Sunday 5 June 2011

Samir Nasri Needs To Be Careful

There is loads of speculation surrounding Samir Nasri at the moment.

Will he, or won't he, sign a new contract at Arsenal? I don't know to be honest because I'm not a psychic, his mind, or his agent.

What I do know is Nasri needs to be careful. He needs to be careful because things can change rather quickly.

Before this contract situation arose Samir was becoming quite a hero amongst Gooners. A bit like Superman.

However, now there are a few disgruntled remarks coming from some Arsenal fans, especially when we see that he is flirting a little bit with Manchester United.

Views can change quicker than Usain Bolt these days.

Look at Emmanuel Adebayor, loved at the club, a few silly comments later and most Gooners would now gladly give him a slap.

These players need to realise football fans are alienated easily. We know that greed is rife throughout the game and loyalty takes second place.

Nasri has had one half decent season since he arrived in 2008. The rest of his time with us has been spent showing flashes of what he can do.

Does this warrant him getting a contract to put him on a par with Cesc Fabregas on the payroll? I don't think it does.

The reason he hasn't yet signed a deal is down to pound-notes. Arsene Wenger said so the other week.

If this is the case then in my opinion the club cannot be held to ransom by Nasri, his agent or international kidnappers.

Of course I want him to stay, but nobody is bigger than the club. Especially a player who been here three years and has only performed for six months of that time.

That may sound harsh, but I think it is fair.

People question Cesc Fabregas' future all the time but you cannot question his loyalty to Arsenal. To be with a club the length of time he has been with us in this day and age is rare.

Nasri would do well to think about that.

Samir has developed into a fantastic player at Arsenal under Arsene Wenger's tutelage.

He should show a bit of loyalty to the club, Gooners and Arsene Wenger and not talk about other clubs like Manchester United because opinion on him will change.

If he doesn't sign a deal then fair enough, leave. He'll find the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

But don't disrespect by hinting about other clubs. Or you will go from a hero to a hate figure in no time Samir.

Keep It goonerish........


  1. Decent player but not that fussed if he leaves. Another bottler to be honest.

  2. Sell him and buy Young. Need some more direct players in the team, not players who waffle on the ball, run forward, stop, think then pass sideways.

  3. Husseini Lenyol5 June 2011 at 16:03

    Its true he has to very careful, Arsenal is a home respect.

  4. Why Nasri, Arsenal is ur home, u have to respect Arsenal, management and fans, we loved you coz u're an Arsenal axe and u know Man U is our rival, pls this talk even u want to go Man U... Up-Gunners 4 Life

  5. agree on every thing you just except one point... errr. the grass sometimes is greener on the other side!!

  6. Let him we wont forget this... and he will regret

  7. But not always greener tho! Ha ha

  8. All of this top players want out is all Wenger's if not, the board fault. Players want to win trophies as much as football fans. Loyalty is not enough to help them achieve the best thing in their career. Yes, the grass isn't always greener on the other side but with clubs like Barca and Man Utd knocking your door, it's hard to resist since these clubs will guarantee you trophies unlike Arsenal.

  9. Too late! He's already alienated gooners. Another Hleb in the making and look how his career went when he moved on. He can fcuk right off to be honest. 1 year left on his contract so £10m fee if we're lucky but i'm sick to death of one season flash in the pans calling the shots. See ya and thanks for the odd fleeting good memory and and the underlying feeling of money grabbing twat who didn't stand up to be counted when 4 trophies were in the mix.

  10. Hero to zero if he goes to Man u, he would be a nobody waffling around the dismal french league without arsenal and wenger, if he leaves i hope it could be in a swap deal for a player of his quality, eg snijder

  11. that is the truiest thing i have read, exactly right to the point, i loved nasri up until now and had complete faith that he loved us too, but now i view him far differently and infact would hardly mind if we sold him

  12. I think you have contradicted yourself a little by claiming Nasri's developed into a fantastic player under AW but he's only had a great 6 months out of 3 seasons. Imo you have hit the nail on th ehead with your comments about his salary demands.

