Wednesday 25 May 2011

Arsenal Show Class But Will Barcelona?

When I saw that Arsenal have given Barcelona a helping hand by letting them use our training ground as a base for their 'Cup final' this weekend I thought to myself; Why?

After all their disgraceful tactics in trying to lure Cesc Fabregas back to the Camp Nou (and it has been a liberty) we have done them a favour.

Either we are Barcelona's bitches or we are the classiest club in the history of mankind.

If it was down to me when they asked to lend the facility's at London Colney I'm afraid my language may have been more colourful than Joesph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

In my opinion Barcelona play the greatest football of all time but as a club they stink. They stink more than Isonitriles. Now I don't know what an Isonitrile is but, by all accounts, it is the sixth worst smell in the world.

Arsenal have shown an amazing amount of courtesy to Barca here. And loads of class. The media would do well to remember this in the future when they slag us off.

As for the Champions of Spain I hope they remember this.

We have shown them a huge amount of respect, more than I can show them, in doing this so I hope they respect us as much too. Especially regarding Cesc Fabregas.

If Pep Guardiola enquires about our captain and gets a knock-back then that should be that. No more of this talk about Cesc's Barca DNA or him wearing Camp Nou print underwear.

Leave him be and respect Arsenal's wishes. Our act of kindness should not be forgotten by the Catalans.

Sadly I reckon their memories are like a Goldfishes.

They are probably laughing at us behind closed doors. Not only do they try to tap-up our players they also talk us into letting them use our training ground.

You couldn't make it up.

I hope that they show the class we have shown them this summer. Unfortunately I'm not too confident Barcelona, and anyone associated with them, have any.

Follow me on Twitter @_Wrighty7

Keep It Goonerish........


  1. We should put cameras in so we can find out their training tactics. That would serve them right.

  2. Do you honestly think they aren't paying for it Wrighty? The board are businessmen above everything else and will charge a pretty penny for the privilege of using Colney.

  3. Yes the classiest club in the world keeps complaining about Barcelona's tactics but will once again keep tabs on La Masia youngsters and try to poach them.
    Latest classic act: Bellerin

    Great class, I salute you.

  4. Money mate, they didn't let do it for free thats for sure

  5. they will save money on a flight for cesc to spain when he can just travel back with barca team on sunday.
    anyway barca are cheats so need all the help they can get.

  6. mr_rossi_gooner25 May 2011 at 20:54

    arsenal have always done things the right way and this is just the latest act to show that we are a club who do do things the right way, i very much doubt we are getting paid, what would a team pay to use a training ground for a few days not much i dont think its just arsenal being arsenal, and as much as i dont like the way barca do things i do love their football and anything to help beat the mancs then im glad we are helping out, keep it goonerish wrighty

  7. Of yes they are paying for it but still??

    I've never heard Arsenal talk of a youngsters 'Arsenal DNA' have you?

  8. like tome said this may just be so we can see how they train and maybe take on board some of it and try to find there weaknesses.

  9. if they're using it to beat the manures, no problem

  10. Just seen video of them at London Colney, feel a bit sick tbh. I dont care how much their paying, I would rather not have them near anything Arsenal related and that includes our Captain. IF they go for Cesc again this summer, you can bet it wont be respectful because thats not how they operate.

  11. Wrighty lad..... You know as I do there are many young lads coming through with Arsenal DNA little Jack, Aaron, Lansbury the list goes on...... All these boys are living and breathing Wenger's Arsenal DNA.

    The next few seasons will cement us as one of the greatest footballing sides in the world..... The buy within own means will prove to everyone we are up there at the very top.

  12. lets see how many injuries they pick up and once and for all find out its our training facilities causing all our problems

  13. Maybe this is an indication that relations between the two clubs aren't as bad as has actually been made out. After all, a huge part of the Cesc transfer saga last summer was driven by the media, rather than the clubs or players, and a lot of those insulting comments from Barca players were unsourced and very suspect.

  14. Im an arsenal fan and don't like it when Barca always sniffs around and their players saying that Cesc should play for them. But to be honest, are we too different? Over the years we have taken some of their brightest talents because of an employment law which prevents them from signing professional contracts.

  15. Looool.....funniest article of d season!!!

  16. Wrightly said , true words spoken , barcelona are the best but are spoiled brats that can't share , they are the type of player that shakes your hand and tries to get you sent off the next min , I don't care if man utd are one off our rivals it would be credit to the premier league if they beat them as for arsenal they are the nicest club on and off the pitch and never try dirty tactics to unrest a player to get a transfer but sadly nice guys finish last

  17. ok u plonker, this article is a mess, let me tell you why. because it is just now barca that wants cesc, it also cesc wants barca. do you get it? anyway barca dont need cesc we have thiago alcantara and personally i prefer to sign javier pastore who isnt injured 3/4 of the season. and dont say 'why are you on our blog' i was so stupidly directed from

  18. It's media driven speculation coupled with cesc's friends being polite about him. he hasn't shown anything in games against them to justify them wanting him. the politicians tout his name around at election time. that won't happen this year.

  19. wrighty my good friend I'm of the opinion fabregas has been lied to last summer by wenger with promises of trophies and buying of quality players.the arsenal way is a thing of the past I'm afraid and what do you suppose cesc would like to be doing this weekend, preparing for the champions league final or wondering where to go on holiday
    with supporters ready to fight each other an embarrassment of a manager and a board who have no intention of listening to pleas, maybe the time has come to put our own shop in order before we criticize neighbours

  20. Emmanuel Abbasayo26 May 2011 at 00:41

    Its true tht Arsenalfc and Barca play same style in spot,th respect Arsenalfc show is nt al abt Cesc,its for teams players and teams management..w al dnt knw y? but Pep Guardiora lik Arsenalfc,th more they cum thr mo relationshp btwn two club growing,.I dnt thnk Barca player wl tht naive to talk agaisnt Arsenalfc,unls thy only cum thr to spy on Cesc,whch is nt proffessional

  21. oyasABBA, the same old broken record all the time

  22. 'Class' is about doing the right thing and not looking over your shoulder to see who's watching. Your article smells

  23. Pep Guardiola is class, Barca don't suit him. Pep Guardiola has Arsenal's DNA ..

  24. Cesc has Pep's DNA all over his face. There's even a bit in his hair.

  25. @Various Anonymi:

    I don't think that Arsenal, Cesc, or anyone associated w/ either club really showed that much interest in a transfer last summer. It's like the old saying goes: put your money where your mouth is. I don't think Barca is even seriously interested in Cesc, and if they are, they'll be willing to allocate some serious expenditures towards acquiring him. Until that day comes, I call BS! :)

  26. It's the guilt from stealing Barcas youngsters befor they can be signed to professional contracts I'd say myself.

  27. No CLASS -look at what their players are posting on their twitter accounts while at our training ground

  28. Maybe we could serve some more lasagne when they have their lunch

  29. Someone call the police! barca players steal photo of cesc from Arsenal training ground, nick the lot of them, because a photo is all they will get, we will carry on stealing your players because they want to come to a club where they will get a chance to develop and play, barca steal seven young players from sampdoria, pot and kettle come to mind, cesc is in america with van persie and has already said he will not be at Wembley , you just could'nt make it up come on you gooners

  30. NO!

  31. Those people wanting us to learn from United can just shut up now. It is teams like United that have tarnished English football. Their football is really boring despite sometimes being effective and none of their mental strength and character was visible when it all came down to the biggest match on the planet. This was the most enthralling final I've ever seen I've to admit.Not at all cagey.

  32. Barcelona is the team of this century

  33. Well, I don't really think it may have success.
