Saturday 2 January 2010

Killing the FA Cup dream could turn our title hopes into a nightmare

I thought of that title all by myself. Clever aint I?

It's obvious that the FA Cup isn't top of Arsene Wenger's agenda these days. In fact I reckon that he would rather win the meat raffle at my local boozer more but I do worry if the worst case scenario happened tomorrow and we were beaten. All because we used an under-strength side.

Of course I understand the reason Le Boss wants to rest players for the league campaign and the title is more important than the FA Cup but the lessons of past seasons should have been learnt.

We are involved in a title race, the last time we were in the mixer for the title was in the 2007/08 season.

That season Wenger used an under-strength team against Manchester United in the FA Cup. In that match we were beaten more badly than Micheal Jackson's Bad. Don't forget the humiliation suffered at the Spuds in the Carling Cup either. Heavy 5-1 and 4-0 defeats really had a knock-on effect. We never seemed the same after those games.

I know Wenger won't lose the game on purpose tomorrow but I don't think he would be too bothered if we were beaten. He most probably sees the FA Cup as a little distraction. Not as irritating as the Carling Cup but a bit like needing a shit when stuck in a traffic jam.

What we have to remember is winning games builds momentum and confidence. And winning teams never seem to be tired either. We are on a fantastic run at the moment and we all want that run to continue. That's why we should pick our strongest team tomorrow. And not just tomorrow. We should do it in every round of the FA Cup.

Winning the FA Cup could finally turn this squad into winners again. Get that winning feeling back into the club. Once the players taste that silverware it makes them hungry for more. Trophies will always seem be prioritised but we should never risk one at the expense of another.

Try to win them all.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. Good points Wrighty.

    If we are knocked out of the fa cup then we have 2 things left to win. What is to say we aren't knocked out of europe? Then what one thing left? We should want to win everything, including the carling IMO.

    good blog

  2. win something anything!! ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'm all for using the kids but I hope he puts some experience on the bench just incase things go wrong. like keeping arshavin nasri and diaby on the bench to change the game

  4. Why do you like complaining so much? What if arshavin gets injured? what if Gallas gets injured? Do't you thing Wenger wants to win everything as well? Did you read his his interview? You sound more like English Media - make up your mind what you want. He is trying with what he has got. Have u looked at Arsenal fixtures from Jan - mid Feb? I wonder! Please if you are an arsenal fan becareful about what you wish for.I have been reading this blog for long but today I could not hold my self from commenting.

  5. I thought the same Wrighty. that season we were on fire till those nights at WHL and OT.

    We have already been hammered in the Carling Cup by Man Shitty, luckily for us it was earlier in the season and not so close to this tie with West Ham.

  6. Complaining so much?

    Have a look around buddy. I think you'll find I'm quite a positive blogger.

    I'm just showing a little concern for what could happen tomorrow and there after.

    What if Arshavin is injured in the Bolton match? Is it my fault we only have two decent centre-backs?

    I know we have a very difficult period coming up but I'd rather be going into those games full of confidence.

    I'll go by your logic. What if we lose those 'difficult' games. Title over? Then what? Just one trophy left?

    You claim to have read the blog for a while. Then you would know that I despise the English media and probably have had a pop at them more than any other Arsenal site mate.

  7. 'Not as irritating as the Carling Cup but a bit like needing a shit when stuck in a traffic jam.'

    Lol. Classic.

  8. It's obvious that the FA Cup isn't top of Arsene Wenger's agenda these days. In fact I reckon that he would rather win the meat raffle at my local boozer more

    How long has Wenger been at Arsenal? and in that time how many FA cups has he won? Now divide the number of years service by the number of wins and try to find a mamager out there with a better FA cup record, then come back and say he doesn't care about the cup!

  9. Why do you like complaining so much? What if arshavin gets injured? what if Gallas gets injured? Do't you thing Wenger wants to win everything as well? Did you read his his interview? You sound more like English Media - make up your mind what you want. He is trying with what he has got. Have u looked at Arsenal fixtures from Jan - mid Feb? I wonder! Please if you are an arsenal fan becareful about what you wish for.I have been reading this blog for long but today I could not hold my self from commenting.

    2 January 2010 16:35

    As irritating as needing a shit in a traffic jam.

  10. @digger26,

    I'm sure in those FA Cup winning day's we used to use full-strength teams did we not?

    I'm not having a pop at Wenger. I just want him to go for the FA Cup full pelt as well as the other trophies.

    If, god forbid, we don't win anything again this season, how many people will be happy that we sacrificed the FA Cup to 'rest' players?

  11. Could not put it better!

    We always take some time to bounce back after a loss. Am not saying we will lose but at least we should put up a mixed side, not just second string.

    Dont think you sound negative in any way. Dont feel we should ignore FA Cup, its still a good competition.

  12. Exactly Chinmay,

    The problem is with some people if you say anything remotely different to Wenger then you are wrong.

    I love Wenger to bits but I can't help but feel that he has put a rod in his own back with this.

    We can win the Premiership, Champions League and the FA Cup in my opinion.