  13. I he doesnt want to be here show him the door I couldnt care even if he went to the scum. Basically sums up these greddy footballer and shows just how ungrateful there are. He is a good player but we need players who want to be here simply as that.

  14. He can fk off..... But..... Point is there is no loyalty anymore is there?? Let's be honest it's a dying tradition, give wilshere another couple of trophyless seasons and I can guarantee he will be shouting off the same noise .... UTD and their "loyal" players have literally been cleaning up for nearly 20 years!! So follow suit wenger dip your hand in your pocket give em What they want cause let's face it we need to keep a team that knows one another week in week out, add a few more additions to strengthen and were sweet!! Why have we become a selling club?? Jdog

  15. Let him go to United if he's so desperate to listen to Evra selling his club. We got along fine without him and I'm sure we will survive when he's gone and anyway there are other players who can take his place, why not promote from within the club?

  16. 100 grand a week for a bit of shimmy sham and a couple of step overs,go fuck yourself Sammy !!!You havnt won a fucking thing,you tard !!!

  17. What is even more alarming is the fact that not too long ago, Arsenal were sitting safe in second spot, but this quickly turned into falling down into fourth and staying there until the end of the season, meaning that the club will now have to qualify for the group stage of the Champions League this season.

    There have been many excuses for the club not achieving in the last few years, but it now seems like the time that there have to be some major changes of personnel in the squad. There’s no question that Arsenal play some of the best football in the Premier League, but this clearly isn’t good enough for success. The team play the same style of football in each match and even when it’s clear that they should change this style early on in a match, they not only don’t, but are probably unable to do so.

    This is down to the fact that Arsene Wenger stubbornness and that they have too many players who play the same way. You could argue that Barcelona are like this, but a counter argument would suggest that the Barcelona first XI has far better talent in it than Arsenal’s does. So what changes are needed?

    In my opinion, Arsenal need much stronger players in their side (both mentally and physically), so that the side are better equipped to cope with the rigors of the English Premier League. Although this won’t be able to happen now, could you imagine the current Arsenal side with a few Manchester City players such as: Vincent Kompany, Nigel de Jong, Yaya Toure and Carlos Tevez in it?

    These were players (possibly minus Tevez) that Arsenal could certainly have afforded to purchase and who would have given a different dimension to the side. There have been too many times away from home to sides like Bolton and Stoke over recent seasons that Arsenal have been beaten quite comfortably because they couldn’t cope with the physical presence of these sides.

    Teams like Manchester United and Chelsea are able to cope with pressure from teams that have different styles, but those wearing Arsenal jerseys are unable to do this, especially at crucial times in the season. This will not change unless changes are made and here are a few that could potentially happen this summer.

    It does appear as though there could be several players leaving the club this summer including: Abou Diaby, Tomas Rosicky, Denilson, Andrei Arshavin, Emmanuel Eboue, Marouane Chamakh and Nicklas Bendtner. Cesc Fabregas is also linked with a move to Barcelona again this summer, which if completed could represent a significant sum of money for the club.

    There have been rumours that Arsenal are looking to bring Blackburn’s Christopher Samba to the club. Although he is possibly not the ideal candidate for the role, this could be a step in the right direction and having a huge physical presence in defence, who is a no -nonsense type of defender. Scott Parker has also been mentioned as an Arsenal target and once again, you could see this being a possibility. Both of these players have a lot of experience in England and will give Arsenal added aggression into their side.

    There are other areas in which the team could improve, but I definitely think a new striker is required. Once again, they need a player with good presence and goalscoring ability. Arsenal have been linked with Porto striker Falcao, who has had a fantastic season and is highly rated.

    I understand that this article has been very critical of the current philosophy that Arsenal are using, but ultimately, they haven’t won anything for over six years now and many believe that things have to change in order for this to be turned around.

