Monday 26 October 2009

F**k me, its only 26/10/09 and the doom-mongers are out already!

Shall we just give up now? Fuck the title race, fuck the cups and fuck Arsenal. Lets just give up because we drew with fucking West Ham. Excuse the fucking French.

I had a look round some of the Arsenal sites today and I wished I hadn't of bothered. It depressed me. Some of the comments I've seen made me shake my head with despair. It's the end of October and the doom-mongers are out in force already.

Lets get some perspective people!

I know it was frustrating, I know it does your head in but I get the vibe that some Gooners have given up. And we ain't even reached Halloween yet!

At the end of the day think about the result yesterday. It was a balls up but I've seen a lot of people having a dig at Arsene Wenger. What more could he have possibly done?

Listen, Wenger has all the excuses in the world usually and it can be embarrassing but I sympathise with Arsenal and Le Boss.

We were Tom Cruiseing it until a bad decision from the ref gave The Hammers a chance from a free-kick and they duly scored. Ahh you say, thats an excuse Wrighty, you blamed the ref. Yes I am blaming the ref my little sweetheart, but I'm going to blame Mannone as well.

What can Wenger do if his side is 2-0 up in the 74th minute, looking comfortable, the ref gives a shitty decision and then his keeper makes a terrible save to allow West Ham back into the game? Could Wenger have saved the ball?

What happens next is all the sudden West Ham, who looked beaten and more dejected than Nick Griffin on Question Time, get a lift and the crowd are sniffing blood.

West Ham then get a debatable penalty. Personally I think giving that penalty was a soft decision but the ref was probably influenced by the shout for another penalty he turned down a little earlier. Is that fair? Nope.

Look at the TV replays and it may seem that Arsenal and Gallas got away with it. It appears that Gallas made contact but look again very closely and you will see that Scott Parker wasn't touched, in fact he fucking dived. Ask yourself, what can Wenger do about that?

I don't really recall West Ham threatening Arsenal in open play the whole game, Diamanti livened West Ham up but all his shots were from the halfway line. We looked very secure and the game certainly changed when West Ham scored from a poor save and a very poor decision to the give the free-kick in the first place.

Yes it is two points dropped but we aren't the only club that is dropping points and I'm sure that there will be more point-dropping in the future. From everyone.

Of course yesterday will feel like a defeat but it's October and people are already writing us off. Are these the same people who were geeing us up before the last two games? When we were on a winning streak?

Also I've noticed that the digging out of certain players is happening again, especially Diaby, Song and Eboue. I must say this. If you dig those players then you need to dig out everyone. Did Arshavin play any better than those mentioned? Did Fabregas? It can't be one rule for some and not others.

How about we get over this disappointing result, not dig anyone out and back the team. I think it would be wise considering we have the Spuds coming up.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. This result isnt an abberation in Arsenals part but something which is deep rooted to actually put a finger on. Look at last season with the spurs 4-4 game, man u cl semi finals, man u and man city earlier in the season, alkmaar away. These results point out that really this Arsenal squad sint mentally tough enough to win the league.

    I actually said to myself that this game would really show that fulham away wasnt a fluke and that arsenal are really up to it this season but its a hopeless cause now. 4th again please...

  2. Arshavin was the worst, Cesc was not his usual self may be of family problem.
    already leak 13 goals in EPL; 4 goals in CPL.
    Always the same excuses: didn’t get final ball to kill the game. Where & when is the ruthlessness coming ? (always like to buy midfielder who can play wide & not deadly striker e.g Torres from LFC)
    If the defenders can grind out, the game is already won. it’s better to win 1-0 than draw 2-2. Don’t understand y other teams can grind out 1-0 win. At the end of season they have trophies.
    AW likes to play players out of position, y he didn’t do to diaby as a lone striker baffles me ???
    If continue to let Diaby involve in defence, we will definitely get more similar result & forget about winning trophies.
    Pls Mr AW don’t be TOO stubborn in substitution, learn from J. Mourinho
    We Respect u

  3. Yeah, I agree with you.

    Keep it up :)

  4. It's not the same people. Our fan base has factions, or like minded people. The pessimists are out now, the optimists last weekend. It's not the same people, apart from the few schizophrenic ones.

