by the idiocy of the English press, UEFA and Emmanuel Adebayor into increased unity on the pitch. I believe there is a real underdog mentality brewing at the club, which hasn’t been present before, and that this new edge could be incredibly beneficial a few months down the line.

  80. Tottenham fan here..

    Three points:

    Firstly, the stamp was disgraceful but everyone seems to have forgotten the fact Van Persie set out to do Adebayor in the first place... no excuse but still..

    secondly, Adebayor got dogs abuse from Arsenal fans all of last year... your blog is a testament to this Wrighty7.. so in my opinion Arsenal fans should take their medicine and get over it.. and since when was showing a bit of passion in football unacceptable?? the real disgrace was the Arsenal fans' reaction to the celebration. What, because slid in front of you it's an excuse to riot and hurl things at the pitch? are ye children or something?? i did laugh at the pseudo hard-man faces of some of the fans who, in all reality, had no intention of rushing the pitch..

    thirdly, when Thierry Henry did the exact same thing, yes the EXACT SAME THING, after running the length of the pitch and scoring against Spurs a few years back, why was there not the same furore as this??

    please try to keep your responses a bit more in-depth than "what would you know you f*cking spud"


  81. Matt
    firstly..rash challenges are made by strikers all the time...hence the popular phrase in football "thats a strikers tackle"

    rvp deserved a yellow card...yes he went lunging in but it was from the side(not behind) and it wasnt studs of the was a strikers challenge...which deserved a yellow...

    no contact was made so how does that justify getting purposely smashed in the face by a size 16...especially when the owner of the size 16 was supposed to be a old teammate...

    ade was kicking lumps out of our boys all game..remember him kicking song and cesc too???? ade was lucky to be on the pitch for all the dirty tackles he was dishing out so he can be the last to moan when someone takes a kick at him...he should dish it if he cant take it so i dont buy the 'robin tried to do him' line..

    secondly...ade gave us a shit load of abuse all last he got it back...dont fall into the trap of thinking we treated him last shit...he was getting paid 80k a week last year and you saw how he played for dont say ade was great for us last year cos he wasnt and you know it...

    thirdly...henry never played for you so what he did was funny...henry was arsenal through and through and hated you as much as we did....adebayor was an ex arsenal player so it makes it a little bit different..

    i hope that answers your questions..

    oh and what would you know you fucking spud...

  82. Well, I don't actually think this is likely to have effect.

  83. Well, by April when we play city at home, Ade will have probably been lifting his skirt to Barca and a few other teams by then and the city fans will wanting him done in as much as us Gooners!
