Sunday 3 January 2010

Arsene Wenger- I hold up my hands to ya buddy!

'It's obvious that the FA Cup isn't top of Arsene Wenger's agenda these days. In fact I reckon that he would rather win the meat raffle at my local boozer more'

Those were the words of some twat on my blog yesterday. What a dickhead eh? It would help if that dickhead wasn't myself mind. But it was. Straight from the horses mouth.

I have to hold my hands up to Arsene Wenger, he proved me wrong. I was worried that we would field an understrength side at West Ham and that it could go completely tits up. I have to say that the side Le Boss picked was spot-on.

What was even better was the bench. For a change in a domestic cup-tie we had the likes of Diaby and Nasri to call upon if the need be. As it happened we did need those two and the subs that Wenger made were inspired and at the right time. It changed the game in our favour when it looked like we were struggling to break West Ham down.

Nice one Arsene!

I have to say how pleased I am that Eduardo scored. A header from a cross too! We don't get enough balls into the box from wide positions in my opinion. It's not usually from the want of trying though. It's normally that whoever is crossing the ball can't get it past the first defender. Carlos Vela provided a peach for Eduardo's head and he made it look easy really.

When the little Mexican went wide left he looked a major threat. I know the boy can finish well but he looks very comfortable on the left wing. I remember when he was on loan to some Spanish side and he played on the left against Real Madrid. He tore Sergio Ramos (one of the best right backs in the world in my eyes) apart, put him back together, then tore him apart some more.

We have a lack of natural wingers, especially ones who hug the line, and I think that Vela would be best placed there at the moment. I understand that Wenger sees him as a central striker but he also sees Walcott as a central striker too and plays him wide right. Vela just seems more at ease taking on the full back to me with plenty of space to work with.

Was it me, of course being Arsenal biased, or did the ref Mark Clattenburg favour the home side today? I just felt that every little foul that could be given went West Ham's way. Have we upset Clattenburg in the past?

When Mr Clattenburg first came on the scene I believed he had the makings of a very good referee. Unfortunately he seems to have suffered 'Ref Syndrome' a disease that makes the man in black believe that the game is all about him. It's a shame because there is no cure and we could all be saying how fantastic it is having an official like him in charge of your game.

Where did five minutes come from at the end? It couldn't have been when West Ham's very own Mr. Miyagi tried to take off Diaby's head could it? I have to say that kick was quite impressive mind. To even reach the Frenchman's shoulder is quite an amazing feat in itself.

So, through to the next round and the momentum continues on. Of course the draw has been unkind to us again. Another away match against Premiership opponents. Stoke City will probably be more difficult than West Ham but if Wenger had his way Stoke would be fucked. If Le Boss could change a rule he would swap throw-ins for kick-ins. When you consider that Stoke City score 99% of their goals from Rory Delap's freakishly long throws then it could do us a favour!

Keep it Goonerish.......................


  1. That's what I like to see, a blogger who admits when he is wrong.

  2. onwards and upwards 2010 year of the gun now lets get dzeko ..

  3. wrighty im heading over for the game wednesday nite and i need to know which pub to go to before the game that will be full of gooners,leave a reply if you can please,nice 1

  4. Top man Wrighty holding your hand up.I was impressed with the team seleted today but not with how they performed.Jack shows that he needs to go on loan as does Vela and Merida.Another win but two very tough games coming up this week.Hopefully Arsene will find the players that will help us be in he shake up come May.

  5. Ramsey is gonna be arsenal's Gerard,he's box-to-box and NOT scared to shoot.Sorry for Wilshere who just seemed to fall over everytime,thought Merida was a winger but got played center-mid?
    Big target man needed who can hold onto ball needed asap.

  6. The Tollington, corner of Tollington Rd and Hornsey road will have a Gun Full of fans as usual.

  7. @anon 20:02,

    I've always liked the Twelve Pins mate on Seven Sisters Road.

    Always enjoy it there.

    Have a good night!

  8. Cheers Del.

    I think that JW needs to go loan as well mate. Maybe Pompey or West Ham.

    I'd like Vela to stay and be given more chances the left wing. I reckon he could be a real force there.

  9. Yes Nasri and Diaby made the differnce in the end still need that striker to hold ball up and rough up defence and a centre back as cover for gallas and verminator we cant afford to be left with Silvestre he is a danger also feel more of Fabianski looks good

  10. wat a night 4 da boys com on arsenal!! the team selection was quite a surpise so glad gallas and vermaelen played and yh fabianski does look lyk e cud b da dogz bollocks lol

  11. Listen to Wenger's post match talk on the beeb and tell me we're signing someone . . . What a year this could be . . I reckon Upson might be on his way over . . What a year this is shaping up to be . . . Go Gooners !!

  12. Haha! Nice one Wrighty7!

    I hate to say I told you so, but... hahaha!

    Come on you Gunners! Great 2nd half performance and soooo happy that vela and Eduardo came good in the end! And how good is Ramsey goin to be?

    And a mention for Diaby too. The fact he was brought on to help salvage the game speaks volumes for how far he has come! Song, of course, was awesome as usual!

  13. Piss off Spike. Ha ha ;)

    Ramsey is gonna be massive for us. And you are right about Diaby mate. He has really come on leaps and bounds.

  14. think vela should start left wing next game for us, really did play quite awesome that second half with 2 assists aswell!

  15. I really think it's time wenger puts in Fabianski as our number 1, he put in a great performance today and his distribution is a lot better than almunia who recently has looked weak at the back, however don't let this detract from a great second half performance from the boys today!! Keep up the blogging Wrighty7!!