    We aren't strong enough this season unless Chelsea throw it away (or ManU do). But if they do, we have to be able to take advantage of that and I don't think we have the solidity to do that. Maybe next year, or two years from now. We missed Rosicky yesterday, Denilson, and Walcott from the bench or otherwise.

  5. agreed on all points. probably would have liked to see earlier substitutions since we have some highly motivated forwards on the bench at the moment, but besides that it's just one of those things

  6. PHEW! I was beginning to think that there were no decent bloggers out there today!

    Shit result yes
    Pissed off yes
    Dissapointed not to capitalise on Utd losing yes

    But there is no way i am going to all of a sudden start slagging off the team, the manager, the backroom staff, the groundsman, the tea lady etc... like most people are. Win our game in hand and we are two points off top. Thinking about the games we've had compared to Chelsea who are top, we'd have definitely taken that pre season.

    Let's have some perspective - yes we're annoyed, but doubt we are as annoyed as chelsea were when they lost at wigan for example

  7. i agree with the post..considering the game in hand as a win arsenal is just 2 points adrift of leaders.african cup is coming and i cant see chelsea replacing essien and u is not the team of last season.arsenal is by far the better nothing lost due to this result if we r able enuf to learn from the mistakes like win will part us from will b a dent in their spirits and uplift for gunners.i thnink season is great so far.just need to back up the team.arsenal the champs this season.only worry is who will replace song when he is gone on acn.let professor deal with it in january window..

  8. Guys we are taking of trophies here,let me give an example when you start a race by inc standing up to start running,athleties can bare with me,it would be difficult for an opponent to catch up with you.The same will apply,Lpool did the job for us we would have taken advantage of that.Man u and Chelsea are difficult teams to beat,they dont play football to entertain they play win and they fight until the last whistle,though the season has just started the more we get early points the better ,early points are also important.Watch it, it will take six to seven games b4 man u or chelsea can loose.But am doubting at all if we are going to beat TOT HP remember the 4-4 last season.And once arsenal start disappointing they can disappoint believe me.Unless the complaisance is taken care of,we behave as if we are a diesel machine.

  9. daz,

    I,m Sorry but you don't win premier league titles dropping points against absolute shite like that!!!! West Ham are probly the worst team in the league at the moment and judging on yesterdays performance will probly go down!
    We have been crap in every game away from home so far this season (except everton) and are not a patch on how we play at home, we will have alot trickier away games to come than that shite yesterday! (VILLA,LPOOL,CHELSEA ETC ETC) I,m sorry but I can see us dropping alot of points on the road!I hope i,m wrong but i doubt it!!

  10. if we agree we will win some games, loose some and draw some.
    can any one out there give us all the results in advance on each game so we know when to get angry or not. the whole i dea is to back the team whichever way
    am waiting to hear from the know all and perfect fan to give us the full predictions PLEASE

  11. I don't actually think we've been useless on the road this season.

    We dominated Everton, outplayed United and City for long periods in Manchester, WERE fortunate against Fulham and were cruising yesterday until the final 15 mins.

  12. we dominated utd and city for long periods and lost both games!! we cannot keep dropping points in games which we should be getting 3 points and then win the league!!

  13. You know Wenger could have done? Take off Arshavin at half-time because he look uninterested the entire game. Instead he persisted with the Russian who did pretty much nothing for 90 minutes. He could have even sent a message to the senior players by withdrawing some of them and throwing on 3 youngsters - at least we know when they play they'll give 110% instead of the half-hearted efforts of the second half the senior players did. We should have been up 3 or 4 goals before West Ham even got a sniff on goal. Wenger could have even reverted to 4-4-2 after an hour since the formation is much more defensive and he could have guarded the 2-0 lead. It's his job as manager to be objective and realize the players were just not into it in the second half and he should have made a change earlier instead of the 83rd minute.

