Wednesday 21 October 2009

Diaby causes stains in my Arsenal pants!

Have you ever warmed up before a game of football, given a sneaky little glance at the opposition and seen some big lanky lump lumbering around the pitch?

If you have, I'm sure that nine times out of ten you will think, 'I bet that player is strong and is good in the air'.

Is that what opposing teams think about Abou Diaby?

There is a problem with that though. The opposition may believe this, but when they actually start playing they will probably realise that Diaby isn't a danger to their own side in the air. Noooooo, in fact Diaby is a danger to Arsenal!

Remember the own goal against Manchester United? What a bullet of a header that was! Well, Diaby even tried outdoing that shenanigan last night.

Having scored the most bizarre own-goal of the season already, Diaby decided to try and beat it by scoring an own-goal with his chest which, unfortunately for him, but fortunately for us, hit the bar.

Diaby was also out-jumped for the AZ goal by a player, who was at most, half the size of him.

Now, when you read this please don't think that I hate on Diaby because I don't. But lets be honest, Diaby is tall, he should be a threat for Arsenal at set-pieces and he should be able to help us in a big way at defending them. Really he does neither. Except cause immense panic. Causing stains in my Arsenal pants.

We should either;

A) Keep Diaby away from our area when defending absolutely anything or;

B) Teach Diaby how to head the stinking ball.

On his day Diaby can be incredible. When he isn't on his day then frankly I'd rather have John Jensen back in the fold.

Diaby has brilliant attributes but also equally bad attributes. I'm sure he is working on his weaknesses and when he improves them we will see a player who can compete with the best and even better them.

Imagine a Diaby who can head the ball and tackle? Exciting.

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. and he talks about how 'we' would learn from mistakes... bloody hell, most were his mistakes generally speaking

  2. T.b.h honest wrighty i think everyone should just chill were not going to win the thing,so why complain.Onto the matter of diaby,as you say he is hot and cold,but i think out of all the players such as denilsong,bendtner he will go on to become a monster for us.We also need to adress to goal keeping situation as i don't think almunia,mannone or fabianski have got what it takes to be the real deal for us...

  3. People are comparing Diaby to Viera??????

  4. what if Diaby doesnt have a good jump just as Thomas does yet shorter than Diaby.
    we can not make something out of a player when he clearly isnt.
    i also play basket ball and i jump higher than a few tall dudes so i know.

  5. Diaby flatters to deceive.

    He is neither one thing or the other

    I assume ( make an ass out of you and me ) that Wenger see's something as he does with Bentner that the long suffering Arsenal supporter does not see. Both Diaby and Bentner must be brilliant in training because there is no difference between either for being consistant they remind me of Adey without attitude.

    They probably have a personal mentor telling them it is ok because you guys are on a different planet to the rest of the team.

    Give me Song any day for ahard working likable player yo could ever wish for.

  6. Barndoor Bendtner21 October 2009 at 17:06

    Having had a good look at the goal I cant agree that Daiby should be criticised for it. After all he got in the way of a good cross and disrupted the attack, which is his job. Both the keeper and the defenders should have mopped it up from there.
    Diaby had tracked back to defend, so he is blamless on this one.

  7. Why are we looking for negatives here! A solid away performance and a good away point. For some there's always a fall guy, always someone to blame. They've ridiculed Eboue, Song Bendtner, Denilson, Adebayor and the latest victim is Diaby. Wenger stuck by Alex Song who is becoming a great player and he will stand by Diaby who will become another. Everyone needs their own time to develop, and at Arsenal, time is what you get. Get off his his back, he needs your support. You are supporters I take it? It's not obvious in what you write!!

  8. I completely agree with this. Just because he's tall and well-built does not mean he has a clue about heading. Fucking Nasri is better at heading the ball and he's a hobbit!! And because Nasri is also a better player in almost every part of his game in comparison to Diaby... it'll be bye-bye for Abou when he returns to full fitness.