  18. I think wenger should pay him the money, PUT HIM IN THE MIDDLE! wiv jacko and rasmey , buy competition for song and 2 more quality wingers left and right, so wiv wee willy walcott, arshavin , with Ryo and Oxlade in back up we will be strong. So including a centre back we need 4 proven quality signings. with the money from fab plus rest of the kitty this is more than achievable. I am a huge admirer of what arsene has done for our club, trophyless six years or not, but im sure now he wants to get his winning reputation back. he is respected all over the world(except england!) for he has acheived style only bettered by barca< on a shoe string budget, up until a year ago, when usmanov tried to arrange a transfer kitty, wenger refused because he had faith in his team, but it isnt like hes been persisting all these years entirey through choice, and you cant bame him for having faith caus we all know they can play better than anyone on thier day.(hasnt been too many lately though!) now arsene has seen that his repuation is on the line and i pray that he is ruthless enough to really shake up the team, sometimes i can almost imagine wenger reading stories to his players and tucking them into bed with a glass of warm milk!! he has to get hardcore, i think he encourages freedom of expression on and off the pitch which obviously is great and there is an intellectual air to all the arsenal players, but maybe that is the problem THEY ALL THINK TOO MUCH!! so they need shouty hard man types to compliment thier stylish players. Btw, i dont think the cesc thing is as definate as it seems even i dont get why they under value cesc so much, i genuiney think wenger will only accept 60 million euros, so cesc probably thinking why are you spending 40 million euros on rossi? and not me? cesc is a very intelligent man, and for some reason i think we may see him in an arsenal shirt again. i maybe wrong , but fab is worth twice what rossi is worth. but if we do sell fab give nazzer the dough and try him in the cesc role, he can be shit on the wing< peace out people, love guns

  19. He's already gone too far as far as I am concerned Wrighty. Hinting at wanting to play for Manure?

    If I see him at the Emirates, I will be booing him for sure.

  20. not many players leave arsenal to have fruitful careers or improve as players.most who wanted to leave regret it.from what i've read he has been offered a very good new contract.for really only just starting to fulfill his potential his greed for more money is just a sad indictment of the modern footballer.personally i want him to stay but if greed really is his priority then good ridance.hopefully for a profit!

  21. yeah boo caus he wants to get paid more, footballers careers can be over in a heartbeat, Why is it that gooners winge about there players having no heart when they have none themselves

  22. Nasri is a BIG FOOL and has behaved like a child.. Not all that glitters is gold young man.. God bless Van Persi and Cese Fabrigas, you both will for ever live in my heart.. FUCK Nasri and let him go. i believe one day he will regret.

    Gunners For LIFE

  23. This is getting very worrying !

    The usual cesc will leave stuff is getting momentum, now nasri trouble.

    Bender is going, den is going, clichy may go, ros may go

    And on the other hand = all the top quality world class players we are being linked with are saying they do not want to come, or they would rather go somewhere else or stay where they are

    We cannot lose this amount of top players and not get any world class players in - why are we getting linked with Larsson and defoe!

    Its early and all speculation but this is the most worrying summer transfer window in recent arsenal history.

  24. I use to be a very big fan of Nasri,but not with all these nonsense he is talking ,i start hating him.He is a very greedy,hypocrite,disloyal arab bastard.Wenger should never trust these kind of player.He was earning peanuts at Marseille,now we are offering him 90k,he still does want to sign.I will be the happiest man if he leaves,he is a good player but not a match winner,he fades so quickly in match.Anyway no player is bigger than Arsenal even Cesc he can go if he wants.

  25. Nasri is NOT chasing the money. He is waiting for Cesc situation to be resolved. He is the best player we have but has to wing it because of cesc. Cesc is NOT the central playmaker that El- Nasri is.
    get rid of cesc and let Nasri run the midfield!!!!!
    All the noise is to be expected. Nasri will go nowhere.

  26. He's a straight up prick fans deserve better than these players they all use arsenal as a stepping stone there should honour their teams.....

