Sunday, 14 September 2008

Is now the time to forgive and forget Ade's summer antics?...........

If you go through my previous articles then you will see how much Ade pissed me off over the summer.

I was very disappointed by his flirting with Barcelona and AC Milan and I let it be known here on my blog.

Before his summer antics I defended him when others were knocking him. It seemed a personal insult to me when he outrageously believed his own hype, and possibly even believed that he was bigger than Arsenal.

If I felt that way (and I'm only a fan!) then only god knows how Le Boss felt. Arsene Wenger has nurtured Ade into the player he is today and it was almost thrown back into his face with Ade's behaviour.

Le Boss has forgiven Ade and given him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps I'm less forgiving than Le Boss but I'm still not 100% behind our Togo striker.

They say times a healer and Ade can only rebuild bridges with Gooners by scoring goals and helping Arsenal to success.

I want to forgive Ade fully but I'm a stubborn git at times and I can't give my full support to Ade yet. A hat-trick of course helps warm me to him but it will take a while for me to heat up all the way.

I believe he can become world-class under Wenger but he needs to prove that he is 100% committed to the Arsenal cause and not just after a pound note.

I think the crucial time for me is if he has another great season like last year. Next summer will he react the same as this one? Will he demand more money? Or will he just be happy that he has proved himself again?

I want to forgive Ade and I hope I will in time but I'm not convinced yet despite his hat-trick.

Keep it Goonerish...........


Anonymous said...

not yet. maybe when he's consistent with the goals and he score 10, we can the lay off his back. all this pressure from th fans, can only mke him a better player

Anonymous said...

not convinced yet either, I still think he has a lot of making up to do. One thing I would like to see him do is score and return to the center circle without celebrating stupidly, his dancing and egotistical chest pumping does him no favours at a time when he is trying to win over angry fans.

The Goon said...

I have to say he really did piss me off too, the chants definitely ballooned his already big ego. Hopefully he now nets 30 this season as well to make amends.

Fancy a link swap mate?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What the fuck! I am still angry with Ade, but, really think about it...the man just scored a hatrick, if we boo him he will think that there is nothing else he can do to get back the fans.To me that will only drive him out of arsenal.

Really who wants to play for a club that does not want don't have to forgive him but please support him, he's our player no one else would!

Wrighty7 said...

I'm not saying boo him mate.

I just don't want him to think that everythings rosy because he scored a hat-trick.

He needs to earn our respect back and that will take time in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

no it will never be time to forgive
and it was made worse by his actions against his country.
Togo as a nation and their people need football to distract from the political turmoil.
Instead we get a money hoarde demanding to sit next to the president on the plane and making more demands.
Disgusting and selfish

Anonymous said...

Yep,a greedy two faced fucker..... But I'll take the goals,as long as he sticks around

Anonymous said...

we cant keep booing him. this would only drive out of the squad and if the booing carries on, it will only unsettle him more and that mean, no more goals n a waste of space on the team.

every1 makes a mistake n he's made his n now making amends. so it's time to lay off his back and start supporting him. he's jst scored an hat trick, what more do u want from him

Anonymous said...

he shold have been sold, no going back what ever he does. What are we all two faced, we will forgive him only if he scores? Thats why he should of gone, he is two faced and the danjour is he will make us two faced too. None of us like him and thats the one faced truth.

Anonymous said...

Lets leave him alone...he is all we have and we are all he has least for now...If we break his confidence, its gonna go against no one but its either we support him or just lay off

Anonymous said...

Lets face it, Ade scored a tatrick against a team which are now a shadow of its former self. You can be sure that if Hughes was still their manager it would have been a completely differeny match. He got 3 against a midtable team at best. When Ade starts scoring against the ManU, Chelsea and 'Pool i'll start forgiving him (well, maybe not). Ade should grow up and just play football without all of his bullshit. Great performance by the TEAM yesterday.

Apart from his goals Ade was just his usual self. Next stop- Kiev. C'mon you gunners

Anonymous said...

Please keep some perspective. He clearly was offered a lot of money from other clubs, but he always insisted he wanted to stay, but come on. I f you were given twice as much money somewhere else you´d seriously think about it, even if you are an arsenal fan.

Anonymous said...

Good article Wrighty.

Adebayor needs to do a lot of making up to Gooners.

An apoligy wouldn't go amiss!

The Goon said...

Thanks alot mate, will link yours now..

Great blog!

Anonymous said...

How good is he realy anyway?Definetly not as good as he thinks he is! The team make so many chances for him i don't think he scores enough.Ed was flying on the service in his limited time in the epl.And some of his passing costs a lot of goals too.Pass to Fab against ac being one of the worst.