  9. when Diaby plays, Arsenal effectively have 10men against 11 or 12.

    To the guy who thinks Diaby will improve like Song is putting on his best shades with colourful lenses.

    AW has consistently played diaby this season even at the expense of Arshavin. Same when Adelosedaballyor was shit and f up, AW sticks with him. This season its Diaby. So you can't blame us for picking on him when we DO REALLY HAVE BETTER ON THE BENCH!

    You don't stick by a player who is CLEARLY out of his depth against top class oppositions and only have a good game against lowly sides.

    Diaby has very good ball skills and controls but his tricks and skills are limited to the 3. Easily found out and easily tackled. Losing the ball, running with head down, NEVER EVER WINNING a header in the midfield (game against birmingham).. now how do u train that?

    So instead of talking about the team should be focusing, diaby should focus and get bloody injured. So at least we get to see Arshavin or even Wilshere/Vela.

    The questions are HOW LONG and HOW DAFT and HOW STUBBORN AW can be in supporting this calamity Diaby.

  10. ha..nice one..yup i nearly jumped out of my skin when diaby chested, faced, or chinned or nosed the ball almost into our own net..but did you get look at song's face after diaby did that?? the expression was priceless..hahaha..

  11. Fanner said.. yeah i saw Song's expression, he probably think next time I shall mark Diaby LOL. Anyway Diaby is just fuck, now already too old to improve, worst header of the ball of his height, I remember him heading the ball out of play with noone challenging him in midfield, his header direction is second to none, simply no direction. Regarding his foot skill is simply as fuck, losing possession is his strength, dribble out of our own penalty box is his habit. Each time I panic whenever he is involved in defending, really worrying. His football brain is still at 5 yr old, even in training he could break Nasir's ankle, this show how tiny his brain is when it comes to football. This guy is the worst player of all time in Wenger's ERA.

  12. In war torn areas, peace keepers stipulate a No-Fly zone; time the team stipulated a No Head zone for Diaby in the box, when defending set pieces. We can do without his Diab(y)olical clearances.

  13. Diaby has tremendous potential, if he can stay fit. But I have to admit the last two goals conceded were his mistimed headers back into his own penalty area.

    I also think Mannone deserves a chance. Almunia is hopeless. 4 years no trophy, 4 years of Almunia

  14. Diabyolique will never improve he's crap, hopefully Sunderland can recall Dan Smith when we play them!

  15. I don't actually agree that Diaby is shite by any means.

    I believe he can become a great player in the future.

    What I must add is that this wasn't written to have a pop at Diaby.

  16. RE: Anon 19:01
    Thats a disgraceful comment. You cannot be an Arsenal fan saying something like that. Diaby would be further along in his development if it wasn't for that horrific injury. Too many "fans" like you at emirates

  17. he also ended Gallas' season last year and broke Nasri's leg pre-season

  18. The worst player of the Wenger Era?!!!!

    Did you see him away at fenerbache last season? at home against pompy this season? at home against birmingham this season? Did you see the piece on Le Grove that displayed stats that show diaby makes more tackles than song and WAY more than micheal fricking essien!?

    Jeffers? Cygan? Baptista (had good games but only in the carling cup)? all clearly less useful players than diaby

    I'm not going to say your not a real fan, because you clearly are, and there are far too many pointed fingers in the Arsenal community.

    That said, the caricature of the big club supporter who doesn't know how good he's got it, is still a fan. You, i'm afraid, appear to fall into that category. I hope i'm wrong mate...

  19. I think everyone needs to get off Diaby's back. If you go back to the United game he was the best player on the pitch even with the own goal, and that has been the case in just about every game this season. This is probably the longest run of games he has had since joining Arsenal. Give the man a chance to get some confidence and experience and judge him after this season. Run's in the side build confidence, decision making and, characrter. Diaby will one day be one of Arsenal's best players. Write that down it's a fact!

  20. nice piece,can i just add a piece about bacary sagna,great defender but in posession he makes john terry look like johan cruyff,why?