    It's no doom monger but more like deja vu. We've seen this far too much in the past few years as Arsenal are touted to be back to their glory days and then lose to a team that's second from the bottom of the table. Champions know how to win - that's just how it is. I hate the Mancs and Chelsea but they know how to win games they're expected to win. Rarely does some crap team get the better of them. Meanwhile it seems on any given day you can get something form Arsenal.

  14. Yes we dropped points but we were far from useless in those games.

    Admittedly though its no good playing well and dropping points

  15. I agree totally with this.

    To all you doom mongers out there, have a read of this

    It made me wonder if we could find 60,000 of them to fill the stadium.

  16. I know what you mean Wrighty. While it's a shame we threw away 2 points against West Ham I still think it's a game that every season when it comes around I'm happy to get something out of the game, away to West Ham is always gonna be a tough game always. All in all I'm happy with how we've been playing this season and look forward to the Spurs game where I expect us to be well and truly up for it.

    So far this season we've had some players playing out their skins (Fabregas, Song, Van Persie, Gallas and Vermaelen) and some yet to get going (Arshavin, Almunia, Nasri, Vela) and when everyone gets into the groove I expect us to sustain a very real title challenge. By the way I believe if we had Rosicky, Nasri or Eduardo fit yesterday then I think we would of won comfortably cause I thought Cesc looked tired and Arshavin wasn't at the races.

  17. And on the goal keeping situation I've always said I don't believe Mannone will make it here, I've always said he's not as good as Fabianski or the other pole. And another thing is I'm sick of people mouthing off about Song et all, Song was good yesterday and Eboue didn't play badly either and the only reason Diaby is playing week in week out and not on the bench is because Nasri, Rosicky and Denilson have been injured this season. It seems some fans just want us to fail so they can have a big moan.

  18. I'm sick of people saying that Champions don't drop points against lesser teams. Both Manure and Chelski have lost, not drawn, to garbage teams already this year. Honestly, we should have beat Manure, Citeh was a legitimate loss, and other than that things are going really well. How can we expect these lads to believe in themselves if all they hear is that they can't do it? Come on you Gooners, support you team!!!

  19. Ok, it's early, we can afford to throw points away, no big deal.

  20. Wrighty, come on, the team let themselves down.

    We thought it was over when 2 nil. We then saw flicks and other stupid over elaborations.

    The forwards have to do their job, this match should have been put to bed earlier.

    What can the defense do, they had a real go, we should have killed their spirit but we did not do that.

    Now is this because, we were reckless, ....OR because we have the afraid to win syndrome. Maybe a bit of both.

  21. if we win against spurs i will agree with you guys that we shouldnt rant abt the west ham loss. but if we loose against spurs then stop this silly self praise. we must take remedial action. and if that means putting arshavin in a more central position, then so be it. if that means buying big in Jan so be it. Seriously, I will shut up if we beat spurs

  22. Wrighty you will really piss me off protecting the guys like that. i love the club too. but when Wenger saw Diamante come on to start creating things and causing problems he did nothing about it. he only made a change in the last 10 mins or so. cant deny the fact that their goals were from nothing really not master pieces or anyhting but hey, they equalised from 2 down!!!!!!!!!!

    Am i pissed? YES FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!! and you protecting them like that and acting everything is ok, the ref messed us up doesnt help one bit.