  27. Stop being so hypocritical all of a sudden. I'm an arsenal fan and no matter what, if nasri goes to someone else he will make them far better and us far worse. He is a player that's holds the ball up majestically and pass accuracy is extraordinary. He's not always as effective but he rarely makes mistakes. Cesc will leave at some point. Arsenal HAVE to keep vermaelen, nasri and RVP as the spine of the team. If need be, give him the goddamn pay rise. He's 23 and only gonna get better! We know he can handle the prem and if he does go to united 1 day, arsenal fans will then realise just how good he is!!!

  28. Nasri has turned into the best dribbler in the league. We need to get him locked down in a 5 yr contract, especially with the Fabregas situation.

    Players are mercenaries these days, sad but true. Let's not be tight, we're going to be getting rid of players so we can afford the pay rise. We pay top dollar for tickets so we should pay our players similarly. Or they'll want to leave. Simple!

  29. PADDYTHEGUNNER5 June 2011 at 20:10

    Has anybody heard him say this,or is it the usual net bullsh.t,,give him a break he is one of our best,,,,cesc is acting the bolloc@s with 2 years and nothin much said...dont get to carried away bu this net crap....

  30. I am sorry as much as I like him as a player i have to say he is PATHETIC as a person and to top it off wanting to joint Manure.If wants to leave he can fcuk right off. "HE IS NOT A REAL GUNNER". NASRI its not like you have won any major trophys previous to joining Arsenal , good luck with that you are gonna need you go mate you are replaceable thankyou very much.

  31. We took a real risk with Nasri after he contracted menegitis whilst at Marseille, no one else gave him the chance and after half a decent season he wants the same money as Cesc! he's no better than Flamini, Hleb or Adebawhore and look where there careers have taken them! Fuck selling to the Mancs let him go to Italy and play in half empty stadiums the fucking rat.

  32. I just wish he , bendtner, denilson,squillaci vela and clichy leave! In turn for falcao, hazard/young, samba, melo and baines

  33. I dont mind him asking for more money, but threatening to go to the Mancs? Fuck him. Let him go up north.

  34. great lets let all our good players leave coz we are penny pinching again,stick him in the middle when cesc leaves as he will. wenger says he wants a tall centre back but if you dont pay the money they wont come spend some cash show everyone we are a GREAT CLUB ARSENAL.

  35. ok guys, I mean he is one of our best players, we need to keep them, It is just silly if we cant pay our top players 100k in salary, we have just Fabregas over 100k mark, Man Utd, Chelsea, Man city, have like 2-5 players over that mark, and Fabregas could easily earn 150 at other club, 100k is just getting normal for top players at that level that Arsenal is, and what ? we havent speend anything like top clubs do in the world and we cant even pay them good salaryis either ? thats stupid. But on Inter and Fabregas roumor, if he would go there, we should get wesley shnjeider or Eto'o in exchange deal. Sorry for my bad english :D

  36. what I find amazing is that i remember him kissing the badge when he scored against spurs at the emirates if you dont mean it dont do it things like that stay in memory and as much as i would love him to stay if it comes down to money then please go take your paycheck somewhere else

  37. @NorthBankJay

    To be fair, Flamster just won the scudetto didn't he? And yes, he did play.

  38. I hope Wenger doesn't give in and pay Nasri more than he should. Wenger has had a bad habit of keeping or favouring players based on talent alone, and not attitude, leadership or loyalty - a prime example of this being giving Cesc (and Henry) the captaincy.

    Nasri has always been a bit cunty - remember his long standing feud with Gallas? How unprofessional to not shake another grown man's hand, just to be 'spiteful'. Has always and will always be a mercenary, I think.

    Sell Nasri and buy Young - if Man U get Nasri they will get a talented but inconsistent mercenary, while we will get a direct player who is hardworking and consistently committed.

  39. He is asking for 110K, club is only willing to pay him 90K. May be both should give & take, settle at 100K per week and close this case

    Fair enough?