.....He is a hard worker thou

Anonymous said...

thanks mate!!!

Whatever the circumstances, its time to move on.

btw wrighty7, need some help with the html, think you could help?

Anonymous said...

no one knows what went on in the summer,a meeting was pencilled in an a contract was signed,thats all that counts,not what was written in the sun,so why dont you ask the sun editor if you can forgive ade now after a hat trick

Anonymous said...

maybe if ade gets injured and misses 20 games this season u will know why he had the power at the negotiating table ,if robin van injured earned 25k a week more than you and u was the man youd wanna sit down and talk as well!

Anonymous said...

i dont think people credit ade's workrate enough,judge him on hiss misses but dont consider the milage he puts in each week,he is our best defender on set pieces as well!

Anonymous said...

the majority of arsenal fans love adebayor,dont think you speak for a majority when u say we we we ,the majority of arsenal fans love adebayor,end of....and yes im a paying supporter!

Jussi Keinonen said...

Sad that so many people really seem to believe the trash media stories and worthless bloggers "analysis" of what happened last summer. Which was not much. Why don't people just read and understand Ade's comments on official sites.

You've been mislead if you've understood Ade wanted to leave!

Anonymous said...

did you see the interview he gave in austria? didnt sound too good coming out of the horses mouth.

Anonymous said...

I think that interview was just him keeping his options open. To come out and deny everything and say he didn't know where the quotes came from was obviously bullshit but despite that he did apparently tell the boss he always wanted to stay.

His hat-trick was strange because I don't think he played well at all against Blackburn and a combination of poor defending and numerous chances allowed him to score a hat-trick.

Oh and he should let Van Persie take the penalties.

Anonymous said...

Oh and he really should learn the offside rule, it's pretty simple even for players who aren't professionals. He isn't an intelligent footballer (and doesn't exactly strike me as an intelligent person) which seems quite strange as Wenger bought him, but he probably bought him as a squad player and didn't expect to see the improvement we have seen from him.

Anonymous said...

Never disliked him in the first place to be honest. Wenger knew he would stay and he did.

Anonymous said...

I'm not booing the guy, but something about him seems off, at least to me. It's not just the way he or his agent f'd around during the transfer season either. His actions with Bendtner were out of line, regardless of what was said to him. He's quality on the pitch, 30 goals last season was great, but his behavior is unsettling to me.

Anonymous said...

bendtner didnt deserve that slap but it knocked some of the arrogance out of him so it wasnt all bad!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

no it will never be time to forgive
and it was made worse by his actions against his country.
Togo as a nation and their people need football to distract from the political turmoil.
Instead we get a money hoarde demanding to sit next to the president on the plane and making more demands.
Disgusting and selfish
.......... if i was warned weeks in advance of foul play on a plane i wouldnt be getting on either! if the president got on the plane instead of flyin 20 minutes later privately there wouldnt be a problem!

Anonymous said...

why did you even write this dumb article?..this is over, let it go man..ADE is an arsenal player, and he's scoring goals..why are we discussing this shit?

Anonymous said...

Wrighty you need to grow up. As much as I luv Arsenal never will I not understand that for folks that play football for a living it is not a business. Ade could have left if he really wanted to simply because Arsenal paid him way less than he was offered by other teams. If anyone deserved a pay raise it was Ade, but Arsenal would not have ganted him that raise if he did not make some noise. Get of the kid back and let him earn his pay raise.

Patrick - Malta said...

Ade was offered more money elsewhere than at Arsenal. Yet unlike others before him, in the end he chose to stay loyal. Yet you boo him.
Arsene tells us that Ade always told him that he did not want to leave Arsenal. So is Wenger a liar? If Arsene says that is how things went, then I believe him. Yet you boo Ade.
He kissed the badge and you boo him even more. So he pumps his chest to show us his badge proudly, careful not to attract the unnecessary criticism for badge-kissing, and you still slag him off. And you base your level of forgiveness on how many goals he scores and, as if that's not enough - who he scores against. Lucky for him he's not a left back or something. It would take him 65 years to get himself off the hook. And you call yourself SUPPORTERS? Fickle bastards the lot of you.