  23. TrueGooner say.....Let me say this up front. Yesterday result was pathetic. Common how many times should we see this happening. All you people calling people doom mongers has to understand that it's not that they draw away, it's how they did it. It's not about yesterdays game, it's about how consistently this happens. Every time they come out and say they have learned their lesson and it happens again. If it was a hard fought game and they draw away, even if united had won, i wouldn't be mad because it's away and home teams usually play hard. But if you are up 2-0 at the half as a professional, don't you think you will know that the home team will fight till the death. won't you defend more and attack on the counter when the opportunity arises, won't you try to hold the ball a bit more and suck the opposition in and hit them from the blind side? wont you? Don't tell me i shouldn't be mad, don't call me a doom monger, and yes I blame no one but ARSENE WENGER. Yes i'll say it again I blame ARSENE WENGER. You I and Arsene saw they way the match was going, he saw the atmosphere, he saw that we were not holding the ball in the midfield, thus causing more pressure and work on our defense and young goalie who has been the best in form keeper at the club. AW could have taken off the Russian When it was clear we needed more defense minded player. RVP became useless after 60 mins (which has been the case in most games). Diaby offers no defensive help. Why not sub these three early on and bring on some fresh legs. bednter could come on for RVP, eduardo could come on for Arshavin, and bring on Nasri or somebody on there for Diaby. let Song stay behind. This boy works too hard when Diaby plays. He runs from end to end while Diaby practically jogs around. The thing is I don't blame any of the players, but the manager. If your player is having a bad day, manage them probably. If they are not exerting themselves do something about it. Call me what u want but this is how I feel period. If your son does something wrong, and keep doing the same thing will you be happy about it? If your girl keep slipping up will you be happy and say it's ok no worries? I did not even care about the draw mid week. I got over it so quick, and then this happens 3-4 days later. Did anyone see Arsene fidgeting on the bench yesterday. The expression on his face was priceless. I was like dude get up and stand on the side line to let them know they need to step it up.

  24. I only had to read the headline to think thank fuck someone has brains.

    All these doomers are driving me nuts. On the arseblog arses yesterday it was all nice and jovila untill we conceeded the first goal then, out of nowhere all the doomers start slagging of wenger and everyone.

    It was a bad result but not as bad as united ie: we didnt loose. We are in agood position in the league but ofcourse wecan be in a better position but, also can united!

    Fuck the doomers well done wrighty

  25. 100% agree with you, Wrighty. That's all I have time to say, but you are spot on.

  26. We are nothing more than a feeder our best players leave again in the summer. Every year one or two go... Bored of it now...

  27. Arshavin and Cesc can win a game single handed wether they are playing at the top of their game or not. Eboue and Diaby can lose a game single handed even when they are paying well.

    Eboue and Diaby are shit.

    Eboue has played more than any other right sided player in the squad in the last 3 season, including this one, yet name me one game where he was the difference. Eboue is a waste of space who in a midfield of quality players can be carried but when sorrounded by Diaby Denilson and Song is shown up to be the shit he he is. That said as a squad player he would be usefull, right back etc etc.

    Diaby is the biggest myth since jimmy carter. The man cant play a ten yard ball.

    "I am no Vieira"

    You fucking got that right.

    Song has improved but when youre as shit as he was it is hardly a suprise that he has got better.

    What makes me laugh about bloggers like wrighty is that anyone speaking out now is a doom monger, anyone speaking out in the jan transfer window is a doommonger, anyone speaking out in the summer is a doommonger. When should we fucking moan mate?

    I will come and read your blog next summer aftr we have won fuck all again and you are sucking Arsene cock saying hes the greatest manager ever and Song Diaby Eboue and Denilson are still first team regulars.

  28. anon

    good post wrighty7.

    don't blame the kneejerk wankers on the net. it is not their thought that they are such morons. they have been conditioned to react in this way by the media who pull all their strings and tell them when to cry. of course, for people like you and me that can think for ourselves it is indeed pathetic to watch and read them shame our club and reputation on the net.

    just looking at one or two of the comments have made me laugh. how dare west spam score two jammy goals against us. we should shot the keeper and his defence and cut song's balls off for giving away the soft penalty. *cry*bitch*whine*
    we must bore everybody silly with our armchair analysis of the game and tell mr wenger what he is doing wrong, because we have all won the title on championship manager and know better than the boss.

    we must also ignore the fact that we did not lose this game to a team who have cheated zola since the season started but work like demented dogs on acid when the arsenal roll into town.

    we must also ignore the fact that manure, mickey mouse chelsea and the scousers have all lost to the bottom feeders of the leauge already this season.

    muppets and puppets the lot o' ya

  29. Spot on Wrighty. We are only 1/2 players short(hopefuly the January window,will resolve that problem)) of winning the PL THIS season.