  40. Nasri has every right to fight for a fair contract.Arsenal pride themselves on making shrewd business decisions if one can truly call getting players on a free as shrewd. I don't believe in coincidence and picking up Sol Campbell on a free and also several other top players is an indication that something untoward took place.
    The club makes a small fortune of the talent, sweat and commitment of their top player but seem to always be at odds with providing fair compensation. It's so damn ironic that the same fans that berate a player for negotiating the best possible contract will go on strike to get a better hourly wage.

  41. Enough with the nonsense that Arsenal made Nasri. Nasri was an established player before he came to Arsenal having played in Marseille's academy from the age of 9 through to 17 when he joined and played his first senior game for Marseille, H played several seasons at Marseille and won the French best Young player award when he was 19. By time he reached Arsenal he had already played in the French senior national team and over 170 senior games for Marseille.
    He came to Arsenal as a star!!!! Pay the man what he's worth. If West Ham can pay Scott parker 85,000GBP a season then surely Nasri is worth 110,0000.

  42. Samuel, USA

    What Nasri should do is to sign the new contract on the table (90,000) and show his worthness by performing well during the next season. Then we will see if he will need even to lift up his finger (apart from mouth) for a pay rise. Your credentials on the team will speak for you.

    Let me ask Nasri, have you ever heard Messi lamenting for a pay rise? or Christian Ronaldo?or Wyne Rooney?or Fabregas himself, to whom you want to be paid the same package with? What I am trying to say is if you perform well, Wenger himself will follow you and say I will give you 120,000 a week

  43. An all too familiar pattern with French players ....... Flamini, Diarra, Anelka, Petit & even Vieira who wouldn,t quash leaving rumours several summers running. French players are often self serving complex characters as displayed by the consistent disharmony & inhouse squabbling within their national team.

  44. why would Nasri give a crap what arsenal fans think anyway?
    He is trophyless, playing for a worthless manager who is a habitual loser.
    Sooner he is his own view...the better.
    So, why should he worry about Arsenal fans again? He controls his own destiny here.
    PLayer power rules...Arsenal have tried to fight it...but like their trophy hunt - THEY FAIL!!!

  45. If he goes to UTD he's DEAD . Mark my words you saw the rooney posters I'll single handedly threaten tge greedy cunt if I have to !

  46. Eeyore was a Gooner6 June 2011 at 07:04

    Agree with the article 100% in that he needs to watch what he says. But lets not get too carried away; we havent actually heard him come out with what he is reported to have said. Reading through some of the responses, we could end up driving him away with the sheer venom being spat his way!

    He is a quality player (most accurate shooter in the premiership by the way!) and it baffles me how we get people ranting and raving about Arsene not spending cash to bring in some new players, but then tell a player to fuck off for wanting the best deal he can get?! Before Wenger does any building work with the team he needs to keep the talent we have, and that includes Nasri.
    Personally this smacks a little of his agent being a schmuk and slinging as much shit on the walls as possible in the hopes some of it sticks!

  47. nasri has a bad attitude, evident from his fallout with gallas and the French squad. if rumours are true, wenger is right not to cave into his demands for £120k salary ... he simply is not worth the same as Cesc! sell him and buy players who want to play for both the epl and Arsenal would be a good start

  48. If Nasri doesnt want to stay then just leave him.....there are more great players with qualities than him....bring eden hazard or quaresma from besiktas....just sell fucks like nasri,bendtner,diaby,squillaci,rosicky and bring quality players in lieu of them....come on arsene we need trophies this season and for that we need quality players not bunch of fuckin retards like them who instead of scoring the killer goals talks about goin to a rival club......Gunners for life

  49. I think the most important thing is for fans not to start criticising players just becasue of the media. Although Nasri is holding out for a better deal, I don't believe he is flirting with Man U. That would be suicidal. That has all come about from the most hated player in the premiership: Patrice Evra. Evra couldn't get over us beating them and he is spiteful as they come. I expect sir Alex will try to get rid of him as soon as he gets a decent replacement.
    Guuners - don't listen to the media hype until we either hear from the player or from the club. Nasri will be here next year and I believe Cesc probably will aslo. Have faith. We are the closest to Barca. At least we beat them this year unlike United. We losy the title due to a lack of nerve in the end, not becasue we didn't play the best football by a mile! Remember that people, we are the best.

