Wednesday 16 September 2009

Jekyll and Hyde Arsenal CAN win things if...

We are more Jekyll and Hyde than the Doctor himself and I swear a few more of Arsene Wenger's hair strands visibly turned grey before my very eyes in the first five minutes tonight.

Have you ever seen that programme Stressed Eric? It's that cartoon about a middle-aged Englishman who gets very stressed out and his vein strangles him when he loses the plot. Wenger had that look about him. I honestly thought that he had a biro pen on his neck tonight. It was actually a throbbing vein.

That's what this Arsenal side can do to you. Stress you out. Badly.

I get stressed because I know that on it's day this Arsenal side can smash the shite out of any side in the whole entire stinking world. Yet on a bad day.......

Luckily for us we had the resolve to pull something out of the bag tonight. That's a good sign in my book. Okay we were two-bob for much of the game but we won. Had Manchester United, Chelsea or Liverpool won in similar fashion then we would hear how about the grit shown and how much character they have. Hopefully we hear the same for Arsenal.

Hand on heart I believe we can win things but only if we quit making the amateurish mistakes we continually commit. I'd say that we could have cut 90% of the goals conceded if we showed more concentration in our games this season.

Clearly this needs to be worked on. How do you improve concentration? Don't ask me but there has to be an expert in this field somewhere. Preferably a Gooner too.

Keep it Goonerish...............


  1. haha..was a pretty good scare..a few strands of my hair turned grey too I guess..doom was settinng in but nikki b rescued us tonight i guess..wonder what would have happened if they were better opponents..

  2. first time first!! wohooooooooo

  3. Bendtner tried his heart out again,
    His gaol saved our bacon.

  4. May Arshavin have a blinding season.

  5. TR7 class was a stand out..glad he came back with his best..i just hope song doesn't get overworked and lose his form..he has been great but in this match a crazy old woman with arthritis could have played better than him..

  6. my god we were lucky. but that luck that has abandoned us in the league reappeared in dramatic fashion tonight. game changing goal from bendtner, may many more come off his shiny black boots. and the same goes for eddy.

  7. Spot on Wrighty7. The most frustrating thing for me is that we have an amazingly capable team that just can't seem to get to their mental best. I think this is just the result though to lend confidence to the notion that they have what it takes, now they just need to start playing like they know it!

  8. if Diaby got injured, yes we have a chance to win something.

  9. yeah the chain is only as strong as its weakest link! we need whole team in their best form to win smt

  10. how do we improve concentration? by letting our players know we are around. good communication?

  11. @ anonymous 23.47....My thoughts exactly about Diaby....I have lost all confidence in him and to think Arsene preferred him over Diarra is alarming also. The guy broke Nasri's leg - one of our finest players, and scored the winning goal for Man Utd that killed us off in the league ( what the hell he was thinking of that day is beyond me),holds on to the ball too long often resulting in him loosing it to the opposition, never tracks back atimes and then to cap it off, displays some woefull and rash judgements in games in the form of his stupid challenges ....I think he should be the next to go if he fails to pick up an injury of some sort this season.

  12. Why is everyone going on about Diaby?
    He lost the ball as much as Cesc, Eduardo, et al.
    He made a goal and we won.
    Lets celebrate.
    ps. I felt Cesc performed worse than he did today.

  13. Cesc has been rather ordinary this season. Perhaps his mind is across the strait to the Spanish mainland. Song looked ordinary also. Gee he looked mentally lethagic.

    I hope they wake up and realise that a playing career in Football is relatively short and you must play each game as if its your last.
    If not they will wake up one morning and realise the game has passed them.

    Bendy may not have clicked as yet but at least he gives it his all.

  14. Wrighty, i think the lady luck was with us tonite. We're not playing that well, how many lose ball that we've created. hopefully this w/end we're back playing Arsenal way.

  15. The luck that has abandoned us against City and Man U, has been with us against Celtic and Liege.

    Would probably prefer a reversal to be honest. Wouldn;t care if Eduardo was given a yellow card for his dive and Song was given handball, as long as Barry's handball, Ade's stamp, Arshavin's penalty were all given.

    Such is life.

  16. Play great (MU)- Lose
    Play well (MC) - Lose
    Play awful (SL)- Win
    Football is simple :)