  30. Yeah Wrighty dont listen to the muppets and puppets, its the medias fault that:

    1. We still havent replaced Lehmann

    2. We still havent replaced Vieira

    3. We still fuck leads with far greater frequncy than United or Chelsea

    4. We have Eboue as a right winger for 3 years running

    5. Diaby is still shit

    6. We have made a profit in the transfer window every year for exactly the same amount of time that we have won fuck all.

    7. Our board have a keener interest in house prices than silverwear

    8. Our manager never rectifies problems that Stevie Wonder could solve

    Its all a big fucking media conspiracy I tell thee.

  31. Anonymous
    10 very well constructed points..
    Cannot argue with 1 of them...
    Remember when AW used to throw on 2 forwards to win a game..
    Why not change the shape of team to hold a lead?? Pat Rice to f*ck off and be replaced by a man - not an a**e kisser like Wrighty7

  32. We lost "the Arsenal way" yesterday. This is exactly how we lose points 90 per cent of the time.
    I hope Wenger does something about this, and become more active on the sideline next time. And a part of me thinks this is the season he might start to deal with it.

    The league is much tighter this year and i'm sure we will fight for the top spot with Chelsea. But i really think we should focus on scoring above 100 goals in PL. If we can do that: About 1 goal every 30 min. and I dont think anyone can beat us. If they do we still scored over 100 goals, wich shows the world how extreemly good we are and in some ways are even cooler than a trophy.

    Keep the faith fellow gooners world wide!


    norwegian gooner

  33. your wrong mate it is arsenals modis operandi. Diaby accident waiting to happen. Eboue enough said, Song trying to tackle from sideways position hello. He needs tutoring big time. but main culprit is wenger. Yeah he knows , i should bloody hope so hes been at the job 12 years.

  34. hi fellow gooners just got some good news here…looks like some of our scouts been to norway to look at a future superstar…he’s 18 and have already played 2 seasons of top fotball look at this video think wenger’s done it again!

  35. Cant help feeling sorry for Mannone cuz the way he flung himself out and almost stopped west hams first goal was fantastic much like his countryman, Casillas when he saves incredible shots like that, unfortunatelMannonehe punched it out wrongly. I'm sure if that was Green or James it would have gone in without them touching the ball. Give the guy due credit , he is good just a little wet under the ears.We would have lost the fulham game if not for him.

  36. While I agree with most of what you say,

    "What can Wenger do if his side is 2-0 up in the 74th minute, looking comfortable, the ref gives a shitty decision and then his keeper makes a terrible save to allow West Ham back into the game? Could Wenger have saved the ball?"

    He could have signed a top goal keeper in the summer and had Almunia as his backup instead of relying on someone like Mannone.

  37. Exactly.

    A bit of perspective:

    When we win our game in hand we will be 2nd - above Man Utd. Chelsea will only be two points ahead of us and when you consider their transfer ban and the ACN, they will struggle early next year.

    I would be a lot more worried if i was a Man U or Liverpool supporter.

  38. Resulting from the latest seething in the blogs after the unfortunate draw against West Ham, I am requesting a chance to express some views on Arsenal which I have for awhile.

    My view is that we did not fail against West Ham but rather that we have progressed as a club for the last 4 seasons despite not winning trophies. My view is we are not on the wrong track this season, we actually are doing well.

    The draw on Sunday was really bitter but I still retain vivid memories of 3 games which happened during the ‘98 and ‘02 seasons.

    - The magic game with three goals from Dennis Bergkamp… but we ended up drawing that game
    - The game we lost at home against Blackburn (1-3)
    - The last minute equaliser from, again, Leicester City in the ‘02 season

    What I want to emphasize is that even in successful seasons, there were still many bitter and heartbreaking moments. We actually won the league title(s) after the turn of the year – it’s really up to how we do in the last 18-20 games or so that will define our season.

    Right now it’s the players’ job to do their best to keep up (stay at worst 5 points from the top) or even win all their games to lead the league going into the year 2010.

    Of course many moaners said that we are competing with more teams now (back then it was us and Man U). But look at how all the teams, and I mean all of them, have dropped many points already this season. And I can argue for myself that we are the only team who dropped points undeservedly.