  16. Have to say that despite the goal, Eduardo's been pants recently. And today he was shocking again, losing the ball, misplaced passes, woeful free-kick, and generally invisible. Yeah, great header, but don't think Wenger is fooled. At no point after RVP's injury has le boss come out and said, we don't need a striker, we have Eduardo. He cannot lead the line, he cannot hold the ball up, he cannot link. He is a finisher only. And a finisher only in this Arsenal team is not enough.

    So Wenger will buy because he's looking at the fixtures end of jan beginning of Feb and he knows we can win or lose the Prem in the space of 2 weeks - Villa away, ManU home, Chelsea away, Liverpool home. 4 games in a row in 14 days between 27th Jan and 10th Feb.

    And he will finally spend to win! He cannot rely on Eduardo, or Vela, or Walcott. Arshavin cannot do it alone and Bendtner is still an injury worry.

    He'll try one more time for Chamakh next week i believe and if that fails he will go full steam for ... wait for it ... BENZEMA!!!! Might be a loan, but Wenger is after him 100%

    Watch this space.

  17. haha what a good game! and i really hope Le Boss can use his french connection to persuade benzema cuz the last few games i seen him play for real madrid, he has been good. and since pellegrini is only using him as a 2nd half sub in most games, i am sure benzema would like more playing time before wcup and can be persuaded for a move! and also i think silvestre's time is up.. he is too slow and can put the team in trouble with his slack defending.! Hoping for a great 2010 Goooners!

  18. Nonsense, Arsene picked a good squad did he? Bollocks. Merida showed exactly why he should be packed off back to Spain permanently. He was absolutely useless but I do agree that Wilshere needs to go on loan. He looked totally lost and like a frightened child against the Hammers. Everyone else did their bit well except Silvestre obviously who should be sold now for a few quid instead of free in the summer. I knew exactly who would come off and who would come on before the changes were made. Nasri wasn't so great, but just Diaby coming on and Vela switching with Eduardo and going left made the difference definately. I was screaming every time he got the ball to just cross it, I'm not usually a fan of crossing but he kept trying to play the ball not cross so when he did I was well pleased. Ramsey had a topsy turvy game, without the big boys he looked lost but was still trying hard (I think it's easy to see why he's ahead of Jack in the pecking order) once the big boys came on he did the business. I have high hopes for this lad. Good game overall if somewhat frustrating. Hopefully no fresh injuries for our "Big 3" encounter at the end of this month/start of next.

  19. great to see hartson doing well. Capped off a perfect afternoon. Well done Ramsey!

  20. What is most encouraging is that at long last we have a bench capable of making a defference. For the past few seasons our bench has been hopelessly inexperienced and lightweight but this season we have impact players to bring in who can make a difference. The "youngsters" Wenger has been blooding have come of age and onwards and upwards - the end of Jan and early Feb will define this season with all the key games on the trot.

  21. Our probem with the WestHam game was that there were too many leftfooters in the starting eleven. Ramsey, Wilshere, Vela, Eddy, Merida, Silvestre and Vermaleen. This accounted for lack of balance asall of them tried to bring the ball to their left b4 making a pass. (Ojaimo).

  22. "I have to hold my hands up to Arsene Wenger, he proved me wrong"

    I stopped reading your blog a few months ago but came back today and was greeted with this entry.

    How can you have such little faith in Arsene? Its great that you admitted you were wrong, but what caused you to doubt the Boss in the first place?

    It's fine to come back and say "I'm sorry" after the game's over and done with but what if in the off-chance we would've lost? Would you have continued insulting the manager and doubting him?

    As much as Arsene and all of us love the FA Cup, its one of 3 races we're involved in and to be frank, winning the FA Cup does not equal winning the Premier League or Champions League. No way. Those two are a priority and no question about it.

    Arsene had every right to rest our first team players on the weekend since, our lack of cover for a lot of positions is pretty scary. Would winning at West Ham and losing any of the players on the pitch have been worth it? I don't think so.

    Yet, we managed to win and Arsene worked his magic again. I've always liked your attitude and passion for our Club so reading this on your blog was a bit of a shock.

    Couldn't have asked for a better start to 2010. Here's to a spectacular 2010!

    Keep the faith.


  24. Nice to see a blogger admit to getting it wrong, kudos to you there!
    As for the game I think Wilshere and Merida got a taste of what it's like stepping up a level from Pre season friendlies and Carling cup and the like, I think both were trying too hard and in the end nothing came off (keep it simple then earn the right to play the killer stuff)hopefully that will serve them for the future.
    I agree with the fact about Diaby, the last few weeks he has really come on, if he can prove to us that the defensive side of his game has matured at the same rate then he indeed could be Songs deputy in that position, I just have that niggling doubt about his forward thinking desire taking over and leaving us a bit exposed,( I'd be more than happy to get this totally wrong though!)
    I didn't get the Silvestre thing, unless Traore was not fully fit (If not why was he on the bench?)why was he not playing?Surely he needs as much playing time as possible with this back 4 whilst Clichy and Gibbs are out!
    I'm really hoping that Eddys goal gives him the boost he needs and proves to himself that he can still do it, the jurys been out on him since he's come back, I can't decide whether it's the lack of playing alongside a Bendtner or Van Persie that doesn't suit him or is it the injury that's still holding him back?
    Fabianski did well although he'll be disappointed with the goal, I'd like to see Wenger make him #1 and Chesney #2 but that's just Wishfull thinking.

    All in all a good win (eventually) and bring on Stokies.

  25. What a stupid headline and stupid first paragraph. "I hold my hands up to you buddy." Yep that does make you sound like a dickhead. But why are you a dickhead because you reckon the F.A. Cup isn't much of a priority for Wenger, because you are absolutely right to say that it isn't. Gimme a break. We were shite for 70minutes and lucky to win. Let's see how we go in the later rounds.

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