  13. I hope that all the expert bloggers will apply for the managers job when Arsene leaves, then we would win trophies every week.FA means diddly these days.The money is in the premier lge even the small clubs rest players now.Fourth place in the prmeier lge is more important than winning the FA or Carling cups or even the Uefa cup.Would you be happy with 5th in the lge but an FA cup win, I wouldn't. For Christs sake west ham can't sell out the game shows how important their fans think it is.Usually like your posts but this one smacks of if your auntie had balls she would be your uncle.

  14. Many injured players.
    Loads of games.
    West Ham without Cole and Parker
    Need no injuries for Bolton Everton.
    Merida, Vela.... capable of beating West Ham. Up the Arsenal

  15. Del,

    Come on mate. I'm not claiming to be an expert. I'm just going by past experience and what I have seen with my own eyes.

    What I'm saying is that it could derail the season by losing this game.

    Of course Wenger wants to win the game but I don't think he is bothered if we don't.

    That's fair enough, but will Gooners be happy if we go without trophies again?

    There was a little discontent this summer just passed. I happen to believe in Wenger and won't be calling for his head but the FA Cup is a trophy and that winning habit is good to have.

    Okay, it may not have the significance of old but its still the biggest domestic trophy in world football.

  16. wrighty7 you are so wright! wenger has got a knack for diverting the attention from him not winning any trophies to other things like how he says the last for years are his most successfull as manager despite not winning a trophy. This year wenger has no excuse because the money is there to buy in january and he knows exactly where he needs players, big striker, defensive mid, and a centre half. In terms of the FA cup, wenger should go full pelt for it because not to be negative this arsenal team looks like it would crumble in the league once its on the top and its the one being chased instead of doing the chasing.

  17. The problem is with some people if you say anything remotely different to Wenger then you are wrong.

    Oi Oi! Wrighty7! Hey mate, please dont go down that road of makin out that people get irrational if you even dare disagree with Wenger dude!

    You are having a go BEFORE we even know what the team lineup will be!

    I think its only natural that we rest a few players givden our current injury list and shit luck with players dropping like flies!

    I expect a strong lineup, whoever plays, but I hope the CBs and Arshavin get a breather.

    Wenger said alreadsy the team will be as strong as vs Pompey already.

    Seeya mate!

  18. Hiya Spike,

    Not 'all' people matey. 'Some' people! ;)

    You are right about not knowing the starting line-up yet but if we go by recent years then we can assume it wont be the strongest team available despite what Wenger has said.

    I understand the need to use the whole squad and resting players but I've always felt that you should go into a game with the strongest team available and win it.

    A winning team is never tired.

  19. Yeah true Wrighty mate. But maybe a few of our players need a rest. I would definitely rest Gallas and Vermealen and Arshavin was very quiet vs Pompey.

    Senderos and Silvestre did fine against Liverpool in the carling Cup and the likes of vela, Wilshire and merida could do with some playing time.

    And West ham are missing a load of players too. I think whatever team plays will be good enough to beat em.

  20. Wrighty7, I know where your coming from, I think some people have misread your underlying point. Perhaps your title was too clever!!

    I have tried to write an article about the possible line up on my site, but i cannot even get hold of the squad list yet, so maybe do one in the morning when I have more information. Wenger has said that it will be as strong as the line up at Fratton park.
    Guaranteed starters for me, Song, Rosicky, Fabianski, Silvestre, likely Vela, Wilshere, Ramsey, possibly senderos if he passes his fitness test, so that leaves 3, not sure which way he'll go......Anyway enjoyimg reading playing liverpool off the park, 1-0 up, should be 2 and had a penalty turned down.........

  21. I don't really fear a defeat Spike. I'm actually really confident.

    I just know what a defeat can do the rest of the season.

    If players are rested then I hope we have the likes of Arshavin on the bench.

  22. u sometimes talk shit wrighty (& no, the title isn't clever but more cliche junk)

    I would rather finish 4th every season than win the FA Cup AND the Carling Cup every season! Fact.

    When we won our last 2 FA Cups against Southampton and ManU I can honestly say it meant as much to me as winning the Emirates cup pre-season. It was nice, wanted us to do it, but never thought about it within a week. When we qualified for the Champs Lge a couple of seasons ago when it looked like the Spuds were gonna get it before us it was a thousand times more thrilling/important - as was our rejuvenation last season to snatch it back off Villa.

    In other words - Fuck the FA Cup, leave those pots to also-rans. We need to win titles and Champions League trophies. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

  23. @G4L Harry,

    Thanks mate!

    I'm just slightly worried about what has happened in the past and I don't want history to repeat itself.

  24. You were probably excited with those 4th place finishes because 4th place is something we Gooners can take for granted.

    When you have something almost taken away from you, you begin to realise what you got.

  25. Sometimes its not the strength of the team on the pitch, its whats on the bench, and this is where sometimes I think wenger has got it wrong, remember, back in 2001/02 i think, about then, we were playing Gillingham, at Highbury, I think they clawed back to 2-2, and then he brought on Pires and Henry. Thats how to do it. Other times he has gone with a mix of youth and experience but put nothing on the bench. I definitely would rest Arshavin, but have him on the bench. Likewise I would probably rest Diaby, Gallas, Vermaelen, but all on the bench. Its all about getting the balance right........