    As to my second idea, all I will say now is that what other manager has…

    1) managed a team under such a tight budget to reach CL final and semifinal

    2) produced another crop of young and great players

    3) managed an injury prone team to lead the league for 8 months before that evil moment against that evil team

    4) sold greedy, want-away, and unneeded players for a large chuck of profit

    5) given us the most beautiful footballing team in the history.

    (The answer is no one apart from the Lord Wenger, of course).

    It’s funny too when you compare the SUCCESSFUL Arsenal teams to this current squad of how they do in Europe. This current team is actually doing a lot BETTER than the class of ‘98, ‘02, and ‘04. So unsuccessful and incompetent? I’d say hell no.

    We just have to pray that we will get a break this season (bad calls, injuries, lucky goals…..), – the sort of break we have not had for a long long long time.

    Moaners say that we can’t look at the past. But a great manager is defined by ALL his actions, both the past and the present.

  39. Apreciation Wrighty,I'm glad you start seeing sense and have a go at the invertebrates that call themselves supporters, although we know a lot of the things said here are supporters from other clubs pretending to be Gunners. Basically haters too, and as such classified as invertebrates as well. Some of the opinions by some true Arsenal supporters, are nothing short of diabolical and shows you, that even to watch football on tv, you need to understand the game, and just let them simply play Football Manager and think " Yeah, I'm excelent as Arsenal manager".
    They even criticize, time of substitutions, choice of players, tactics,etc.
    Sam says "He could have signed a top goal keeper in the summer to stop that mistake for second goal"
    So if you have top players, no mistakes then and you win all games?
    Beauty!! So do you watch football Sam? Have you heard of Iker Casillas? go and watch R.Madrid v AC Milan,CL last week and see mistakes by world class players!!

    WC says"Wenger could have even reverted to 4-4-2 after an hour since the formation is much more defensive"
    WC, when you talk about tactics,now you make me laugh!!
    WC, any tactic is as good as the players you have on the pitch, and depends of how you want them to play,still there's always other factors in play. You can have a 5-4-1 attacking,or a 3-5-2 defensive and sometimes a few changes within the team and the whole system changes.
    Let me give you a few tips; a manager have to take in consideration 4 major factors on a player:psychological,technical,physical and tactical,plus few other things regarding the game itself.
    You can play 5 defenders and 5 defensive midfields and still concede.You can have 10 players marking 1 striker on a corner, and still he will score. Why? because when the attacking player takes the initiative of moving, you are always chasing and a few fatal seconds behind. Thats why you see goals scored everyday in set-pieces with defenders man-marking, and yet no one says nothing, but when is zone marking there's an outcry.
    After the final score everyone could have done better.
    HINDSIGHT my friend,is a beautiful thing.
    Thanks for you Wrighty
    take care

  40. Kamal, Casillas is Spanish and Mannone is Italian. It was a bad mistake from Mannone, as a keeper the last place a rebound should go is straight out in front.

    Good post Wrighty, nice to see that someone has sense.

  41. the one reason i enjoy reading ur posts is that u got the balls to say what the other blogs cant. u read the other blogs and they sound either murderish to some players or read like eulogy for the team's title chances. we should not be losing these points and also fans shoud not be selectively bashing players. this was arshavins worst game i have seen but i didnt see any bashing. selective amnesia perhaps. the team is great and the chances have never been better. go gunners!

  42. i think the seaoson hasn't crashed on us at all..we were brilliant in 98% of the games we have played..AZ and the West Ham games were flukes for the other teams to get back..I just feel vermalean needs to focus a little more on defending than scoring goals at the moment..also when arshavin goes forward no one is there to cover him..and clichy gets too exposed and he runs like a mad horse every game..sanga gets good cover and the entire right side of the team is more defence minded..also most of the goals have come from the attacks on the left side..i think this is the year we will win the premier leage even if not the champions league..but we have a very very good chance in the champions league..only team that, if it played above and beyond of what it can play to stop us would be Barca..

  43. hey u're not posting that much wrighty; wahts happening?