  50. Just sell the boy. After all what has he done in the last 2 seasons?

  51. Sell the boy becuase the media is making rumours up? If we did that with everybody who is reported to have said something then there would be nobody left....GEt a grip people. Only a very very small proportion of rumours have any truth in them. Oh god, this has started early. I always hope that fans will be more sensible than to start believing fictitious rumours mistranslated from a supposed interview on some second rate french chat show...GEt a grip people. This is the mighty Arsenal. Don't forget that please....

  52. Well said Wrighty7! These players are too eager to bite off the hands that once fed them! If he goes to ManU may all true Arsenal fans shower on him the Arsenal curse so that he becomes like Hleb and the likes of him who thought that the grass was always greener on the other side!

  53. I don't understand why fans complain about the team and then say things like 'Let Fabregas leave if be wants to play for Barca' and now 'Get rid of Nasri'. Along with wanting to get rid of Lehmann, Almunia, Squillaci, Clichy, Denilson, Rosicky, Bendtner, Chamakh, Diaby, I fear we won't have many players left if it were up to some of you fans.
    The fact is, Nasri is one of the best players in the Premier League, he shouldn't be flirting with United but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do everything to keep him. As for Fabregas, when people question his loyalty I think back to when he played against Barca for ten minutes with a broken leg. Arsene must do everything to keep these players, the base of the team is Wilshere, Cesc, RvP and Nasri. Build on it.

  54. What's all this about fans deserving better? I am an Arsenal season ticket holder and have been for 25 years.
    Samir Nasri is not from round the corner in London and the modern game is no longer about loyalty.
    If you wish to vent anger at anyone over the Nasri situation, then it should be directed at our manager.
    This looks like the fourth consecutive summer where we could lose players, just coming into their prime that we don't want to sell.
    Wenger has created a vicious cycle by not sorting out contracts earlier - namely Adebayor, Cole, Flamini, Hleb etc.
    Furthermore, If you don't invest any of our hard-earned money and win anything, you will lose excellent players to more ambitious clubs.
    I am not one to blow cash for the hell of it, but if you want to know the real difference between ourselves and say Barcelona, it is that they develop players and buy two or three star names each year to supplement it.
    We have more money than anybody bar Man City and Chelsea, yet our manager is tight, stubborn and I believe greedy. His own pay undoubtedly linked to club profits.
    If we lose Nasri and Fabregas, plus sell three of four decent fringe players, he will add three maximum and they won't be as good.
    If I Wenger now, I would swallow some pride and add four truly world class players.

  55. “I do not know if I will remain at Arsenal. My contract runs out in 2012 and I am in touch with the club officials to see if it can be renewed beyond that date, but it is not a simple matter. …. I heard the media reports suggesting that Manchester United might be interested in me, I do not know if that is true or not. My agents take care of these matters”.
    There, now shut up about this until he actually fails to get a contract extension at Arsenal, which I very much expect him to do and is what he himself wants to do....Can we leave it at that and not keep spouting hate at someone who wants to stay.

  56. £10M?? sell sell sell, add that amount to pot, buy Eden Hazard; play Ashavin more centrally, let Miyaichi understudy. Problem solved, we move on. Arsenal for ever

  57. Fact is, we have a far better midfield than United with or without him. But the lad wants to stay. The media quotes are wrong as usual! It is a sad reflection of the media, not of Nasri....
    Why are wew wasting time on this? Also, most great footballers want to join Arsenal, not United. Look at Chamberlain, Toral, Walcott, Ramsey. There is a big United presence in the media at the moment. A couple of trophyless seasons and it will all blow over. Non worries mate!