Anonymous said...

re the person who said that Togo as a country needs ade to play...while it seems right in principle you have to remember that these Togo players haven't been paid for a long long time as is the case with many other african federations and their players...when these players make some noise they're called greedy...but I doubt you'd be seeing the likes of gerrard and lampard and owen playing for England if they were even paid just half of what they're entitled to.....just because this situation won't arise in England and the majority of europe...people tend to be hypocrites....

it is all well and good to say you should play for free...since its an honour to play for your country...but imagine looking around and finding everybody else being paid well and you are still waiting for your money from a worldcup a few years ago....I doubt that anyone could resist from complaining.

adebayor is our player....and at the moment he is our first choice striker...and thats the way it will be....nobody really cares if you guys forgive him or now....I doubt he cares either....the real fans love him..and until he leaves the club we will continue to do so.

Anonymous said...

Ade was on 30,000 a week. Now I understand that is more than we earn a year but for a player who scored 30 goals in a season, playing for a top team it was bit ridiculous. If you were working for a company and they paid you less than half the going wage, you would ask for more, cause if u didn't you would be a fool. Any way he never said he wanted to leave, he always said he wanted to stay!!!

Anonymous said...

Now is not the time, the time was at the beginning of the season.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ade is just Ade. Has aways being trouble at his former club and country. But, like Van Persie, he is behaving pretty well so far; big blip during the summer. That's over.
Not at the top of his game, but, stillmanage to score a hatrick That tells you a lot. No need to say anymore.
As for his antics with the national side. Its has been and will continue to be a long running battle. With the doggy Togolese government, I am glad someone had the guts to stick it to them. Try boarding some of these leaking flying buckets that some airlines refer to them as planes and you would appreciate his fear of flying.

Mabbs said...

You should be grateful he stayed with your shower Wrighty, you're a joke.

He's highlighted the Carling Cup as your key competition this season apparently because he's hardly slept since the beating you took. Ade nearly had a breakdown in front of us all, if Bender hadn't been their for him to take his frustrations out on, it would have been another Big Sol style tantrum. That was one of the main reasons he considered leaving because he was so embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Oh get over yourselves for fuck sake!!!

Its so typical that even when things are going well, some fans still hold a grudge. The whole Ade Saga was wrong, we know that, but accept it, cos its only going to get worse. I expect RvP to go through the same in January when all these rich fucken clubs come calling. All our players are going to be headhunted and its going to take a lot from Arsenal to keep them.

Anonymous said...

Ade should have left and since he's around - he SHOULD be leaving asap. He's not the quality striker we need at Arsenal.

Come on. Look at his approach play, look at his technique and pace. He's good at shielding the ball though.

Cheer him on if you must when we cannot find ourselves a better centre-foward to endear to - largely due to Wenger's frustrating transfer policies.

I guess if and when he fails to deliver at the crucial games will gunner fans realise on hind sight that it takes more than just being above average to clinch silverwares.

Anonymous said...

You guys are really on a witch hunt. Firstly I bet each and everyone of you wants a promotion or a pay rise from you jobs. I bet there is someone you know or who has seen you lifestyle and envied your opulence. Yet I can gaurantee everyone of you hypocrates still want more material in you life, and would happily switch your current 9-5 address for one with better pay. Well guess what I side with EA sports on this issue, what he was getting paid didn't match what he deserves as World Class player. He, like every other free human on this planet has the right to demand adequate recompense for their services. He didn't grow up an Arsenal fan, and I respect his courage in standing up for himself. He refused to get on the plane and play for Togo because he knows the atheletes are getting cheated. Ppl haven't been paid for years, so as a true leader does he used his profile to agitate for fairness. Before you get on anymore soap boxes about forgive this and that, wake up and live in the real world, not the dillision of Emiratsia.

Anonymous said...

You guys are full of shit..You dount forgive ade but i dont think he gives a shit..You said blame him when he doesnt score in a big game..even Cronaldo and torres and gerrard and our own rvp didnt perform in the big games!!Yet u all blame him for scoring hatrick against blackburn and derby..He scored and we won!What's the problem with that?!You blame he always offside..He scored 3 goals and i dont give a shit if hes been offside for 300 times before that.Even van nistelrooy and inzaghi got offside a lot..In fact hes already scored against manu and pool for whoever wanted him to score against big boys..

Anonymous said...

You arsenal fans that still consider booing Adebayor are cunts. Sorry but you blatantly are! Adebayor could have let his contract run down and left for free, but he has signed a new one, what's your fucking problem. You remind me of my gran, never happy unless she has someone to have a pop at. People like you lot always have to hate, get a fucking grip. Adebayor is a HUGE force for our team, there isn't a defender in the world who wouldn't have a sleepless night knowing he was up against Ade the next day. Some of you dicks are even saying you'll forgive him if he scores more goals, not only are you stupid but you are fickle too. What's goals got to do with loyalty? You twats!