  21. there's no secret diaby has a lot to learn. he needs to improve his tackling, heading, work morale and he needs to pass the ball, not to run into the opposition with it (every f'ing time).

    when nasri returns to match fitness i would like to see him in "diaby's" role, next to fabregas.

  22. "What I must add is that this wasn't written to have a pop at Diaby." Wrighty7

    Well, when you decided you were going to write a blog about Arsenal, you should have thought about your duties regarding being responsible with things that you were going to say and easily picked up by some invertebrates that call themselves supporters, without knowing the meaning of support,and can't differentiate a football from a cow. These so-called supporters are the same ones that were calling for Eduardo to be charged,and on Eboue's case last season, and any other player they see fit to harass, as long as the player don't use the same cow's shampoo as them. No wonder Thierry Henry still have admiration for Liverpool supporters!!
    In football, my dear friend Wrighty7, one week you spit in the air, and next week it will come down in your face. You yourself, had it with Fabregas, and it seems you didn't learnt your lesson.
    Now is Diaby's turn. How can you avoid a deflection? What a supporter should do, with every player that scores own goals and deflected goals week in week out in England? Harass them and send them to Siberia?
    Before you start having a go at any Arsenal player,or better saying, choosing the ones you prefer, first check your stats regarding Arsenal players and Arsenal games.
    Diaby makes more tackles than Song and Michael Essien, in Actim's Index for Premier League midfielders, Diaby is 9th, and 2nd in Arsenal, behind Fabregas who is 1st overall.
    If Diaby is playing, is because Arsene Wenger is the manager and trust him, period!! I see mistakes made by other players, but exactly like the English Media, some so-called supporters prefer to pick the ones they do not like and close a blind eye to other's.
    If you lot want to pick something to have a go, you should start looking at the referees, that cowardly, have no respect for Arsenal,and allow opposition players to push,pull, bad tackle and kick Arsenal players with no punishment. Check the stats for number of fouls/per yellow card allowed to Arsenal compared to other teams, and you will see why Arsene Wenger sent a dvd to FA. The so-called supporters should just sit and watch the jokers at Gillete Soccer Saturday chatting rubbish, as an exercise for anger management.
    Take care

  23. Lets be honest Gunners...Diaby is absolute nonsense! He is the weak link in our midfield and has failed to develop at the pace of Alex Song! When I first saw Diaby, I thought "Here's the next PV4", but then I saw him playing and I was like NO WAY! He loses the ball countless times, he hogs posession even when a teammate is free, he is horrible in the air and he's a menace to our keepers! Hardly what we remember of the great Patrick Vieira! Look at all of Diaby's best games...they were against weaker opposition! I am yet to see him step up in a big game! Im glad Nasri is back soon...Diaby can ponder his weaknesses from the bench, at least there he cant cost us! The decisive header he didn't win against a midget last night in the AZ game was the last straw for me! Arsenal 09/10 XI: Mannone; Sagna, Gallas, Verminator, Clichy; Nasri, Song, Fabregas, Rosicky; Arshavin, RvP.

  24. I agree with the post to be honest

  25. For those that are going to the a.g.m.If you give the management an easy ride tonight you are a disgrace,you need to remember what a shambles last season was which incidentally they have still not addressed ie the defence.Also for those that think we will win something this year think again we are not good enough and it's wengers fault,if you don't aask the questions that need raising you have failed

  26. Go on Abu Diaby. The real fans are right behind you. Song, Eboue, Bendtner and now Diaby . . . We salute you!! All the e-morons can get off at the next stop. We need Diaby, we don't need you!!!

  27. Diaby was dreadful for their goal. He kept backing up and backing up, giving the AZ space to get a free header into the box. If he had only held his ground and put his shoulder into the AZ player the ball would have sailed harmlessly out for a goal kick.

    The boy is thick and he can't or won't defend.