  58. As much as I think he is a talent, let him go. every player must be here for Arsenal & not for there bank balance. Bring in Jeremy Menez to replace Nasri.

    Also i'd like to see Lorik Cana & Alou Diarra in Arsenal Midfield. Both big, strong and athletic.

    Wouldn't mind seeing Samba in as he will add much needed height to the defence.

    Arsenal till I die!!!

  59. I suggest sticking him in the youth team for the last season, take the hit on no transfer fee and teach the little cunt a lesson.

    Be interesting how many clubs would be interested in a player not playing 1st team footbal

  60. I suggest sticking him in the youth team for the last season, take the hit on no transfer fee and teach the little cunt a lesson.

    Be interesting how many clubs would be interested in a player not playing 1st team footbal

  61. Nasri is a typical "badge-kisser"

    no loyalty - no class

  62. Well there's little agreement on here about Nasri:

    1. He's leaving over money, or
    2. He's leaving to play in the middle, or
    3. He's leaving to win trophies


    1. He's a great player, or
    2. He's OK but that's all
    3. He's inconsistent and a bottler.


    1. He can f*ck off
    2. Pay him what he wants to stay
    3. Swap him for soemone better

    The truth's in there somewhere, or maybe the whole things a negociating ploy by his agent.

  63. spurs will keep modric(best centre mid in the prem last season)and we will let nasri go.if this happens thats it for me.spurs wage bill is less than half arsenals but they get value for money as we get ripped off by overrated and over valued players(u no who they are)modric/bale on under 60k a week ffs song gets that.the spuds abuse me at everytime on this note and there right,we are a joke wenger out.eastlondongooner

  64. The moment the press AND THIS SITE start reporting what Nasri ACTUALLY said then people can be relived that he never said the things about United that the media made up. But few people have the intelligence to find out the truth. Thus we are in a situation that Arsenal fans are slagging off a player for things he never said. This is does damage and makes players want to leave. The fans believing the media stories.
    Leave him alone, he didn't say those things at all. End of...

  65. Don't get too down, think of it like this

    If Liverpool signed you from your boyhood club (Arsenal) for £15million and then went on to achieve absolutely nothing but become mediocre and be nowhere near achieving anything and you were good enough to play for Man United, Chelsea, CitMadrid or Barcelona, would you not try to hold out for the best deal with Liverpool or at least wait to see if they were going to spend some of their money to make this a team worth playing for?

    He hasn't refused to sign a contract but he's in negotiations and there's no reason for negotations to happen overnight when we're only in june.

    Personally if I was Nasri I would leave because we've got a club with lots of money and a board unwilling to spend it so why tie yourself to that club for another 5 years if there's no assurance they're going to buy players as good as you to make the team stronger?

    Arsenal are a big club that can match the ambitions of any player if we meet their wages and have a good squad there is no reason to leave, but right now our squad has a lot of weaknesses so there's nothing to entice a player to stay and see this "project" through. It's in his best interests to wait and see what Arsenal are going to do because we could win the quadruple with 3 or 4 of the right players coming in.

  66. We no he said it!!! This is Nasri cheeky little shit who had the CHEEK to sit in Henry,Theirry HENRY's seat an make a fuss about it. I do beleive he's worth 110k there are far far worse players on more ie Garath barry, Pay him or somone elese will I personally I think all 3 midfeilders need replacing all have great tec but that alone will not win titles Adetrugoon

  67. Honestly, he can fuck off right now if he is even entertaining the option of going to manure.

    Mercenary and mediocrity clear out needed immediately at Arsenal: a purge.

  68. I actually don't understand Nasri's statements. He's been good for only half a season and he thinks he's good enough to play with Arsenal FC. He is potentially world-class but surely not now.He needs to reonsider his thought and try to progress in the footballing department which can best be done at Arsenal.

  69. People question Cesc Fabregas' future all the time but you cannot question his loyalty to Arsenal. To be with a club the length of time he has been with us in this day and age is rare.

  70. A lot of effective data for myself!
