Sunday, 14 September 2008

And I dont blame you either Mr Wenger!!...........

Le Boss has said that he would walk away if his authority was undermined by a director of football. And I can't say I blame him either.

It makes sense for the manager to run the football side of things at a club and I include transfer targets in that.

I could never quite get my head around a director of football buying the players and expecting the manager to include them in the squad.

How can a manager plan for the future when someone else is involved? It can't work and causes massive conflicts.

West Ham and Newcastle are proving the idea doesn't work and who in their right mind would want to manage either of those clubs knowing you are constantly being over-ruled?

Keep it Goonerish.........


Anonymous said...

well, the problem is that if you scroll down and look at the right hand side, you'd see the as featured on goonernews buttons etc all over the place, I want to put them in a small box so that they'd look organized. I can't figure them out.

Secondly, i tried to get my blog dfeatured on GOONER NEWS, but it won't work. They sent me the code and said it was added and blah but whenever i post, it never shows. Their helpdesk isnt very helpful either. What do I do?

Anonymous said...

hey wrighty any idea about our injury situation.. not putting up nethin..

Wrighty7 said...

I think Clichy and Nasri are injured mate.

Anonymous said...

Splitting the duties makes complete sense and works in many instances. It keeps the manager from being overloaded as Arsene is currently, and also allows someone to devote themselves full time to negotiation (for example). The only problem is that the manager and the Director absolutely must see eye to eye on scouting and selection. If the Director were to come in and handle negotiations for players Arsene wants, that would be brilliant. Basically, and I'm not the first to say it, bring Dein.

Wrighty7 said...

I said bring back Dein and got absolutely mullered for it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks.. i think eboue also might be out.. no news about the old injuries either..

Anonymous said...

I remember the dein bit, I think he's parted company with usmanov now.

btw wrighty7, I tried to get my blog listed on arsenal news, but I couldn't figure out how!! (aaarrgghh) oh and all I found was edit HTML on the dashboard, where i originally posted the "as featured on gooner news" thing

leon said...

the whole reason for newsastle it all comes board level and lack of stability and unwillingless to back thier manager they have gon through more 4 mangers in 10 years,now if complete contrast you look at everton,blackburn,manu,arsenal nad liverpool there managers have full control nand have full backing from the board, thats why these clubs are successful.

Anonymous said...

sorry to go back to dein again Wrighty, but any chance you could set up a voting button for who would like to see dein back and who wouldnt ?

Peter B said...

Why not have the Manager appoint the Director of football, would this be possible?

Anonymous said...

wrighty,this is the difference between managers and coaches,real madrid employ a coach, barcelona employ a coach, arsene wenger is a manager,this is why he will never have tony adams turning up telling him how to organise his defenders and make them header a ball! keegan obviously was just a coach!

Anonymous said...

dave dein just made enquiries and sorted out the deals that arsene wanted,on orders of arsene! thats it! coaches dont decide who they buy, thats why thierry and hleb made bad moves joining barca,the coaches dont have a clue how to use them!

Anonymous said...

Wrighty...i said the same thing on my site/blog about DD and got hammered for it as well...THe thing is if you look at the whole history of Arsenal only 2 men have spent money to bring in top class players DD and HC


Unknown said...

It would not be a problem to have a Director of Football Operations if he was approved by the manager and reported directly to the Manager rather than the Board.

In other words, if they were not in synch the Manager would have the firing authorization.

Anonymous said...

Dien is not welcome back - this is a man who sold his shares for an over inflated 75 Million to a fat Russian Man Utd supporting twat.

Are those the actions of a man that has the club's best interests at heart?

We don't need Dirty money - or want it.

Keep it English and keep it a real club not some rich twats toy.

Mabbs said...

I dunno what Wenger is on about because Comolli does all your transfers, you get the stars and we get the sh1t, he's still on your payroll!

on d gooner said...

Why I feel some club owners want a director of football is simple. In this day of volatility, a manager could up and leave with the players he purchased wanting only to play for that manager as he brought them to the club and their loyalties therefore lie with the manager. This has in the pasy distabilised clubs. On the other hand, Directors of Football are there for the long haul and therefore loyalties are reversed, making sure the players stay when a manager leaves. I am not saying this is right as the incumbent must be given the authority to buy who he thinks will most fit in his team and the style of play he adopts for the team!!