  26. Wrighty, you are definitel (w)right!!! But I would like to say a few words to put Wenger's action n and put them in a better perspective.. Look at the players we have now.. The greatest bunch ever..(apart from the invincibles) compare the current striker we are playing in our best team (Arshavin) and the best striker of years gone by (Henry) Henry was a kind of player who was so fit that he could play a match everyother day.. Arshavin, nothing against him he is a wonderful player but he runs for 60 minutes and is wheezing and puffing.. Players from that team were all fit enough to turn up to play every alternate day.. But look at the current squad we have the best squad in the world but most of them are fragile as glass.. Back then Wenger knew if keown or anyone got into a hard tackle the would not be at the recieving end of it.. Right now I don't see any player in the current sqaud with that thought.. I feel wenger feels the same way too.. Probably vermaelean might come close to the players back then an Fabregas has a heart of a lion made from the single largest diamond and would probably get a brace against the MancS with just a single leg.. But I don't see any of the current squad that fit to play everyother day.. Back then wenger who probably was aware of this played our first team all the time and we won but I guess it's not the same now..

  27. Oh Wrighty,
    you've been reading Le Grove again, haven't you?

  28. i think this bunch we have are very poor and will not win anthing

    wenger is taking us true fans up the garden creek. the quicker we have proper management and kick the sod out, the better we will be.

  29. Wrighty7

    First i just want to wish you a very happy new year,and thanks for a great blog and good work...

    then, one should be careful and not jump to conclusions,i dont agree at all that Wenger doesnt take the FA cup seriously..but considering the situation i think he does the most of it...and you would have to agree to that fact that winning the premier is far far more important....

    keep up the good work..!!

  30. heya Wrighty.

    IMO, we should conserve our strength by picking the weakest squad that's sufficiently likely to do the job - even picking the strongest possible team doesn't give a 100% guarantee of winning. Personally, I trust Wenger to balance our priorities by picking such a team.

  31. I agree with what your saying but you must have faith in the squad players to have a chance to step up to the plate. The likes of fabianski, Senderos, merida have enough quality to see off West ham in my opinion. I for one would like to give fabianski a chance to shine he looked very composed against olimpiakos and might get a chance at the No.1 spot. Lets be honest west hams priority is definatly escaping relegation and not the FA cup and also with them having injurys as well i think we have enough quality to see them off.

    Wengers comments are that he will give a few plays in need of a rest, he will give them a break so i dont think there will be massive changes from the team that beat pompey

    I personally would like to see the following line up:


    Sagna TV Senderos Traore

    Ramsey Diaby Song

    Rosicky Eduardo Vela

    Come on the Arsenal!!!!!

  32. no way west ham will beat us we on a roll this is our year 2010 the year of the gun gonna win the champs league mark my words the arse are back ...

  33. You're dead right. We can no longer be choosers. We've got fat chance of winning the Champions League and it will be a huge shock if we take the premiership. So I actually think Wenger has got his priorities all wrong. He desperately needs to bring silverware to the Club and winners medals for his squad, so he should be fielding a full strength squad tomorrow. If he throws the F.A. Cup and we win nothing else this season and he doesn't sign anyone this month then he should f*ck off back to France.

  34. You're dead right. We can no longer be choosers. We've got fat chance of winning the Champions League and it will be a huge shock if we take the premiership. So I actually think Wenger has got his priorities all wrong. He desperately needs to bring silverware to the Club and winners medals for his squad, so he should be fielding a full strength squad tomorrow. If he throws the F.A. Cup and we win nothing else this season and he doesn't sign anyone this month then he should f*ck off back to France.

  35. I know he has never fielded a second string squad fir FA cup but with our long injury list and facing a depleted hammers side, he could be right in resting some of them. Like putting Cesc against villa, he is just trying to be realistic. Hope the boys win this one.

  36. Not as irritating as the Carling Cup but a bit like needing a shit when stuck in a traffic jam.

    HAHAHAHA that comment right there as made my weekend hahahaha

  37. wrighty, I hope you are right, because I have just watched ManUre
    fielding a weak team (actually they are weak only in defence, but have Rooney and Berbatov in front) and lost to Leeds 1-0. I hope their title hopes have turned into a nightmare, as your predict, and that as
    a result, ManUre will not win the PL
    and Champions League. They will be empty handed this year, if your logic
    is right, and Le Grove and Online Gooner...let us watch the West Ham
    game first and see if the Arse will acquit themselves well...

  38. AW,in his province of wisdom vested in the nose that he keeps on wiping at every press conference and not the skull,decided to burn his bridges early by fielding an impotent team for FA CUP exit.Mr. AW, these were more winnable cups(FA and Carling with only Chelsea the team to beat.The ultimate price? 3rd position in the EPL and semi-final exit in C/L.Another trophyless season for the gooners.And then AW will say,"I will rather resign than fail to win the EPL titile".