  28. 1. Diaby wasn't out-jumped by a guy half his size.
    2. The guy who won the header was huge!.
    3. That ball should have been attacked by a centre-back.
    4. I watch Diaby dribbling and i JIZZ IN MY PANTS!

  29. Diaby is a great player in the making yet still very raw. He just needs games.

    If anyone doubts his abilities, watch the first 30 minutes of our Champions League QF defeat at Anfield, Diaby's goal and overall contribtion, which saw him leave the likes of Steven Gerrard for dead, time and again.

    Or more recently in that classic PL home fixture against Man U. Nasri's double won it but his compatriot Diaby was man of the match. Superb all afternoon, defending and attacking, and I was there.

    Fenerbache? Derby? Portsmouth? The Carling Cup Final??? The boy just needs SUPPORT. You drove out Adebayor and he was the same, if not quite as talented as Abou.

    Dont do the same with Diaby!!!!!!!

    His goals at St James' and Villa Park in recent seasons? Only he could have scored either of those goals. The guy's a mixture of Zidane, Thierry and Vieira!!

  30. Amazed is what I am, about the blunt statements people make.

    Have you any idea how hard it is to fill the shoes of Vieira? For Godsake the man was Shaft personified, the coolest nigga on the pitch. If you get my drift.

    Think Diaby is gonna be like a good French wine as he ages he becomes better and tastier.

    He is not a microwave meal,or any other instant satisfaction solution we have come accustomed to in our modern world.


  31. Diaby made some mistakes, is bit lazy, and holds onto the ball far too long, but he'll develop into an unbelievable player for us. He already improved and in the last game as well as Manu's he had two good games. Defelections are part of the game and you cannot blame him for that all season. I am not saying that he was fantastic and performed to his abilities but he's getting there with more games.

    This guy has talent, skills, and ability to be a great player for us inthe future. Remember, Zidane wasn't as good as Diaby when he was at his age, but developed into the genius we all know. It seems that he got critised for everything that goes wrong with arseanl team. For me Clichy made more mistakes than him already in this season.

  32. couldn't agree more he's a disaster in our penalty area 6ft 2 and doesn't compete.

  33. I wonder if some of you are blind. How could Diaby gonna to be a great player? I seriously think we need a third CB to mark Diaby when we are defending a corner, Diaby is that fuck!

  34. diaby is an amazing talent! i trust in AW. And it is hard to say but i wish arsenal fans could learn for the scous. i mean the liverpool fans supoport players and team through the darkest moments. Stop being stupid and support this wonderfull team and all the players. for the pride of london...UP GOONERS LETS SHOW THE WORLD WHAT WE'VE GOT!!!!

  35. Unfortunately these so-called supporters will never know the true extent of their brain damage, because with their skull filled with wood chips is difficult for them to understand that they are very very lucky indeed to be living in this Arsene Wenger era. They should be stucked in the old days of George Graham, and all that rubbish that came along,'cos that's the only way they can see.
    The majority of these haters,are nothing more than a bunch of frustrated losers, having problems in keeping an erection to satisfy their girlfriend, so the word is ;let us go to the Emirates and vent our impotence at some french black b*st*rd...and everyone is a winner!!
    Just do us all a favour:Lay low in a corner away from Emirates where you lot can buy some Viagra and then come back in the year 2086.
    Take care

  36. i cant believe our own supporters would be on the back of eduardo . cant b real.i loved arsenal from childhood, lived in south london 10 years, i am in the midlands now. but a great supporter. we need to get beyond the team to give encouragement, not negative vibes,i believe we can win something this year, believe me . safe wrigty.

  37. diaby is a good offensive player but a damn bloody lousy defensive player. i think by now every team knows they can score freak goals through diaby. I hope AW play diaby as alone central striker, which will relieve him of defensive duties (AW likes to play player out of position, why he didn't do it to diay baffled me???????????)

  38. west ham? wait till the true giants of london fuck you over on saturday, you bunch of cunts

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