Cristiano Ronaldo and John Terry are always crying so I'd have thought that the new PINK Nike Mercurial Rosa football boots would be ideal for either of them.
Instead Nicklas Bendtner will be the first footballer to embarrass himself by wearing the "funky" boots for Arsenal in his next game.
Let's hope the boots help him score because lets face it, the only thing he has been scoring with lately is Steve Bruce's daughter!
Keep it Goonerish..............
Pink boots whats the world coming to. He will be moisturising next, or maybe marry a popstar and stick a phone up his jacksie.
Ah yes, Ronaldo and Terry cry. Therefore they must be gay. Therefore they would like pink boots! Hilarious. Homophobia at its very best.
Now buffoons like you can't hurl monkey chants at black players, your infantile need to abuse a section of society has manifested itself in homophobia. Sad. Very sad.
I'm not homophobic, I love my home.
Mark Flatts, don't be so uptight. There is nothing homophobic about this. Its a laugh.
Mr Flatts I suggest that you calm down.
Where is the Gay reference in this post?
It's dickheads like you that cause so much grief.
Some people over-react to everything!
@Mark flatts
Have you nothing better to do with your time? There is no homophobia here. I think that you just want a reaction, well done. You have one.
Mark Flatts, I didn't read the part where Wrighty said they were gay?
I think you are making the homophobic assumptions... not Wrighty.
Funny post Wrighty... ignore the PC police!
Cheers Pedro.
To be fair, Ronaldo and John Terry are gay though!
I'm gay and I didn't take offence in any way.
Maybe all of our team should wear them, they are all playing likre girls.
pink boots,whats the world coming to, bendtner needs to be class to get away with wearing them, he'll get more stick than ever then,
i think this proves howmany of our players are pri madonas, tantrums pay rises pink boot, we need to have a clear out me thinks.
I didnt know bentfoot was banging brucies daughter, at least hes scoring at something,
if he wears them il laugh at him more than ever, to wear pink boots is pathetic, you have to be ronaldo to get away with them, but to be shit and wear pink boots is stupid.
i agree with david, we have too many overhyped overrated arrogant players, i heard astory about gallas shouting at the canteen staff in london colony because his food was SHIT. what a diva.
we need to get rid i think, bring some players in with heart id proud to play for arsenal.
this color its good for the bulgarian gay Berbatov
@ Pedro
'PC police' it makes you sound like the BNP!
To be fair there was no homophobia, but you don't seem to like pink or crying Wrighty!
i can see it, did you see nick's hair last game, had some weird arse looking braids hanging on one side of the back of his head. what a weenie. he must be gay, because he sucks.
just stop hating - only cos you can't look as flash as Bendtner!!
I'm not hating, I think Bendtner will look nice..........
God..first the gay ass tiny ponytails and now pink vapour?!
Bendtner looks like a tit anyway, having pink boots on will only make his massiv hair look even more ridiculous. He isnt a good enough footballer to wear pink boots. Stick to black ones ya useless Gay Danish hair beast.
How does "PC Police" make someone sound like the BNP??????
what a bender
i watched him wearing them today
and cause of his red uniform thingy
they hardly look pink
you could hardly notice
LOL. Why are (you) gay-bashers always closet gays?
John Terry is a real man's man. He is the closest thing the England football team has ever had to the great Bobby Moore.
Although I do agree, Cristiano Ronaldo is obviously a raving Bendtner. And I'm a Man Utd fan!!!
It can't really have success, I feel so.
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